Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy new year 2010
First, I would thank God for lot of blessings in my life during the year 2009. I am alive and in a very good health with all my family. We live in total security. All my children have managed well in school. The first one has got his job in SEEG, another got his baccalauréat and all the others went to higher levels.
My wife, who has been unemployed since we live together married (20 years!) has finally got a job in 2009! This year, I have managed myself quite well also in my job and received, as usual, appreciation and support from my supervisor who really appreciates me. I thank God for that. Like during the previous years, I've also travelled a lot. The most important destination being New York, in the USA! I had always wanted to visit New York, oh my God; and now it's done! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
This years, I have really done a lot to improve my home. Painting and furnishing have been completed. Now, I really feel good in my home. I like to seat in, and appreciate what I have realized. Now, I can receive proudly anybody in my home. Thank you !
Beside these positive aspects of the year 2009, there are some which need improvement during 2010. Among them, my relationships with my elder brother, with one colleague, and with money. Specially with money, it seems there is never enough of it.
Also, I've been waiting for a promotion in my job for years. Even my supervisor has tried to help. But, something seems not to work and blocks this promotion. Anyway, for all these things, I say thank you to God, because He knows better than me. I am convinced that they are blessings disguised. Thank you father!
Today, which is the last day of year 2009, I pray God and His Holy Spirit to help me clean and purify myself from all negativity. I pray that all resistance, blocks and negativity be removed and cleansed and the end of 2009, so that I born again in 2010 with many improvements in all areas of my life.
During 2010, I really want to please people, strangers, parents, friends and relatives; and money is part of the equation.
Happy new year!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Conviction about God's love
Answer: Yes, I think
Question: You think. But, are you truly convinced of that?
Answer: I don't know...
Question: Why don't you know?
Answer: Because it is beyond my understanding. I just can say yes or no, but without a firm conviction based on a personal experience.
Question: So, you need a personal experience?
Answer: I think it would help.
Question: I see. Tell me, have you ever been in a situation involving such experience? For example when you asked for something important and God answered?
Answer: Yes, many times. I asked God for my present job, and He answered. I had been threatened many times in this job and God protected me. I have been involved in many accidents and have always been safe. I live in perfect health and security with my family. In fact, it seems that God extends His protection on me every time and every circumstance.
Question: Good. Now, let's go back to our main question. Are you convinced that God loves you?
Answer: I know and believe that God loves me. And I ask God to help me to be convinced of this truth all the time.
Question: Why is it so difficult to be convinced of this truth?
Answer: One reason may be, because our mind is divided. We live between fear and love. If we could just live in love, our conviction would be strong. But we feel threatened all the time because we identify ourselves with our body. If we could forget our body and live completelly in spirit, may be things would be different. But as long as this body will be with us, the battle will remain also.
Question: I see. Now that you know it, can't you change your mind about it?
Answer: We try, but as I said, as long as we will live in this body, the battle will go on.
Question: This is something you are convinced of, instead of what you should.
Answer: I am sorry
Question: Don't mind. If you finally realized that your body is not real, either everything else that seems to threaten you, could this make any difference?
Answer: I think so.
Question: Good. From today, could you once and for all understand that nothing you perceive is real, no matter how it appears to you? And that who you really are is invulnerable?
Answer: I will try and do my best.
Question: Can you forgive the world for its nothingness, so that you are released from it?
Answer: With God's help
Question: Do you think you have got it?
Answer: I hope so. Thank you
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Back home to our true reality
For all my attacks and judgements to "others" who in fact, are myself, I say “I am sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you”.
Thank you to myself for the feedback from which I am informed about what’s going on inside of me. This feedback is a blessing to me that helps me take action by forgiving myself through God’s strength, instead of resisting to what happens to me.
I am sorry for what ever I had done that seems to manifest as what I am experiencing now
Please forgive me for that
I love you, instead of resisting negatively
Thank you for your feedback, your unconditional forgiveness , and my eternal innocence
· Money: believing not having enough; or scarcity, is a judgement and an attack on myself
· My job: feeling stuck in my current grade is a judgement and attack on myself
· My son's performances in school: judging them poor is an attack on myself
· My wife: judging her school level poor is an attack on myself
· My brother: judging him mean is an attack on muself
Simply because those people and circumstances do not exit as such. It’s me, and me alone, who show up as projections in them, asking for help, forgiveness and love from myself also in order to be free.
For everything that shows up in your life, say:
“Thank you father, for this BLESSING coming into my awareness, to help me know that something to get RELEASE from dwells inside of me; so that I may FORGIVE and be FORGIVEN. This is my ticket back to you, where my real HOME is.
As someone said: “keep your eyes on the ball”, meaning focus only to get back home, to God. Therefore along the path, just keep saying
If you could take care of our Inner as we do with the outer, our life would be far better than it is now.
Our negative reaction is an erroneous judgement and an attack on ourselves , the source, from which the feedback comes. How can you judge, you who don’t have a clue what exactly is going on inside of you?
Know that whatever you perceive is false. Therefore, judgement is not something you are not qualified to do. How can a blind talk about colors?
The wise thing to do in front of any situation, is to acknowledge that you don’t know what’s going on and, welcome it as it is, without any label on it. Instead see it as a blessing from God to help you find relief and your path to him through forgiveness.
Your only GOAL or REASON of being here is to USE the WORLD as a MEANS to go back HOME, or GOD.
Life is not about getting something here or change the world. But rather, use it as a device to remember your oneness with all that is and find your way back to God.
Therefore, if you can genuinely appreciate everything that shows up in your life, “good” or “bad”, and understand that it is through them that you get relief or total detachment from your illusions and find your path to God by forgiving, you would have finally got it.
Now, you live in total confusion, not knowing exactly what is “good” or “bad”, and most of the time taking one for another.
People like Benjamin Franklin understood it; that everything, everything, was a blessing, and served only one PURPOSE, which is help you to return back to your original state, as son of God.
In the United States of America, particularly in New York where I am back from a workshop in UNDP. What what I have seen inspires me is this. Man came to earth for a certain reason, like a hunter or a fisherman who goes to the bush or the river for a certain length of time after which he finally returns back home to his family.
But, in this world in general, it seems that lot of people do not know why they are here, and behave as if their daily occupations are the finality of their journey on this planet.
It is as if they are from this world and spend all their time just for the purpose of making their life better with more money, nice homes, nice cars, prestige and consideration from others, etc.
People are so busy looking for all kind of stuff that they lose sight of the essential. You can do what you want to make your life better while still here on the earth, as the fisherman or the hunter do while in the bush . Nothing wrong with that.. But, it is not wise to focus all your energy and time on stuff for the improvement of one’s life.
The fisherman knows he went to the river to capture enough fish to nourish his family. He does not spend all his time building and improving shelters. Is he did, how could he nourish his family then when he returns home? He knows why he is here for.
But what, as human beings did we come here to do?
According to what is my deep belief now after coming into contact with teachings such as “A Course in Miracles” and “Ho’oponopono” (although a huge gap exists between them), I think that we are here for one reason, or one purpose. This purpose is to wake from our dream, meaning release ourselves from the illusions that seem to be our life, and find our way back to our true reality, or God. There is no other purpose in life than that.
The world we live in wants to keep us away from this objective by attaching us to our illusions that it is real and creating confusion in us. But when we start to see more clearly, instead of being the puppets and victims of this world, we realize that we have been cheated and remember who we are and what we came here to do.
Now, we can use the world in our advantage and set ourselves free. How? By no longer believing in it. And get relief through forgiveness and love. Know that you lose your power and believe in it anytime you react negatively like a victim. But once you decide to no longer give it reality, you get your power back. At this moment, no matter what happens, your only reaction is the one of forgiveness and love. On the other hand, attitudes such as anger, frustration, worry, anxiety or fear give reality and power to the world, attach yourself to it and make you slave.
Like the fisherman, we came for a purpose, but with the ultimate goal to get back home, no matter how long we stay. The difference is that we have forgotten the way back home, believing that we are from the world.
Our task therefore is to detach and release ourselves completely from this world, through forgiveness and love for everyone and everything. When it is done, we can find our way back home or God, “our ultimate reality” as stated by Adrian Cooper.
To me, forgiveness is the complete release you achieve through your total detachment from the shadows you now perceive as being your reality.
Monday, December 21, 2009
And if tomorrow was your last day to live?
Knowing that at any moment, you can fall into such a precipice and die, what would be the best way to go with life?
I don't know. However, it would be a good idea to be prepared everyday for this last step. And you do it by asking yourself this question everyday:
If tomorrow was my last day to live, what would I do?
In my case, I would say:
I have tried to understand through books, like many others before me, what life was about. And from that, I wanted to be the best person I could imagine myself to be: Healthy, Wealthy and Wise. I really wanted to express my fool potential and become a role model for others. I thought also that, with a certain level of spiritual knowledge, it would be possible and I would be able to manifest the kind of life I desire.
Today, can I honestly say that I have succeeded or not? It seems really difficult, because my perception of truth is so limited that any affirmation from me would be a mistake.
I sincerely think that, on my own, it is impossible to find out what all this is about. And, walking in the fog, I need a power greater than me, to show me the way and lead me. So that, even in the fog, I could feel secure, knowing that He walks with me, and protects me.
Thus, if I had to leave the game tomorrow, my advice to my brothers would be to be humble and realize that, because we are blind and deaf, and not even knowing where we are going, the only alternative, the ONLY ONE, is to give ALL OUR LIFE TO GOD, AND HAVE A BLIND TRUST, FAITH AND CONFIDENCE IN HIM, AND HIM ALONE.
Believing that we can succeed alone, without His light and support is pride.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
You are a magician
But, you are not conscious of that. Because you have created it magically at the unconscious level, before projected it outside.
Now, it appears as if it is external to you; which is not the case. In fact, nothing and nobody exists outside of you. Everything comes from you.
You created this mechanism yourself to let you know your current state of mind. But, because you have forgotten how it works, you react negatively to its feedback. And doing so, instead of correcting your mental state, you make things worse with your resistance.
In fact, what you do on a regular basis is magically disguising all your mental states, thoughts, feelings and emotions and giving them life through your external projections in the form of people, events or circumstances.
And, when you perceive them, they seem to be separate from you. But they are not. They are you, projected by yourself as witnesses of you own mental states.
So,when you blame someone you believe is outside of you, you are in fact blaming yourself through the image or illusion you perceive. When you forgive someone, you are forgiving yourself. When someone is asking you for something, it is yourself expressing a particular need, and refusing it is depriving yourself from forgiveness and the love you seek.
Is it clear to you now? Remember, nobody and nothing exists outside of you. All of this is your own mental state, projected by you for a purpose.
Think about it and...
Stay synchronized...
Saturday, November 7, 2009
The heart of palm as peace of mind
In fact, what was the real problem of the elephant? Simply that when the heart of palm fell down in the river, the elephant hastily and blindly started searching furiously and rageously everywhere in the river; and the more it searched, the more troubled and dirty the water became.
As a result, completelly exhausted, our hungry friend couldn't find its food, until a very small animal came passing by and which, having listened the elephant's story, gave him the following advice: "friend, if you want to find your food, stop struggling and troubling the water. Slow down, be still and relax. Let the water became clear again to enable you find where your heart of palm is".
The elephant followed the advice of our new friend and, imagine what happened. The heart of palm was right there, lying quietly under its feets!
The morality of this storyI love so much is that, whenever you are troubled for any reason, you cannot find peace or the solution to your problem with an agitated mind. Just as the elephant couldn't get its food back from the troubled water. That is impossible!
