Monday, December 27, 2010
Your resolutions for 2011
2) Practice gratitude and appreciation for everything, also like the sun!
3) Uncondionnally, love yourself, love others and everything, again like the sun!
4) Forgive yourself, forgive others, and everything, again like the sun!
5) Judge not, always like the sun!
6) Be proactive in everything and live without expectations, definitely like the sun;
7) Practice perfect stillness and peace of water at the bottom of the sea, or any container;
8) Live in the Eternal now;
9) The only thing that matters is how you react, not what happens to you;
10) Knowing that the whole world is in you, that there is no such thing as out there,
and that love is the only response, be therefore 100% responsible by giving only love;
11) The only value the world has is to be the only means by which you get back Home to God;
12) Practice alignment of your thoughts, words and actions to Who You Really Are;
13) Remember that only perfection (innocence) is, has always been and will ever be, despite the
apparent turmoil of daily life;
14) Above all avoid all form of resistance, and...
15) Enjoy the trip!
These are your resolutions for year 2011. Stick to them and keep growing...
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
How to deal with your emotions of fear, worry, anxiety, etc.
However, as you already know it, you cannot and will never be threatened or in danger. Because you are not who you think you are. Who You Really Are is not there. It lives in perfect peace, tranquility and abundance in God, Who loves Him unconditionnally and eternally. So, nothing of any kind will ever threaten you.
But, on the physical plane, the subconscioous is not aware of that. It does not have a clue what your true nature is, as spiritual being. What it knows is its function, which is to protect you, specially your body, from physical threats and dangers. That is what it does on a regular basis.
So, don't resist or blame it for just doing its job when sending you alarms of fear, worry, anxiety, frustration, or anger incessantly and all over the place. That is just its function, as assigned to it by its creator. There is nothing to do about that.
The only thing to do, once you know how the subconscious works, is to speak quietly, kindly and lovingly to it, in order to reassure and let it know that everything is all right and that there is nothing to fear or worry about wherever you are.
But, never resist or blame alarms being sent to you. The subconscious is like a small child. Because the more you use blame with him, the more he cries and is afraid, convinced that he is threatened by somebody or something. For this reason, Always speak to the subconscious with love and kindness. When you do so, it listens to you, believes what you say, and obeys you.
For example, in case of alarms of fear, worry or anxiety from the subconscious, lovingly reassure it by saying this:
- Thank you subconscious for informing me
- You are kind and caring with me
- I love you
- You know, I am not alone, separated or in charge
- God, the Infinite Intelligence, Almighty, Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent, is All That Is
- I don't have a life apart from Him
- He lives in me and I live in Him
- And His curative presence flows through me, through everybody and everything as harmony, perfect health, joy, peace, and abundance
- So, everything is all right, and all is well
- Thank you
That's it. Do it as often as necessary and whenever an alarm from the subconscious pops up. Then, see what happens.
Think about it and...
..Stay synchronized.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
You are not your feelings or emotions
The truth is, we are not our emotions. They just pop up as they wish, without our permission and there is nothing to do about it. But, as they cause us suffering or discomfort, we generally attempt to resist or suppress them .
But, this does not work, because we don't have the power to suppress our emotions. And as we resist them, they persist. Our emotions have their own life, not dependant of our will. What to do then to get out of their influence to us? How to deal with them so that we don't suffer anymore and be free?
First, don't try to resist your emotions. Because as you know it, what you resist persist. Second, realize that your emotions are not your ennemies, but messengers with something special to reveal you, if you listen. As long as you haven't got the message, they will keep poping up, endlessly.
For your awareness, know that the main message your emotions of fear, worry, anxiety or frustration bring you is this:
You are in danger, or threatened by something that has the power to harm you!
That is the main message of your emotions, coming from the subconscious. But, is it true?
Just because, you are not there. Who you are is not the body. You are spirit, living safely in God, where your real home is. So, nothing whatsoever can ever threaten you!
Therefore, when your emotions pop up, welcome them as you'd do with a good friend of yours that bring you an important message. Then, after listening to them quietly, reassure them kindly and lovingly that you are safe in God. No danger or threat. There is nothing to fear or worry about, and that all is well.
Remember, the only person you have to control or master is yourself, not people, events or circumstances. They just pop up as they wish, and emotions related to them bubble up almost instantly.
What you have to control then, is your reaction. That is all that matters, and nothing else. You cannot have control over people, events and circumstances. Accept everything with unconditional love, without resistance, just because what is, is.
You don't have to follow the course of events or circumstances. Just be still, let them be, observe them as they come and go without any atachment. That is, let anger be, let worry be, let anxiety be, let fear be. Lovingly listen to them and reassure them, before releasing them.
As you may realize, all the process of life is about you and your relationships with everything else including people, events, circumstances and all the emotions and feelings generated from them. That's what is called life.
Think about them and...
...Stay synchronized.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Everything is everything
You feel afraid, lonely, powerless, poor, only because you have a strong belief in separation. You believe you are separate from others, from things, and from Him, which is absolutely impossible. This cannot be.
You don't exist as a separate entity. Consequently, all the seemingly "problems" in your life are but mere illusions. Because if only God is, and if you don't have an existence of your own, how then can you have problems?
In addition, if only God exists, and God being perfect love, beauty, peace, joy, abundance, and all good, only perfect love, beauty, peace, joy, happiness, abundance and everything of this kind exist is real and exist also.
If you believe in the reality of problems, you cannot believe in the oneness of All That Is.
Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized
What is your passion?
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
"I am"
Saying "I love" implies the presence of two entities, which means separation. With "I am", there is no longer separation, but total love or total union, and nothing else. The "I am" state is your home, your final destination and the realization of your perfect unity with All That Is, or God.
This perfect state has always been, is, and will ever be. Now, you just awaken to it as you forgot it during your sleep.
Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Love VS separation
What is love?
Love is oneness and wholeness. To love then is to remember this eternal truth, that separation does not exist. The opposite of love, is the illusion of separation. It's an illusion because love is eternal and separtion cannot be.
From our current perspective, we see ourselves as separate one from another and from everything. This is merely an illusion because in truth, separation is impossible.
At the core of our being lies our true reality. This reality is our oneness with All That Is, the Infinite Intelligence.
Marriage is the symbole of love, and the act of making love represents our strong desire to unite with our source: God.
We seem to be running after different kind of stuff. We run after money, we run after relationships, we run after cars, jobs, promotions, consideration, approval, etc.
But, in fact we run only after one single thing: the realization of our oneness with All That Is.
We live in an illusion of separation with others, with everyting and with God. But, that is merely an illusion. The truth is that we have never been and will never be separated with God because His love for us is unconditional and eternal. Therefore, what is perceived as separation is a lie and cannot be.
When you remember this truth, relief and happiness show up.
Realize oneness by seeing everybody, everything and every circumstance as they really are:
Love is the affirmation of this oneness with All That Is.
Think about it and...
... Stay synchronized.
If everything is energy
What does that mean? what is the implication if this?
