Whenever you perceive a problem, a difficulty, or an obstacle in any situation, this is a perfect indicator that you are doing it wrong. That you are not going with the flow. But are swimming against the current. Also, that means you are not seeing, but just interpreting. Because real seeing is based on truth or reality, which in turn are the fruits of knowledge, while interpretion is an outcome of our limited physical senses.
Your interpretation of something is based on your unique limited point of view, depending on all your past experiences and unconscious memories, your environment, your traditions, your culture, etc. All these parameters form the filter used by you, unconsciously, to interpret everything you perceive. That is, your conscious participation in this process is very weak, because of its automatic nature. In other words, most of the time it is taking place through you without you knowing it, unless you become awake or conscious.
Too become awake or conscious requires knowledge. The knowledge of Truth, or reality. Then, live according to it. But, what is truth? It is nothing else but God, which is the name that summerizes everything good; such as love, harmony, joy, happiness, kindness, abundance, wisdom, clarity, wholeness, oneness, kindness, peace, perfection, etc.
As individuals, all of us we have our personal view about everything, that is different from one person to another, according to the perspective from which we are looking at the world; perspective strongly tied to our core values, which are byproducts of our past memories and experiences, as stated earlier.
However, never will our personal perspective or point of view be true. Because it is too partial and, therefore, different and opposed to the whole. At the contrary, truth is wholeness, oneness and perfection. And, only perfection is, has always been, and will ever be, dispite the apparent turmoil of daily life.
What does that mean? Simply that nothing that you may perceive with your physical senses is as you see it. Because you perceive only from your partial perspective only. The fact is that you are blind, deaf and therefore, cannot really see.
For this reason, you cannot judge anything whatsoever. And because of that, the only thing you must do is giving whatever happens to God, Who holds the whole picture, and can see the truth for you. Taking into account God's omnipresence, omniscience and omnipotence, ask Him to see for you, to hear for you, to speak for you, to do for you and, above all, to judge for you. Step aside, and let Him do for you what you cannot do for yourself.
Also, as you cannot judge, so can you not do anything either. Because only God, the Almighty, can do everything. For this reason, your part is only to surrender. The condition that irritates you does so just because of the lack of depth in your thinking. You are too superficial and always stops on the surface of things.
But, in case you cannot stop judging the world around you, do it the right way. That is, knowing that because of His Omnipresence, only God is and nothing else, start seeing Him everywhere, in every man and woman, as well as in every circumstance. That way, you judge righteously, according to the truth.
Think about it and...
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