Who I Really Am






Sunday, May 22, 2011

Mind is like a blank record-able DVD

Your mind is like a record-able DVD, on which anything can be written, drawn, designed, or painted and, what you put on it is up to you. You are totally free to draw whatever you like and nobody else can do it for you. Unfortunately, most of us are drawing or creating on it by default, using as programs, unconscious thoughts and feelings opposed to what they truly want.

You must understand that this blank DVD called mind is highly sensitive. That is, anything you think, feel or speak is instantly recorded in its memory. For this reason, you must pay attention  to the thoughts and feelings you maintain in your mind.

Now, what kind of world would you like for you and the persons you care about? How would you like your life to be? what kind of surroundings would you like to have around? Who would you like to be?
There are no limits to your choices, because the capacity of this blank DVD memory is absolutely unlimited.

First, you must become clear about your world as you would like it to be. Once you've got this clarity, the second step is to make a list of all the things you want to see in it. Then, paint it, drawn it or design it, by making a detailed description of the items it contains in every area of your life.

As you have designed a global picture of your ideal world, this becomes your personal reality from which you live. That means, from this moment, you must live according to this new paradigm, no matter what your physical senses tell you about the external world which, of course, is your creation, although many things it contains are not as you would like them to be.

You must now behave,  think and feel as if this new world you have drawn in your personal blank DVD is real indeed, until it takes place outside and replaces the old one. That is more or less what Jesus said when answering to a question about prayer. He said, "...when asking for something to your Father in Heaven believe that you have received, and you will have it...".

You don't have to tell anyone about it. The risk is that you become considered by them to be a madman. Just believe it and act as if it is true; because it is, indeed. Don't make the mistake to rely on your physical senses to confirm you the truth. As you know, they are so limited that only a tiny portion of reality, representing the visible part of the iceberg, can be perceived by them. However, there is far much more to see in the invisible plane than you can even imagine.

In fact, who you really are, at the spiritual level, has and is already everything. But, until you stop waiting for things outside of you, they will not come into your experience. Because doing it is an affirmation of their absence in your life.

If you were rich, with millions of dollars on your bank account balance, would you worry again for money? Would you feel powerless again if you had become now the kind of person you would like  to be? The state of mind you would have achieved in those conditions is exactly the one you must now cultivate, through your personal record-able DVD, and once the subconscious has been totally convinced of this new reality which is yours, manifestation is spontaneously projected to the visible world.

Warning: At this point, never again feel deprived of anything. You already have your inner personal Kingdom and nobody can take it away from you. Anything else, contrary to this reality is a lie; as such, you don't have to believe it. Don't ask or expect anything outside of yourself. The world you perceive does not have the capacity to give you anything you desire, because it is just a sort of giant screen, like a computer's screen, that reproduces and displays only the images which have been, in the first place, introduced into the memory of the computer machine. So, never again believe what you think or what people say that does not conform with the Reality of God or Truth, which is diametrically opposed to physical senses.

Review the description of  items on your list everyday, at night before sleeping and early in the morning, just before waking up. Don't pay attention to the current conditions in which you still seem to be and that you dislike. You cannot see it but, little by little, it is changing and very soon will fade away.

Alway,  remember that who you really are is already everything. The only thing you have to do is to allow his manifestation to take place, just by acting as if, while ignoring whatever your physical senses may suggest.

 Think about it and...
Stay synchronized.

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