Who I Really Am






Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Everything is everything

God, the infinite Intelligence, almighty, omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent is All That Is. Nothing and noboby exist apart from Him, including you.

You feel afraid, lonely, powerless, poor, only because you have a strong belief in separation. You believe you are separate from others, from things, and from Him, which is absolutely impossible. This cannot be.

You don't exist as a separate entity. Consequently, all the seemingly "problems" in your life are but mere illusions. Because if only God is, and if you don't have an existence of your own, how then can you have problems?

In addition, if only God exists, and God being perfect love, beauty, peace, joy, abundance, and all good, only perfect love, beauty, peace, joy, happiness, abundance and everything of this kind exist is real and exist also.

If you believe in the reality of problems, you cannot believe in the oneness of All That Is.

Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized

What is your passion?

I am facinated by the complexity of the universe, its laws, and how it works. Above all, I have an unlimited passion for its source, the infinite Intelligence, God, or All That Is. It is to say that:

My main passion is in life is:
To know him is what I am living for...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

"I am"

These two words represent the full stop of your evolution in the consciousness journey. This ultimate state is consciousness oneness, the absolute peace, joy, love and truth. At this point, you no longer say "I love you".

Saying "I love" implies the presence of two entities, which means separation. With "I am", there is no longer separation, but total love or total union, and nothing else. The "I am" state is your home, your final destination and the realization of your perfect unity with All That Is, or God.

This perfect state has always been, is, and will ever be. Now, you just awaken to it as you forgot it during your sleep.

Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Love VS separation

It's after God we have always been running after, not anything else (Ngabilane)

What is love?

Love is oneness and wholeness. To love then is to remember this eternal truth, that separation does not exist. The opposite of love, is the illusion of separation. It's an illusion because love is eternal and separtion cannot be.

From our current perspective, we see ourselves as separate one from another and from everything. This is merely an illusion because in truth, separation is impossible.

At the core of our being lies our true reality. This reality is our oneness with All That Is, the Infinite Intelligence.

Marriage is the symbole of love, and the act of making love represents our strong desire to unite with our source: God.

We seem to be running after different kind of stuff. We run after money, we run after relationships, we run after cars, jobs, promotions, consideration, approval, etc.

But, in fact we run only after one single thing: the realization of our oneness with All That Is.

We live in an illusion of separation with others, with everyting and with God. But, that is merely an illusion. The truth is that we have never been and will never be separated with God because His love for us is unconditional and eternal. Therefore, what is perceived as separation is a lie and cannot be.

When you remember this truth, relief and happiness show up.

Realize oneness by seeing everybody, everything and every circumstance as they really are:


Love is the affirmation of this oneness with All That Is.

Think about it and...
... Stay synchronized.

If everything is energy

According to quantum physicists today, everything is energy. Everything, including you and anything else. Another way (mine) of saying this is that everything is everything and the universe itself is an immense field of energy.

What does that mean? what is the implication if this?

There are many implications to this assertions. First, if everything in the universe and the universe itself are energy, there is no longer such thing as separatation. For a better understanding remember that energy is billions of time more subtile that atom, yet even air cannot be separate from one room to another. It's just but the same air.

Second, if you and everything else in existence are made of the same same energy, you are and have already everything. That means, the universe is really abundant and scarcity is merely an illusion of mind because this energy, is at the core of All That Is, is infinitely abundant.

All physical manifestations, like thoughts, feelings, actions and emotions are made of the same stuff. In fact, you don't even have to manifest anything physically, because reality is the basis of All That Is. And, you deny this reality when you worry about physical manifestions.

If everything is energy as stated earlier, another implication is that our consciousness is a vast and highly sensitive field of energy, in which all your thoughts and feelings are perceived as a request to produce more of the same.

Unfortunately, most people do not know how to collaborate with this field of energy which, in fect, is themselves. And, because of that, their life become a total chaos. Also, in this abundant field of energy, they constantly live in scarcity, like firsty fish searching drinking water in a river.

Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized

Details are not your business

When you have an objective in mind, don't worry about details. They are not your business. Focus only on the end result. It's your part. The how and when are the domain of the universe. So, don't jam the creative process by being concerned about how you will get there.

Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized

Friday, October 22, 2010

The universe reacts like a dog

You know that dogs have a very sensitive smell, right? But, did you know that they cannot make the difference between your smell of fear and your smell of hatred. That is, when you are afraid of dogs or do not like them, specially bad ones, their reaction to your attitude will be the same. They will bark and bite you. Period!

This reaction, in fact, translates only one thing: your lack of love!

The universe functions exactly the same way. You feelings of worry, anxiety, despair, abandonment, weakness, powerlessness, threat, insecurity, poverty, uneasiness, fear, shame, resentment, anger, frustration, tension and so on are all resistance to what is, and this resistance is perceived by the universe as lack of love also and a request to give more!

But, what is most grave with this is the fact that this resistance, whatever form it takes, is perceived by the universe as a request from you to receive more of the same. However, it is not what you really wants. What you want in fact is the contrary, or the opposite of the thing that creates resistance in you, and you believe that through your resistance, salvation will come.

But, things do not work this way and the universe does not function like that because it works in an harmonious and consistent way. Therefore, it can bring to you only what you asked for and you ask by projecting what you are every moment of the day.

If fear is your state of mind in this moment, know that you are asking for more fear. If frustration is what you have become, know that you are asking for more frustration. If it is anger, you are asking for more anger, etc.

But, all these negative emotions mean only one thing, as said earlier, that you are resisting to what is. This resistance itself is processed and translated by the law of attraction into lack of love, before being received by the universe as a request to produce more of the same.

People do not understand that and do exactly the opposite of what is to be done. However, know one thing, all your negative attitudes are only the opposite of love. Be love, be what you really are, and there will be nothing else.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Your main purpose here

Whatever you are doing in your daily life, the main question you should ask yourself over and over and moment to moment is if it contributes in achieving the unique purpose you are here to achieve, and which is to:

Go back home, in the fullness of who you really are: God.

Otherwise, it is not wothwhile doing it.

Now, what is it what is supposed to help you return home?

Forfiveness and love

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Your difficulties are your best teachers

Your so called difficulties, failures, obstacles, shortcomings, blocks and everything you perceive and judge as "bad" are your best friends, not your ennemies. Did you know that?

Most of the time we are happy when things go as we like around us, and when they don't we cry and become miserable.

But the truth is that we learn and progress better in our life only through difficulties or shorcomings. We don't learn anything at all when everything in our life is just as we like it . Our diffiulties are in this sense our best friends.

We shouldn't resist them, they are in our life for a reason, which is to teach something highly valuable to us so that we may learn the lesson, grow and fly, like a butterfly getting out of the chrysalis.

So, instead of resisting, fear or worry about something you think is threatening you, welcome it, embrass it and be ready to learn. When you do it, the lesson will be delivered and you will progress to the next step of your evolution.

Think about it and...
Stay synchronized...

Monday, October 11, 2010

Don't think negatively in terms of "I"

There are lots of implications when you think in terms of "I" and, most of the time, these implications are disastrous to you, because you think "I" in erroneous terms. That is, everytime what you think is in contradiction with the truth about you, you cannot be up, but down.

For example when you feel confused, afread, broke, alone, poor and so on, all these thoughts are false and does not correspond to your true nature. As a result, you feel sad and sorrow. In fact, doing so, you are paddling up stream.

"I" is your true self or your true nature. It is absolute perfection. So as long as you haven't achieved total identification with who you really are, pay attention not to say "I" in erroneous terms and speak to yourself at the second person : "You". This will help you to be vigilent.

Think about it and...
Stay synchronized...


You feel bad when you are disconnected or not in alignment with your true Self. But how to keep this connection?

Just by feeling great, or good. Never allow yourself to feel down. Think of your true self and imagine the peace, the joy, the happiness, the freedom, the abundance and the total safety in which it lives for eternity.

