It will be done onto you according to your faith. This eternal truth in the holy scriptures has been repeated over and over since centuries and is still accurate today.Simply put, the meaning you give to anything in your life will be your reality.
It is for this same reason Christ advised to not judge anything. "Judge not", he said, for whatever judgement you will give to any event or circumstance will turn out to be your personal reality. Because your judgement then becomes a decision that produces effects. We had already discussed this issue in the past. But I think it is worth coming back on this important question which is in direct relationship with the way we create our life.
The point where I'd like to get is the following. As you are going into a certain experience in your life, particularly the one you judge as "bad", pay attention to what you think and how you feel presently about it. Because, as stated earlier, your outcomes will be in direct proportion with what you believe, and the way you think and feel.
There is one thing to keep in mind, always. It is that God loves you and everything you experience is for your highest good. From this postulate, only give positive meanings to everything and see whatever you experience as a blessing, because it is, indeed.
The advantage of this technique is that not only will you neither no longer feel bad and negative about yourself, nor see yourself as a victim, powerless, not enough, limited, guilty, separated from God and so on, but chances are that what was previously perceived as "bad" experiences will turn out to be very positive ones as well as blessings in your life.
Benjamin Franklin, one of the greatest american thinkers put it well in one of his personal mastery traits with this advice: "notice the blessing in everything, big and small, dwell on the beauty in all I see, hear touch, taste and smell. Realize that everything is a gift from the Almighty and is put there in order to enjoy and learn from".
Once again, the meaning you give to whatever you experience is up to you, and will become your personal reality, not only inwardly, but externally also. In this lifetime, everyone of us has his particular lessons to learn, in particular circumstances. That explains why our birth conditions are not the same.We were not born in same countries, in same families, or with the same color.
There had never been a competition of any kind, or a contest from which winners got the reward to be born in specific countries and in specific conditions. Therefore, demonstrating pride for being a citizen of one specific country, for ones appartenence in such or whatever, are pure ignorance. Even worse, this mental attitude would take you far away from your purpuse, which is to learn during this life time, and delay your personal evolution.
Being "rich" or "famous" in this world is not a gratification or a reward you receive in recognition of a personal performance or achievement in some discipline. Just as being "poor" or suffering from a grave "disease" is not a sort of punishment due to some bad deeds in the past. Those are merely conditions we all go through in one moment or another in the cycle of life, to enable us to learn what is to be learn in our process of evolution.
Those who are rich and famous today had already lived in different conditions and will again go through many others in the cycle of their existence. The same thing is true for those who are considered as poor today. It is sometimes amazing to see people telling others proudly how they got where they are, in terms of acquisitions, fame, or wealth as if at the level of ego, they were totally in charge of their apparent success.
The truth is, those people don't even have a clue themselves how they got where they currently are. They have only an idea of what can be perceived on the surface of the conscious mind which, as known today, represents a very tiny and insignificant part of human being consciousness, unlimited and including the subconscious and the superconscious.
Today, everybody wants to be rich and famous and no one wants to be poor, because material "poverty" is seen as something "bad". But, who really knows the purpose of this apparent misery? Who reaches a clear understanding of the deep meaning and the profound wisdom hidden behind these particular conditions against which the entire planet is fighting?
If being poor was such a hideous condition, why did Buddha left the comfort of his fathers' palace, for this condition in which he finally found enlightenment? Why did Jesus refuse the riches of the world proposed by the devil or ego to him?
If being poor was such a hideous condition, why did Buddha left the comfort of his fathers' palace, for this condition in which he finally found enlightenment? Why did Jesus refuse the riches of the world proposed by the devil or ego to him?
Can you imagine a world in which everybody is rich and famous? In such a world, who will be doing what for whom? In other words, who then will be the master and who will be the servant? Who will be applauding the other? Who will be the teacher and who will be the student? And if everybody gets rich, what value will have money again?
You should thing about it. The relative value money has today is simply due to the fact that almost 4/5 of the population is "poor". Now, invert the tendency, and the richest men of the world will become anonymous, maybe like you in this moment.
Somenone is called "rich", only because another is called "poor". There is neither superiority nor inferiority in that, because both are just two sides of the same coin; learning different lessons from different perspectives. It is just like that.
Somenone is called "rich", only because another is called "poor". There is neither superiority nor inferiority in that, because both are just two sides of the same coin; learning different lessons from different perspectives. It is just like that.
You see, nothing is really as you imagine, or as you perceive it. You are absolutely a perfect son of God, living now certain conditions in this life time. I can assure you, there is nothing "good" nor "bad" in those conditions; just lessons to learn from them.
However, the best way to live these conditions, particularly the "bad" ones that almost everybody wants to avoid, is through understanding, based on the knowledge that underneath each circumstance lies a lesson, and a blessing, whose sole purpose, when discovered, is to help you evolve a step further, on your path to your spiritual realization.
Think about it and...
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