Who I Really Am






Sunday, December 18, 2011

What you really, really want

...Is peace of mind, which in fact is your natural state of being. And what opens the door to this natural state of being is... stillness.

Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized 

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Playing truant in the school of life delays your personal evolution

All creatures, including human beings, are here to grow, evolve and expand towards a higher consciousness. That's one of the main reasons for which we are here. But this implies diverse types of tests and experiences  along the path, including small incidents  as well as big challenges often erroneously perceived as problems, obstacles, difficulties, blocks, injustices and so on.

In fact, what you perceive as such are gifts and blessings from the Almighty, and should not be dreaded, resisted and avoided as most people do. Understand that these are necessary steps we all must go through, if we are willing to grow in knowledge, strength, wisdom, understanding, self mastery or even faith; and so, get ready for the next level of higher consciousness.

The majority of people would like life to be as a long calm and quiet river without any disturbance, so that they may enjoy it more fully. They believe that the unique purpose of life is to make human beings happy during their entire journey on earth, by insuring that every possible unwanted condition is put out of equation.

Only a few dare to challenge themselves by facing the difficult conditions of life with the conscious intention to exceed their current limits, and grow, up to a superior level of their consciousness. Maybe intuitively they know that there is not another way towards spiritual growth and evolution.

However, happiness is not the main purpose of human existence. Of course, enjoying from time to time happy events that delight your soul for a moment can be a good thing. But, such circumstances are always ephemeral by nature, like anything else in this dimension of life. So, they come and go, but never last forever.

The main purpose of life however, as stated at the beginning, is to make you grow, evolve, and expand unlimitedly, through all the exams presented to you along the path, in the form of challenges of all kinds. Happiness may delight you; that's true. But, by itself alone, you cannot achieve the spiritual growth and evolution you seek. 

And, if you'd like to have an idea of what your current level of self mastery and spiritual growth is, just observe how you react to the present conditions and circumstances of your life. The feedback you get from yourself like that is an accurate indicator of your current state of mind, as well as your spiritual level. This test will always reveal you the truth about yourself.

As such, life can be compared to a school in which we learn new lessons, that prepare us everyday for the next class, the next year. But if, all year long, we keep playing truant, miss and avoid important courses, we will not catch the essential lessons we are supposed to learn through these courses and pass the final exam that opens for us the door to the next class.

However, it is what we do all the time, when we resist the challenges of life which, like school, gives us new and important lessons every single day, through people, events and circumstances. But, these lessons are so well wrapped and deeply hidden in them that, most of the time, we focus only on forms.

We keep complaining about appearances, or  what is, erroneously perceived as threatening, while in fact these are bearers of lessons for us to grasp. Therefore people, events and circumstances come to you as messengers or teachers, not as ennemies whose mission is to hurt and push you down.

So, instead of joyfully and gratefully welcoming situations without any preconceived idea, and open mindedly be willing to learn from them in order to achieve a greater understanding that leads to a higher knowledge, we resist. Because we believe that life is unfair and against us.

Therefore, we do whatever we can to avoid or escape from people or situations we resent and dread.  But the fact is, as long as we behave like that, situations we resist cannot change; just as students who play truant cannot pass exams and enter the next class. That is, until they change their mind and decide to attend the courses and learn the lessons of the current class, they cannot move to the next.

In fact, situations are not meant to change externally. Change, instead, must come from you, in terms of  understanding and inner growth, before new challenges can be presented to you. That means, you have to become strong, spiritually speaking, to the extend that you no longer perceive conditions as separate, but as integrate parts of who you are now.

Today, take the decision to change your mind about people, situations, events and circumstances of your life.Remember, what is is, but the choice is yours; the choice to react  according to who you are. Decide you will no longer perceive them as separate entities, obstacles, blocks, or threats. But as blessings and opportunities to learn and evolve. And, with more and more understanding, by choosing love you would move towards higher levels of consciousness.

Once you've learned the lessons from a specific level of consciousness, situations will change by themselves and open the door for new ones in the same class or the next. It is not another way around. There is no escape, and the only result you get when playing truant, resisting and refusing to learn your lessons, is but a useless delay in your personal growth and evolution.

This, by the way, is not wise. Because when you do, you'll keep living the same situations over and over again, until you learn the lessons deeply hidden in them. These lessons, however, are delivered for your highest good. For in its infinite wisdom, life knows you must be well prepared and become strong, before you move foreward to the next level.

God knows all your impatience, frustration and anger. But, He's got also the whole picture; meaning,  the challenges waiting for you ahead, in your next classes. And because He loves you more than anything, He prepares you to be ready first, before you face those next challenges.

But, it is important to remember that you are not alone on the path of your journey to higher consciousness.God, through the Holy Spirit is forever present in you, providing you with continuous support and assistance.

That is the job of the Holy Spirit in you; to guide you and help you to catch the hidden lessons of your situations, so that you can move forward. But you also have an important responsibility in this process. It is to ask.

To do so, you must know what to ask,  how to ask, when to ask, and to whom. Asking is not as easy as  people think. If you are not clear at this point, you shouldn't even try to ask for anything. Because risks are that you get opposite results from your "bad" requests.

According to the bible, there is a major condition to perform before formulating any demand. In Matthew 21:22, this condition  is as follows:

"You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will receive it."

"If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."

You've got it! This major condition is belief, or faith that you have already received whatever you ask in prayer. But, what is it that you really ask for? What do you really need on your path to a higher conscousness?

In truth, the first thing you should ask from the Almighty is faith. For when you have faith,  you get clear about any situation; you get light. It is what you really need, in order to achieve the state of clarity necessary to learn your lessons.

Now that you know what to ask, when to ask then? You ask only when you are in a state of absolute relaxation, stillness, peace of body and mind. Call it the vortex or whatever. Anything you do out of this state, with a  trouble mind, leads directly to failure and disappointment.

But, how do you ask more effectively? You do it by genuinly giving thanks and gratitude that it is so, and living according this truth. You give thanks to whom? Of course to God, the Almighty, All That Is, through the Holy Spirit which is in you.

Only the Holy Spirit's voice can be understood by God, the Father. The Holy Spirit is the bridge between the Creator and you. You are not pure enough to get in touch with the Almighty, and all your efforts in trying to address directly your pryers and your gratitude to Him, will be vain.

There is still a lot to say about this communication between you and God. This, however, is the big picture.

Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized...

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Like a thirsty fish in the water

If God, the Almighty, is All That Is, that means nothing exists apart from Him. Wherever you are in this lifetime, whatever your conditions may be, understand that your are forever in God, as He is in you, like a fish in the water. Have you ever seen a thirsty fish in the water?

If you are surrounded by Love Itself , why then do you feel afraid, worried, anxious, powerless, inferior, not enough, not loved, poor, insecure, and so on? Doing that, can't you realize you are behaving like a firsty fish in the water?

The main reason is that you keep identifying yourself with your body alone.However, you are more than just your body; you are also a spiritual being, the beloved Son of God, living with Him for eternity. Therefore, stop selling yourself short, by reducing yourself to your physical aspect alone, which is what makes you feel deprived, powerless and insecure.

Once and for all, understand that whatever they may be, your conditions are just conditions; no more, no less. And, as such, they are neutral , until you judge and put a label on them. Of course, they exist for a reason that, maybe, you could not understand. But, first of all, they are related to your body which, by the way, is not who you are. 

Therefore, never again identify yourself with them again.

Think about it and...
... Stay synchronized...

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Thank you

To be genuinly grateful for everything is one of the best ways to return love to God.

Think about it and...
...stay synchronized...

Desires are sotck of energy

The more unfullfilled desires you have, the more energy you've got to keep you moving forward in life. In general, people make the mistake of getting frustrated, worried, anxious, unhappy and even afraid about their non manifested desires, not knowing that this is for their highest good.

Think about it and...
...stay synchronized...