When you remember that it is Who You Really Are and identify yourself with it, connection is established then sorrow and resistance disappear.

Think about it and...
Stay synchroniseed

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Our invisible ropes

Do you know the story of the peasant, the ass and the invisible rope? Here is a brief summary:
A peasant were travelling from his village to town with his three ass to sell them. At nightfall, the town was still far and the peasant decided to have a rest.

As he was tying his ass to a tree near there for the night, he realized that only two ropes were available. He went then to ask for one more to a neighbor who, unfortunately, didn't have any either, but gave him the following advice:

"Return to your ass. Then, simulating as if you had a rope in your hands, tie it to the tree using the same gestures as you would with a real rope. Your ass will not move".

The peasant followed the advice given him by the neighbor and went to sleep. When he woke up in the morning, his first glance went straight to the tree where he left the third ass the day before. And, to his great amazement, the animal was still there.

"Good, it worked!", cried the peasant joyfully. But, when he tried to move the ass in order to continue his trip, he couldn't. The ass remained stuck at the same place. Not understanding what was happening, the peasant went back to his neighbor to tell him the story.

"Did you remove the rope?", asked his neighbor. "But, there is no rope at all. Remember, I just made a simulation yesterday". "For you, there is no rope. But for the ass there is one!", replied the man. The peasant returned to the ass, simulated this time to release the ass from the tree, and the animal could move at last.

That is the story. But, it is not a story as such. Because like the ass, all of us we are tied to invisible ropes as well, that prevent us from achieving our goals, and live freely the life we want. And, if we could look closely at ourselves, we would see many ropes or bad habits attached to us also.

This story, in fact, is a description of how harmful habits formed in the subconscious mind become our second nature and our truth . The good news, however, is that as they are formed, these habits can be removed also, just by using the same mechanism that created them.

You'd ask "how is that"?

It is known that the brain, or mind cannot make the difference between what is vividly imagined or simulated and the reality. That is, if you keep pretending or simulating the same thing for a certain period of time, this will become an habit and the subconscious mind will reproduce it in your life as a perceptible reality.

That is how it woks.

Think about it and...
...Stay synchroized...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Spiritual awakening stages

If you knew the truth, you wouldn't underestimate yourself as you do right now. Sometimes, you feel frustrated for not seeing tangible results of your spiritual efforts and evolution. But, you shouldn't feel that way at all, because you really make progress.

There are many indicators along the path to spiritual awakening, and what you are doing in this moment reading this, or writing inspired ideas, is one of them. Not everyone is at this stage yet and, therefor, has the hability to do it.

Have you noticed the logic you develop when discussing and explaining these kind of ideas to others? You are quiet at ease when you do so, and words flow easily from your mouth without any effort on your part.

Very often, without even thinking about it, just a pencil in your hand and ideas flow on the paper wherever you are; for example in your bed sleeping, in the bathroom or at the aiport waiting for a flight, etc. Haven't you noticed that?

Another indicator is the feedback you get from people around you (parents, family, friends, relatives, colleagues...). How do they react? What do you hear from them? Remember that there is no such thing as accident or chance. The feedback you get from these people is real. They tell you the truth about you!

Others and everything you perceive outside do not really exist as separate from you, don't forget it. They are but mere projections and reflections of your inner world on the giant screen of the universe all around you.

There are four stages in the butterfly life cycle: the egg, the larva (caterpillar), the pupa (chrysalis) and the adult butterfly. If you compare this life cycle with your own spiritual evolution, by yourself, you will be able to determine exactly what your current awakening stage is.

As a reminder, coming from the egg (first stage), the larva or Caterpillar (second stage) appears. The only thing it does is to eat again and again, all day long. This stage is not very long in general. But often, it depends on the type of butterfly.