There are many implications to this assertions. First, if everything in the universe and the universe itself are energy, there is no longer such thing as separatation. For a better understanding remember that energy is billions of time more subtile that atom, yet even air cannot be separate from one room to another. It's just but the same air.
Second, if you and everything else in existence are made of the same same energy, you are and have already everything. That means, the universe is really abundant and scarcity is merely an illusion of mind because this energy, is at the core of All That Is, is infinitely abundant.
All physical manifestations, like thoughts, feelings, actions and emotions are made of the same stuff. In fact, you don't even have to manifest anything physically, because reality is the basis of All That Is. And, you deny this reality when you worry about physical manifestions.
If everything is energy as stated earlier, another implication is that our consciousness is a vast and highly sensitive field of energy, in which all your thoughts and feelings are perceived as a request to produce more of the same.
Unfortunately, most people do not know how to collaborate with this field of energy which, in fect, is themselves. And, because of that, their life become a total chaos. Also, in this abundant field of energy, they constantly live in scarcity, like firsty fish searching drinking water in a river.
Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized
Details are not your business
Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized
Friday, October 22, 2010
The universe reacts like a dog
This reaction, in fact, translates only one thing: your lack of love!
The universe functions exactly the same way. You feelings of worry, anxiety, despair, abandonment, weakness, powerlessness, threat, insecurity, poverty, uneasiness, fear, shame, resentment, anger, frustration, tension and so on are all resistance to what is, and this resistance is perceived by the universe as lack of love also and a request to give more!
But, what is most grave with this is the fact that this resistance, whatever form it takes, is perceived by the universe as a request from you to receive more of the same. However, it is not what you really wants. What you want in fact is the contrary, or the opposite of the thing that creates resistance in you, and you believe that through your resistance, salvation will come.
But, things do not work this way and the universe does not function like that because it works in an harmonious and consistent way. Therefore, it can bring to you only what you asked for and you ask by projecting what you are every moment of the day.
If fear is your state of mind in this moment, know that you are asking for more fear. If frustration is what you have become, know that you are asking for more frustration. If it is anger, you are asking for more anger, etc.
But, all these negative emotions mean only one thing, as said earlier, that you are resisting to what is. This resistance itself is processed and translated by the law of attraction into lack of love, before being received by the universe as a request to produce more of the same.
People do not understand that and do exactly the opposite of what is to be done. However, know one thing, all your negative attitudes are only the opposite of love. Be love, be what you really are, and there will be nothing else.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Your main purpose here
Go back home, in the fullness of who you really are: God.
Otherwise, it is not wothwhile doing it.
Now, what is it what is supposed to help you return home?
Forfiveness and love
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Your difficulties are your best teachers
Most of the time we are happy when things go as we like around us, and when they don't we cry and become miserable.
But the truth is that we learn and progress better in our life only through difficulties or shorcomings. We don't learn anything at all when everything in our life is just as we like it . Our diffiulties are in this sense our best friends.
We shouldn't resist them, they are in our life for a reason, which is to teach something highly valuable to us so that we may learn the lesson, grow and fly, like a butterfly getting out of the chrysalis.
So, instead of resisting, fear or worry about something you think is threatening you, welcome it, embrass it and be ready to learn. When you do it, the lesson will be delivered and you will progress to the next step of your evolution.
Think about it and...
Stay synchronized...
Monday, October 11, 2010
Don't think negatively in terms of "I"
For example when you feel confused, afread, broke, alone, poor and so on, all these thoughts are false and does not correspond to your true nature. As a result, you feel sad and sorrow. In fact, doing so, you are paddling up stream.
"I" is your true self or your true nature. It is absolute perfection. So as long as you haven't achieved total identification with who you really are, pay attention not to say "I" in erroneous terms and speak to yourself at the second person : "You". This will help you to be vigilent.
Think about it and...
Stay synchronized...
Just by feeling great, or good. Never allow yourself to feel down. Think of your true self and imagine the peace, the joy, the happiness, the freedom, the abundance and the total safety in which it lives for eternity.
When you remember that it is Who You Really Are and identify yourself with it, connection is established then sorrow and resistance disappear.
Think about it and...
Stay synchroniseed
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Our invisible ropes
A peasant were travelling from his village to town with his three ass to sell them. At nightfall, the town was still far and the peasant decided to have a rest.
As he was tying his ass to a tree near there for the night, he realized that only two ropes were available. He went then to ask for one more to a neighbor who, unfortunately, didn't have any either, but gave him the following advice:
"Return to your ass. Then, simulating as if you had a rope in your hands, tie it to the tree using the same gestures as you would with a real rope. Your ass will not move".
The peasant followed the advice given him by the neighbor and went to sleep. When he woke up in the morning, his first glance went straight to the tree where he left the third ass the day before. And, to his great amazement, the animal was still there.
"Good, it worked!", cried the peasant joyfully. But, when he tried to move the ass in order to continue his trip, he couldn't. The ass remained stuck at the same place. Not understanding what was happening, the peasant went back to his neighbor to tell him the story.
"Did you remove the rope?", asked his neighbor. "But, there is no rope at all. Remember, I just made a simulation yesterday". "For you, there is no rope. But for the ass there is one!", replied the man. The peasant returned to the ass, simulated this time to release the ass from the tree, and the animal could move at last.
That is the story. But, it is not a story as such. Because like the ass, all of us we are tied to invisible ropes as well, that prevent us from achieving our goals, and live freely the life we want. And, if we could look closely at ourselves, we would see many ropes or bad habits attached to us also.
This story, in fact, is a description of how harmful habits formed in the subconscious mind become our second nature and our truth . The good news, however, is that as they are formed, these habits can be removed also, just by using the same mechanism that created them.
You'd ask "how is that"?
It is known that the brain, or mind cannot make the difference between what is vividly imagined or simulated and the reality. That is, if you keep pretending or simulating the same thing for a certain period of time, this will become an habit and the subconscious mind will reproduce it in your life as a perceptible reality.
That is how it woks.
Think about it and...
...Stay synchroized...
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Spiritual awakening stages
There are many indicators along the path to spiritual awakening, and what you are doing in this moment reading this, or writing inspired ideas, is one of them. Not everyone is at this stage yet and, therefor, has the hability to do it.
Have you noticed the logic you develop when discussing and explaining these kind of ideas to others? You are quiet at ease when you do so, and words flow easily from your mouth without any effort on your part.
Very often, without even thinking about it, just a pencil in your hand and ideas flow on the paper wherever you are; for example in your bed sleeping, in the bathroom or at the aiport waiting for a flight, etc. Haven't you noticed that?
Another indicator is the feedback you get from people around you (parents, family, friends, relatives, colleagues...). How do they react? What do you hear from them? Remember that there is no such thing as accident or chance. The feedback you get from these people is real. They tell you the truth about you!
Others and everything you perceive outside do not really exist as separate from you, don't forget it. They are but mere projections and reflections of your inner world on the giant screen of the universe all around you.