Your essential nature

"No sacrifice, no service, no service, no satisfaction, no satisfaction, no happiness" (Guy Finley)

The essence of a flower is its perfume or fragrance, which differs from one flower to another. And, like a flower, human being also has an essence or essential nature,  inherent to who he is, at the core of his being. This essence is the Spirit of God in him.

But, contrary to human being, the flower does not have an ego and, for this reason, does not produce perfume for itself. Instead, all it does, is delivering unconditionally its fragrance for the appreciation of other creatures, including human beings.

That is, the flower is not so selfish to keep its fragrance just for its own use. Its joy lies in giving it away, all day long, to whomever is willing to appreciate its beautiful perfume. That is its job, and the reason for which it has been created.

Human beings had also been created for the same reason, which is to share unconditionally their essential nature, for the benefit of others. This essential nature is made up of qualities such as kindness, love, understanding, patience, peace, help, support, happiness, of his soul, joy, time, appreciation, gratitude, forgiveness.

But unfortunately, many people have been deviated from this destiny by their ego and put themselves and their interests at the center of their life; anybody else being considered as secondary. As a result, unhappiness has become their daily companion.

You have been created to serve and give unconditionally what you truly are to others. It is in this condition alone that you can experience it yourself, not another way around. The flower, however does not have such an opportunity; all it does if giving freely.

Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized...

Monday, December 5, 2011

The most important in life

In life, what is for you the most important?

  1. God: All That Is; Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent; Love; Joy; Abundance; Life, etc. God Is the only reality there is, has ever been, and will ever be. He is the stream of life you must go with. He Is the tree and you are the branches. So, like branches and the tree, your separation from God, is your death. The first death being psychological as you feel insecure, lost, unhappy, poor, not loved, powerless and so on, due to your feeling of separation with God, Who only Is, and nothing else.
  2. Who we really are: We don't know it, but who we are is an absolute and perfect reflection of God. Nothing can be more important that being it and having this knowledge. And, from our part, only one thing should and must be done: manifesting gratitude to our creator moment to moment, for being who we are;
  3. Knowledge: Knowing that God loves you, unconditionally and forever, gives you an immense joy. Because you understand that whatever occurs, comes from love, and can be only for your highest good. Also, you understand that the only reaction worthy of coming from you in return, is one of gratitude, and love. But, never a reaction of resistance to what is, which is a denial of God's infinite wisdom.
  4. Life itself: it is simply the fact to be here now, able to appreciate the beauties and blessings available all around us with the magnificent five physical senses the Almighty has provided us with. Although very close to us, these are no longer paid attention to by many, lost are they are in their mind, in search of  what themselves consider to be more valuable than the paradise they live in;
  5.  Good health : This is the most important thing ever, on the physical plane, and the necessary condition to perform if you are to enjoy life. Anything else is accessory.
  6. Joy & Happiness: Whatever people are doing, they do it because they think it will make them happy. But the thing is, nothing outside will ever make you happy. Happiness is inside of you; it is at the core of your being, your true nature, and who you really are. But, keep looking for it outside and be sure you will never find it. Happiness is inherent to you, like the perfume of a beautiful flower, and  the flower cannot smell its own perfume. Its happiness lies in generously and unconditionally share it with other creatures all around. But, contrary to the flower, human being is capable of feeling his own happiness. The condition, however, is to share, like the flower, his happiness with others, in order to feel it inside of himself. Give freely and unconditionally your true nature and your qualities (joy, happiness, kindness, patience, peace, abundance, beauty...) if you want to experience them. That is the secret. 
  7. Enjoy the trip: Don't be attached to the destination. There so many beautiful things to enjoy and appreciate alon the way. Go for them my friend, and enjoy! 
  8. Others:  Someone said: "life is not about you, it is about life itself, or others" And: " there is only one person in the room. It is you, meaning, others". Another one said: "no sacrifice, no service; no service, no satisfaction; no satisfaction, no happiness". These affirmations are quite true.  And Jesus said: "As you'd like to be done onto you, do onto others".
Think about it and...
---Stay synchronized...

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Stop identifying yourself with your ego

You are a multidimentional being, although, like an iceberg, only a tiny part of it is perceived through your physical senses. Don't get confused about it, and never accept to be identifyed with this insignificant part of you. You are much more than that, and much more than you would ever imagine.

The 1/10 part of you would like you believe it is what you are, so that when it is happy, you become also; when it not satisfyed, you are not also; when it is frustrated, angry or afraid, you are also. It is a liar, and you must always stay alert and on your guard, in order to prevent this inferior nature from taking control over you.

To do that, you must become your own observer, in everything you do. You must become the watchman of your mind, and not be totally lost in your actions and reactions in the game of life. That does not mean opposing resistance to your inferior nature, called ego; no. That means just paying attention to what is going on inside of you, without any blame or judgement, and choose to act according to your true nature.

Your inferior nature is like a big hole that can never be filled. Even worse, the more it gets, the bigger it becomes. If you don't get control over yourself, you will end up to a state of complete slavery, always running incessantly after all kind of stuff, money, relationships, fame, and so on.

In the scriptures, it is said: "No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money". That is the truth. For this reason, every time ask yourself over and over: "who am I serving in this moment, is it the spirit of God in me, or my agoistic self?".

When you have found the answer, act according to the Truth you know about your true Self, which is the Spirit of God in you.

Think about it and...
...stay synchronized...

Saturday, December 3, 2011

There is only one version of yourself

Most people do not like the kind of person they are at one point of their life. They always feel inferior or not enough worthy, compared to others around them that seem to be more blessed and more lucky than they are. And, doing so, they make themselves miserable their entire life.

The truth, however, is that they can only be but who they are right now, no more no less, and not who they would like to be. They don't understand that they are a specific version of God and no one, in the entire universe, can be comparable to them.

The point is that you are who you are, and you must accept and love yourself as well as your life just as it is, without condition.  And your life is about anything related to you, such as  your body, your wife, your children, your family and relatives, your friends, your colleagues, your job, your home, your car, your failures, your successes, your weaknesses, your strengths, etc.
Whatever is related to you is part of you, and has contributed to what you are in this moment. And, denying a part it is denying your entire being. Your wholeness then is about your present reality, and nothing can be missing to you. That is, if you loose one leg right now, you are still whole, even without that leg, because your wholeness is about who you are right now, and it is perfect.

From another point of view, if you consider yourself to be a spirit, and not a body, it is evident that whatever occurs to your body cannot affect your spirit which therefore remains whole forever. You see, the meaning of your life depends on the perspective from which you look at it, whatever may happen to you.

From today, the decision to give a positive meaning to the circumstances of your life belongs to you. And what was considered as "bad" before has now become the best thing that could happen to you. Are you ready to  accept this?

Think about it and...
...stay synchronized...

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Just believe that it is so

God's love for His son
Is unconditional and eternal
And everything that happens
Is for his highest good

The son may not understand this truth
And even does not have to understand
For this is not his business
But that of the Holy Spirit

Who Knows this truth
And Is  also the only One
Having received from the Father
The gift of judgement

The business of the son
Is simply to believe that it is so
Through an unshakable faith
Despite any other external suggestion
Contrary to this truth

From this clear understanding
Proof about truth is no longer required
Now the only thing that really matters
Is the state of relief, peace and freedom
That has become his

This inner state of being
Is indeed what the son needs first
Before any accomplishment
Can take place outside

But striving for the reverse
Is putting the cart before the horse
Is swimming against the current
Or expecting to reap without sowing

This is a grave attempt
To violate the natural laws
That govern the universe
And this can work but
Only against you

Think about it...
...and stay synchrinized...

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

You have specific lessons to learn in this lifetime

Human beings are not the same, and will never be. But, there is something in common about all of us. It is that we are here to grow, evolve and expand; and no one can escape from this objective. When I talk about expension, I do not mean  accumulation of stuff, or money. It's about expension of our consciousness, and awakening to our true being.

