Who I Really Am






Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Until You Truly Live In Spirit

Let’s suppose that in this moment
Something you have been longing
For quite such a great length of time
That you can’t even remember again
How long you have been praying for it
Finally happens and manifests today
Maybe you‘d fall down on your knees
Early in the morning following that day
In front of the main entry of your home
Your eyes and hands raised up to the sky
And all your senses filled with emotion
While at the same time giving thanks
To express appreciation and gratitude
To Father God and all your beloved ones
Now living in the invisible world of spirits
For their continuous care and support
And all their blessings poured on you
Combined with creative imagination
Genuine act of appreciation and gratitude
Must precede any degree of manifestation
And is by excellence the premium currency
Used to pay in advance whatever you want
If you are willing to get it fast and easily
And make all your dreams come true
It is the way to impress the subconscious
And convince it about the truth that is yours
Thus help you believe that you have received
Whatever you desire and want to manifest
By the frequent use of your imagination
It is also the way to seek first the Kingdom
Or the spiritual essence of everything in life
And make anything else be added onto you
By holding and rehearsing in your imagination
Vivid mental images of the ideal in view
Don’t wait until your desires materialize
In order to manifest your gratitude to God
True gratitude in fact precedes experience
And is all about the spiritual cause of things
Not their manifestation or the final result
Understand that truth or reality is spiritual
And their manifestations are merely effects
But until you completely change your mind
To have all your attention fully focused on it
Until you identify yourself with this spirit
And love it more than idols you’ve created
You’ll always feel separate and incomplete
And this is your greatest challenge on earth

Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized

Friday, September 5, 2014

Choose To Serve Only One Master

God is omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent
He is the matrix of everything in existence 
But related to circumstances people go through
“Good” or “bad” their ultimate cause lies only
In the quality of the relationship or exchanges
People entertain moment to moment with Source
By the way they direct their attention on purpose
Regardless of what their physical senses suggest
Or fail to focus exclusively on the eternal TRUTH
Our attention or lack of focus on All That Is
Indeed generate kind of thoughts and feelings
Corresponding to the objects of our interest 
And in time create in our subconscious mind
As a result of custom, precedent or habit
A predominant and powerful mental attitude
Of a specific energy vibratory frequency
Which like a magnet will attract and determine
The nature of our conditions and environment
If you deeply believe in the nature of God
And in the power of His spirit given to you
If you are really convinced in your entire being
Of the fact that the Almighty God is All That Is
All That Has ever Been and All That Will ever Be
You should no longer at the same time believe
In the existence of anything opposite to Him
If you don’t lose your focus on Him
But always remember that God is love,
Harmony, Joy, Security, Abundance, Beauty,
Clarity, Health, Wealth, Riches, Strength,
Infinite Intelligence, Oneness, Unity, Kindness,
Peace, Stillness, power, Good, Strength, etc.
You can no longer believe at the same time
In your so called problems, obstacles, lack,
And allow youself to get worried, anxious,
Threatened, fearful, powerless, or unhappy 

However if you are inclined to forget God
And to spend your energies in the unreal
And doing so you nourish and strengthen it  
You know exactly how you would feel
You know the feeling of separation, lack,
Discomfort, poverty, impotence, despair
Disharmony, loneliness, powerless
As well as the worry, frustration, anxiety,
Fear, disease, shyness, discouragement,
That follows whenever you do so
The good news however is that
At any given moment you have the choice
And the power to decide who to serve
Meaning to whom to give your attention
So that you may express it in your life
However only one master can be chosen
Just as your attention can dwell also
On one single thing at a time
Consistently align your conscious self
With the attributes of your Higher Self
No matter whatever seems to happen
And you dislike in your environment
Doing so harmony with the Total You
Can be restored and then be reflected
In your conditions and your whole life

Think about it and...
...Stay synchronised


Friday, June 6, 2014

There are only two ways to live one's life

Only two ways exist to live one’s life
 Either you blame or complain
Then get frustrated and unhappy
For things not working in your life
Or you appreciate and are grateful
For good ones that come on your path
No matter how little and insignificant
They may appear in your eyes
But a third or middle way doesn’t exist! 
For every adverse condition in your life
Millions of blessings to appreciate
And be grateful for are waiting for you
Why not turn your back right now
And release your attention
From any adverse condition
You may find yourself in 

 Never try hard to improve anything
Focus only on your current blessings
If you don’t have the relationship you want
Forget about having a better relationship
And focus all your attention and love
With appreciation and gratitude
On good things in your hand right now 

Doing so the dreamed relationship
Will follow by itself automatically
 If you are broke don’t try hard to become rich
Because the feeling of not having enough money
Will get stronger than the one of having it
And as a result you will get the reverse 

 Again focus only on the blessings
You can appreciate right now
Such as your health, your friends,
Your home, your job and so on
And the rest will follow  

Life works in such a marvelous way that
Things which produce in you good feelings
Have the tendency to gather around you
Naturally without your permission
And those that produce in you negative ones
Also do the same because like attracts like 

