Who I Really Am






Monday, April 26, 2010

It is all around you

Up to this moment, you have been looking at the same things always in the same way. Guess what? Your life has always been the same, also. Remember that what I call your life has nothing to do with your experiences, "good" or "bad", but with who ou are when you live them, or the way you live them instead.

When I say that it's all around you, I really mean it. When you are in your home, in your office, out with friends, in the street, what at you looking at? How are you looking at it? What do you focus on usually? What do you feel?

You see, it's just about that!

People can look at the same thing at the same time, but neither seeing the same thing nor experiencing the same feeling.

What do you feel when you see another person with the kind of new car or nice home you crave for? What do you feel when you see a nice guy or a beautiful women? What do you feel when you notice you don't have enough money in your purse? What do you experience in you when someone else is succeesful and you are not? How do you live these things? Why even do you notice them?

If you can change the way you look at things, or completelly choose to look at new ones instead of focusing on the same over and over, you would change everything in your life also. That does not mean things will change, which is by the way not important. What will happen is that you will change, regardless of what occurs around you, and this priceless.

Remember that everything is around you. Everything. You have the choice to put your attention where you want.

Think about it and...
Stay synchronized...

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