Who I Really Am






Thursday, February 19, 2009

Decide to not suffer anymore

Which is better, to suffer or not suffer ?

In my opinion, the second option is far better than the first. Because I notice that When I am angry, worried, afraid, or anxious about something, I feel bad inside of me and experience lot of suffering at the same time.

When I am happy about something, I feel good and delighted. Why is that ? and what that means ?

As many people have already found, all feelings are inside of us, good and bad, positive and negative. Feelings do not come from the outside, external events and circumstances are only pretexts for us to bring dormant feelings in us to life. But, they always have been, are always, and will always be there, in us.

The good news is that, we have the choice. Yes, no matter what happens to us, we have the choice to suffer or not. I am not talking about happiness here. I am talking about deciding not to suffer anymore, no matter what may happens to us.

There is one simple reason to that. When you experience something "bad", then get angry, worried, sad, or whatever. Do you, through those reactions, change anything to what is ? I don't think so. Instead, you suffer in your heart and your body, which is by the way, the source of many of your diseases.

However, when you decide to react differently, things may not change either, but at least, your health will be safe and you will not feel bad, or suffer uselessly. When you do that, chances are that you will experience less resistance about what is and feel good, which is far better that feeling bad.

The thing to remember therefore is this : all feelings are inside of you, they do not come from outside. When you know that, you chose the ones you want to experience now, instead of being driven by automatic feelings and reactions coming from you and often created by external events and circumstances .

Refuse to be a puppet. Chose, no matter what, to not suffer again, and be free !

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