Who I Really Am






Tuesday, June 28, 2011


You are a multidimensional being, living simultaneously in all dimensions of existence, but currently without you knowing it. This is not strange if you are conscious of  your eternal nature. Nevertheless, in the fullness of your being, you are perfectly aware of your totality.

Synchrony, then, implies that you are consciously whole, not fragmented. However, when you consider yourself to be only the physical part living in this world, you become fragmented.  The good news is that you are not only that visible physical body. Like an iceberg, another part of who you are dwells at the same time in the fourth dimension, where thoughts  manifest almost instantaneously.

But, most of the time, you focus all your attention and energy only on this third dimension, crystalising whatever you perceive in it, instead of letting the source flow naturally through you at the same speed it does in the fourth dimension.

However, you realize synchrony only when you become conscious of your wholeness and live accordingly. But when you focus only on what is in the third dimension, you start resisting and going against the flow that is you in the fourth dimension, just as if you were paddling against the current.

In other words, your constant attention to what you perceive and do not like creates at the beginning some resistance which, in time, amplifies little by little, until it becomes so strong that wellbeing can no longer flow naturally through you. That is, what you do not want gets densified and opaque at the point that change becomes so slow that it seems almost impossible.

When this occurs, you feel bad and the more resistance gets stronger and stronger, the more you feel bad and negative also. But, how to get out of this dilemma?

To release resistance and make well being flow again normally, stop focusing negatively your attention on the subject of this resistance, to let it go. That is, you must change the kind of energy and vibration you send to whatever you resist in order to change its subatomic structure.

What are the kind of energy and vibrations you send out to the object of your resistance? If it is charged with  negative emotion such as worry, anxiety, frustration or fear, you are building some great resistance which will prevent wellbeing from flowing through you. Once you notice it, do something contrary by sending another kind of energy, filled with joy, happiness, confidence, peace, insouciance, security, satisfaction, enough, appreciation, gratitude, etc.

Remember, you don't do it to change anything. You do it only to change the way you feel, and it's enough.
Know that you are like a pipe, through which your higher self expresses itself continuously. Your part then, is to help only what is good to be expressed through you, by collaborating with source, in order to allow wellbeing to manifest for the benefit of all.

A pipe does not resist, but just allows whatever comes to flow through it, "good" or "bad" without trying to change it.

Think about it and...
Stay synchronized.

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