According to quantum physicists today, everything is energy. Everything, including you and anything else. Another way (mine) of saying this is that everything is everything and the universe itself is an immense field of energy.
What does that mean? what is the implication if this?
There are many implications to this assertions. First, if everything in the universe and the universe itself are energy, there is no longer such thing as separatation. For a better understanding remember that energy is billions of time more subtile that atom, yet even air cannot be separate from one room to another. It's just but the same air.
Second, if you and everything else in existence are made of the same same energy, you are and have already everything. That means, the universe is really abundant and scarcity is merely an illusion of mind because this energy, is at the core of All That Is, is infinitely abundant.
All physical manifestations, like thoughts, feelings, actions and emotions are made of the same stuff. In fact, you don't even have to manifest anything physically, because reality is the basis of All That Is. And, you deny this reality when you worry about physical manifestions.
If everything is energy as stated earlier, another implication is that our consciousness is a vast and highly sensitive field of energy, in which all your thoughts and feelings are perceived as a request to produce more of the same.
Unfortunately, most people do not know how to collaborate with this field of energy which, in fect, is themselves. And, because of that, their life become a total chaos. Also, in this abundant field of energy, they constantly live in scarcity, like firsty fish searching drinking water in a river.
Think about it and...
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