All creatures, including human beings, are here to grow, evolve and expand towards a higher consciousness. That's one of the main reasons for which we are here. But this implies diverse types of tests and experiences along the path, including small incidents as well as big challenges often erroneously perceived as problems, obstacles, difficulties, blocks, injustices and so on.
In fact, what you perceive as such are gifts and blessings from the Almighty, and should not be dreaded, resisted and avoided as most people do. Understand that these are necessary steps we all must go through, if we are willing to grow in knowledge, strength, wisdom, understanding, self mastery or even faith; and so, get ready for the next level of higher consciousness.
The majority of people would like life to be as a long calm and quiet river without any disturbance, so that they may enjoy it more fully. They believe that the unique purpose of life is to make human beings happy during their entire journey on earth, by insuring that every possible unwanted condition is put out of equation.
Only a few dare to challenge themselves by facing the difficult conditions of life with the conscious intention to exceed their current limits, and grow, up to a superior level of their consciousness. Maybe intuitively they know that there is not another way towards spiritual growth and evolution.
However, happiness is not the main purpose of human existence. Of course, enjoying from time to time happy events that delight your soul for a moment can be a good thing. But, such circumstances are always ephemeral by nature, like anything else in this dimension of life. So, they come and go, but never last forever.
The main purpose of life however, as stated at the beginning, is to make you grow, evolve, and expand unlimitedly, through all the exams presented to you along the path, in the form of challenges of all kinds. Happiness may delight you; that's true. But, by itself alone, you cannot achieve the spiritual growth and evolution you seek.
And, if you'd like to have an idea of what your current level of self mastery and spiritual growth is, just observe how you react to the present conditions and circumstances of your life. The feedback you get from yourself like that is an accurate indicator of your current state of mind, as well as your spiritual level. This test will always reveal you the truth about yourself.
As such, life can be compared to a school in which we learn new lessons, that prepare us everyday for the next class, the next year. But if, all year long, we keep playing truant, miss and avoid important courses, we will not catch the essential lessons we are supposed to learn through these courses and pass the final exam that opens for us the door to the next class.
However, it is what we do all the time, when we resist the challenges of life which, like school, gives us new and important lessons every single day, through people, events and circumstances. But, these lessons are so well wrapped and deeply hidden in them that, most of the time, we focus only on forms.
We keep complaining about appearances, or what is, erroneously perceived as threatening, while in fact these are bearers of lessons for us to grasp. Therefore people, events and circumstances come to you as messengers or teachers, not as ennemies whose mission is to hurt and push you down.
So, instead of joyfully and gratefully welcoming situations without any preconceived idea, and open mindedly be willing to learn from them in order to achieve a greater understanding that leads to a higher knowledge, we resist. Because we believe that life is unfair and against us.
Therefore, we do whatever we can to avoid or escape from people or situations we resent and dread. But the fact is, as long as we behave like that, situations we resist cannot change; just as students who play truant cannot pass exams and enter the next class. That is, until they change their mind and decide to attend the courses and learn the lessons of the current class, they cannot move to the next.
In fact, situations are not meant to change externally. Change, instead, must come from you, in terms of understanding and inner growth, before new challenges can be presented to you. That means, you have to become strong, spiritually speaking, to the extend that you no longer perceive conditions as separate, but as integrate parts of who you are now.
Today, take the decision to change your mind about people, situations, events and circumstances of your life.Remember, what is is, but the choice is yours; the choice to react according to who you are. Decide you will no longer perceive them as separate entities, obstacles, blocks, or threats. But as blessings and opportunities to learn and evolve. And, with more and more understanding, by choosing love you would move towards higher levels of consciousness.
Once you've learned the lessons from a specific level of consciousness, situations will change by themselves and open the door for new ones in the same class or the next. It is not another way around. There is no escape, and the only result you get when playing truant, resisting and refusing to learn your lessons, is but a useless delay in your personal growth and evolution.
