Who I Really Am






Monday, October 29, 2012

And if time just does not exist

If Time is merely an Illusion
And as such just does not exist
Meaning there is neither Past 
Nor some Future moment
But only the Eternal Now

Wouldn't it be true then that
Whatever seems to have been
Or would ever seem to become
Is already Now in this Moment

And wouldn't it be true also that
Only you and you alone Create Time
Just by the way youThink of Events
As having to take place in the Future

Or the fact that from your Mind perception
What seems to be Missing in this moment
Is Projected in some future moment in time
Which by the way merely does not exist
Except in your Mind that gives life to it

Also wouldn't it be true that
By ending this Projection habit
And considering the Eternal Now
As the Only moment there is
Time therefore would no longer exist
And all your illusory projections
Would take place Here and Now

Wouldn't it be so?

Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Happiness is a decision and not a reward

On this earth you live
There is nothing whatsoever
That you would be or do externally
Which would make you Happy

All your desires to Be or Have
You believe will bring you Joy
Always lead without exception
To the same state of Emptiness
Nothing outside will ever fulfill

That is so because Happiness
Is neither the end Result of any endeavour
Nor some Reward gained after an achievement
But the very Essence of Who You Really Are
As Spiritual being and Beloved Son of God
Totally Complete and fully Satisfied in Him

As such Happines cannot be
Something you pursue, chase or run after
It is what you already Are at the core of your Being
And the only thing that is required from you
Is the Decision to Fully Recognize and Accept it
Without Reserve and Unconditional
Until little by little you Experience it
And Express it in your daily life

Waiting for external conditions to change
In order to experience Happiness or peace
Is not only Ignorance of your true nature
Coupled with a waste of time and energy
But also a great mistake that leads you straight
To a position of Victim in your Own life

Refuse to Sell yourself Short
By relying on changes on the outside
And Decide to Be 100% Responsible
Of your inner Peace, Joy and Happiness
Through Full and Uncontional Self Acceptance

Because as it has always been stated
There is no Way to Happiness
Instead Happiness is the Way
Meaning a delibarate Decison
You and you alone Must take

Do that and see what happens...

Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Little but consistent actions lead to huge outcomes

You have been Told
By Scriptures and Teachers
To not Judge Anyone or Anything 

My advice to you is exactly the Opposite
It is to Judge Everyone and Everything
But according to the Truth about them 

Although not being of this world
You can however improve your life Conditions
While at the same time following your Way Back Home 

Know that every circumstance in your life
Can be improved or worsen considerably
By the way you Judge and Feel about it 

Through Constant and Consistent Repetition
Your Subconscious mind becomes fully Convinced
And Manifests your Judgment in your Reality 

The World you perceive is Neutral
And has no Meaning of its own
Until you give it a Subjective Sense 
Through your Judgment Appreciation 

That way you can feel Abundant in any condition
And Convince your Subconscious Self that it is so
By constantly and consistently making Positive Judgments
No matter what the immediate environment may suggest 

Abundance is not about What you Have 
But about Feeling Totally Satisfied for What You Really Are
And it’s this Attitude that keeps Abundance Flowing
In the life of already Wealthy people

For “to those who have already
More will be added onto them”
That is Law  

Your current Environment is the Perfect Reflection
Of your Subconscious Judgments and Beliefs
About the World and your Self

The Good News is that it can be changed
In the same way it has been also created
Through repetitive and consistent Habit
Of Thinking, Judging and Feeling 

Until Strong Beliefs are formed
And Manifest themselves Spontaneously
In the visible world 

Take Lessons from the Universe
It knows How to do it
Through Water, Bird, Hair
Or whatever Obeys to Laws of Growth and Consistency 

It Says: 

Drop by Drop Water destroys the stone
But a big bucket of water thrown over from time to time
Does not have the same Effect” 

And also :
 “Little by Little
The Bird builds its Nest” 

That is: 

 Follow Only One Goal at the Time. And, Little Tasks performed Consistenly over and over will lead you Miraculeously to your final destination"

Think about it and…
…Stay synchronized

Friday, October 12, 2012

It's impossible to re-reconcile inreconciliables

The Drama of human being
And the cause of his Unhappiness
Lie in not knowing himself
As a spiritual being

He predominantly lives
Under the influence of  Mind
To which he identifies himself
Almost most of the time

He does not understand
That Who he Really Is
Has nothing whatsoer to do
With its never Satisfied Ego
At the Driver's Seat of his life

He has become its Slave
And a puppet in its hands
Always ready to Satisfy
All its lesser desires
Supposed to bring Happiness
Peace, Joy, or Harmony

But these
Are not the domain of Mind
But linked to your Intrinsic Nature
And What you You Really Are
And nothing outside is needed
For This to be fulfilled

Trying to do the contrary
By your willingness to Satisfy Ego Mind
Is a useless attempt to Re-Reconcile
Things that are inreconciliables

Do not waste your time 
Taking in things from the outside

But Give Out what you Already Are
To bring it in your Consciousnes
In the form of Peace and Happiness

Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized