Who I Really Am






Thursday, November 27, 2008

Love vs. fear

You have been afraid all your life. Afraid of the future, afraid to fail, afraid to be sick or to die, afraid to lose, afraid of disapproval, afraid of not being loved, afraid of not having enough, afraid of being incapable, afraid of your parents, afraid of your boss, afraid of your relatives, afraid of your wife or husband, afraid of your colleagues, afraid of the unknown, afraid of strangers, afraid of particular circumstances and events, afraid of speaking in public, afraid of not being approved, afraid of being rejected, afraid of lack, afraid of deception, etc.

In a word, your all life, you have been afraid of yourself : life itself.

You have completely ignored your true nature, which is also the nature of everything else, of the universe and God itself : love.

Out of love, you are out of yourself, out of everything else and out of life and God itself.

As a result, you feel dried, abandoned, not enough, powerless, ...
With love, you are whole and part of the whole. That means, the only thing you need is : love

Love yourself unconditionally, love others unconditionally, love events and circumstances unconditionally, love your feelings and emotions (even your fears) unconditionally, love life unconditionally.

Love is for you what water is for fish. In love you live. But out of it, you die !

Stay synchonized...