Who I Really Am






Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Comments on Benjamin Franklin's appreciation and gratitude trait

"Notice the blessing in everything, big and small. Dwell on the beauty in all I see, hear, touch, taste and smell. Realize that everything is a gift from the Almighty and is put there in order to enjoy and learn from" (Benjamin Franklin).

This advice on appreciation and gratitude is Benjamin Franklin's first self mastery trait among the thirteen he developed during his lifetime. Personally, I don't know whether or not the author left some insights in relation with the outcomes attached to this advice, except the enjoyment and learning he states to be  the purpose of everything. But, one thing is sure, a deep understanding of this subtile idea is necessary in order to grasp its profound meaning. Otherwise, you would focus only on the visible part of the iceberg and completely miss the hidden and most important one.

When looking closely at this formula, it seems to gather most of the ingredients known today by almost the entire globe to be necessary in order to make the law of attraction work for you and not against you, although, as far as I know, the author didn't specifically refer to this law in his advice.

For me, this is a very powerful formula that, if applied systematically by anyone, can unlock in any area the doors of succees which, from my point  of view, means first to overcome the ego with all its demands. Second, success is also about being resistance free and totally in peace and loving, no matter how threatening or challenging the illusory environment you live in could appear in the dream you call life. That is what success means to me in the first place. It's about self mastery and die while you live; no more no less.

The first advice given by the author in this formula is to "notice the blessing in everything, big and small"; why? Let's try to look more closely at the idea and attempt to understand its profound meaning, always from our personal point of view which, anyway, could not be shared by many people and even by the author himself.

To begin, it is known that what you like, you appreciate and what you don't, makes you prefer and chose something else. In other words, without what you dislike, you wouldn't prefer something different. The teachings or Abraham refer to this as being the contrast whose purpose is to serve you and help you chose what you really want by exclusively focusing your attention on it and no longer on what you don't want. Isn't this true? And isn't it a sufficient reason to consider what you disliked before as a blessing to appreciate and be greateful for finally?

Notice also that concerning everything in this first advice, reference is made to big and small and not to good and bad. Why is that? When you see only the blessing in small things and are grateful for them constantly and consistently, due to the law of attraction, you begin to attract more and more things you are grateful for. In addition, when you pay attention and appreciate the smallest quality anyone or anything may present despite all their defaults, they change positively from your perspective.

Wayne Dyer is right when declaring that "when you change the way you look at things (appreciation, gratitude and love), the things you look at change also". It's like bringing a spark of light into a dark room. And the fact is that not only what you perceive changes, but you begin to change also in your state of mind.That's the truth!

So, you don't have to wait for big things to happen in order to be grateful, because big things don't come every day. But, little ones do almost every split second if you pay attention carefully to everything in your present environment. Thus, only small things will make the law of attraction work consistently for you. Now, when big ones come, your gratitude increases even more.

It's important to note also that, in fact, true gratitude precedes everything we could experience with our physical body, considering that we are not really our body first, but spiritual  beings. In this regard, true gratitude is first about our direct relationship with the Father. It's our connecting link with God, in response to His uncontional love for His Son (human kind), for Who We Really Are.

Now, why didn't the author refer to good and bad? The fact is that if he did, this would have created resistance among lots of people not ready yet for this kind of truth. Who would easily accept without resistance the idea that the bad condition in front of them can at the same time include the good? Wouldn't it be pure nonsense for most people?

Therefore, in order to avoid this useless resistance, to which the teachings of Abraham refer also as being the source of most of our trouble in life, the author, I assume, deliberately didn't make any mention about good and bad.

The second advice in this idea to "dwell on the beauty in all I see, hear, touch, taste and smell" is the process that helps you attract and manifest what you prefer and chose in everything using your imagination in the laboratory of your mind. In effect, every condition or situation you perceive is like a coin with its two faces, and what you get back depends on which face you focus your attention on.

In imagination when you dwell on the beauty in all you see, hear, touch, taste and smell, your five physical senses become so involved in the process in such a way that no difference exists between what you imagine and the objective reality. You start really believing that you have received what you chose and it has to manifest.

Also, the fact that you focus only on the positive aspect or dwell only on the beauty in every perception helps you release the resistance you would have experienced in your experience if it was the opposite.

"Realize that everything is a gift from the Almighty and is put there in order to enjoy and learn from" is another advice in this idea of appreciation and gratitude and suggests that even desires are part of everything. As such, they must be enjoyed like their manifested form and, in my opinion, even more.