If you look closely at yourself, you will understand what I am talking about. You will come to notice aspects of yourself that need to be improved, which you know more than anyone else. If you pay attention to other people also, chances are that you would be able to perceive the the gap in them, related to the qualities they have to cultivate and improve in their life.

Among the qualities imaginable in our true nature, let's list just a few: eternity, patience, stillness, beauty, love, unlimitedness, infinity, perfection, joy, faith, certainty, clarity,  etc. Now, what do you think may be your point of improvement in this lifetime?

For many people, some of the lessons they have to learn may be patience or faith. And, in this regard,  two of the best teachers available to us are the seed and the tree. Go and study them, speak to them, and they will reveal their secrets to you.

All around you, teachers for other aspects of your life are waiting for you to be ready, in order to teach you what it is for you to learn.

Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized.

Monday, November 28, 2011

There is always something to feel good about in any situation

There is always something to feel good about in every situation, no matter how awful it may be. So, instead of focusing on the negative aspect, put your attention on the positive one instead. For example if you have an old car and no longer feel good about it, you could consider this:

1) You are lucky because at least, you have got a car. Lots of people, like you, don't have any;
2)  You don't use your shoes like many people;
3) Think about the rainy days with all the mud you would walk in everywhere ;
4) What about the music you listen to every day;
5) It still can take you everywhere you like.
6) What about all the services it provides everyday. You should manifest your gratitude!
7) It still looks nice anyway;
8) Remember that it is a living thing that answer to love;
9) Your desire of a new car is life or energy giving and it is what you want;
10) Who you really are is already fullfilled. You can just align yourself with it;

And the list goes on.

Think about it and...
...stay synchronized...

Sunday, November 27, 2011

The pleasure behind scarcity

In some african regions, especially in Central Africa, grows a kind of shrub whose red fruits are very much appreciated by birds of various species. However, beside loving those fruits, it seems that birds appreciate something else; the search for the search itself, for the pleasure or the fun it provides.

That is, they don't like an abundance of mature and delicious fruits, ready to be eaten, be exposed to them. What they prefer is spending time themselves searching for the good ones, using their beak, until they find and eat them with appetite. Isn't it curious to realize that instead of abundance, those birds choose scarcity?

Sometimes, certain shrubs make their fruits hatch almost all at once, turning all the branches almost into red. When this occurs, instead of rushing on such a chance and fussing around to gulp down as much fruits as they can to feed themselves till death, they avoid these shrubs and fly away; all of them ,witout exception.

Do you think that birds are the only creatures that behave like that? Not at all; even human beings do the same. Is it that the easy way does no procure as much satisfaction as the hard way? Why does what is obtained easily and without effort seem to loose its value and interest?

You can verify this in some loving relationships. For example, meeting a new person is always very exciting.   But, after a while, this excitement falls down on one side or another, when one of the two partners starts manifesting too much love for the other.

At the beginning, it's very satisfying for the ego. But, in time, it can become very ennoying for certain people who no longer look at their partner as they used to do at the beginning of their relationship. Of course, they may still love them, and consider them as an important part of their life.

However, the excitement of the first days of their relationship has vanished, no matter the number of good qualities one could have. As a result, the partner who has lost his or her excitement starts looking outside, to search  new vibrations in someone else.

Why is that? Why, instead of attracting or retaining, too much love, too much abundance, too much stuff, too much success or too much fame make us feel that way? Could it be that getting "too much" of something generates boredom and reduces our interest in certain things?

However, almost everybody would like  to get all they want in life, but not realizing the danger behind it. If you had everything you want, which is by the way impossible in this three dimentional world, for what reason would you keep living on this planet?

Remember, abundance is not what you really want, and you don't really want the outcome either. What you are really looking for, is the state excitement you achieve before the end result, or the manifestation of your desire.

What you are really looking for in any activity you are engaged in, is the fun or pleasure it provides you, and not the end result which is the death of your enthusiasm and your motivation. An old saying goes like this: "the pleasure is in the journey, and not in the destination; in the hunting, and not in the game".

That means, whatever you do, look first for the pleasure and the fun it can provide you, not the outcome. Release any attachment you could have to the end result, and let it take care of itself. Also, understand that in any entreprise lies a diamond, which is the satisfaction, the pleasure or the fun you can find in it.

Your task is to search and find it!

Think about it...
...and stay synchronized. 

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Desire is what you need,not manifestation

Like blood for a physical body, or petrol for an engine car, a desire is nothing more than fuel for mind or energy for life. Without petrol in the car, the engine stops running. And without desire in us, our life stops also.

Human being has become confused about the purpose of desire and its manifestation. He believes that the first is less important and secondary, while the later is considered to be most gratifying and fulfilling.

Nevertheless, only the reverse is true. The manifestation of a desire is not more important than the desire itself. Because without a desire in the first place, there would be no visible outcome.

In addition, if manifestation was the main goal, there wouldn’t be so many other desires popping up almost immediately just after some important desire has been realized.

What does that mean?

It appears that we should change the way we put value to our desires and their manifestations. That is, we must first have a good understanding of who we are, of our functioning, and of our real purpose on this planet. Without this understanding, we wouldn’t be able to live fully and purposely the time we have to spend here.

How would you be able to arrive at destination if you don’t know how your vehicle works, what its main components are and how they relate, some with others.

From now, as far as desires are concerned, understand that their main function is to keep running your inner engine. That is, desires are born to make you going ahead in life. That way, when you are sick, your desire is to be healthy. When you are poor, your desire is to be rich. When you fail or feel stuck, your desire is to be successful. When you feel lonely, your desire is to have a loving relationship, etc.

The short feeling of satisfaction or happiness that emanates from you when a desire manifests helps you to apprehend life positively and gives you courage to move forward. That’s its purpose.

From that perspective, you realize the role and the importance of desires in your life, compared to their manifestations. Also, you understand that the more unfulfilled desires you have in your mind, the more energy or fuel you possess to move forward in life towards the line of arrival that the Almighty has planned for you.

Today, instead of being frustrated, anxious, worried, angry or even afraid about your unfulfilled desires, be happy. Make an inventory and see them as a big stock of fuel energy available for you to go ahead, and not as things missing in your life.

Seeking manifestation first and craving for it, instead of savouring your present desire, is idolatry. It is the same as putting the cart before the horse.

At last, remember that as a multidimensional being, your desires are a reality in the non manifested realm, the 4th dimension, where your Real Self resides, and where everything ever desired is already fulfilled.

Think about it and…
…Stay synchronized

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Resistance to what is and to what is not perpetuates the dream of life

This life, as you perceive it, is not real, but merely a dream. By your attempts to change situations, events, or circumstances you dislike, but which are already in existence, unconsciously through your constant and consistent attention, you feed them with more energy and thus, give them more life. And, the more you try, the more strength they get.

Don't try to change what has been already created. Instead, through your attention and focus, go creating something new. Like that, there would not be any conflict between what is and what is being created. Remember, never resist to what is, let it be just as it is, and pay attention only to what you want to experience.

However, when you realize that this life is merely a dream, and not the real one, you start considering what is and what is wanted as simple illusions, and would neither be resisting again to the first, nor craving for the later.  Because, in both cases, this is perpetuating the dream and, consequently, awakening or getting out of it becomes very probematic.

The secret is to forgive and let go of everything, both what is but you dislike, and what you crave for, but is not there yet; the infinite intelligence in them is their guide and knows what to do, how and when. That way, little by little you detach yourself from all the illusions of this false life created in your mind, and set yourself free.

Think about it...
...And stay synchronized.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Let the dead bury the dead

You cannot put your attention on scarcity, trouble, problems, difficulties, obstacles, limits and so on and expect to achieve clarity, inspiration or happy outcomes. Focusing on the problems you have is like keep moving the mud in the river with the intention to find your lost coin. You will never find it!

