Who I Really Am






Monday, January 4, 2010

Laugh at your temptations

If you think that going to church once a week, or praying three or five times per day are enough and will save you from evil, you are making a big mistake. Understand that evil never sleeps, nor goes on vacation. Constant and never ending prayer, meditation and connection to God should, therefore, be your moment to moment habits.

Temptations are like traps, waiting for you at every corner of the street. But if your connection to God or the Holy Sprit is not strongly maintained, you will get trapped all the time. And the more trapped you get, the more difficult your release from the evil's web will be.

You get trapped by becoming angry, furious, sad, anxious, afraid, jalous, etc. You get trapped when you hold grievances against someone or something. You get trapped when you feel poor, abandonned, alone, or not loved, etc.

In a word, anytime you act or react negativeley to someone or something, you've got trapped. And generally, this is also followed by a negative emotion in you, that makes you feel bad. This is so because you have made an erroneous judgement which is far from the truth about this person, yourself, or this thing.

Be vigilant and alert, therefore, about all the traps that surround you. And this should not be a periodic or a from time to time endeavour. It is a permanent task. Because as long as you live, temptations will always be on your way.

There will never be a moment where you will be without them. Night and day, they are part of the illusions which you call life. One of their main objective is that once you get trapped by believing in their reality, you become also attached to them. And this attachment is at the origin of your suffering.

To have peace and happiness then, release yourself from your attachment to this shadow life by laughing at all the traps that seem to threaten you. They want you to take them seriously, through this attachment, so that you suffer and feel powerless. But instead of doing that, ignore them. See them just as the mere smoke they are.

Again, laugh at them; laugh at anything that seems to bother you and refuse to behave as they want you to do. Their objective is to make you feel trapped, prisoner and afraid. But you can set yourself free by turning your back to them.

Remember one thing. Nothing, outside of you, really exists. Every person, everything, is merely your own reflection. And if you can fight against your shadow, you can also fight with your outer life, events, people ans circumstances. The implication of this assertion is that whatever you do, you do it to yourself.

Think about it and...
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