Who I Really Am






Saturday, November 3, 2012

The difference between a caterpillar or a seed and you

You are a Multidimentional Being
Simultaneously living in various planes
And absolutely One in your pure Essence
But seeming Divided at the Conscious level
Which makes you feel Alone, Weak, Poor,
Powerless, Seek, Afraid, Limited and so on

The Truth about all of it is that you are Stuck
In the limits of your current Conscious level
Having been Convinced that you are a Body
Instead of the Spiritual being created by God 

Like a Caterpillar that wouldn't know
That in fact it is a Beautiful Butterfly
Or the Seed of a Majectic Sequoia
That would Ignore its True Nature

Sometimes you want Change to come Overnight
So that you can Fly or Grow almost Intantaneously
But in this Universe you are still living presently
There are Laws that do not permit such a process

The difference between you and the Caterpillar
Or the difference between you and the Seed
Is that Intuitively they know the Truth about Themselves
Which is Absolute Perfection in the likeness of their Source
Being Fully Focused on This One and on IAlone

For this Main Reason they are Never Distracted
By any kind of External Circumstance or Adversity
But remain Still and let the Universe take care of all Details
Regarding every Need in their process of Transformation
Until they are able to Fly Freely everywhere for the first
Or Grow Majestically up to the sky for the second

Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized

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