There are four stages in the butterfly life cycle: the egg, the larva (caterpillar), the pupa (chrysalis) and the adult butterfly. If you compare this life cycle with your own spiritual evolution, by yourself, you will be able to determine exactly what your current awakening stage is.
As a reminder, coming from the egg (first stage), the larva or Caterpillar (second stage) appears. The only thing it does is to eat again and again, all day long. This stage is not very long in general. But often, it depends on the type of butterfly.
Then, there is the third stage, in which caterpillar forms itself into pupa or chrysalis. This is what is said about this stage in :
"The pupa stage is one of the coolest stages of a butterfly’s life. As soon as a caterpillar is done growing and they have reached their full length/weight, they form themselves into a pupa, also known as a chrysalis. From the outside of the pupa, it looks as if the caterpillar may just be resting, but the inside is where all of the action is. Inside of the pupa, the caterpillar is rapidly changing.
Now, as most people know, caterpillars are short, stubby and have no wings at all. Within the chrysalis the old body parts of the caterpillar are undergoing a remarkable transformation, called ‘metamorphosis,’ to become the beautiful parts that make up the butterfly that will emerge. Tissue, limbs and organs of a caterpillar have all been changed by the time the pupa is finished, and is now ready for the final stage of a butterfly’s life cycle".
In the spiritual awakening process, people find themselves either in the first, the second, the third, or the fourth stage of the cycle. But if there is no doubt that lot of people have made real progress in their spiritual evolution, very few, however, have attained the fourth step.
Some of you, for example, are still "eggs" (first stage). That is, spirituality has no interest to them; none. They are totally identified with their body and their mind. Others are in the second stage or Caterpillars. Like a bulimia, they seek all spiritual information imaginable, grasp, read and listen to everything about spirituality on their path. Then, at one point, they are no longer interested at doing all these things again. Of course, from time to time, they can take a book and read it, or listen to a CD about spirituality. But the bulimia to read or listen to whatever comes up is now over.
Thus, after learning from many spiritual teachers through their self development materials (books, websites, audio recordings, newletters...) you may have come one day to the decision to stop everything, and start applying in your life what you've learned so far.
At this stage, you have become a pupa or chrysalis, and are now ready to prepare yourself for the ultimate and most fullfilling experience of your life in this earth, which is to become a butterfly or awaken from your current dream.
If you have taken the decision to stop everything and start working on yourself, it is the sign that you have indeed reached that stage. It is where you are right now regarding your spiritual awakening.
So, be ready, because very soon, the butterfly will emerge from the chrysalis, and fly in total freedom in the sky. When this happens, know that you have awakened, or returned back home in the wholeness of who you really are. By the way, who do you think to be?
Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Stop being ungrateful and thank God for all your blessings
You can give them everything, and they will remain unsatisfied and POOR. What do you think poverty is by the way?
Poverty is not total absence of good or lack of stuff such as money, values, etc. There is absolutely no link between them. NONE!
You can have less money than your present urges and not feeling unsatisfacted and poor. Poverty is a state of mind in which whatever people may have, they remain unsatisfied. That is real poverty. And almost everyboby feels unsatisfied about something. And, for this reason, we could say that everybody is poor!
If you look quietly at people you describe as poor, you will see that they have everything they really need in their life. They have life itself, they have light, they have water, they have land, they have parents and relatives, they have health, they even have a shelter, etc.
You see, on the entire planet not even one poor person exists. To be poor would be to be deprived of everything. In this connection, only a dead person would be called poor! Have you seen any living person without some air to breath, or some light from the sun? I don't think so.
God gave us everything we need to live abundantly on this planet, so that one day, we return back home in Him. But human beings have created all kind of stuff they consider more valuable than all the abundance received from the Father, to the extent that when you think to not have enough of this stuff, you feel poor.
The truth is, you were created abundant by God, and only what He created is valuable. There is no value in money, car, home, and all the stuff you are craving for.
True abundance or wealth is only what you REALLY need to maintain your life on this planet for example air, water, light, food, etc. And these, you have in abundance or at list, one of them. Isn't that true?
This is the true signification of poverty:
God gave Human beings the following:
- He gives them life;
- He gives them air;
- He gives them light;
- He gives them water;
- He gives them health;
- He gives them peace;
- He gives them a family;
- He gives them food;
- He gives them a shelter;
- He even provides them with many other acquisitions.
...Until we die.
Yes, death is the only moment people find peace of mind. But, never will they try to appreciate all the abundance they have been given during their their life time.
Stop begging for all these useless and ephemeral stuff!!!
Think about it and...
Stay synchronized...
Everything in your life fits together
The truth is that everything happens in an absolute order. Everything, without exception. But, because you don't know this truth, you resist to what you lebel as "bad". However, there is no such thing as "good" or "bad". People, events and circumstances show up in your life as perfect pieces of the puzzle, in a perfect order and at the right time.
The thing is, your current conscious state is so limited that it does not enable you to perceive the whole picture of the puzzle. That is, to see things as they really are . If you could, you would find it so beautiful and marvellous that, whatever happens to you would be welcomed joyfully like a blessing, with lot of appreciation and gratitude.
Your task is just to collaborate with the Great Architect, God, the Universe and trust Him blindly on the basis of this knew understanding, instead of resisting to His will. You didn't create yourself and you didn't created the universe. A Great and Infinite Intelligence far above your very little understanding of the world, did it.
In order to collaborate fully with this Great Intelligence, bear in mind the following reminders:
- Release all resistance in you about everything;
- Say "yes" to everything that comes your way, "good" or "bad";
- Remember that everything is a perfect portion of the puzzle and all these portions fit together. Welcome them with appreciation and gratitude;
- Remember that your journey will not last forever. So live the present moment the best you can;
- Because you cannot see the whole picture of the puzzle, trust the Infinite who created it;
- Remember also that you are yourself a portion of this big puzzle. You don't have a life on your own. Your life is in the Infinite Intelligence who created everything, including you;
- Really everything, like all the teachings given to us, fits together:
- The power of now (Eckhart Tolle)
- Appreciation & gratitude (benjamin Franklin)
- Loving what is (Byron ketty)
- It is good to feel good (Abraham)
- Repentence, forgiveness, love, gratitude and 100% responsibility to go back home (Hew Len)
- Forgiveness and love to go back home (A course in miracles)
Doing so, you release resistance and go with the flow of life. And this is the sign that you are enjoying the journey of life. But, don't forget what your main objective here is: to return back home in God, in the fullness of your entire being.
Think about it and...
Stay synchronized...
Monday, October 4, 2010
Your Journey Agreement
You won a ticket for a trip to planet hearth
The specific environment and geographic destination was your choice
As well as all people, events and circumstances
You had to go through during the journey
You visualized the movie of your future life journey
And with great enthusiasm and joy you said loudly
Yes I love it and will go for it!