Then, there is the third stage, in which caterpillar forms itself into pupa or chrysalis. This is what is said about this stage in thebutterflysite.com :

"The pupa stage is one of the coolest stages of a butterfly’s life. As soon as a caterpillar is done growing and they have reached their full length/weight, they form themselves into a pupa, also known as a chrysalis. From the outside of the pupa, it looks as if the caterpillar may just be resting, but the inside is where all of the action is. Inside of the pupa, the caterpillar is rapidly changing.

Now, as most people know, caterpillars are short, stubby and have no wings at all. Within the chrysalis the old body parts of the caterpillar are undergoing a remarkable transformation, called ‘metamorphosis,’ to become the beautiful parts that make up the butterfly that will emerge. Tissue, limbs and organs of a caterpillar have all been changed by the time the pupa is finished, and is now ready for the final stage of a butterfly’s life cycle".

In the spiritual awakening process, people find themselves either in the first, the second, the third, or the fourth stage of the cycle. But if there is no doubt that lot of people have made real progress in their spiritual evolution, very few, however, have attained the fourth step.

Some of  you, for example, are still "eggs" (first stage). That is, spirituality has no interest to them; none. They are totally identified with their body and their mind. Others are in the second stage or Caterpillars. Like a bulimia, they seek all spiritual information imaginable, grasp, read and listen to everything about spirituality on their path. Then, at one point, they are no longer interested at doing all these things again. Of course, from time to time, they can take a book and read it, or listen to a CD about spirituality. But the bulimia to read or listen to whatever comes up is now over.
Thus, after learning from many spiritual teachers through their self development materials (books, websites, audio recordings, newletters...) you may have come one day to the decision to stop everything, and start applying in your life what you've learned so far.

At this stage, you have become a pupa or chrysalis, and are now ready to prepare yourself for the ultimate and most fullfilling experience of your life in this earth, which is to become a butterfly or awaken from your current dream.
If you have taken the decision to stop everything and start working on yourself, it is the sign that you have indeed reached that stage. It is where you are right now regarding your spiritual awakening.

So, be ready, because very soon, the butterfly will emerge from the chrysalis, and fly in total freedom in the sky. When this happens, know that you have awakened, or returned back home in the wholeness of who you really are. By the way, who do you think to be?

Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Stop being ungrateful and thank God for all your blessings

Have you noticed how ungrateful human beings are today?

You can give them everything, and they will remain unsatisfied and POOR. What do you think poverty is by the way?

Poverty is not total absence of good or lack of stuff such as money, values, etc. There is absolutely no link between them.

You can have less money than your present urges and not feeling unsatisfacted and poor. Poverty is a state of mind in which whatever people may have, they remain unsatisfied. That is real poverty. And almost everyboby feels unsatisfied about something. And, for this reason, we could say that everybody is poor!

If you look quietly at people you describe as poor, you will see that they have everything they really need in their life. They have life itself, they have light, they have water, they have land, they have parents and relatives, they have health, they even have a shelter, etc.

You see, on the entire planet not even one poor person exists. To be poor would be to be deprived of everything. In this connection, only a dead person would be called poor! Have you seen any living person without some air to breath, or some light from the sun? I don't think so.

God gave us everything we need to live abundantly on this planet, so that one day, we return back home in Him. But human beings have created all kind of stuff they consider more valuable than all the abundance received from the Father, to the extent that when you think to not have enough of this stuff, you feel poor.

The truth is, you were created abundant by God, and only what He created is valuable. There is no value in money, car, home, and all the stuff you are craving for.


True abundance or wealth is only what you REALLY need to maintain your life on this planet for example air, water, light, food, etc. And these, you have in abundance or at list, one of them. Isn't that true?

This is the true signification of poverty:


God gave Human beings the following:

  • He gives them life;
  • He gives them air;
  • He gives them light;
  • He gives them water;
  • He gives them health;
  • He gives them peace;
  • He gives them a family;
  • He gives them food;
  • He gives them a shelter;
  • He even provides them with many other acquisitions.
Everyone of us has at least one, two, or three of them. But are we satisfied?


...Until we die.

Yes, death is the only moment people find peace of mind. But, never will they try to appreciate all the abundance they have been given during their their life time.