Everything  takes place first in the mind which, by nature, is formless and shapeless like free water, but capable to take the form of any bowl or container. Bruce Lee said: "Don't get set into one form, adapt it and build your own, and let it grow, be like water. Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless — like water. Now you put water in a cup, it becomes the cup; You put water into a bottle it becomes the bottle; You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend".

In order to be formless and shapeless like water and able to get set into the form you like, you must first learn how to teach your mind to become still and empty. It is then that clarity will arise and you will be able to see and  finally find  what, deep inside of you, you were looking for, but which you really didn't  know on the surface or conscious level.

Once you've got there, focus all your attention only on that, and forget about what you don't want. Of course, you know it because it makes you feel bad and unease. So, never again pay attention to it by thinking or talking about it. Doing so would strengthen what you don't like and be like attempting to find something lost in the river by turning the mud over and over.

What you want is peace, love and happiness in abundance. Just focus on them only . Allow your mind to take their form, and let those things that trouble you (problems) take care of themselves. That is what Jesus meant by saying: "Allow the dead to bury their own dead" – Matthew 8:22 (18-23) and Luke 9:60 (57-62).

Matthew 8:18-20: "When Jesus saw the crowd around him, he gave orders to cross to the other side of the lake. Then a teacher of the law came to him and said, 'Teacher, I will follow you werever you go.'

"Jesus replied, 'Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.'

"Another disciple said to him, 'Lord, first let me go and bury my father.'

"But Jesus told him, 'Follow me, and let the dead bury the dead.'"

These are very interesting passages in the bible that, when quietly understood, may clarify lots of things in our life.
As stated in the second paragraph, everything takes place in the mind, that can take any shape, just like water. In the scriptures, reference is made to a lake! The crowd that is refered  to here represents  problems in our mind, where their only reality is. As for the other side of the lake, it stands for any good thing that may deserve all your attention.
Here, Jesus advises us to let behind us all trouble, to let go of all the problems in our mind, and focus  only on their opposite, or the other side of the lake, where you can find peace, happiness, joy, security, abundance, beauty, love, etc. Your mind, therefore, would move from one form into another endlessly.
Now, instead of moving continuously  from one form into another, which apparently is a big waste of time, my advice would be that you focus your energy only on Christ, or God.  Because in Him, lies everything you would ever need for peace, happiness, joy, abundance, love, etc. That's why I call Him "All In One" or  "Shortcut" for a fulfilled life.
Think about it...
...And stay synchrinized.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Do you love your Self enough?

The first and most important commandment in the Bible, the Word of God, is:  "“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself” (Luke 10:27).

In the previous post, we talked about how to love God and came up to the conclusion that as God loves us unconditionally and eternally, so should we love Him back unconditionally and eternally also. And, one of  the best ways to do it is through incessant and moment to moment expression of gratitude, for this inestimable gift we are offered, no matter what may happen in our live. Because God's love flows to us incessantly and non stop also.

Benjamin Franklin was right when he suggested, in his first  personal mastery trait, to "Notice the blessing in everything, big and small. Dwell on the beauty in all I see, hear, touch, taste and smell. Realize that everything is a gift from the Almighty and is put there in order to enjoy and learn from".

However, it is clear that no matter what our efforts would be or how hard we would try, it is impossible to love God as He loves us. For this reason, the only thing we can do, is to answer to His love with infinite gratitude and appreciation, in the way that we no longer  feel dissatisfied, frustrated, worried, afraid, powerless, separated or in a word,  not loved by God.

The fact is that through negative feelings or emotions, what we are telling God, although unconsciously, is that He does not love us, so we don't love Him either. Otherwise, we would not experience whatever we would be experiencing in that moment. That is, dispite the permanent flow of God' love towards us, we deny it to ourselves and, at the same time keep ourselves apart from all the blessings we deserve as beloved sons of God the Almighty. Doing so, not only we are not loving ourselves, but we cannot love others either.

In addition, when we are unhappy, dissatisfied,  unloving about ourselves for anything, we are also not loving God, our creator. And, this is understandable. Because if we dont' love the Son, how can we love the Father. More specifically, if you cannot love your Self , the Son of God in you, how can you love Him in others, as recommended by the Word of God?

Remember also that you have only one Self, that you have to live with in this lifetime. Notice how unhappy you have been up to this moment, just because you don't love it as you should. Realize that you cannot exchange it and never any other would be available to you during this life time. So, you have only one choice: You love your Self and are happy, or you don't and become miserable all your life. What do you choose?

At last, have in mind that there is only one Self, which is in you, in everybody as well as in everything else. God loves this Self (You) without condition. In return, love it and be happy. Forgive your Self in you and in others for all the seemingly mistakes and errors you could notice. Be totally satisfied, kind, caring  and encouraging towards it. That way, you would be able to do the same for your neighbors as you would also recognize this divine and unique Self in them.

Like that, you fulfill the will of God for His Son,  present in the entire creation.

Think about it and...
Stay synchronized.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

How to love God?

How to love God?

This question sounds like the one related to how to be happy? And for me, in the question also lies the answer. That is, you love God by loving God, just as you are happy by being happy. Period. Both love and happiness are one and of the same nature.

A few questions arising here are the followings:  Who or What is God? And what does it mean to love God?

Who or What is God?

It is said that God is the ultimate Source of everything, and His love for us is unconditional and eternal. Personally, I believe it strongly. However, in order to understand Who or what is God, we must first know what He is not. In a word, God is not what we perceive with our physical senses, but the spirit, the essence of it. Therefore, in order to love God, we shouldn't invest too much on the things manifested, which are merely idols, but on their Source.

What does it mean to love God?

Knowing that God's love and blessings never stops and flows to us eternally, to love God then logically becomes to answer to His love for us in return, in the same way it is given to us. That is, we must give thanks to God incessantly, non-stop, and abundantly, in order to express our gratitude and thankfulness to Him.

God's love flows to us abundantly and eternally. Answer by incessantly returning to Him your gratitude and thankfulness every moment of the day, and in every circumstance. That is one way you love God in return.

Think about and...
Stay synchronized.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

If you don't understand why "you" are stuck

Dispite all your efforts and good will, you don't understand why sometimes things do not work the way you want. "You" feel stuck and no longer know what to do in order to improve the situation that displeases "you". The first wise attitude is to express gratitude to God.

You would ask, why?

Simply because "you" don't have a clue what's going on under the surface of things. Your whole life is like an iceberg. "You" can see only the top, not the big part of it. Only God holds the whole picture, and you cannot know more than Him. Therefore, say thank you to God, because everything is for your highest good.

Then you would ask, why in spite of knowing it, I don't achieve the relief and peace I seek, which are the only things I really need? Why then all this frustration, worry and anger in me?

You don't achieve the relief and peace you seek because of your identification with ego. In fact, it is not really you, feeling these negative emotions. It is your false self, or ego, that feels that way and makes you feel the same, due to your unconscious identification with it.  The purpose of ego, hidden in you, is to make you believe that it is you, and you are what it is; which of course, is  untrue.

But, is there a way out? Is it possible to suppress this identification and stop suffering?

Eckhart Tolle suggests to let all negative emotions and feelings be, and meet them without any judgement or resistance, until they fade away like smoke. Otherwise, resistance and suffering would get stronger and stronger, and compromise the relief and peace we seek.

On the other hand, teachings from a "Course in miracle" ask us to forgive everything, so that only love takes place in us. And through this forgiveness would we awaken from the dream of life and get back home to God, which means to achieve the relief and peace we long for.

It is essential for human being then to understand and know why he is here on this planet, in order to deal wisely with life. He must also know that everything life brings to us today, in this moment, is tied to something else in the past or our past lives.

That is, nothing happens to us by chance. And life does not unfold randomly. Everything, without exception,  is the consequence of our previous thoughts, feelings and actions. Call it karma ot whatever, the fact is that we pay the price or get the reward for whatever we have done in in the past. 

