Who I Really Am






Thursday, February 25, 2010

Everything that happens is for your highest good

Wanting to change a situation implies lack of love and understanding, which is translated by the level of resistance generated in us and by the willingness to escape from the thing that threatens us. But this resistance only gives more strength and reality to the situation, which is merely shadow and smoke, instead of making the deisired change happen .

  • Why would you resist something or a situation you know nothing about?
  • If you believed that the unconditional love of God for you is true, that you are eternally blessed, safe and that everyhing that happens to you is for your highest good, would you resist them?
  • If you knew that all your sufferings and miseries are only the result of your wrong judgements and appreciations of what is, would you keep judging and suffering anyway?
The fact is, you have no clue about whatever is happening to you. But one thing is true, everything that comes your way is for one reason. It is because God loves you, and everything happening to you is for your highest good. That's the premiss you must bear in mind whatever you may be confronted with.

Having this mind, what would you do instead of resisting?
  • Forgiving yourself for judging and resisting what life has brought for you but seems disturb you.
  • Blessing and loving the situation, whatever it is, realizing it is here only for your highest good
  • Expressing gratitude to God for your safety and His unconditional love for you
  • Relaxing totally, and giving Him all trust and faith for all the outcomes of your life
  • There is much more you can do from this point, those being just some basic indications of where you can start from.

Think about id and...

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