Who I Really Am






Friday, March 30, 2012

Trust your creator unconditionally

If God is your creator
Or your only maker
Isn't it likely that
He knows all about you?

Wouldn't it be likely also
That He knows what your true needs are
How to provide them and when
Better than you can

Just as He knows how to regulate
All  the functions of your organism
As well as the course of the galaxies
And the breath of the entire cosmos?

So don't try to do God's job
He doesn't need your help at all
Never try again to take the driver's seat
It is not suitable to you

Never again listen to the voice of ego
Telling you can do better than your creator
That's a lie which leads to separation from your Self and God
And finally to unhappiness

Your only job is very simple
It is to Trust your Creator unconditionally
With unquestionning faith, love and gratitude
Just as the good Son of His you are

Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized.

It's All or nothing

If God is All That Is
If everything I perceive proceeds from Him
Being the Source of All thing

If He loves me so much
That the only thing He gives me
Is love and happiness

How then can I seek something else ?
How can I crave for any kind of stuff
While the totality is forever available to me in Him?

How can I run after mere shadows
While Truth is calling on me so lovingly
And Is in fact what I really am ?

How can I turn my back to light
And blindly jump into darkness
Where only illusions abide?

Today I have made a new decision
Today I have made a new choice
Today I take a new direction

I choose only Totality and nothing else
I choose Reality and Truth instead of shadows and illusions
I choose the Source instead of Its mere projections
And I choose light instead of darkness

It's All or nothing !

Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized

Thursday, March 29, 2012

There is a time for everything

There is a time for everything
And for each thing one time
Trouble comes from human being
Only when he starts resisting what is
By attempting to suppress its given time
To quickly get the change he seeks
With the hope to be happy
When he gets there

This however does not work
Happiness which is who you really are
Is the way and not the destination
And physical reality is in such a constant move
That whatever you get in this moment
Will soon or later pass
To leave you in the exact same position as before
That is wanting to change what is
And the strong desire for something else
Supposed to be better than what is
Over and over again

But so limited as your physical senses are
How would you know whether the change you seek
Will bring joy or take you into a nightmare?
If it is true that for each thing there is one specific time
Why would you attempt to suppress it in certain situations?
Isn't it that you judge them as bad and not lovable?
Wouldn't it be that what is in this moment
Is exactly what is suitable to you here and now
Just because you live in a friendly Universe that loves you
And whose sole purpose is to make you grow?

Is there a way out to this endless resistance
And persistent attempt to escape the present moment?
Yes there is One!

It is a full acceptance of what is
Based on knowledge of Truth not on resignation
No matter how frustrating what is is
It is a complete stillness in front of what is
Without the slightest negative judgment 
No matter how disgusting it appears to you
It is an infinite patience for what is
Knowing it is always temporal and ephemaral
No matter how real it seems to be
It is forgiveness and unconditional love for what is
Including people, events, circumstances and places
No matter how threatening they may be

Also remember 
That you will never get it done
And if this is true as it really is
Why then wasting time and energy
Trying mentally to rush into the unknown
Instead of letting time play its own game through you
Like the flow of waters through the pipe
Taking all kind of forms one after another
When and as it wishes

Those are some effective tools
Those are some useful steps
Towards more relief and freedom
As well as the main keys
That open the door of your natural sate
For more joy and happiness
That by the way is who you really are
Reason why you would never be able to find it
Nowhere outside of yourself
But only inside of you
By experiencing it yourself
Once you start giving it out
All over the places

Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized