Who I Really Am






Monday, February 23, 2009

Want and appreciate mostly what you are and have

You imagine that, because all the supposed knowledge you've got from your self improvement materials, books and CDs, you have already attained a certain level of spiritual development and power. Thus, you are now entitled to create your life experiences at will, or should be able to create your life the way you want it, more easily.

You do not understand how some people you judge undeserving, can manage quite well in their life, and sometimes far better than you who are supposed to be, according to yourself, a master capable of producing miracles, or at least fantastic results, almost immediately.

You even wonder why making all these efforts, why wasting your time learning these things, if there is not any sort of visible improvement in your life. Yes, that’s it. You’d like to measure your spiritual advancement with material, social or financial indicators such as the level of success you have, the amount of money in your bank account, the kind of home you live in, the car you drive, your relationships, etc.

To the eyes of other people, you want to be seen as a guru, the person who knows everything and has an answer for every situation. But, your frustration grows, more and more, when you realize that you are neither capable of demonstrating what you teach, nor experiencing yourself the life you describe to others.

Today, you have the feeling that some of your relationships which were seeing you as someone exceptional, are changing their mind about you, and are becoming reluctant to listen to you again.

You’d like, above anything else, demonstrate your power to their face, so that they change their mind about you and appreciate you again. Until they do, you'll feel guilty and unworthy.

If we go deeper in our investigations, we will discover that it’s only about a few people. And who knows, maybe it's one person, just only one, who makes you feel uncomfortable. Maybe some people around you appreciate what you have realized so far, but until this one recognizes your value, you will not be happy. Your frustration, therefore, increases again and again.

Are you wondering why you aren't experiencing the life you want for yourself and for all the persons you care about?

First, this question is wrong and not appropriate. Because when you know some truths about life and how the universe works, such a question should not be asked. It's like someone who wonders why it's dark in the room during a sunny day, while there is light outside. He forgets that he has just either to switch the light on, or open the windows to get light.

Anyway, to answer this question the way it is formulated, although it is pure nonsense, I’d say, you aren’t experiencing the life you want (a happy life) because you aren’t experiencing the life you want, period. The reverse is also true. You are experiencing the life you are experiencing (a unhappy life), because you are experiencing the life you are experiencing. This sounds like "Conversations with God" by N.D.Walsch!.

A bit tricky, isn’t it? But not really at all, when you look at it more closely. Why do you feel frustrated, powerless, or whatever the kind of feeling you experience in your life right now? The only reason you feel that way is because you feel that way, period!

You feel frustrated only because you feel frustrated, you feel angry because you feel angry, and you feel good because you feel good. You cannot expect feeling happy when the thoughts you are entertaining in your mind are negative. That would defy the natural laws of mind.

Your negative thoughts produce negative feelings, such as frustration, shame, resentment, anger, etc. And your positive thoughts produce feelings of the same nature. In life, you have only two choices. First, you live in a state of gratitude and appreciation for what you are and have now; second, you live with frustration, sadness, anger and resistance for what you want, but is not there yet. There is no other choice.

Life is like the wind. It blows in the direction it wants. You cannot predict it in advance or do anything about it. You have, but only two choices: to align yourself with the flow of life or resist it. In other words, you accept to follow the current, or swim against it.

Let’s go back to your question. As said earlier, this question does not make sense, if we know how the universe works. Because when we do, we become more humble, and only this humility before life can restore us to our true place in relationship with the Universe.

Therefore, instead of wondering why you are not experiencing the life you want, become humble before Life, turn this question around into its more appropriate and significant sense, for example:

Why aren’t you appreciating the life “life wants” for you and the persons you care about?

You see, many issues look like problems, but in reality they are not ones at all. That’s why, very often, they remain unresolved. You cannot solve any problem if you do not first identify its true origin and its root causes.

In front of any challenge or obstacle, take first the time to identify where the problem really resides. Because in your confusion, you can imagine that the problem is where or what it is not in reality. Turn around the situation, to find the true issue behind it. Do not rush to find the solution before you know the true problem, and you will discover the true problem, only by asking the right question, according to the knowledge you have about life, the universe and its laws.

Without that, you will waste all your time, beating the wall in front of you with your head, and not seeing the door largely open just two feet behind you.

Again, ask yourself the right question.

Why is your initial question a nonsense? Simply because, in relationship with life, the group words “you want” is wrong. Life works as it works, and nobody has any kind of power over it. Any affirmation contrary to that is pure lie and manipulation.

So, when you have a question in mind, analyse it deeply and ensure that it is right, both in its form and in its sense, according to what you know to be true.

The fact is that, right now, in this moment, you are experiencing Life, in its multiple forms. But, it is also evident that you are not appreciating it as you should, because in your mind, you desire something else .

So, if a question is to be asked, I mean a right one, according to what you know about the universe, it could be:

Why aren’t you appreciating what you are experiencing in your life now? Why aren’t you grateful for what Life has brought to you up to this moment?

That’s the true question which is to be asked, and which I think, makes more sense, doesn’t it?

Life is Infinite intelligence, Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent. Therefore, it knows better than us what is suitable to us. And according to that, it brings to us, moment to moment, what it choses, which is not necessarily what we want.

The contrary would mean that we have the hability to place orders to life and a power over it, which is false. Otherwise, we would be able to predict our own future, and avoid all obstacles that arise on our path everyday.

Don’t think, only one moment, that life is unfair, and that some people have more favour than others. Never believe that it is so. All the people you see around you, no exception, have their
personal challenges and everyone manages the best he can. Your problems may even be insignificant, compared to the difficulties others are experiencing.

In addition, don’t live with the illusion that the people you admire have no problems in their life. That’s a false perception about the universe also. If you hadn’t any problems, you would'nt surely be here, in this planet, any longer.

Some people may have nice surroundings, lots of money, relationships, power, nice homes, cars and all kind of stuff. However, none of them, I say none, is really as you imagine them to be: entirely fulfilled and happy. Even when they want you to believe that it is so, never agree.

Someone who is truly happy will never try to convince you that he is. Happiness emanates from him, and you can sense it. Money and stuff are good, but they do not represent an indicator of happiness, which is related to something abstract and different, the core of our being. Happiness has nothing to do with external things.

Faith and trust are the only things required from you by life. Remember that the universe loves you, even though this seems difficult to believe, when you consider some difficult circumstances you often find yourselve in. However, all you experience, no matter what, is for your highest good.

That's the truth.

Stay synchronized...

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