Who I Really Am






Friday, September 24, 2010

Not a victim but 100% responsible

1- You are not a victim of anything in life, but 100% responsible for everything because you created all of this. How good is it then to realize that you possess such a power!

2- Unconsciously and consistently, most of it has been created and is being created over and over, moment to moment. And, unconsciously, it can be changed and recreated also the way you want it. But how could you be aware of what you are creating right now, in order to change it eventually?

· What is now, is the result of your past thoughts and feelings;

· What you are creating right now corresponds to your point of focus and the way you feel. It will be manifested in a near future or later;

· If your point of attention does not seem interesting or feel so good, change it immediately.

3- Be conscious of your thoughts and feelings. Keep in mind only what are beneficial to you, and shut the door to the rest.

4- Life, as you see it, is a dream. Nothing that seems to happen didn’t really occur. You are absolutely perfect and totally innocent as God created you. And the things that seem to hurt you are merely the projection of your unconscious guilt.

5- The good news is that you are totally innocent, and your Father has neither condemned nor judged you. So, instead of being frustrated, angry, anxious, worried, and fearful by what seems to happen to you, be genuinely grateful, appreciative and loving to your Father for who you really are, perfectly safe and free.

6- Only the ego feels threatened and afraid. You are not the ego. So, let these feelings be. Because resistance to them is but a subtle trick used by the ego to be protected by you, to survive and maintain you captive in its web by believing that you are one and the same; which is not the case.

Therefore, don’t panic or desperate. In fact, it is what it wants, in order to survive. Because, the more you feel abandoned, the more you desperate, and the more you desperate, the more you protect, feed and take care of the ego. And, as long as you do so, it gets even more strength and more life.

So, to get out of this circle, be still instead and watch. Then, you’ll see those negative feelings fade away like smoke and be replaced by something different, by something better, by peace.

Think about it and…
…Stay synchronized.

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