Who I Really Am






Friday, February 18, 2011

You leave all this

There is something curious I observe when someone is "dead". Parents, friends and relatives, all around the body, keep crying all their tears for days. Some even keep mourning for months. But, some times later, you can see them laughing joyously and behaving as usual in their daily life.

Many of them forget death easily and consider it to be for others only, and not for them. They keep living their life as though nothing didn't even happen, until one day, their turn, they are surprised by this undesirable visitor.

Why that? Why do people behave like that? Why can't we prepare ourselves for this transistion?


Thtat's the main reason. We are afraid to prepare ourselves and even to think about it. So, we forget about it. But, is it wise?

In my opinion, we should, averyday of our life, be prepared. So that when time comes, we are not surprisedn at all.

We should remember that we are not from here, and that nothing of this world belongs to us, as nothing of this world can hurt us. Eternity is what we are, and nothing else.

Think about it and...
Stay synchronized.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Knowledge is light

"Although a man may be book learned, if he does not apply what he learns, he is like a blind man who, with a lamp in his hand, cannot see the road".

Knowledge is useless without application, and application comes from practice.It must be put into practice or exercise moment to moment, until it becomes an habit of thought and action in you, and produces fruits or the desired results.

You don't lighten your lamp to put it under the bed. Instead, you do it to bring light into darkness and  transform it into light. Knowledge is the same. You take it with you everywhere you go. But, unless you use it, it cannot be exercised, grow, get strong and become an habit of thought or action.

Therefore, use the knowledge you have and don't hide it. Let it shine all over the places as often as possible.
Over and over, ask yourself  "what do I know about this", "what do I know that relates to this". You will remember and will exercise...

Think about it and...
... Stay synchronized.