Who I Really Am






Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Love your ennemies

You don't love fear, worry, anxiety, frustration, doubt, failure, rejection, unhappiness, death, etc. Because if it were the case, you'd be happy; which is not the case when you do. And, what you don't love is generally considered as being your ennemy; just because you don't love it. But, in fact, it is not the person, the thing or the situation you don't love; these are neutral.

What you really don't love is the feeling of discomfort generated by them in you from your thoughts that give birth to feelings and which, in turn, create your reality or your life as it is. It is that negative feeling you resist to, and this resistance creates even more resistance and discomfort; reason why the great master Jesus advised to "resist not" and " love your ennemies".

Love the negative feelings and emotions generated in you by your thoughts about people, events, circumstance and things. Don't resist them. Instead, welcome them and let them be. Then, observe and speak to them gently and quietly; and you'll see them fade away like smoke to nothingness.

You must be 100% responsible of what's going on in you and, to be responsible, you must be aware. That is, you must be the guardian of your mind. But, if you leave its door open to everything that comes into it without acting on them lovingly and peacefully , you will behave like a leaf, floating and being pushed in all directions by the wind. But as you do, you feel like the victim of your own life, and not the master. Is it really what you want? To master your life is to master everything that's going on in you, through peace, forgiveness and love. Therefore,remember this:

  • "Be calm and in peace, and know that I am God", says the Eternel;

  • "Stand still" and see the Salvation of the Lord;

  • "What are you afraid of, men of little faith", said Jesus;

  • "Those that be with us, are more than those that be with them", said Elisha, etc.

  • "What you resist persists", author unknown.

  • The Superconscious mind (or Christ within) is the department which fights man's battle and relieves him of burdens

Think about it and...

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