Like blood for a physical body, or petrol for an engine car, a desire is nothing more than fuel for mind or energy for life. Without petrol in the car, the engine stops running. And without desire in us, our life stops also.
Human being has become confused about the purpose of desire and its manifestation. He believes that the first is less important and secondary, while the later is considered to be most gratifying and fulfilling.
Nevertheless, only the reverse is true. The manifestation of a desire is not more important than the desire itself. Because without a desire in the first place, there would be no visible outcome.
In addition, if manifestation was the main goal, there wouldn’t be so many other desires popping up almost immediately just after some important desire has been realized.
What does that mean?
It appears that we should change the way we put value to our desires and their manifestations. That is, we must first have a good understanding of who we are, of our functioning, and of our real purpose on this planet. Without this understanding, we wouldn’t be able to live fully and purposely the time we have to spend here.
How would you be able to arrive at destination if you don’t know how your vehicle works, what its main components are and how they relate, some with others.
From now, as far as desires are concerned, understand that their main function is to keep running your inner engine. That is, desires are born to make you going ahead in life. That way, when you are sick, your desire is to be healthy. When you are poor, your desire is to be rich. When you fail or feel stuck, your desire is to be successful. When you feel lonely, your desire is to have a loving relationship, etc.
The short feeling of satisfaction or happiness that emanates from you when a desire manifests helps you to apprehend life positively and gives you courage to move forward. That’s its purpose.
From that perspective, you realize the role and the importance of desires in your life, compared to their manifestations. Also, you understand that the more unfulfilled desires you have in your mind, the more energy or fuel you possess to move forward in life towards the line of arrival that the Almighty has planned for you.
Today, instead of being frustrated, anxious, worried, angry or even afraid about your unfulfilled desires, be happy. Make an inventory and see them as a big stock of fuel energy available for you to go ahead, and not as things missing in your life.
Seeking manifestation first and craving for it, instead of savouring your present desire, is idolatry. It is the same as putting the cart before the horse.
At last, remember that as a multidimensional being, your desires are a reality in the non manifested realm, the 4th dimension, where your Real Self resides, and where everything ever desired is already fulfilled.
Think about it and…
…Stay synchronized
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