Before embarking
An agreement was presented to you by All That Is
The Great Organizer and Manager of the trip
And, without the slightest hesitation you signed it
In this agreement it is clearly stated that
You don’t really leave your home in paradise
Where you live forever with God
And that in fact only a tiny part of you is involved in the trip
This, by the way, is merely a dream, fictitious and unreal
As well as everything in it such as people, things, events and circumstances
That seem to be real but which are not
On this basis
You promised solemnly to respect strictly the rules and conditions presented to you
By the Great Organizer and Manager
Your promise was to focus on the main purpose of the trip
This is merely to appreciate, enjoy, feel good, and have fun along the path
All day long and wherever you go
By putting all your attention only on things you appreciate, love
And make you feel good
And releasing it from all the rest
That makes you feel bad
In order to avoid unnecessary resistance and suffering
Knowing that all this is virtual
You promised also to take nothing seriously
Whatever it may be
You promised also to remember that
You are living in a friendly universe
In which everything is alive, without exception
And that this universe
Like a giant screen or gigantesque mirror
Reflects only your own inner world
So, you would not attempt uselessly
To change anything you perceive outside
Because such attempt is resistance to what is
And, as you know it, what you resist persists
Nevertheless, there is no such thing as out there
The entire universe being in you
Including everything you could perceive
From this perpective
You promised to insure total responsibility for everything
"Good" or "bad"
Responsibility to heal your tiny part
Through forgiveness and love
And get back home
Meaning awaken to the fullness of your being
You promissed to remember that
You and your brothers are totally "innocent" and perfect
Just as God created you
But that only your unconscious guilt
Is projected outside as all the turmoil
Of daily life
To avoid this turmoil
You promissed to have your eyes only on the ball
This is to focus your attention on God only
In order to not be distracted from your main objective
That is to get back home
Through forgiveness and love
You promised also that
As your tiny part would not have a clue what would be going on
For receiving only 15 bits of information per second over 25 million bits flowing in reality
You’d neither judge nor condemn anything
And you’d trust 100% the bigger part of you, the Higher Self
To release all your fears, worries and anxieties from Home
Where He lives safely, happily and forever in God
Also you promised
While enjoying the journey
To express your appreciation all along the path and all day long
With gratitude to God for the opportunity offered you
To be here now
So, instead of wasting time regretting the past and worrying about the future
Be fully present here and now
Don’t cross life by living the present moment absent minded
Like a traveller who closes his eyes during the trip
And opens them only at the final destination
Take time to be aware
And to live consciously and fully the present moment
Having in mind that time is running very fast
And that soon, very soon
You will hear the loud voice
Of the Great Manager announcing
Always on time that
The game is over!!!
But before that happens
Could you certify with certainty
At this point of your journey
That you are faithful to your agreement?
If not the case
Know that it is never too late
Because the journey is not about duration
But about intensity
So review your agreement
And stick to it consciously
And faithfully
At last remember also that
Wherever you are and whatever you do
You give out energy that creates the world endlessly
And moment to moment
So from time to time
Stop and ask yourself
What king of energy am I giving out in this moment?
If that does not please you, change it
By focusing your attention
On things that make you feel good
Also by proactively living
According to what you really are
And not reacting to your environment
You are beauty and appreciation
You are love and kindness
You are happiness and joy
You are harmony and peace
You are abundance and everything good
You are gratitude
So give them all day long
To everybody and everything
Wherever you are
But be careful
To never give resistance
To never give fear
To never give anxiety
To never give worry
To never give doubt
To never give any negative thought feeling or action
To anybody, anything and anywhere
Because as you give (sow)
So shall you receive or experiment (reap)
Go back
Resume your journey
And enjoy!
Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized
Enjoy the journey!
For this reason, He placed you in a friendly universe
That cooperates with you all the time and in which
Everything is a blessing
And is there for your highest good
To His beloved Son
A loving Father wouldn’t give a snake
When asking for a piece of bread
You don’t have a clue what’s going on
And don’t see things as they really are
So, judge not!
Only God knows the whole picture
Only God knows the truth about you
You are here only for one thing
To great and appreciate everybody and everything on your path all day long
Because the entire universe is a living thing and your friend
And to enjoy the journey of life
With gratitude and appreciation
That’s your part
That’s what is requested from you
And nothing else
It is not your business to find solutions to seemingly problems on the journey
Someone else more qualified takes care 24 hours a day
Trust Him blindly and let Him do His job
And remember that resistance in any form
Is strictly prohibited and totally useless
So, whatever could occur during the trip
Remember that there is absolutely nothing to fear
You are 100% safe for nothing can harm you
Again, you were not created to play a different role
Other than the one given you by your creator
It is to savour, appreciate and enjoy life with gratitude
All day long and wherever you are
So, trying to occupy the driver’s seat
Is the greatest mistake you could do
Never do that!
It will end only to unnecessary suffering, frustration, sorrow and despair
Fasten your seat bell
Release all resistance and relax
Faithfully, let go or let God (the pilot) operate
And savour every split second of your journey
Before game is over!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Give what you are to experience it
There are things, many things, that you've been craving for in your life that, finally, you've got soon or later. After having got these things, my questions about it are as follows:
- Did you really take the time to enjoy, appreciate, or celebrate these acquisitions with all your heart once you got them?
- Are they still important to you now?
- Do you still enjoy, appreciate, celebrate or love them?
When I observe you, wherever you are right now, I can imagine exactly what your current thoughts and feelings could be. Like months or years before, they are mainly focused on getting new things, objects, situations or relationships that you think would bring improvement and joy in your life.
I imagine you standing at the same "not enough" or "empy" position as years before, in which you have no satisfaction for anything whatsoever. Over the years, you've been doing the same business; the business to ask and wait for something new or better to happen.
I can see you where you are, with your eyes looking up to the sky and waiting for your wishes or desires to manifest, just like you'd do under a fruit tree, waiting for good fruits to fall down and eat them.
The fact is, your desires manifest indeed and good fruits really fall down all the time under your feet. But, once they have fallen, you ignore them and keep waiting for fruits that are still on the branches. Or, as soon as oranges have fallen, you leave them and quickly, move to the apple tree to wait for apples, and so on.
Be true to yourself and dare to tell me the contrary. Truly, how long have you been enjoying the goals you've achieved in your life let's say a degree, a new job, a promotion, a new car, a nice relationship, a new home, an award or a new baby in your life?
When you think about it frankly, you realize that your happiness had never last for a long time. Because as soon as you got what you wanted, something different took place automatically in your mind and you moved for it. That is the scenario you go through over and over again. Is this the life you really want? I don't think so.
In my opinion, you want a different kind of life. You want a life made of peace, joy, appreciation, happiness, satisfaction and love. I am pretty sure you'll agree with that. However, peace and happiness cannot be found just from getting things outside.
Peace and happiness have nothing to do with external possessions which are diametrically opposed to them for the following reasons:
- Who you really are is spirit. And peace, happiness, beauty or whatever are inherent to spirit;
- You are eternal, and happiness or peace which are inherent to you are eternal also;
- Acquisitions are physical and perishable stuff. As such, they are ephemeral and never last;
- Acquisitions are neutral. That is, beauty or happiness are not inherent to them. The only meaning they have is the one you give them. So, nothing you see is beautiful in itself because the beauty you perceive is projected from you to the object you admire;
- Thus, only what is eternal can procure everlasting happiness, peace or joy.