Forgiveness, for this reason, is of great importance here, as escape from the implacable laws that govern the universe is impossible. It is only when you have learned the lessons brought to you by life through all the forms it takes before us, that would you grow and evolve towards higher levels of consciousness.

Think about it and...
Stay synchronized...

Thursday, July 28, 2011

God's omnipresence, omniscience and omnipotence as the key for living

Whenever you perceive a problem, a difficulty, or an obstacle in any situation, this is a perfect indicator that you are doing it wrong. That you are not going with the flow. But are swimming against the current. Also, that means you are not seeing, but just interpreting. Because real seeing is based on truth or reality, which in turn are the fruits of knowledge, while interpretion is an outcome of our limited physical senses.

Your interpretation of something is based on your unique limited point of view, depending on all your  past experiences and unconscious memories, your environment, your traditions, your culture, etc. All these parameters form the filter used by you, unconsciously, to interpret everything you perceive. That is, your conscious participation in this process is very weak, because of its automatic nature. In other words, most of the time it is taking place through you without  you knowing it, unless you become awake or conscious. 

Too become awake or conscious requires knowledge. The knowledge of Truth, or reality. Then, live according to it. But, what is truth? It is nothing else but God, which is the name that summerizes everything good; such as love, harmony, joy, happiness, kindness, abundance, wisdom, clarity, wholeness, oneness, kindness, peace, perfection, etc. 

As individuals, all of us we have our personal view about everything, that is different from one person to another, according to the perspective from which we are looking at the world; perspective strongly tied to our core values, which are byproducts of our past memories and experiences, as stated earlier.  

However, never will our personal perspective or point of view be true. Because it is too partial and, therefore, different and opposed to the whole. At the contrary, truth is wholeness, oneness and perfection. And, only perfection is, has always been, and will ever be, dispite the apparent turmoil of daily life.

What does that mean? Simply that nothing that you may perceive with your physical senses is as you see it. Because you perceive only from your partial perspective only. The fact is that you are blind, deaf and therefore, cannot really see.

For this reason, you cannot judge anything whatsoever. And because of that, the only thing you must do is giving whatever happens to God, Who holds the whole picture, and can see the truth for you. Taking into account God's omnipresence, omniscience and omnipotence, ask Him to see for you, to hear for you, to speak for you, to do for you and, above all, to judge for you. Step aside, and let Him do for you what you cannot do for yourself.

Also, as you cannot judge, so can you not do anything either. Because only God, the Almighty, can do everything. For this reason, your part is only to surrender. The condition that irritates you does so just because of the lack of depth in your thinking. You are too superficial and always stops on the surface of things.

But, in case you cannot stop judging the world around you, do it the right way. That is, knowing that because of His Omnipresence, only God is and nothing else, start seeing Him everywhere, in every man and woman, as well as in every circumstance. That way, you judge righteously, according to the truth.

Think about it and...
Stay synchronized...

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Your life flows exactly as you chosed

Any resistance you oppose to whatever you dislike in life is but resistance against yourself. You are not separated from anyone or anything. You are all, and all is you. The reason why you suffer sometimes then is because when you resist to something you believe is outside of you, what you are doing in fact is attacking yourself, which is in everyone, everything and every circumstance.

Things do not happen to you as you think. How could this be if you and everything are one? To think that it is so is believing that you can be a victim, which is believing in separation. However, as you may know it up to this moment, such thing as separation is not only untrue, but impossible.

Also, before showing up in this life time and space, you knew exactly what it was all about and, confidently agreed to come anyway, with the firm will to do your part in correcting the errors and mistakes of your past lives and evolve. Now, if you had to make your self evaluation today what would be the conclusions?

Think about it and...
Stay synchronized.


Tuesday, June 28, 2011


You are a multidimensional being, living simultaneously in all dimensions of existence, but currently without you knowing it. This is not strange if you are conscious of  your eternal nature. Nevertheless, in the fullness of your being, you are perfectly aware of your totality.

Synchrony, then, implies that you are consciously whole, not fragmented. However, when you consider yourself to be only the physical part living in this world, you become fragmented.  The good news is that you are not only that visible physical body. Like an iceberg, another part of who you are dwells at the same time in the fourth dimension, where thoughts  manifest almost instantaneously.

But, most of the time, you focus all your attention and energy only on this third dimension, crystalising whatever you perceive in it, instead of letting the source flow naturally through you at the same speed it does in the fourth dimension.

However, you realize synchrony only when you become conscious of your wholeness and live accordingly. But when you focus only on what is in the third dimension, you start resisting and going against the flow that is you in the fourth dimension, just as if you were paddling against the current.

In other words, your constant attention to what you perceive and do not like creates at the beginning some resistance which, in time, amplifies little by little, until it becomes so strong that wellbeing can no longer flow naturally through you. That is, what you do not want gets densified and opaque at the point that change becomes so slow that it seems almost impossible.

When this occurs, you feel bad and the more resistance gets stronger and stronger, the more you feel bad and negative also. But, how to get out of this dilemma?

To release resistance and make well being flow again normally, stop focusing negatively your attention on the subject of this resistance, to let it go. That is, you must change the kind of energy and vibration you send to whatever you resist in order to change its subatomic structure.

What are the kind of energy and vibrations you send out to the object of your resistance? If it is charged with  negative emotion such as worry, anxiety, frustration or fear, you are building some great resistance which will prevent wellbeing from flowing through you. Once you notice it, do something contrary by sending another kind of energy, filled with joy, happiness, confidence, peace, insouciance, security, satisfaction, enough, appreciation, gratitude, etc.

Remember, you don't do it to change anything. You do it only to change the way you feel, and it's enough.
Know that you are like a pipe, through which your higher self expresses itself continuously. Your part then, is to help only what is good to be expressed through you, by collaborating with source, in order to allow wellbeing to manifest for the benefit of all.

A pipe does not resist, but just allows whatever comes to flow through it, "good" or "bad" without trying to change it.

Think about it and...
Stay synchronized.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Three reminders for dealing with occurences

Whatever may happen to you in life, always keep in mind the following:


1- His love for you is unconditional and eternal;
2- Everything is a blessing and comes for your highest good, as it is an opportunity to learn and to grow;
3- In this order, you must return your love to God, in the form of gratitude and appreciation for everything.


1- That is your main purpose, and it is achieved through forgiveness; forgiveness of yourself, of others, and everything;
2- But, resistance to what is, is the principal enemy you would ever have to overcome. So, never give room to it;
3- Always, manifest gratitude and appreciation  for whatever pops up in your life, without judging  it as "bad" or whatever.


1- Loose yourself. You don't have an individual or separate life, apart from God. God is All That Is, and nothing exists out of Him. You suffer only because you resist, and you resist because of your attempts to separate yourself from the Whole,which is other people, events and circumstances, forgetting that if the branch separates itself from the tree, it dies.
2- Therefore, become One with everybody and everything. That way, you no longer separate yourself from the Whole (God) and will not feel poor, abandoned, alone or powerless again. Because you now understand that your neighbor, your colleague, your mate,  the "stranger" in the street and yourself, are One and only One being.

Also, you no longer run after anything, as you realize that what belongs to others is yours, also. So, you feel and express gratitude for others's blessings, instead of jealousy, knowing that like this, you will experience them in return.Because you would have finally understood that all the branches of one single tree share the same sap.

Think about it and...
Stay synchronized.

