Who I Really Am






Monday, October 25, 2010

Love VS separation

It's after God we have always been running after, not anything else (Ngabilane)

What is love?

Love is oneness and wholeness. To love then is to remember this eternal truth, that separation does not exist. The opposite of love, is the illusion of separation. It's an illusion because love is eternal and separtion cannot be.

From our current perspective, we see ourselves as separate one from another and from everything. This is merely an illusion because in truth, separation is impossible.

At the core of our being lies our true reality. This reality is our oneness with All That Is, the Infinite Intelligence.

Marriage is the symbole of love, and the act of making love represents our strong desire to unite with our source: God.

We seem to be running after different kind of stuff. We run after money, we run after relationships, we run after cars, jobs, promotions, consideration, approval, etc.

But, in fact we run only after one single thing: the realization of our oneness with All That Is.

We live in an illusion of separation with others, with everyting and with God. But, that is merely an illusion. The truth is that we have never been and will never be separated with God because His love for us is unconditional and eternal. Therefore, what is perceived as separation is a lie and cannot be.

When you remember this truth, relief and happiness show up.

Realize oneness by seeing everybody, everything and every circumstance as they really are:


Love is the affirmation of this oneness with All That Is.

Think about it and...
... Stay synchronized.

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