Who I Really Am






Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Resistance to what is and to what is not perpetuates the dream of life

This life, as you perceive it, is not real, but merely a dream. By your attempts to change situations, events, or circumstances you dislike, but which are already in existence, unconsciously through your constant and consistent attention, you feed them with more energy and thus, give them more life. And, the more you try, the more strength they get.

Don't try to change what has been already created. Instead, through your attention and focus, go creating something new. Like that, there would not be any conflict between what is and what is being created. Remember, never resist to what is, let it be just as it is, and pay attention only to what you want to experience.

However, when you realize that this life is merely a dream, and not the real one, you start considering what is and what is wanted as simple illusions, and would neither be resisting again to the first, nor craving for the later.  Because, in both cases, this is perpetuating the dream and, consequently, awakening or getting out of it becomes very probematic.

The secret is to forgive and let go of everything, both what is but you dislike, and what you crave for, but is not there yet; the infinite intelligence in them is their guide and knows what to do, how and when. That way, little by little you detach yourself from all the illusions of this false life created in your mind, and set yourself free.

Think about it...
...And stay synchronized.

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