The omnipresence of God

Like a fish in the ocean
I move in the omnipresence of God
Whose unlimited abundance
Fills the inter space of the universe

Like a bird in the sky
I move in the omnipresence of God
The space of absolute freedom
In which choices are unlimited

Like a seed in the ground
I move in the omnipresence of God
Confidently growing in the dark of the unknown
Into unconditional and unshakable faith

Like a giant tree in the forest
I move in the omnipresence of God
Rising proudly and majestically towards the light
With unwavering confidence

Like a baby in the womb of his mother
I move in the omnipresence of God
Floating insouciantly in water
In perfect safety

Wherever I may go
Whatever I may do
Whatever may happen
I am not alone, because
I move in the omnipresence of God

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Tell Them

They used to say
Don't expect to be recruited
A new post cannot be created
The Organisation's resources
Are currently very limited

I say, don't pay attention to them!

Then they would wonder
How good you would be in a new domain
As your professional background
And the available position seem to not match

Tell them there is nothing you cannot do!

Then they would say
A higher diploma is required for the new position
So you'd better resume your university studies
And get a degree suitable for the available post

I say, don't mind and go for it!

Now they say
You were not born under a lucky star
Finally there is no avaible post
And a new one cannot be created either
Surely this situation will remain unchanged for years
And unfortunately there is nothing to do about it
We are so sorry for this misunderstanding 

I say, MTruth is not their truth and again, refuse to listen to them!

Tell them Who I am
Tell them I am God, the Almighty
The Field of Infinite possibilities
Where the impossible and  the possible meet
Tell them My creativity is really unlimited
That I am not restricted by preconceived ideas
And can open access to anything not only imaginable
But also unimaginable and much more

Tell them Who you Really Are
Tell them You are a Miracle
That like your Father, nothing is impossible to you
Tell them they don't have a clue what's going on
Underneath the surface of things
And that My Ways are not theirs
So whatever physical senses may perceive
Everything is perfectly Right As It Is
And All is Well indeed...

Tell them!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Forgiveness as medicine for peace of mind and healing

You are a spiritual being, using a physical body. As such, you must seek mostly what is spiritual, not the reverse. Don't forget your main purpose here, which is to use the world as a means for getting back home, through forgiveness and love. But, there is something very important to remember. It is that you cannot do it alone, without some help. This help is given by the Holy Spirit in you.

The Holy Spirit is your savior, because he knows everything about your life and is able to do for you what you cannot do for yourself. That is why you must leave the driver's seat of your life and completely rely on him, instead of counting on your pitty self for sustanaible solutions to your problems .

Joy, peace or love cannot precede forgiveness, just as healing cannot precede the treatment of a disease. That is impossible. Forgiveness, which is the medicine of your soul to heal your shady  mind, must come first, before healing can take place in the form of peace, joy, etc.

It is only when your mind is healed, that the experience of something else can follow. That means, your other needs are fullfilled after the appropriate state of mind is achieved.  Nothing can be found in shady water,  quite as nothing constructive can go out of a disturbed spirit.

So stillness, which is  for water what forgiveness is for the mind,  is required, before clarity may come and enable you to find what you have been searching  for so long, the Holy Spirit; the solution to all your problems, which has always been there, waiting  for you quietly, patiently and lovingly.
The only reason you weren't able to find Him, up to this moment, is merely because you continued with  excitement to disturb the water of the river (your mind) with all your unconscious negative thoughts, instead of calming down, letting go and relax, in order to achieve the stillness state that brings clarity and healing.

 "Seek first the Kingdom of God and everything else will be added onto you". Realize that the key to the Kingdom is forgiveness, through which  clarity, love, joy, happiness, good, kindness, peace, gratitude, appreciation, charity, satisfaction and so on, can be found. As soon as you unlock the door, you can then experience all other benefits.

The mistake most people do is seeking the benefits first, in form of acquisitions, for instance. However, in this way, it is but putting the cart before the horse. God, All That Is, should be your main center of interest, before anything else. Consequently, love Him unconditionally and, let the Holy Spirit guide you, as you don't know how to do.  It is in this condition only, that the rest (health, relationship, acquisitions...) can follow.

The fact is, when you put something else before God, it will take time to come into manifestation. As a result , you become frustrated, anxious, worried, unhappy, disappointed, etc. And, due to the law of attraction, the more you feel that way, the more you become so, and the less you have chance to get what you want.

Think about it and...
Stay synchronized.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Mind is like a blank record-able DVD

Your mind is like a record-able DVD, on which anything can be written, drawn, designed, or painted and, what you put on it is up to you. You are totally free to draw whatever you like and nobody else can do it for you. Unfortunately, most of us are drawing or creating on it by default, using as programs, unconscious thoughts and feelings opposed to what they truly want.

You must understand that this blank DVD called mind is highly sensitive. That is, anything you think, feel or speak is instantly recorded in its memory. For this reason, you must pay attention  to the thoughts and feelings you maintain in your mind.

Now, what kind of world would you like for you and the persons you care about? How would you like your life to be? what kind of surroundings would you like to have around? Who would you like to be?
There are no limits to your choices, because the capacity of this blank DVD memory is absolutely unlimited.

First, you must become clear about your world as you would like it to be. Once you've got this clarity, the second step is to make a list of all the things you want to see in it. Then, paint it, drawn it or design it, by making a detailed description of the items it contains in every area of your life.

As you have designed a global picture of your ideal world, this becomes your personal reality from which you live. That means, from this moment, you must live according to this new paradigm, no matter what your physical senses tell you about the external world which, of course, is your creation, although many things it contains are not as you would like them to be.

You must now behave,  think and feel as if this new world you have drawn in your personal blank DVD is real indeed, until it takes place outside and replaces the old one. That is more or less what Jesus said when answering to a question about prayer. He said, "...when asking for something to your Father in Heaven believe that you have received, and you will have it...".

You don't have to tell anyone about it. The risk is that you become considered by them to be a madman. Just believe it and act as if it is true; because it is, indeed. Don't make the mistake to rely on your physical senses to confirm you the truth. As you know, they are so limited that only a tiny portion of reality, representing the visible part of the iceberg, can be perceived by them. However, there is far much more to see in the invisible plane than you can even imagine.

In fact, who you really are, at the spiritual level, has and is already everything. But, until you stop waiting for things outside of you, they will not come into your experience. Because doing it is an affirmation of their absence in your life.

If you were rich, with millions of dollars on your bank account balance, would you worry again for money? Would you feel powerless again if you had become now the kind of person you would like  to be? The state of mind you would have achieved in those conditions is exactly the one you must now cultivate, through your personal record-able DVD, and once the subconscious has been totally convinced of this new reality which is yours, manifestation is spontaneously projected to the visible world.

Warning: At this point, never again feel deprived of anything. You already have your inner personal Kingdom and nobody can take it away from you. Anything else, contrary to this reality is a lie; as such, you don't have to believe it. Don't ask or expect anything outside of yourself. The world you perceive does not have the capacity to give you anything you desire, because it is just a sort of giant screen, like a computer's screen, that reproduces and displays only the images which have been, in the first place, introduced into the memory of the computer machine. So, never again believe what you think or what people say that does not conform with the Reality of God or Truth, which is diametrically opposed to physical senses.

Review the description of  items on your list everyday, at night before sleeping and early in the morning, just before waking up. Don't pay attention to the current conditions in which you still seem to be and that you dislike. You cannot see it but, little by little, it is changing and very soon will fade away.

Alway,  remember that who you really are is already everything. The only thing you have to do is to allow his manifestation to take place, just by acting as if, while ignoring whatever your physical senses may suggest.

 Think about it and...
Stay synchronized.

Friday, May 20, 2011

It will be done onto you according to your faith

It will be done onto you according to your faith. This eternal truth in the holy scriptures has been repeated over and over since centuries and is still accurate today.Simply put, the meaning you give to anything in your life will be your reality. 

It is for this same reason Christ advised to not judge anything. "Judge not", he said, for whatever judgement you will give to any event or circumstance will turn out to be your personal reality. Because your judgement then becomes a decision that produces effects. We had already discussed this issue in the past. But I think it is worth coming back on this important question which is in direct relationship with the way we create our life.