Because they are inherent to you. They are at the core of your being, where they have always been, are right now and will be forever. They are who you are.
But, here is the great point, you cannot and will never experience true peace, joy, happiness, love or whatever if you don't recognize them first in you and then, give them out. What do I mean by that? Let me explain. Happiness, peace or whatever are like muscles. Without exercise, they remain latent in the body.
But as you begin to use them frequently, you recognize their presence in you. Then, little by little, they become strong and visible outside. And, the more you use them, the more strength they get and the more visible they become.
You'd ask, how do I use peace, joy, happiness and whatever to develop them? The answer is easy. Just as you use the muscles of your body, use, exercise and train the muscles of your happiness, joy, peace, etc.
That is:
- Train yourself to be totally satisfied with what you are and have in this moment and your satisfation will get strength;
- Train, use your love, appreciation, and happiness muscles by loving everybody and everything, appreciating and blessing everything, an being happy all the time;
- Exercise your peace muscles by being in peace with everybody, every event and every circumstance;
- Above all, know that Christ, or Superconsciousness, is the essence and the symbol of everything good (joy, happiness, peace, abundance, etc.) Therefore, never love the effects you perceive outside. Instead, love the essence, whose symbol is Christ within.
You'are doing it wrong when you crave for physical manifestations which are merely effects and not the cause. Find and become the cause (Christ) by being happy, joyful, abundant, satisfied, etc. Again, be and experience the cause by using it and giving it out aboundantly, and this aboundance will be manifested outside according to its nature.
In short, whatever you want in your life, remember that it exists already inside of you in a latent state. Just take it from there and give it out, by using and develop it. Then, you'll be able to see it reflected outside and experience it.
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Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Go with the flow of life
Benjamin Franklin, one of the greatest thinkers and wise men in America advises, in his personal mastery traits: "notice the blessing in everything, big and small. Dwell on the beauty in all I see, hear touch, taste and smell. Realize that everything is a gift for the Almighty and is put there in order to enjoy and learn from ".
If you think the situation you are in is a "problem", that is a judgment and it will remain one, indeed. As you think, so shall you reap, and as you judge, so shall you be judged. And, when you do so, you'll think that God does not love you, or that life is against you. Therefore, you resist to everything you consider as a problem in your life.
The good news is that there is no such thing as "problems", and there is nothing to resist either; none. Problems are in your mind, and only there. That's the truth. And, if you are really convinced that God loves you, you 'd know that His beloved Son cannot be harmed by anything, or receive a snake when asking for a bread.
Only God alone sees the whole picture, remember that. Scientifically, it's proven today that at the conscious level, we perceive only 15 bits of information per second, while in fact more than 20 millions bits are coming to us at the same time.
What does that mean? Simply that you don't have a clue what is really going on, just as you don't have a clue what the meaning of anything is. From that, do you think it is wise for you to even judge anything happening in your life with your limited perception?
- Judge not! said Jesus, and be still. When talking about stillness, it is mostly about stillness of mind, without no thought and no judgement. Forcing a solution to come or things to happen lead merely to more and more confusion.
- Have no resistance whatsoever and go with the flow of life, because everything is for your highest good and is there only for the purpose to be appreciated, enjoyed, loved and learned from.
- For the above reasons, be grateful to your Father Who has the whole picture, loves you and knows what is good for you, better than yourself.
- To finish, just let go, trust and enjoy the ride in the river of life. Now, you've got it!
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Friday, September 24, 2010
Not a victim but 100% responsible
2- Unconsciously and consistently, most of it has been created and is being created over and over, moment to moment. And, unconsciously, it can be changed and recreated also the way you want it. But how could you be aware of what you are creating right now, in order to change it eventually?
· What is now, is the result of your past thoughts and feelings;
· What you are creating right now corresponds to your point of focus and the way you feel. It will be manifested in a near future or later;
· If your point of attention does not seem interesting or feel so good, change it immediately.
3- Be conscious of your thoughts and feelings. Keep in mind only what are beneficial to you, and shut the door to the rest.
4- Life, as you see it, is a dream. Nothing that seems to happen didn’t really occur. You are absolutely perfect and totally innocent as God created you. And the things that seem to hurt you are merely the projection of your unconscious guilt.
5- The good news is that you are totally innocent, and your Father has neither condemned nor judged you. So, instead of being frustrated, angry, anxious, worried, and fearful by what seems to happen to you, be genuinely grateful, appreciative and loving to your Father for who you really are, perfectly safe and free.
6- Only the ego feels threatened and afraid. You are not the ego. So, let these feelings be. Because resistance to them is but a subtle trick used by the ego to be protected by you, to survive and maintain you captive in its web by believing that you are one and the same; which is not the case.
Therefore, don’t panic or desperate. In fact, it is what it wants, in order to survive. Because, the more you feel abandoned, the more you desperate, and the more you desperate, the more you protect, feed and take care of the ego. And, as long as you do so, it gets even more strength and more life.
So, to get out of this circle, be still instead and watch. Then, you’ll see those negative feelings fade away like smoke and be replaced by something different, by something better, by peace.
Think about it and…
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Wednesday, September 22, 2010
You really make progress !
The only problem you have is your identification with what you are not. That is, you believe you are a body, living here on this planet with its five limited senses. But that is not the true. You are not a body and you are not really here.
What you are is far more than what you think. You are the Son of God, with unlimited power and eternally blessed and loved in Him. You have never left you Father, although you believe that it is what happened.
Your extension and your expansion are eternal and perfect in God. And it does not depends on what you do or don't with your body.
So, you have never been stuck, and you'll never be. To think that it is possible is only sign that you consider yourself as a body.
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It has nothing to do with something extrernal
Remember how the elephant could find the heart of palm it lost in the water. After having rigorously and angrily disturbed water and searched for it unsuccessfully everywhere in the river for a long time, the elephant very upset, felt very stuck and tired, not knowing what else to do. A fog, passing by, told him to calm down and remain still, so that water gets clear. The elephant followed and applied its advice and, after a while, the river became clear again and the heart of palm could be found.
The amazing thing about you is that you possess knowledge intellectually, but you are not convinced enough, like the elephant before in the story, at the point to apply it in your own life. The first reason is that you are not constant and consistent about a chosen path. You try many things or many paths at the same time, not following one of them to its end. What you are doing is merely jumping from one technique or teaching to another all the time. And this is the sure recipe for failure.
The second reason is that you seem to appreciate knowledge for knowledge, just for the feeling of joy (the joy to know), satisfaction, amazement, or specialness you get from it. However, knowledge is not to be hidden inside of you. It is to be applied, or it vanishes or dies. But, you seem to not give enough time to apply what you learn. You believe that in itself, knowledge is enough for the improvement of your life. This is a lie.
This stanza is perfectly clear about the subject: "Although a man may be book learned, if he doesn't apply what he knows, he is like a blind man who, with a lamp in his hand, cannot see the road".