This, by the way, is not wise. Because when you do, you'll keep living the same situations over and over again, until you learn the lessons deeply hidden in them. These lessons, however, are delivered for your highest good. For in its infinite wisdom, life knows you must be well prepared and become strong, before you move foreward to the next level.
God knows all your impatience, frustration and anger. But, He's got also the whole picture; meaning, the challenges waiting for you ahead, in your next classes. And because He loves you more than anything, He prepares you to be ready first, before you face those next challenges.
But, it is important to remember that you are not alone on the path of your journey to higher consciousness.God, through the Holy Spirit is forever present in you, providing you with continuous support and assistance.
That is the job of the Holy Spirit in you; to guide you and help you to catch the hidden lessons of your situations, so that you can move forward. But you also have an important responsibility in this process. It is to ask.
To do so, you must know what to ask, how to ask, when to ask, and to whom. Asking is not as easy as people think. If you are not clear at this point, you shouldn't even try to ask for anything. Because risks are that you get opposite results from your "bad" requests.
According to the bible, there is a major condition to perform before formulating any demand. In Matthew 21:22, this condition is as follows:
"You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will receive it."
"If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."
You've got it! This major condition is belief, or faith that you have already received whatever you ask in prayer. But, what is it that you really ask for? What do you really need on your path to a higher conscousness?
In truth, the first thing you should ask from the Almighty is faith. For when you have faith, you get clear about any situation; you get light. It is what you really need, in order to achieve the state of clarity necessary to learn your lessons.
Now that you know what to ask, when to ask then? You ask only when you are in a state of absolute relaxation, stillness, peace of body and mind. Call it the vortex or whatever. Anything you do out of this state, with a trouble mind, leads directly to failure and disappointment.
But, how do you ask more effectively? You do it by genuinly giving thanks and gratitude that it is so, and living according this truth. You give thanks to whom? Of course to God, the Almighty, All That Is, through the Holy Spirit which is in you.
Only the Holy Spirit's voice can be understood by God, the Father. The Holy Spirit is the bridge between the Creator and you. You are not pure enough to get in touch with the Almighty, and all your efforts in trying to address directly your pryers and your gratitude to Him, will be vain.
There is still a lot to say about this communication between you and God. This, however, is the big picture.
Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized...
In fact, what you perceive as such are gifts and blessings from the Almighty, and should not be dreaded, resisted and avoided as most people do. Understand that these are necessary steps we all must go through, if we are willing to grow in knowledge, strength, wisdom, understanding, self mastery or even faith; and so, get ready for the next level of higher consciousness.
The majority of people would like life to be as a long calm and quiet river without any disturbance, so that they may enjoy it more fully. They believe that the unique purpose of life is to make human beings happy during their entire journey on earth, by insuring that every possible unwanted condition is put out of equation.
Only a few dare to challenge themselves by facing the difficult conditions of life with the conscious intention to exceed their current limits, and grow, up to a superior level of their consciousness. Maybe intuitively they know that there is not another way towards spiritual growth and evolution.
However, happiness is not the main purpose of human existence. Of course, enjoying from time to time happy events that delight your soul for a moment can be a good thing. But, such circumstances are always ephemeral by nature, like anything else in this dimension of life. So, they come and go, but never last forever.
The main purpose of life however, as stated at the beginning, is to make you grow, evolve, and expand unlimitedly, through all the exams presented to you along the path, in the form of challenges of all kinds. Happiness may delight you; that's true. But, by itself alone, you cannot achieve the spiritual growth and evolution you seek.
And, if you'd like to have an idea of what your current level of self mastery and spiritual growth is, just observe how you react to the present conditions and circumstances of your life. The feedback you get from yourself like that is an accurate indicator of your current state of mind, as well as your spiritual level. This test will always reveal you the truth about yourself.
As such, life can be compared to a school in which we learn new lessons, that prepare us everyday for the next class, the next year. But if, all year long, we keep playing truant, miss and avoid important courses, we will not catch the essential lessons we are supposed to learn through these courses and pass the final exam that opens for us the door to the next class.