Desires are like seeds, for which you must take care of and give all your attention, so that they may grow, expand and manifest in the physical form. When you have a desire, it is an indicator that what you want is already yours. Therefore, you should be grateful and joyful first at this stage, before manifestation occurs. Doing so, "you believe that you have received" and it would manifest soon or later. Therefore, don't wait for manifestations to occur in order to be grateful. Gratitude must come first and later, you could finally learn from experience, when time comes.

It is important to emphasize that joy, as such, is not limited only to human beings. It is extended to God Himself, Who is the bank of joy, happiness, all our good experiences and in Whom all this is amplified unlimitedly. All of us, without exception, contribute to the credit of this bank just as cells  in the body participate to the quality of our state of mind and our experiences of joy, peace, love, etc. Human kind, therefore, looks like a community of cells in the ultimate experience of life or God.

So, when we play our role as designed by God, our creator, we contribute effectively to this ultimate and unlimited experience of joy and, doing so, we get interests in our personal account and feel good in return. And, the more we contribute and get interests in our account of joy, the more we are joyful and feel good.

But if we don't contribute enough, even the little joy that was available for us is taken away (parable of talents in the bible). As a result,  we cannot feel good and receive our share from the bank of abundance, peace, joy, happiness, love and wealth all available available for us, but that we deprive ourselves most of the time due to our ignorance.

Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized

Friday, November 23, 2012

Gratitude for little things is the key for great ones

One of the biggest Sins
You'd ever make in Life
Against yourself and God
Is Thankless being and Ingratitude
For all the Blessings Given to you

Another big mistake you make
Almost all your lifetime till death
Is waiting for Great things to happen
In order to manifest your Gratitude
Forgetting that Appreciation for Little
Is the Key for Great Ones and much more

The Truth is there is so much Blessings
To be greateful for Right Where you Are
Hidden in what you consider as Common
In your close Perceptions and Surroundings
That you simply take them for Granted

Having made Insensible and Useless
Most of our Five physical Senses
Given to us by our Loving Father
To Appreciate and Enjoy life Fully
Every Moment of time with Gratitude

Not realizing that Consciousness for Small things
And manifesting our Gratitude for each of them
We wouldn't have time left for anything else
Let alone Worrying or being Anxious
For anything whatsoever in our life

Our Attention is so Trapped and Lost in the Mind
In Past Thoughts Memories or Worries for the Future
That we become Blind and Absent Here and Now
To all the Abundance just laying under our Feet

Waiting for us to give them a little of our Attention
To Appreciate and Enjoy them according to God's Will
Through the Five Physical Senses and Amazing Tools
We have been Provided with by our Loving Creator
So that all our Life becomes a constant Delight and Joy

Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized

Monday, November 12, 2012

Stop reacting negatively and just be

Every Negative Reaction you have
Is a Disturbance to your Peace of mind
And an Indicator of your lack of Focus
On your Inner Being or Source

Only Consistent Attention to True Self
Without Distraction about anything else
Keeps life Flowing naturally through you
In complete Stillness and Balance

But the good measure of your Mastery
Is your capacity to maintain your inner Peace
In the middle of apparent Turmoil or Scarcity
Without the slightest sign of Impatience or of Irritation

Average people do not like Challenging situations
Always prefering to stay constantly in their Comfort zone
In which life moves smoothly according to their petty wishes

As a result Progress seems almost impossible to them
However only through difficulties could you ever Grow
And never by taking Easy Ways in the life's journey

Wise people however are always in search of difficulties
Knowing Intuitively that behind them lies more Strength and Power
They look endlessly for more Threatening and Challenging conditions

And whenever time comes to be in front of such situations
They Face them without any Fear, Blame or Complain of any kind
But with the ferm Intention to be Free and Evolve through them

You know what you Fear or resist the most in life
However Only through it could you find Freedom
By Ignoring the Threat without any Negative Reaction
And just Be without any Distraction

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Teachings from the universe

Every element of the Universe
Has specific lessons to teach you
Provided that you are Open-minded
And Ready Enough with the Willingness
To Look, Hear and Listen in order to be able
To Learn and Apply the Lessons given to you

Every single day

The Sun reminds you to live a Proactive life
By Giving out Unconditionally What You Are
To Everyone and Everywhere without Expectations
Knowing that what you are is Joy, Happiness, Patience
Forgiveness, Love, Smile, Kindness, Warm, etc.
And that it's Only by Giving out What You Are
Could you Experience it Yourself also