The point where I'd like to get is the following. As you are going into a certain experience in your life, particularly the one you judge as "bad", pay attention to what you think and how you feel presently about it. Because, as stated earlier, your outcomes  will be in direct proportion with what you believe, and the way you think and feel.

There is one thing to keep in mind, always. It is that God loves you and everything you experience is for your highest good. From this postulate, only give positive meanings to everything and see whatever you experience as a blessing, because it is, indeed.

The advantage of this technique is that not only will you neither no longer feel bad and negative about yourself, nor see yourself as a victim, powerless, not enough, limited, guilty, separated from God and so on, but chances are that what was previously perceived as "bad" experiences will turn out to be very positive ones as well as blessings in your life. 

Benjamin Franklin, one of the greatest american thinkers put it well in one of his personal mastery traits with this advice: "notice the blessing in everything, big and small, dwell on the beauty in all I see, hear touch, taste and smell. Realize that everything is a gift from the Almighty and is put there in order to enjoy and learn from".

Once again, the meaning you give to whatever you experience is up to you, and will become your personal reality, not only inwardly, but externally also. In this lifetime, everyone of us has his particular lessons to learn, in particular circumstances. That explains why our birth conditions are not the same.We were not born in  same countries, in same families, or with the same color. 

There had never been a competition of any kind, or a contest from which winners got the reward to be born in specific countries and in specific conditions. Therefore, demonstrating pride for being a citizen of  one specific country, for ones appartenence in such or whatever, are pure ignorance. Even worse, this mental attitude would take you far away from your purpuse, which is to learn during this life time, and delay your personal evolution.

Being "rich" or "famous" in this world is not a gratification or a reward you receive in recognition of a personal performance or achievement  in some discipline. Just as being "poor" or suffering from a grave "disease" is not a sort of punishment due to some bad deeds in the past. Those are merely conditions we all go through in one moment or another in the cycle of  life, to enable us to learn what is to be learn in our process of evolution.

Those who are rich and famous today had already lived in different conditions and will again go through many others in the cycle of their existence. The same thing is true for those who are considered as poor today. It is sometimes amazing to see people telling others proudly how they got where they are, in terms of acquisitions, fame, or wealth as if at the level of ego, they were totally in charge of their apparent success. 

The truth is, those people don't even have a clue themselves how they got where they currently are. They have only an idea of what can be perceived on the surface of the conscious mind which, as known today, represents a very tiny and insignificant part of human being consciousness, unlimited and including the subconscious and the superconscious.
Today, everybody wants to be rich and famous and no one wants to be poor, because material "poverty" is seen as something "bad". But, who really knows the purpose of this apparent misery? Who reaches a clear understanding of the deep meaning and the profound wisdom hidden behind these particular conditions against which the entire planet is fighting?

If being poor was such a hideous condition, why did Buddha left the comfort of his fathers' palace, for this condition in which he finally found enlightenment? Why did Jesus refuse the riches of the world  proposed  by the devil or ego to him?  

Can you imagine a world in which everybody is rich and famous? In such a world, who will be doing what for whom? In other words, who then will be the master and who will be the servant? Who will be applauding the other? Who will be the teacher and who will be the student? And if everybody gets rich, what value will have money again?

You should thing about it. The relative value money has today is simply due to the fact that almost 4/5 of the population is "poor". Now, invert the tendency, and the richest men of the world will become anonymous, maybe like you in this moment.

Somenone  is called "rich", only because another is called "poor". There is neither superiority nor inferiority in that, because both are just two sides of the same coin; learning different lessons from different perspectives. It is just like that.  

You see, nothing is really as you imagine, or as you perceive it. You are absolutely a perfect son of God, living now certain conditions in this life time. I can assure you, there is nothing "good" nor "bad" in those conditions; just lessons to learn from them. 

However, the best way to live these conditions, particularly the "bad" ones that almost everybody wants to avoid, is through understanding, based on the knowledge that underneath each  circumstance lies a lesson, and a blessing, whose sole purpose, when discovered, is to help you evolve a step further, on your path to your spiritual realization.    

Think about it and...
Stay synchronized...

Thursday, May 19, 2011

For only one reason you can be happy or unhappy

For one single thing, you can be unhappy your all life. In general, this unhappiness is about something you want, but that takes time to come, or seems impossible for you to have. Therefore, you get worried, anxious or frustrated.

In addition, that which you want if often related to your body or your ego, such as a relationship, a baby, money, a car, a home, or something of this kind.

The good news is that, as you can be unhappy for one single thing, so can you be happy also for one single thing. And this is about what you consider to be the most important in your life.   

For example, one reason to be happy for is realizing that you are not your boby, but something higher that that. From there, any negative feeling  you experience that is related to it does not matter any longer. Because you will have finally understood  that your true nature is far beyond the seemingly limits you can experience at the level of your body.

Think about it and...
Stay synchronized...


Monday, May 9, 2011

100% responsibility without blame or avoidance for whatever bothers you

Not a victim, but 100% responsible

When you think or say that somebody has done this or that to you, what you are doing, in fact, is making yourself a victim by giving up your inner God given power to the benefit of someone else outside of you. Remember, nobody has the power to trouble you or make you suffer. Because in fact, there is no such thing as out there and you are 100% responsible of how you react to occurrences.  Any negativity you experience is but an indicator of your passive relationship with the ego and your inability to choose against it in favor of life itself, which is what is.You consider yourself as a victim of life. You think that life, or God, is against you. In fact, you are victim of ego, a puppet in its hands. The ego originates these negative thoughts and feelings in you, and make you believe they are yours. Refuse to listen and put yourself again into slavery. Life is what is, as it is, not as you'd like it to be. Go with the flow and not against it. Resistance is a strategy used by the ego in order to survive
Do not blame the mirror or messengers

Once you understand that the world, people, events, circumstances and whatever, are gifts whose sole purpose is your awareness of what is going on inside of you, you no longer blame anybody or anything outside of you. Instead, manifest gratitude for whatever you perceive in the mirror of life, including people, events and circumstances that come to you as messengers, to let you know what’s going on in you. Your goal is to see the world as God does, and not how the ego wants you to perceive it. Therefore, look at whatever comes to you as a blessing, with appreciation and gratitude. Then, take the right action accordingly; action based on forgiveness, love, appreciation and gratitude.

Remember that it is ego, not you

Always, have in mind that it is not you, enduring these troubles and experiencing all these negative feelings, emotions and diseases. But, your ego, that wants you to feel like a victim. This is an insidious game that it is playing with you. He wants you to believe that what you are is what it is; so that you react not as you should, but as it wants. Be vigilant therefore and stay awake. So that, in your awareness, you are able to make the right choice, moment to moment.  That is, whether you decide, or are a puppet.

Don't make the mistake to avoid what bothers you

Often people do whatever they can to run away from others, events, or circumstances that make them unease.What they don't know is that as long as they avoid this feeling of uneasiness, it will keep showing up over and over, until they make total peace with it.When you understand once and for all that the purpose of whatever you perceive as threatening to you is not to harm you, but to help you find your way back home through forgiveness and love, you no longer attempt to avoid it. Because you finally realize that this escape is but  a delay of your return to who you really are.

Think about it and...
Stay synchronized...

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Knowledge is not enough

Like musicians, sculptors, painters and so on, spiritual teachers, self help experts or motivational speakers are a category of artists also, but that are not known as such. When you are in front of a beautiful painting, or are listening to a nice peace of music, you enter in a deep state of admiration, appreciation, or even love. You are like transported in another dimension and become one with it

But, the fact is that although you can enjoy and appreciate one peace of art,  it's evident that you will not be able to reproduce the same performance like the artist himself, unless you masters the discipline also. If this is true for conventional arts, it is also true for spirituality and any other discipline.

The mastery of any kind of discipline requires years of years of dedicated practice and hard work, before significant results can appear outside. Having enjoyed listening to a nice piece of music does not mean you have become an artist. Unfortunately that is the common  mistake people make in spirituality or self development.

