Who I Really Am






Monday, April 7, 2014

Real Vision Is The key To Salvation

What you really need as human being
In this life of impermanence and turmoil
Is spiritual clarity and vision to see the truth
Beyond the limited perceptions of the mind 
No matter the circumstances and conditions

Truth is more close to you than your own breath
And you stand by it just where you are right now
But it remains hidden to you up till this moment
Due to the clouds and bondages of the mind
And the lack of alignment with your Self

To achieve the required state of clarity
You must follow a step by step process
In which you first recognize your blindness
And the disharmony in your consciousness
That prevent you from seeing the truth
Or the salvation that is your birth right,
Then learn to achieve unshakable peace

To do so stillness of mind is the prerequisite
But before achieving this stage of quietness
You must have faith in a greater power
You recognize as the anchor of your life
To which your mind is tightly connected
Through the Son of God or Christ link
The Superconscious in Human being

There is no better anchor for human being
Than the Almighty God Himself  His Creator
And the connection to Him is activated
By constant and consistent focus on Christ
In charge of alignment of man with the Father
And to Whom the blind man asks for help
For his sight to be completely restored
Convinced that in Christ is his salvation

In a state of stillness mind gets clear
Then little by little man's vision comes
And he can realize that the salvation
He has been searching for so long
Has always been right under his feet

Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized.

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