 You don’t get anything in this life
By chasing or running after them
But by attracting them onto you
Due to the natural law of attraction 

The mode of operation of this law
Is the same with your shadow
 When you run after your own shadow
The shadow will move fast before you
 You will never be able to catch it
 But turn your back on the shadow
It will follow you wherever you go
The same law can be observed
With an animal and its queue 

The great tragedy of human being
Looks like the story of someone who
Despite the mountain of delicious fruits
Already on the ground all around him
And ready to be savored and appreciated
He keeps focusing on the single one
Still remaining on one of the branches 

Most people are good seekers
But very pitiable receivers
They often receive what they ask
But once in their hand
The gift is no longer appreciated
And is replaced by another want 

This leads them to the same state
Of poverty about what they now want
 That’s why the notion of poverty is relative
 You will always seek something you don’t have
And as long as you don’t get it
You will feel poor and miserable
No matter all the acquisitions you posses

Ultimately turn your back on the world
And your face to the Lord the Supreme
Appreciate and be genuinely grateful
For whatever is in your hand NOW
And totally forget about all the rest
Which soon or later will take care of itself

Think about it and......
Stay synchronized

Monday, April 7, 2014

Real Vision Is The key To Salvation

What you really need as human being
In this life of impermanence and turmoil
Is spiritual clarity and vision to see the truth
Beyond the limited perceptions of the mind 
No matter the circumstances and conditions

Truth is more close to you than your own breath
And you stand by it just where you are right now
But it remains hidden to you up till this moment
Due to the clouds and bondages of the mind
And the lack of alignment with your Self

To achieve the required state of clarity
You must follow a step by step process
In which you first recognize your blindness
And the disharmony in your consciousness
That prevent you from seeing the truth
Or the salvation that is your birth right,
Then learn to achieve unshakable peace

To do so stillness of mind is the prerequisite
But before achieving this stage of quietness
You must have faith in a greater power
You recognize as the anchor of your life
To which your mind is tightly connected
Through the Son of God or Christ link
The Superconscious in Human being

There is no better anchor for human being
Than the Almighty God Himself  His Creator
And the connection to Him is activated
By constant and consistent focus on Christ
In charge of alignment of man with the Father
And to Whom the blind man asks for help
For his sight to be completely restored
Convinced that in Christ is his salvation

In a state of stillness mind gets clear
Then little by little man's vision comes
And he can realize that the salvation
He has been searching for so long
Has always been right under his feet

Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Stop Bargaining With God

God loves you unconditionally all the time

It is your duty to render Him the same love

Through genuine gratitude and appreciation

For all the blessings you are provided with

But which are not often paid attention to

Such as just the opportunity to still be alive

Or in good health, or having a loving family

A shelter, some food to eat and above all

Gratitude for who you really are as spirit

Infinite, eternal, unlimited like your Father


When you pray God for a specific condition

You want to change or improve in your life

You are in fact bargaining with Him saying

God I give you love in exchange of what want

Doing so you don’t really love God at all

But the condition you focus your attention on

And that you want to achieve through bargain

Pretending to love God Who Is the Ultimate good

But as long as through your constant focus

The condition is filled with more energy

 You just perpetuate it over and over


In order to break the cycle once and for all

You must overlook the unwanted conditions

You may be facing right now in your life

By withdrawing your attention from them

And letting them be alone where they are


That way and in time they will little by little

Lose all the energies that keep them alive

Until they fade away and disappear by themselves

Without any resistance on your part against them

Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Be proactive about everything and not reactive

The outer world we perceive externally
Including all thoughts, feelings and emotions
Is merely the effect of the inner world

You shoudn't therefore react to it
As something independant or separate
For being merely a projection
From your subconscious mind

Don't meet the outer as you perceive it
Or as you think or feel about it
But according to the truth you know about it

In this connection always remember
That this world with all its content is just a reflection
Of what you think or believe deeply to be true
From your subconscious level of existence
Although almost always far from reality

Each day meet the world proactively
According to what you know to be true
Instead of reacting  sponaneously
From uncontrolled thoughts and feelings
Popping up from you due unwanted events

Be proactive in life by constantly and consistently
Coming from love, appreciation, gratitude, joy, happiness,
forgiveness, and abundance inside of you
Despite whatever is perceived or felt
From the giant screen of the world.

Think about it and...
Stay synchronized

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

There are no such things as problems

Problems as such do not exist
Although they may appear real
In the mind that creates them

There are only conditions of life
Neutral by their nature and without meaning
But to which a false interpretation is given
By ignorance or luck of understanding
These neutral conditions of life
Interpreted erroneously by human mind
Are through his persistent attention
Transformed in him into a great mass of energy
This stock of energy which in turn is translated
Little by little into a strong resistance to what is
Now prevents life from flowing freely through you
This is the beginning of suffering for human being
This is the origin of all the so called problems
And the more resistance is created in him
The more suffering human being goes through
Once you understand that as individual
You don’t exist as such and that only God is
You let go and stop the useless attempt to label life
And let its waves come and go as they wish

Think about it and...
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