Many believe that because they have enjoyed reading  an interesting book or attending a wokshop on spirituality or self development, when they return home, results will come overnight and they will be able to live the life of their dream as promissed by the author or speaker.

This same error has gone through centuries and it explains why since the death of Christ 2000 years ago, humanity has not achieved  real change. People are convinced that it is enough to go to church on sunday and read the bible, then they will be good christians, followers of Christ and all their life will change at once without any other effort on their part. Unfortunately, things do not work like that.and when people do not  get what they want from life, they think that life is against them and so, they get frustrated, deceived and lose their faith.

Great masters never said that the path to any kind of achievement is easy.Not at all. Constant and consistent practice is necessary before any outcome can be achieved in the long run.

The Truth is that there is only one artist and only one performer: God Himself. He is the Spirit that expresses Himself (beauty) throuh human being, His channel of expression. But, for this expression to take place, favorable conditions are necessary.

 These conditions are met only through practice and exercise. That is the only thing required from human being. When this requirement is met, God manifests Himself and results become spontaneous in the form the beauty people appreciate and enjoy.

Think about it and...
Stay synchronized    

Friday, February 18, 2011

You leave all this

There is something curious I observe when someone is "dead". Parents, friends and relatives, all around the body, keep crying all their tears for days. Some even keep mourning for months. But, some times later, you can see them laughing joyously and behaving as usual in their daily life.

Many of them forget death easily and consider it to be for others only, and not for them. They keep living their life as though nothing didn't even happen, until one day, their turn, they are surprised by this undesirable visitor.

Why that? Why do people behave like that? Why can't we prepare ourselves for this transistion?


Thtat's the main reason. We are afraid to prepare ourselves and even to think about it. So, we forget about it. But, is it wise?

In my opinion, we should, averyday of our life, be prepared. So that when time comes, we are not surprisedn at all.

We should remember that we are not from here, and that nothing of this world belongs to us, as nothing of this world can hurt us. Eternity is what we are, and nothing else.

Think about it and...
Stay synchronized.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Knowledge is light

"Although a man may be book learned, if he does not apply what he learns, he is like a blind man who, with a lamp in his hand, cannot see the road".

Knowledge is useless without application, and application comes from practice.It must be put into practice or exercise moment to moment, until it becomes an habit of thought and action in you, and produces fruits or the desired results.

You don't lighten your lamp to put it under the bed. Instead, you do it to bring light into darkness and  transform it into light. Knowledge is the same. You take it with you everywhere you go. But, unless you use it, it cannot be exercised, grow, get strong and become an habit of thought or action.

Therefore, use the knowledge you have and don't hide it. Let it shine all over the places as often as possible.
Over and over, ask yourself  "what do I know about this", "what do I know that relates to this". You will remember and will exercise...

Think about it and...
... Stay synchronized.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Real faith is based on knowledge

At a very subtle level of matter, there is energy, and it is All That Is. There is nothing else. Everyone of us and everything that exists are made of that same stuff. This energy, however, is alive and fully conscious.

Being, all of us, made of that same stuff, we have and are already therefore everything. The only big challenge we face in this dimension is to learn and master the art of molding or rearranging this energy as we like and in the way we wish, according to our profound desires.

But, without a good knowledge and understanding of the nature of this energy, about how it works and how to collaborate better with it, our life becomes an everyday struggle.

If everything in existence, including all of us, is made of energy, and energy being All That Is at the subtle lever of matter, abundance is therefore All That Is. Unfortunately, we are not aware of that, due to our lack of knowledge.

Do you know why most of third world countries, despite all their abundant natural resources, are poor? The main reason is their lack of "knowing how to". In short, it is their lack or knowledge, or absence of advanced technology that would enable them to transform resources into manufactured goods which, when sold on international markets, would make them rich and financially independant.

What is true for these countries is true for people also, no matter what part of the world there are living in. Everyone of us is naturally abundant at the level of energy, but very few on the planet are rich. Because they don't know how to delibarately transform this energy into form or the kind of objects, events, circumstances or whatever they would like to enjoy in our life.

You see, knowledge is most important than anything else, if you want change in any area of your life. For this reason, real faith is based on knowledge, although some positive results can be obtained with blind faith. You have to know yourself first and understand how works the energy that surrounds you and, in order to collaborates successfully with it.

Here are some of its characteristics:

1) Infinite abundance;
2) Infinitely intelligence;
3) High sensitivity to thoughts and feelings;
4) Unlimited flexibility and malleability;
5) Full consciousness;
6) Omnipresence;
7) Omnipotence;
8) Omniscience;
9) Absolute neutrality, etc.

These are just a few of its attributes, and to know them is absolutely indispensable if you want to master the art of energy transformation. In addition, you must live always consciously, with vigilence, and focused. To live consciously means not to let your thoughts wander everywhere, but give your attention only to the things you want to experience in your life through the Energy Molding Art.


Your attention is a very powerful tool which, when focused on a specific thought or subject, influences their related highly intelligent energy subatomic particles. These subatomic particles rearrange themselves into their correspondant  particles which, in turn, organize themselves into atoms that finally put themselves together in the form of desired objects, events or circumstances, according to the nature of  thought or the mental images you hold in your mind.

The entire world, as you see, is in you. What appears outside is nothing else but a mere reflection of the inside.

Remember, you are abundant, that's true. But, to become rich or wealthy and enjoy any physical experience you desire, you must possess knowledge and live accordingly.

Know yourself, said the philosopher!
Think about it and...
Stay synchronized.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Who said it is easy?

Often, many self help gurus or spiritual teachers make you believe, through their success stories, that change is easy and that you just have to learn and apply what they teach in order to achieve the same results.

This is simply not the truth. Things have become relatively easy for certain people because they have attained a certain level of consciousness and understanding of the truth after dedicating years and years of practice, or even lives. Results, then, seemed to come almost effortlessly.

But this is not the case for everyone. Or, men wouldn't remain at this point two thousands years after Christ teachings. The truth is, although we are the same in our divine essence, we are however very different at the level of our conscious state.

What most self help gurus are teaching people is that success, wealth, health, peace of mind or whatever are easy because they have succeeded in one area or another of their life, without an idea of what the conscious level of their students is. They just say "I have succeeded, so can you. Use my materials and do the same".

Personally, I think it would be honest on their part to let people know that results do not come overnight, just after reading a particular book or attending a particular seminar. Unfortunately, it is what most self help gurus promise, and average people run to buy these products without any guarantee of success.

So, understand one thing. You will never be like anyone else, despite all your efforts to do so. Use the knowledge that comes your way with the only purpose to make progress, and not to get results now, or you will be disappointed.

Know one thing, results do not depend on you, but personal efforts do. In other words, you are not accountable for results, but only for your efforts to make progress and evolve to higher levels of consciousness which, when attained will produce correspondent outcomes. But, never will you be able to produce outcomes that are not in harmony with who you are now. Always remember that!

And, don't worry about not being perfect here on this plane, about not mastering yourself, or not achieving your goals. What really matters is your will to make progress. Then, let results take care of themselves when time comes, in this lifetime or another. They know how to manage doing that.

Also, never forget that you are an eternal being, and that your life does not stop with what you call death. The truth is that you live forever and, what is not achieved now, will be reached in one life or another. Be patient therefore, and still. Those are your attributes in eternity. Patience with yourself , patience with others and patience with events and circumstances.

Two thousands years ago, the Great master Jesus said that the things He was doing, we will be doing the same, or even greater ones. He didn't affirm that we would do them overnight. He knew that it takes time to change and awaken from our current state of consciousness to high level ones.

So, it is not easy. And, affirming the contrary would be a lie. Again, be contented to make efforts towards progress. That's your part. And let results to take care of themselves in God's hands.

Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized.