Who I Really Am






Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Do you love your Self enough?

The first and most important commandment in the Bible, the Word of God, is:  "“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself” (Luke 10:27).

In the previous post, we talked about how to love God and came up to the conclusion that as God loves us unconditionally and eternally, so should we love Him back unconditionally and eternally also. And, one of  the best ways to do it is through incessant and moment to moment expression of gratitude, for this inestimable gift we are offered, no matter what may happen in our live. Because God's love flows to us incessantly and non stop also.

Benjamin Franklin was right when he suggested, in his first  personal mastery trait, to "Notice the blessing in everything, big and small. Dwell on the beauty in all I see, hear, touch, taste and smell. Realize that everything is a gift from the Almighty and is put there in order to enjoy and learn from".

However, it is clear that no matter what our efforts would be or how hard we would try, it is impossible to love God as He loves us. For this reason, the only thing we can do, is to answer to His love with infinite gratitude and appreciation, in the way that we no longer  feel dissatisfied, frustrated, worried, afraid, powerless, separated or in a word,  not loved by God.

The fact is that through negative feelings or emotions, what we are telling God, although unconsciously, is that He does not love us, so we don't love Him either. Otherwise, we would not experience whatever we would be experiencing in that moment. That is, dispite the permanent flow of God' love towards us, we deny it to ourselves and, at the same time keep ourselves apart from all the blessings we deserve as beloved sons of God the Almighty. Doing so, not only we are not loving ourselves, but we cannot love others either.

In addition, when we are unhappy, dissatisfied,  unloving about ourselves for anything, we are also not loving God, our creator. And, this is understandable. Because if we dont' love the Son, how can we love the Father. More specifically, if you cannot love your Self , the Son of God in you, how can you love Him in others, as recommended by the Word of God?

Remember also that you have only one Self, that you have to live with in this lifetime. Notice how unhappy you have been up to this moment, just because you don't love it as you should. Realize that you cannot exchange it and never any other would be available to you during this life time. So, you have only one choice: You love your Self and are happy, or you don't and become miserable all your life. What do you choose?

At last, have in mind that there is only one Self, which is in you, in everybody as well as in everything else. God loves this Self (You) without condition. In return, love it and be happy. Forgive your Self in you and in others for all the seemingly mistakes and errors you could notice. Be totally satisfied, kind, caring  and encouraging towards it. That way, you would be able to do the same for your neighbors as you would also recognize this divine and unique Self in them.

Like that, you fulfill the will of God for His Son,  present in the entire creation.

Think about it and...
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