Stop begging for all these useless and ephemeral stuff!!!




Think about it and...
Stay synchronized...

Everything in your life fits together

The universe is a big puzzle in which there is no such thing as accident or chance. Everything fits together. Most of the time, you cannot perceive the logic behind events and circumstances in your life, specially when they do not please you.

The truth is that everything happens in an absolute order. Everything, without exception. But, because you don't know this truth, you resist to what you lebel as "bad". However, there is no such thing as "good" or "bad". People, events and circumstances show up in your life as perfect pieces of the puzzle, in a perfect order and at the right time.

The thing is, your current conscious state is so limited that it does not enable you to perceive the whole picture of the puzzle. That is, to see things as they really are . If you could, you would find it so beautiful and marvellous that, whatever happens to you would be welcomed joyfully like a blessing, with lot of appreciation and gratitude.

Your task is just to collaborate with the Great Architect, God, the Universe and trust Him blindly on the basis of this knew understanding, instead of resisting to His will. You didn't create yourself and you didn't created the universe. A Great and Infinite Intelligence far above your very little understanding of the world, did it.

In order to collaborate fully with this Great Intelligence, bear in mind the following reminders:
  1. Release all resistance in you about everything;
  2. Say "yes" to everything that comes your way, "good" or "bad";
  3. Remember that everything is a perfect portion of the puzzle and all these portions fit together. Welcome them with appreciation and gratitude;
  4. Remember that your journey will not last forever. So live the present moment the best you can;
  5. Because you cannot see the whole picture of the puzzle, trust the Infinite who created it;
  6. Remember also that you are yourself a portion of this big puzzle. You don't have a life on your own. Your life is in the Infinite Intelligence who created everything, including you;
  7. Really everything, like all the teachings given to us, fits together:
  • The power of now (Eckhart Tolle)
  • Appreciation & gratitude (benjamin Franklin)
  • Loving what is (Byron ketty)
  • It is good to feel good (Abraham)
  • Repentence, forgiveness, love, gratitude and 100% responsibility to go back home (Hew Len)
  • Forgiveness and love to go back home (A course in miracles)
To summerize, you don't have a clue what the meaning of life is. Therefore, trust the Infinite Intelligence. Live with love, appreciation and gratitude for everybody and everything in your life because they are part of the puzzle created by God Himself.
Doing so, you release resistance and go with the flow of life. And this is the sign that you are enjoying the journey of life. But, don't forget what your main objective here is: to return back home in God, in the fullness of your entire being.
Think about it and...
Stay synchronized...

Monday, October 4, 2010

Your Journey Agreement

Many years ago
You won a ticket for a trip to planet hearth
The specific environment and geographic destination was your choice
As well as all people, events and circumstances
You had to go through during the journey

You visualized the movie of your future life journey
And with great enthusiasm and joy you said loudly
Yes I love it and will go for it!

Before embarking
An agreement was presented to you by All That Is
The Great Organizer and Manager of the trip
And, without the slightest hesitation you signed it

In this agreement it is clearly stated that
You don’t really leave your home in paradise
Where you live forever with God

And that in fact only a tiny part of you is involved in the trip
This, by the way, is merely a dream, fictitious and unreal
As well as everything in it such as people, things, events and circumstances
That seem to be real but which are not

On this basis
You promised solemnly to respect strictly the rules and conditions presented to you
By the Great Organizer and Manager

Your promise was to focus on the main purpose of the trip
This is merely to appreciate, enjoy, feel good, and have fun along the path
All day long and wherever you go

By putting all your attention only on things you appreciate, love
And make you feel good
And releasing it from all the rest
That makes you feel bad
In order to avoid unnecessary resistance and suffering

Knowing that all this is virtual
You promised also to take nothing seriously
Whatever it may be

You promised also to remember that
You are living in a friendly universe
In which everything is alive, without exception

And that this universe
Like a giant screen or gigantesque mirror
Reflects only your own inner world

