Who I Really Am






Monday, October 4, 2010

Your Journey Agreement

Many years ago
You won a ticket for a trip to planet hearth
The specific environment and geographic destination was your choice
As well as all people, events and circumstances
You had to go through during the journey

You visualized the movie of your future life journey
And with great enthusiasm and joy you said loudly
Yes I love it and will go for it!

Before embarking
An agreement was presented to you by All That Is
The Great Organizer and Manager of the trip
And, without the slightest hesitation you signed it

In this agreement it is clearly stated that
You don’t really leave your home in paradise
Where you live forever with God

And that in fact only a tiny part of you is involved in the trip
This, by the way, is merely a dream, fictitious and unreal
As well as everything in it such as people, things, events and circumstances
That seem to be real but which are not

On this basis
You promised solemnly to respect strictly the rules and conditions presented to you
By the Great Organizer and Manager

Your promise was to focus on the main purpose of the trip
This is merely to appreciate, enjoy, feel good, and have fun along the path
All day long and wherever you go

By putting all your attention only on things you appreciate, love
And make you feel good
And releasing it from all the rest
That makes you feel bad
In order to avoid unnecessary resistance and suffering

Knowing that all this is virtual
You promised also to take nothing seriously
Whatever it may be

You promised also to remember that
You are living in a friendly universe
In which everything is alive, without exception

And that this universe
Like a giant screen or gigantesque mirror
Reflects only your own inner world

So, you would not attempt uselessly
To change anything you perceive outside
Because such attempt is resistance to what is
And, as you know it, what you resist persists

Nevertheless, there is no such thing as out there
The entire universe being in you
Including everything you could perceive

From this perpective
You promised to insure total responsibility for everything
"Good" or "bad"

Responsibility to heal your tiny part
Through forgiveness and love
And get back home
Meaning awaken to the fullness of your being

You promissed to remember that
You and your brothers are totally "innocent" and perfect
Just as God created you

But that only your unconscious guilt
Is projected outside as all the turmoil
Of daily life

To avoid this turmoil
You promissed to have your eyes only on the ball
This is to focus your attention on God only
In order to not be distracted from your main objective
That is to get back home
Through forgiveness and love

You promised also that
As your tiny part would not have a clue what would be going on
For receiving only 15 bits of information per second over 25 million bits flowing in reality
You’d neither judge nor condemn anything

And you’d trust 100% the bigger part of you, the Higher Self
To release all your fears, worries and anxieties from Home
Where He lives safely, happily and forever in God

Also you promised
While enjoying the journey
To express your appreciation all along the path and all day long
With gratitude to God for the opportunity offered you
To be here now

So, instead of wasting time regretting the past and worrying about the future
Be fully present here and now
Don’t cross life by living the present moment absent minded
Like a traveller who closes his eyes during the trip
And opens them only at the final destination

Take time to be aware
And to live consciously and fully the present moment
Having in mind that time is running very fast

And that soon, very soon
You will hear the loud voice
Of the Great Manager announcing
Always on time that
The game is over!!!

But before that happens
Could you certify with certainty
At this point of your journey
That you are faithful to your agreement?

If not the case
Know that it is never too late
Because the journey is not about duration
But about intensity

So review your agreement
And stick to it consciously
And faithfully

At last remember also that
Wherever you are and whatever you do
You give out energy that creates the world endlessly
And moment to moment

So from time to time
Stop and ask yourself
What king of energy am I giving out in this moment?

If that does not please you, change it
By focusing your attention
On things that make you feel good

Also by proactively living
According to what you really are
And not reacting to your environment

You are beauty and appreciation
You are love and kindness
You are happiness and joy
You are harmony and peace
You are abundance and everything good
You are gratitude

So give them all day long
To everybody and everything
Wherever you are

But be careful
To never give resistance
To never give fear
To never give anxiety
To never give worry
To never give doubt
To never give any negative thought feeling or action
To anybody, anything and anywhere

Because as you give (sow)
So shall you receive or experiment (reap)

Go back
Resume your journey
And enjoy!

Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized

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