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
By yourself you'll never succeed
The thing is, you did not create yourself. You do not know who you are, and how you work. How could you drive a car if you didn't learn to drive one? It is even worse for a blind man to attempt to do so.
The easiest way is to leave at the driver's seat someone who knows how, and who will teach you to do so. As human being, you have been given a teacher by God. This teacher is the Holy Spirit. Ask for His advice and help in whatever situation you may be. He will drive, he will show you the way, and you will succeed.
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Monday, September 20, 2010
How long would you wait for your good?
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Why Jesus Christ is called God
However, among all human beings, Jesus is one of the few who have achieved this total knowledge and understanding of themselves. He had achieved the Christ state, or Christ consciousness which is in everyone of us. For having realized it, there is no longer any difference between Jesus and Christ within.
In Human being, Christ consciousness is called the Superconscious mind. This part of the mind , besides the conscious and the subconscious, is God within. That is the state Jesus achieved; becoming one with God. This realization is possible to everyone of us, because all human beings have the same physical and spiritual structure; and Jesus Himself acknowledged it.
About 2000 years ago, people had no idea about human being spiritual structure. So, it would had been extremely difficult for Jesus to explain at that time all the process He had gone through in order to achieve the fusion with the Superconscious, or the Christ consciousness, which is the Son of God Himself.
To get round this issue, Jesus simplified things so far as He could by using the language and words people was able to understand: Father, Son, kingdom of God, etc. And never He talked about the spiritual mechanism taking place in Human being's mind. Obviously, He was right doing so, because no one would had have a clue of anything if He did.
As you can understand it now, and I hope you do, Jesus is a real symbol of Christ, the Superconscious, which is also the Son of God, known to be "One" with the Father. As such, and implicitely, Jesus can be called the Son of God, or God, having achieved this ultimate state of human consciousness.
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Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Love your ennemies
What you really don't love is the feeling of discomfort generated by them in you from your thoughts that give birth to feelings and which, in turn, create your reality or your life as it is. It is that negative feeling you resist to, and this resistance creates even more resistance and discomfort; reason why the great master Jesus advised to "resist not" and " love your ennemies".
Love the negative feelings and emotions generated in you by your thoughts about people, events, circumstance and things. Don't resist them. Instead, welcome them and let them be. Then, observe and speak to them gently and quietly; and you'll see them fade away like smoke to nothingness.
You must be 100% responsible of what's going on in you and, to be responsible, you must be aware. That is, you must be the guardian of your mind. But, if you leave its door open to everything that comes into it without acting on them lovingly and peacefully , you will behave like a leaf, floating and being pushed in all directions by the wind. But as you do, you feel like the victim of your own life, and not the master. Is it really what you want? To master your life is to master everything that's going on in you, through peace, forgiveness and love. Therefore,remember this:
- "Be calm and in peace, and know that I am God", says the Eternel;
- "Stand still" and see the Salvation of the Lord;
- "What are you afraid of, men of little faith", said Jesus;
- "Those that be with us, are more than those that be with them", said Elisha, etc.
- "What you resist persists", author unknown.
- The Superconscious mind (or Christ within) is the department which fights man's battle and relieves him of burdens
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Monday, September 13, 2010
God loves you !
The fact is, you must go with the flow of life, in order to be happy. To go with the flow is to live fully the present moment, without expectation for the future or judgment for whatever seems to happen to you now. In fact, nothing is happening to you, because it is not really you, being here. You merely seem to be there, but you are not.
So, with this confusion in your mind about your true identity, you feel like a victim of life, feeled with feelings of insecurity, fear, lack of power, frustration, anxiety, worry, and so on. You must always bear in mind two very important things:
First, God loves you unconditionally, and eternally. Second, you are not who you think to be. It is not really you living here and facing all the troubles, challenges and problems that seem to threaten you.
Who you really are and which is the real Son of God is eternally in peace, happy, joyful, abundant, safe and blessed. That is the real you, not the one you imagine to be or which you are dreaming of.
Recognize this truth, accept it, and your life will change.
Don't have expectations in this world which, by the way, does not exist; or start judging whatever seems to happen to you or to others around "you" as "good" or "bad". Because when you do, you make it real, as well as everything it contains, including "you". Live without resistance for whatever occurs in order to go with the flow.
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Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Good to you!
The good news is that who you really are is invisible, like the real changes you seek which, without you knowing it, lead you little by little to the knowledge of your true nature and to God.
You see, physical changes are not important.What really matters is the change in yourself when facing all the seemingly challenges that appear in your life. This change is perceived in this new attitude to life :
- Total and unchakable peace;
- Self mastery;
- Stilness;
Remember, you don't change the world, but you change yourself regarding the world!
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You asked for it!
Whatever is happening in your life right now, remember, you asked for it! You are not a victim of anyone or anything; not at all. This is impossible. The truth is that, at a certain level, everything that has ever happened to you or is happening right now, had been planned long time ago by yourself , and for a certain reason.
The promise made by yourself to yourself at that time was that, no matter what, you’d succeed and at last, find your way home to your Source. Therefore, there is no need to resist to anybody or anything, nor complain about them, no matter how “bad” or threatening they seem to appear.
So, because you asked for it, the only thing you have to do is assuming 100% responsibility for everything; no exceptions. The advantage of this attitude is that it releases you from the resistance born from frustration and fear you experiment when you believe that people, events and circumstances are projected to you by an external and powerful force against which you are totally powerless, in the way that you seem to be a victim, instead of a creator of your own life.
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Monday, August 2, 2010
Success stories
Living in a single all in one room. No bath room and no toilets. Today, it's a home worth millions of XAF with all the facilities needed.
From a just an office clerk earning 35000 XAF to a Program Officer of more than a million XAF par month.
The main lessons learned is:
Patience gives you everything you want. So, let time do its own job; it's a living thing which knows what to do, where and when. Gratitude for your current blessings keeps you away from frustration. Nothing is impossible to God. So, never pay attention to what people may say in order to discourage you.
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Thursday, July 22, 2010
Remember who you are
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Friday, July 16, 2010
It is not attraction but reflection
As said a great sage, as within, so without...
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Wednesday, July 14, 2010
You cannot concile things which are unconciliable
The truth is, it's not you who fails. Who you are is already perfect, and you are but to remember this perfection. Now, you are trying to change your ego so that it becomes something it is not and will ever be. As a result, you get frustrated and angry against yourself . This feeling of frustration, like any other negative feeling, is the sure sign that you are doing it the wrong way.
The result, therefore, will always be failure and frustration. Ego will never become God or your allie. Likewise, trying to transform something you disklike into something you would prefer is an ego game. Perfection or Truth, is permanent, eternal and unchangeable. As such, It can never be the result of any sort of manipulation. Because It just is.
So, knowing Himself as He is, Perfection is not involved in such insane game; which is insane because both what is dislike and what is prefered are temporal and therefore unreal. Why then wasting time with the temporal or nothingness, when Truth or the Eternal is everything we need and is there for us forever?