Every single day

The Seed reminds you that Patience is Everything
That Focus on your main Goals is all that matters
As well as Constant and Consistent Actions
In Alignment with your Objectives in life
If you are Willing to Surely and Safely
Reach your final Destination in God

Every single day

The Fruit Tree teaches you the Secrets of Generosity and Abundance
By Giving you Freely its nourishing Fruits which maintain you Healthy
Knowing that as you Give Generously so shall you Receive Abundantly also

Every single day

The River helps you to remember that it is like your Mind 
And as such should always be maintained Undisturbed and Clear
By Avoiding useless Disturbances caused by your erroneous Thinking

Every single day

The Ocean reminds you that you are of the same Structure
Its Surface being Identified with your Conscious mind
With all its Waves coming and going endlessly all day long
Just as Thoughts, Feelings and Emotions do the same through you
Knowing that in the Depths of Sea like the Depths of Consciousness
Is the Realm of Perfect Stillness and Peace Beyond Understanding

Every single day

The Caterpillar reminds you that you are both the same
And that just as it becomes later a Beautiful Butterfly
Through a Process of Natural Transformation
You also are going through the same Process
But Focus, Patience, Alignment and Faith are keys
Which enable you to Fly or be Whole again
After Waking up from your current Dream

Evey single day...

Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized

The difference between a caterpillar or a seed and you

You are a Multidimentional Being
Simultaneously living in various planes
And absolutely One in your pure Essence
But seeming Divided at the Conscious level
Which makes you feel Alone, Weak, Poor,
Powerless, Seek, Afraid, Limited and so on

The Truth about all of it is that you are Stuck
In the limits of your current Conscious level
Having been Convinced that you are a Body
Instead of the Spiritual being created by God 

Like a Caterpillar that wouldn't know
That in fact it is a Beautiful Butterfly
Or the Seed of a Majectic Sequoia
That would Ignore its True Nature

Sometimes you want Change to come Overnight
So that you can Fly or Grow almost Intantaneously
But in this Universe you are still living presently
There are Laws that do not permit such a process

The difference between you and the Caterpillar
Or the difference between you and the Seed
Is that Intuitively they know the Truth about Themselves
Which is Absolute Perfection in the likeness of their Source
Being Fully Focused on This One and on IAlone

For this Main Reason they are Never Distracted
By any kind of External Circumstance or Adversity
But remain Still and let the Universe take care of all Details
Regarding every Need in their process of Transformation
Until they are able to Fly Freely everywhere for the first
Or Grow Majestically up to the sky for the second

Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized

Friday, November 2, 2012

Spontaneous manifestation method

Every Human being is the Total Sum
Of all the "good" and "bad" Habits
He has Accumulated all along his life
From his birth up to his current age

All these Habits make of human being
The Individual he is now known to be
And will be as long as same habits are kept
Unless some new ones are Learned

This is achieved more easily and successfully
By Integrating the desired new Habits
Into Activities you perform on a Daily basis
Without any Constraint or Conscious Effort

And you do so Just by Giving Consistently
A little Attention to Mental Images hold in your Mind
And corresponding to your subjective World
As you would like it to look like externally

It's only a matter of Contemplating Over and Over
Without any Conscious Effort to achieve some Result
Considering the Fact that you are not the Doer
Until this activity is Accepted by the Subconscious Doer
As being Natural to you and Manifests it Spontaneously
In the Physical and Visible World for the good of all

Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The only utility of this universe of illusions

Althought not being of this Universe
Which is known today by many people
As being just an Illusion or mere Dream
You are however still living in the World
And thus cannot totally ignore or deny it

Of course you may have some main objective in life
Such as Escaping from this empty world of Illusions
Through the process of Awaking from your dream
But before you do you have to deal with this world
On a daily basis until one day you finally leave it

But how can you deal efficiently
With the Universe you are still living in
If you are totally Ignorant of the Laws
That govern this world in which
You are kept prisoner like a Fly
Trapped in a threatening Web

First Understand the nature of the Universe
As effectively being nothing else but a Dream

Second Learn and Apply all its Laws and Principles
In order to live in perfect Harmony with it

Third always bear in mind the fact that
Only through Forgiveness and Love
For everyone and everything in this Dream
Could you find your way back Home

Think about it and...
...Stay synchronied