Who I Really Am






Saturday, November 3, 2012

Teachings from the universe

Every element of the Universe
Has specific lessons to teach you
Provided that you are Open-minded
And Ready Enough with the Willingness
To Look, Hear and Listen in order to be able
To Learn and Apply the Lessons given to you

Every single day

The Sun reminds you to live a Proactive life
By Giving out Unconditionally What You Are
To Everyone and Everywhere without Expectations
Knowing that what you are is Joy, Happiness, Patience
Forgiveness, Love, Smile, Kindness, Warm, etc.
And that it's Only by Giving out What You Are
Could you Experience it Yourself also

Every single day

The Seed reminds you that Patience is Everything
That Focus on your main Goals is all that matters
As well as Constant and Consistent Actions
In Alignment with your Objectives in life
If you are Willing to Surely and Safely
Reach your final Destination in God

Every single day

The Fruit Tree teaches you the Secrets of Generosity and Abundance
By Giving you Freely its nourishing Fruits which maintain you Healthy
Knowing that as you Give Generously so shall you Receive Abundantly also

Every single day

The River helps you to remember that it is like your Mind 
And as such should always be maintained Undisturbed and Clear
By Avoiding useless Disturbances caused by your erroneous Thinking

Every single day

The Ocean reminds you that you are of the same Structure
Its Surface being Identified with your Conscious mind
With all its Waves coming and going endlessly all day long
Just as Thoughts, Feelings and Emotions do the same through you
Knowing that in the Depths of Sea like the Depths of Consciousness
Is the Realm of Perfect Stillness and Peace Beyond Understanding

Every single day

The Caterpillar reminds you that you are both the same
And that just as it becomes later a Beautiful Butterfly
Through a Process of Natural Transformation
You also are going through the same Process
But Focus, Patience, Alignment and Faith are keys
Which enable you to Fly or be Whole again
After Waking up from your current Dream

Evey single day...

Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized

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