However, it is what we do all the time, when we resist the challenges of life which, like school, gives us new and important lessons every single day, through people, events and circumstances. But, these lessons are so well wrapped and deeply hidden in them that, most of the time, we focus only on forms.
We keep complaining about appearances, or what is, erroneously perceived as threatening, while in fact these are bearers of lessons for us to grasp. Therefore people, events and circumstances come to you as messengers or teachers, not as ennemies whose mission is to hurt and push you down.
So, instead of joyfully and gratefully welcoming situations without any preconceived idea, and open mindedly be willing to learn from them in order to achieve a greater understanding that leads to a higher knowledge, we resist. Because we believe that life is unfair and against us.
Therefore, we do whatever we can to avoid or escape from people or situations we resent and dread. But the fact is, as long as we behave like that, situations we resist cannot change; just as students who play truant cannot pass exams and enter the next class. That is, until they change their mind and decide to attend the courses and learn the lessons of the current class, they cannot move to the next.
In fact, situations are not meant to change externally. Change, instead, must come from you, in terms of understanding and inner growth, before new challenges can be presented to you. That means, you have to become strong, spiritually speaking, to the extend that you no longer perceive conditions as separate, but as integrate parts of who you are now.
Today, take the decision to change your mind about people, situations, events and circumstances of your life.Remember, what is is, but the choice is yours; the choice to react according to who you are. Decide you will no longer perceive them as separate entities, obstacles, blocks, or threats. But as blessings and opportunities to learn and evolve. And, with more and more understanding, by choosing love you would move towards higher levels of consciousness.
Once you've learned the lessons from a specific level of consciousness, situations will change by themselves and open the door for new ones in the same class or the next. It is not another way around. There is no escape, and the only result you get when playing truant, resisting and refusing to learn your lessons, is but a useless delay in your personal growth and evolution.
This, by the way, is not wise. Because when you do, you'll keep living the same situations over and over again, until you learn the lessons deeply hidden in them. These lessons, however, are delivered for your highest good. For in its infinite wisdom, life knows you must be well prepared and become strong, before you move foreward to the next level.
God knows all your impatience, frustration and anger. But, He's got also the whole picture; meaning, the challenges waiting for you ahead, in your next classes. And because He loves you more than anything, He prepares you to be ready first, before you face those next challenges.
But, it is important to remember that you are not alone on the path of your journey to higher consciousness.God, through the Holy Spirit is forever present in you, providing you with continuous support and assistance.
That is the job of the Holy Spirit in you; to guide you and help you to catch the hidden lessons of your situations, so that you can move forward. But you also have an important responsibility in this process. It is to ask.
To do so, you must know what to ask, how to ask, when to ask, and to whom. Asking is not as easy as people think. If you are not clear at this point, you shouldn't even try to ask for anything. Because risks are that you get opposite results from your "bad" requests.
According to the bible, there is a major condition to perform before formulating any demand. In Matthew 21:22, this condition is as follows:
"You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will receive it."
"If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."
You've got it! This major condition is belief, or faith that you have already received whatever you ask in prayer. But, what is it that you really ask for? What do you really need on your path to a higher conscousness?
In truth, the first thing you should ask from the Almighty is faith. For when you have faith, you get clear about any situation; you get light. It is what you really need, in order to achieve the state of clarity necessary to learn your lessons.
Now that you know what to ask, when to ask then? You ask only when you are in a state of absolute relaxation, stillness, peace of body and mind. Call it the vortex or whatever. Anything you do out of this state, with a trouble mind, leads directly to failure and disappointment.
But, how do you ask more effectively? You do it by genuinly giving thanks and gratitude that it is so, and living according this truth. You give thanks to whom? Of course to God, the Almighty, All That Is, through the Holy Spirit which is in you.
Only the Holy Spirit's voice can be understood by God, the Father. The Holy Spirit is the bridge between the Creator and you. You are not pure enough to get in touch with the Almighty, and all your efforts in trying to address directly your pryers and your gratitude to Him, will be vain.
There is still a lot to say about this communication between you and God. This, however, is the big picture.
Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized...
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