You feel worried, upset, angry, afraid, powerless, poor and so on, only because of your attempt to concile the unconciliable. And ego and God are unconciliable indeed. Therefore, the only thing you need is knowledge. Then, you realize that what you perceive is not true because of its temporal nature. From this point of view, go and embrace only Truth, Good, Beauty and the Eternal.
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Tuesday, June 8, 2010
The way to change things that do not please you
The fact is, Wayne doesn't tell us how to change the way you look at things in order to change them. But I have got some clarity about this in the Course in miracles. According to the Course, only true forgiveness can make you see things differently.
It is only when you forgive truly and let the Holy Spirit see and interpret things for you that they can change and look different. That's the way. But, on your own, it is almost impossible!
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Wednesday, May 19, 2010
A proactive life
What if you decide right now to reverse the tendency and be proactive, no matter what?Meaning, you decide to be happy, appreciative, grateful, thankful, loving for nothing, just as a way of life and because it is Who You Are.
You do it, not for something; not because you want to be or have something, but because it is your natural state.
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Monday, May 17, 2010
Life changes
-- Lao -tzu.
I would like this quotation be applied to inner changes also, and not only to external ones. By inner changes, I mean any modification that may occur in our emotions, feelings, and thoughts. None of these is real.
As Lao tzu suggests, we may let them go and flow naturally in whatever way they like. Our attempt to change them could only make them real and create great resistance and lot of suffering in us (sorrow).
Your outer world is nothing, compared to your inner world which is the cause; the outer being only its effect. Therefore, take more care of the inner, than of the outer. Moment to moment, stop and ask yourself:
"What is going on inside of me right?"
Then, do whatever you can to correct the course of your inner river flow. But, above all, forgive and love everything inside of you that seems to bother you,creates anxiety or fear make in you, make you angry, etc. Forgive and love yourself also and then, let go, without resistance.
Again, there is nothing outside, the whole world is inside of you, in the form of thoughts, feelings and emotions. So, when you are in order inside, the world becomes in order outside.
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Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Nature abhors empty space
This advice is in fact more beneficial mentally than physically. That is, knowing that nature abhors empty space, if you don't fill your mind with what you want or really are, what you don't want will fill it.
In other words, you'd better keep feeling your mind with right ideas about yourself, instead of letting it open to wrong and negative ones with your negligence.
Know that your mind is the most important attribute you possess here as human being. You must therefore take care of it every moment, more than you do with your body which has no reality at all whatsoever.
Remember, your mind is like a plantation, in which you make grow good plants such as happiness, joy, love, peace, good will, etc. If you don't take care of your plantation, anything else harmful would grow in it and cause damage to your plants.
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What do you fill your mind with?
Empty your mind by removing all the shadow images it contains and ask God and the Holy spirit only to fill it.
God is real, Christ is real, Truth is real, Love is real, Abundance is real, Joy is real , Happiness is real, Harmony is real, Peace is real, etc.
Choose them and fill your mind with them. It is what you are.
Think about it and ...
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Thursday, May 6, 2010
The good news
Your separation with God never occured. You are sinless and innocent. You have never left the kingdom of heaven and its infinite peace, love, abundance and joy. It is is yours forever!
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Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Thank you!
It is just projected outside only so that you could be aware of what is going on inside of you. And once you are, your best reaction whould be gratitude and appreciation, instead of resistance, anger, worry, anxiety, worry, frustration, etc.
You say thank you not only for being informed of what's going on inside of you, but also because what you perceive as being outside is your ticket to heaven through your forgiveness.
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Monday, May 3, 2010
What you have and what you want are unreal
They are many. But the main thing to bear in mind is that everything you perceive with your body does not exist and, therefore, cannot affect you. This includes all you see, hear, touch, taste and smell. None of them is real; none.
When you realize it, you come to the conclusion that the things you possess and those you desire are of the same nature; nothing.
So, you no longer crave for anything at all. Because whether you have something or not, the result is the same for you.
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Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Mind or body
If the answer is yes, you consider yourself to be a body, which is not your reality. Who you really are is not a body, but mind or spirit. Now, what could a mind be craving for?
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Monday, April 26, 2010
It is all around you
When I say that it's all around you, I really mean it. When you are in your home, in your office, out with friends, in the street, what at you looking at? How are you looking at it? What do you focus on usually? What do you feel?
You see, it's just about that!
People can look at the same thing at the same time, but neither seeing the same thing nor experiencing the same feeling.
What do you feel when you see another person with the kind of new car or nice home you crave for? What do you feel when you see a nice guy or a beautiful women? What do you feel when you notice you don't have enough money in your purse? What do you experience in you when someone else is succeesful and you are not? How do you live these things? Why even do you notice them?
If you can change the way you look at things, or completelly choose to look at new ones instead of focusing on the same over and over, you would change everything in your life also. That does not mean things will change, which is by the way not important. What will happen is that you will change, regardless of what occurs around you, and this priceless.
Remember that everything is around you. Everything. You have the choice to put your attention where you want.
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There are no such things as problems or obstacles
As opportunities, they should and must be met with gratitude, appreciation and love. Just as Benjamin Franklin said:" Notice the blessing in everything, big and small. Dwell on the beauty in all I see, hear, touch, taste and smell. Realize that everything is a gift from the almighty and is put there in order to enjoy and learn from".
As you see, gratitude, appreciation and love are the only answers which are to be given to any situation whatsover that seems to bother you. Because, as a creator of your own life and not a victim of it, you are given the chance through them to choose rightly, in order to become little by little Who You Really Are.
What you are creating is how you react to people, events and circumstances that come your way, and the way you feel about it is what is called your "life". The question is, how would you like this experience to be?
Yes, you've got it. Your life is based on your state of mind which is produced by your reaction to what you experience now as "good" and "bad". And this experience, in turn, is dictated by the way you judge everything that happens to you.
That's why you are often said: Judge not! You don't have enough clarity to do so and to really appreciate life as it is. Therefore, your only alternative is the one described above which consists of appreciating and being grateful about everything for the apportunity they give you to choose your true Self and thus, get back home.
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Thursday, April 1, 2010
You stand between two voices, which one do you listen to?

One thing, billions interpretations
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Symbols for awareness
2) The water (in a glass or a drop)
3) The tree
4) The coin
5) The world map and photo
5) The elephant and heart of palm
5) The fly trapped in a web
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
It's all about your thought
God lives in Love, Truth, Joy,Happiness and all things Good.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Come from the inside to meet the outside
What is darkness in your life? Darkness is made of all your seemingly troubles and problems. And to see clear, you take your lamp to see them clearly as they are: nothing!
Your lampe?
...The Holy spirit.
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Thursday, February 25, 2010
Everything that happens is for your highest good
- Why would you resist something or a situation you know nothing about?
- If you believed that the unconditional love of God for you is true, that you are eternally blessed, safe and that everyhing that happens to you is for your highest good, would you resist them?
- If you knew that all your sufferings and miseries are only the result of your wrong judgements and appreciations of what is, would you keep judging and suffering anyway?
