Who I Really Am






Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Be like de sun if you want to be happy

Most people believe that happiness is something to get outside of themselves. Something gained from or achieving a specific goal valuable to them. Such as getting a good job or a promotion, living romantic relationship, receiving lot of money, buying a new car or a big home, passing an important exam or receiving a degree, etc.

But, the truth is that happiness is not something you get from doing or achieving anything. Happiness is inherent to you, it's your nature, It's what you really are. The good feeling that emerges from you due to a particular event was already there in you, but not activated. It's only when a specific event is pleasant to you that this feeling is activated, which does not mean it comes from outside. Some time later, it is disactivated again.

The question is, if happiness is your natural state, why aren't you permanently happy?

Here are a few answers. First, you are unhappy because you do not focus enough on things that please you. People usually spend most of their time on things that generate in them feelings of worry, fear, anxiety, dispear and so on, instead of on those that make them feel good or make them happy.

They don't know how to use their existing environment as a pretext to activate the feeling of happiness in them, even for a moment. Instead, they let their attention wander everywhere and be focused on things they don't like, which generate only negative emotions and finaly make them feel bad. Thus, by not having the capacity to choose and focus only on what please them, they behave like victims of circumstances, instead of the conscious creators of their own life.

Second, you are unhappy because you are looking for happiness where it is not and can not be found. As stated earlier, happiness is not obtained in exchange of acquisitions, or achieved as a result of living specific circumstances or events. Happiness Is, already, in you, however dormant. What is required is merely your awareness of it, so that in time, little by little, it manifests in your life.

But, in order to be truly happy once you become aware of it as inherent to you, give happiness all over the places. Give it to every person you meet and love them all. Most of the time, people wait for something to happen in order to be happy. But, this is a big mistake. Happiness is not a reward. Don't wait for the change you desire in your environment to occur, so that you may be happy.

Doing so means that your happiness is external to you; which is not the case. Happiness implies proactivity. That means, being conscious of your natural happiness, you take it first with you wherever you go, and give it freely to the world, without expectations. Because as you give, so shall you receive. It is law. Expectations are one of our main obstacles to happiness, as they block the flow of positive energy flowing through us.

Look at the sun. Do you think that all over the world you see, there is something more happier than the sun? Day by day, it sends consistently its big smile and its light to all of us, unconditionally and without discrimination. That is true love.

Be like the sun, if you want to be happy. Become an unconditional giver, not a frenetic receiver. Give only the best that is in you, always, and you'll experience it in return in your life. There is no other way to happiness.

Think about it and...
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