Who I Really Am






Friday, January 25, 2013

Regain your wholeness

Most of the time you are in a hurry
To quickly get everything you want
Be it stuff, money, success or whatever
This is because you believe you are a body
And more precisely a mortal being
That will soon leave this world 

So when your desires take time to manifest 
You worry or get anxious and even afraid
For not achieving your goals before you die
As if these would prevent you from death
Or give you some particular advantage
During your life time or after death

The truth is you are not a body
And even less a mortal being
Only your identification with it
Makes you believe it is so 

However who you really are
Does not need anything external
In order to be complete and whole
Because that is its natural state 

It is what you are not that needs it
Reason why it grasps everything on its path
But this does not work because wholeness
Is not the result of additions or multiplications
But the natural state of your Real Self

Now problems begin with your attempts
To make your ego self happy and complete
By amassing and accumulating all kind of stuff
Hoping to satisfy this individual entity
That by the way does not exist

As long as you do that and consider yourself
To be an individual being apart from others
You separate yourself from your wholeness
And begin to feel alone, powerless and weak

 To regain the totality of your being
First accept fully your eternal nature
And seek only what is eternal and immaterial
To prevent yourself from running endlessly
After whatever is temporal and perishable 

Second recognize and see yourself everywhere
In everyone as well as everything in existence
To prevent yourself from chasing incessantly
Your own shadow in whatever you crave
Because you believing it is apart from you  

Think about it and…
…Stay syncronized

Sunday, January 6, 2013

To plan or not to plan

To plan some aspects of our daily life is something not only quite normal, but also necessary for everyone of us. In other words,we can set up a schedule for the day, dream big dreams, design projects for the future and keep paying bills in order to maintain a certain level of comfortable life. In this process, we use all kind of tricks, stratetegies and techniques such as meditation, visualization, mantras, mental images, repetition and so on, in order to manifest our desires and make our dreams come true. However, these plans should not be considered as definite or absolute, but just as requests or suggestions presented to God without any sort of attachment, the Infinite Intelligence, to Whom the last word belongs and Who knows more than ourselves what is better for us in the present moment. If we are convinced of that, we would no longer manifest any sort of resistance, frustration, worry, anxiety or fear when things seem to not work the way we expect them to. Because doing so would simply mean we have strong attachment to the end result which, anyway,is not the end of anything at all, and believe that we are the doer. This, of course, is a big mistake because results are not our responsibility but God's, the only One in charge. Human being should understand that God, the Infinite Intelligence, which is All That Is, Is also the One willing to express Himself through us, His channels of communication and expression. This, has nothing to do with our petty egos. But, When we start personalizing this process and believe life is about us, that is where confusion and resistance begin, in the form of doubt,frustration,worry,anxiety or fear, followed by all kind of problems and difficulties. Once and for all, we must understand, as someone said, that "life is not about us, but about life itself". And, with this understanding come clarity and relief. Also, we start allowing life to flow easily through us, instead of opposing resistance against it. Think about it and... ...Stay synchronized.