Having this mind, what would you do instead of resisting?
- Forgiving yourself for judging and resisting what life has brought for you but seems disturb you.
- Blessing and loving the situation, whatever it is, realizing it is here only for your highest good
- Expressing gratitude to God for your safety and His unconditional love for you
- Relaxing totally, and giving Him all trust and faith for all the outcomes of your life
- There is much more you can do from this point, those being just some basic indications of where you can start from.
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Too good to be true
The truth is, the son of God is a collective entity called Christ, in which everyone of us is part of. As such, you are indeed the son of God.
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Friday, February 19, 2010
Be the spectator of your own game
That's why you should not be too much involved in the game of life, and you become so when you take yourself too seriously. Once this happens you get trapped and remain blind about your true reality.
One way to escape from your immersion in the illusion of life is to become the observer, the spectator of your own life. That is you look at yourself from another perspective, as a separate entity, like a pectator of a football game.
Have you noticed how wide and perfect is the view of football spectators from the point they are watching the game? Why is that? The reason is because they are standing at a point away from the action and where they can see every error and mistake from players.
Do the same and see what happens.
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Thursday, February 11, 2010
What do you really want?
Usuasually, when people say I want this, or I want that, it is alway about what they want to get and keep for themselves. Here, I am not talking about what you want to take from life. This is unfortunately what the majority of people think about the most. I am talking here about what you want to give to life, or the universe, or God.
Just because it is your reason for being here. You are not on this planet to take and gather all the stuff you desire. You are here to give unconditionally to all, the fruits you produce, spiritually or physically, in order to contribute to the development of humankind. That's why you are here.
But If we don't know what we really want to give to others, if we haven't identified it clearly in our mind, how can we expect to give it? Is it possible to give something you don't know you have, or do not recognize as your contribution to the world?
The fact is, if you don't know what you want, you can have it, but not recognize it. It will be there, just in front of you, but you will not be able to see it, just because you don't know that it is what you want.
Now, what do you really want?
As I said earlier, what you want should not be defined as what you want to get, but rather as what you want to give. Why? Because giving comes first and receiving later. That is the order of things. It is by giving that you get in return; not the reverse.
In addition, some people may think that they want money, when in fact what they want is the sense of security and power money provides. Others think they want a new relationship, when in fact what they want filling the deep emptiness they feel inside of them, etc.
You see, sometimes money or relationships are not always what you really want, but may be something else. What you have to do first is clearly identify in your mind what are your personal strengths and abilities. All people have theirs, and these can be easily recognized by themselves or others. When you do, you have recognized what you can give to others also.
How could you know you have reached your destination if you didn't determined it specifically in the first place? And even when you get there, chances are that you will not recognized it as your destination.
Once you have identified your strengths and abilities, you know what to give to others, and what you'll get in return depends on the quality of what you gave. But if you want to feel safe and powerfull, what can you give and to whom?
Knowing that all security and power belong to God, you have to give Him something if you want to feel safe and powerfull. What you have to give Him is your total recognition that security and power belong to Him. You must GIVE Him your full ACKNOWLEDGEMENt that all power is in Him and Him alone, so that it returns back to you.
Know that God is like the tide, going high and low incessantly, and everything you throw into the waves comes back to you. You see, whatever you want in you, give it to God, by recognizing and aknowledging it in Him. It will come back to you multiplied.
Remember, you are a spirit, and not just a physical body, and a spirit only needs the spiritual. The paradox here is that it is only when you have given the spiritual that the material can follow; but never before.
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Monday, February 8, 2010
As long as the sun will be shining
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Friday, February 5, 2010
Eternal present
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Thursday, February 4, 2010
Change your focus
Unfortunately, most of people didn't learned how to drive this vehicle. As a result, they hurt themselves and others all day long.
Living requires a body driving licence indeed, to prevent you from causing accidents everywhere you go, making life catastrophic for yourself and other people around you.
To have this driving licence, you must first know the most useful and indispensable components of your body and how they work, before using it more efficiently and safely.
Among them, there is your attention, which is one of the most important. Someone said, energies flow where attention goes. Attention is a creative tool given you by God to shape your life tyhe way you want.
When you put your attention on something, you create it and experience it in your life. Release it, and the object of your attention will disappear also. Researches made in quantum physic explain it widely. That is why wanting something and not wanting it produce the same result, as long as your attention remain focused on a specific object.
For example, wanting more money sometimes and being frustrated for not having enough most of the time merely lets you broke. Because the degree of emotion generated by your frustration about not having enough money is higher than your desire to have more of it. The result therefore will match with the most heavy emotion produced in you.
To change the result you get about something, change your focus first. If you have problems making the money you want, try to not think about money anymore. Because your feeling about not having enough money will be stronger than your feeling of abundance or wealth. And you know what? You will just remain broke. So, remove your attention from money.The same thing is observable about waiting for a promotion, a soul mate, a new car, etc.
Keep your attention on the road, on the direction you are moving to. When you are driving, you do not focus on the passenger in your car, or things around you; right? By the way, I am going back to God, what about you?
I have choosen this direction because all over the path, there is everything I want such as joy, happiness, peace of mind, abundance, security, etc. I know that if my direction is a new car, more money and so on, my attention will be drawn to the negative feeling of not having enough. Can you see?
Now, beside the attention there is another important tool called emotion. It is like the dashboard in your automobile with all kind of signals or indicators such as thermostat, and those related to fuel, water, motor, etc.
What do you do when one of them turns to red? You stop (mental brakes) the automobile; right? That is, emotions are devices given you also by God, to let you know that something wrong is going on in you. And what to do then? Just stop the vehicle (mental brakes) and do whatever you can to change your mood.
Generally, your negative emotion are caused by your point of focus. When you feel bad, it is the indicator that your attention is going where it should not. The only thing to do is doing the best you can to release it from there. But, this does not always happen instantly. Meaning your good mood will not come back right away. Therefore, be patient with yourself, until you feel better again.
There are additional tools and devices you should know about your personal vehicle such as mental brakes we have refered to in previous paragraphs. They are tools you use to stop your engine when your emotions signal some disfunctioning.
Others tools will be discored by yourself.
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You can nothing by yourself
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Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Lesson of faith from a seed
1) Infinite patience
2) Complete stillness and imperturbility
3) Total silence
4) Constant and consistent focus
5) Growth as the only one objective
People with these attributes perform miracles.
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Become like God
1-God is infinitly patient, infinitly loving, infinitly kind, infinitly happy, infinitly abundant, infinitly good, infinitly, joyful, infinitly giving,
2-God asks for nothing, expects nothing, condemns nothing, judges nothing,
3- God gives everything good, loves everything good, is everything good
4- God cannot see "bad" things and cannot do "bad" things
5- God does not forgive because He cannot condemn
6- God is infinitly patient because eternity is His attribute
7- God cannot ask for anything, being already everything
If you become like Him, you will be like Him.
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Friday, January 22, 2010
Believe that you have receive...
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