So, you would not attempt uselessly
To change anything you perceive outside
Because such attempt is resistance to what is
And, as you know it, what you resist persists

Nevertheless, there is no such thing as out there
The entire universe being in you
Including everything you could perceive

From this perpective
You promised to insure total responsibility for everything
"Good" or "bad"

Responsibility to heal your tiny part
Through forgiveness and love
And get back home
Meaning awaken to the fullness of your being

You promissed to remember that
You and your brothers are totally "innocent" and perfect
Just as God created you

But that only your unconscious guilt
Is projected outside as all the turmoil
Of daily life

To avoid this turmoil
You promissed to have your eyes only on the ball
This is to focus your attention on God only
In order to not be distracted from your main objective
That is to get back home
Through forgiveness and love

You promised also that
As your tiny part would not have a clue what would be going on
For receiving only 15 bits of information per second over 25 million bits flowing in reality
You’d neither judge nor condemn anything

And you’d trust 100% the bigger part of you, the Higher Self
To release all your fears, worries and anxieties from Home
Where He lives safely, happily and forever in God

Also you promised
While enjoying the journey
To express your appreciation all along the path and all day long
With gratitude to God for the opportunity offered you
To be here now

So, instead of wasting time regretting the past and worrying about the future
Be fully present here and now
Don’t cross life by living the present moment absent minded
Like a traveller who closes his eyes during the trip
And opens them only at the final destination

Take time to be aware
And to live consciously and fully the present moment
Having in mind that time is running very fast

And that soon, very soon
You will hear the loud voice
Of the Great Manager announcing
Always on time that
The game is over!!!

But before that happens
Could you certify with certainty
At this point of your journey
That you are faithful to your agreement?

If not the case
Know that it is never too late
Because the journey is not about duration
But about intensity

So review your agreement
And stick to it consciously
And faithfully

At last remember also that
Wherever you are and whatever you do
You give out energy that creates the world endlessly
And moment to moment

So from time to time
Stop and ask yourself
What king of energy am I giving out in this moment?

If that does not please you, change it
By focusing your attention
On things that make you feel good

Also by proactively living
According to what you really are
And not reacting to your environment

You are beauty and appreciation
You are love and kindness
You are happiness and joy
You are harmony and peace
You are abundance and everything good
You are gratitude

So give them all day long
To everybody and everything
Wherever you are

But be careful
To never give resistance
To never give fear
To never give anxiety
To never give worry
To never give doubt
To never give any negative thought feeling or action
To anybody, anything and anywhere

Because as you give (sow)
So shall you receive or experiment (reap)

Go back
Resume your journey
And enjoy!

Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized

Enjoy the journey!

God loves you unconditionally and eternally
For this reason, He placed you in a friendly universe
That cooperates with you all the time and in which
Everything is a blessing
And is there for your highest good

To His beloved Son
A loving Father wouldn’t give a snake
When asking for a piece of bread

You don’t have a clue what’s going on
And don’t see things as they really are
So, judge not!
Only God knows the whole picture
Only God knows the truth about you

You are here only for one thing
To great and appreciate everybody and everything on your path all day long
Because the entire universe is a living thing and your friend
And to enjoy the journey of life
With gratitude and appreciation

That’s your part
That’s what is requested from you
And nothing else

It is not your business to find solutions to seemingly problems on the journey
Someone else more qualified takes care 24 hours a day
Trust Him blindly and let Him do His job
And remember that resistance in any form
Is strictly prohibited and totally useless

So, whatever could occur during the trip
Remember that there is absolutely nothing to fear
You are 100% safe for nothing can harm you

Again, you were not created to play a different role
Other than the one given you by your creator
It is to savour, appreciate and enjoy life with gratitude
All day long and wherever you are

So, trying to occupy the driver’s seat
Is the greatest mistake you could do
Never do that!
It will end only to unnecessary suffering, frustration, sorrow and despair

Fasten your seat bell
Release all resistance and relax
Faithfully, let go or let God (the pilot) operate

And savour every split second of your journey
Before game is over!