Who I Really Am






Saturday, September 19, 2009

What are you waiting for?

There are two ways of living one's life. The first one consists in chosing to appreciate, be grateful and satisfied for what is yours, already. The second one is the opposite; in which all your focus is put excusively and permanently on what you are craving for, but you don't have yet. And, because of that, you feel bad and frustrated all the time, at the point that you are no longer able, neither to notice what is already in your hands, nor to appreciate and enjoy it.

In these two attitudes, no doubt that the first one, if practiced regularly, will bring you joy and happiness for anything in your life; while the second will make you feel not enough, empty, poor and miserable all the time. However, the choice is yours, although not often easy. But, it is worth making, if peace of mind is important to you. As an old proverb goes: "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush". Think about it!

You are never sure whether what you are craving for, will be yours or not. Or, if it will be good for you when you get it. In fact, there is no proof nor any guaranty whatsoever, that one day, the thing you want will come into your life and bring you the joy or satisfaction you seek. In addition, Considering that nothing and no stuff will give you everlasting happiness on this heart, why then wasting the few and precious moments you have in this lifetime for the unknown?

Do you want to be happy? Change your mind about life and go with the flow. That is, stop looking at the sky, waiting for a particuliar event to come, in order to appreciate your life and enjoy it. Know that every single thing that you have ever gone through, has contributed to the kind of person you have now become, and to the level of achievement which is yours currently . Therefore, appreciate and be grateful for all thing, even the slightest.

Your life, is like a half- glass of water. The way you see it, is what determines your level of joy or of unhappiness. You are your own judge. Judge your life as half- empty, you will be miserable. See it as half- full, you will feel good and your happiness is assured. What do you prefer, joy or unhappiness?
Remember always one thing: your glass will never be full as you imagine, as long as you remain on this earth. Because if it were, you would not be here any more. So, forget its half- empty part. Make a comprehensive inventory of the half- full one and, eveyday, appreciate, enjoy, and be grateful for it.

Think about it and...
Stay synchronized

Friday, September 11, 2009

Love and relationship

All the process of life
Is based upon relationship
With EVERYTHING, seen and unseen

Relationship with God
Relationship with Spirit
Relationship with Soul

Relationship with thoughts
Relationship with feelings
Relationship with emotions

Relationship with body
Relationship with other people
Relationship with all the creatures
Relationship with things

Relationship with events
Relationship with circumstances
Relationship with the universe in general

In this relationship
Privilege the unseen
Go far beyond egos, appearances and forms
Above all, focus on the spirit behind them

Deal only with the essence of pure love
Which is in you, in others, circumstances and things
Then, align your thoughts, words and actions with it

Deep in your heart
That only love is
Has always been
And will ever be

Dispite all the apparent turmoil
Of your daily life

Remember also that
In order to find peace in the world
You must first find it in yourself

From your mind
Including all your thoughts
Feelings and emotions
To your entire body

And this is possible only through...


Think about it and ...
Stay synchronized...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A monotonous life

Many people are unhappy because their life seems monotous to them. They assume that nothing special has ever happened in their life, and chances are that it will be so during their entire existence.

Often, they look at other people, their neighbours, or colleagues and seeing them experiencing a better life than them, they wonder why things are so different for them and what is wrong with them.

These people shoud remember the following:

First: Their life is not anonymous, because God knows who they really are, in Him.
Second: What they perceive around them is not real, but merely shadows of their true reality.
Third: They don't have a clue about what is really happening at the spiritual level
Four: They chosed this life to help themselves return back home to God
Five: Their current life is the perfect life for them, now. Just like their fingerprint.
Six: All of this is inside them. Therefore, nobody is to be compared to them
Seven : What they perceive as monotonous is far better than the imaginable worse events that could happen to them. I don't dare to think about nightmares such as incurable diseases, tsunamis, deaths, all sort of losts (job, mortal accidents, family member, home, etc.), etc.
Eight: They are secure and live in total abundance and happiness in God
Nine: They should thank God every moment, for their blessings and teach others to do the same
Ten: Live with total faith, love, gratitude and appreciation .

Think about it and...

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Comparing yourself to others is insane

If the whole world is in us. If everything we perceive is merely a reflection of what is inside of us. That means comparing ourselves to others is not only meaningless and a waste of time, but also insane.


Just because when you do, you either find yourself superior or inferior to others in some way. Most of the time, this produces a feeling of inferiority, or guilt, or undeservingness, or not having enough, or not being loved, or not being appreciated, etc.

Whatever the feeling you experience from comparing yourself to others, it is not justifiable. Just because, others do not exist outside of you. And that is also why change of what is cannot come from the outside, but from within.

Think about it and...

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