Whatever the situation you are confronted to in this moment, you must remain calm, be still and relaxed completelly. And when you are in this relaxed state physically, your mind will follow also. Now, look at the problem or situation directly. Don't try even for a moment to escape from it; instead, face it, welcome it and spend some time observing and examining it closely.
Now, start forgiving the situation and yourself for all the trouble you are experiencing. Keep doing it until you feel some sense of relief. Maintain and increase this feeling of relief with detachment before letting go. This is realized by seeing the situation or the trouble progressively fading away from you, little by little, until it disappears completelly from your sight.
At the same time, clarity, followed by love, take place in your mind little by little also, just as trouble disappears from it. And when all the troubled water-confusion in your mind- has vanished, you'll discover that the solution you were looking for was lying there, just under your feet. But you could't find it as long as you were persisting in your agitation.
But, above all, know that the only thing you have really been searching for is peace of mind. Now, you know how to find it.
Think about it and...
Stay synchronized...
Friday, October 30, 2009
Change your perspective to change everything
To see the truth, you must change your current perspective about things, and adopt a new one, which is God's. But, what is it? What is the perspective from which God stands and looks at all things?
To answer these questions, it is necessary to understand the nature of God. God is love and light, God is purity, and without judgement, etc. So, when God looks at something, this is real vision, because there is no coloration of anything else.
Now, you have an idea of the perpective from which you must look at things, if you want real vision. Remember, everything is neutral; everything. We are the ones who give a particuliar meaning to things.
Think about it and...
Stay synchronized...
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Would you like to be free and fly like a bird in the sky?
Take a balloon and a long thread for example. Fill the balloon with air and attach its mouth with one end of the thread. Then keep the other end in your hand so that the balloon could float in the air. After a moment, in case of lot of blowing air, chances are that the balloon will fly up to a certain distance, depending of the length of the thread. But, it will not go farther. Right?
Evidently, this is so because the balloon is retained by you from the thread. It would like to go far away and enjoy all this free and empty space. But, due to the resistance created by its attachment to the thread, it cannot. However, the solution is simple, although not easy: release the thread and let the balloon fly. When you do, what a joy for the balloon, and what a freedom in the sky!
A part of you is like these balloons, attached to all kind of threads that create a great resistance, preventing you from flying and enjoying the natural freedom and happiness that another part of you is currently experiencing now, in this very moment.
Yes, one part of you is strongly attached through your attention to threads such as your job, your family, your degree, your finances, your prestige, your honors, etc. As a result, it remains stuck at the same place forever.
Another part of you, which is your true Self and who you really are, is flying, in this very moment, and eternally. That is, one is attached and blocked; while another is totally free and happy. How to reconcile the two?
The solution resides in releasing your attachment and resistance from the first, by removing your attention from its symbols or belongings which, like anchors, prevent you from flying; and focusing only on your true Self with its attributes, and fly as far as you wish in the sky within.
Your success in this shift will liberate you from your captivity and make you fly.
Think about it and...
Stay synchonized...
Friday, October 16, 2009
The way out
If you are asleep, you will react instinctively, and often negatively to them, according to your ego viewpoint. However, if you are awaken, you will bless the person, event or circumstance in front of you, for the opportunity they give you to make a better choice, according to who you really are.
In fact, life itself is a big opportunity for you to go back to your Source and return to your wholeness; consciously speeking. For now, it is as if you were divided into different parts not knowing each others.
The question that arises then, is the following: if the seemingly challenges I face on a daily basis are blessings for me to get back home, how can I best use them to this purpose?
The answer is this: do the best you can, constantly and consistently, to make the right choices, according to the truth you know about everything, everybody, and yourself. When you do, you will start awaking, little by little, to the fullness of your Being.
You see, what you perceive and do not like is determinant to your total awakening and oneness with who you are. In fact, it is the way out or the path back home without which, you wouldn't even regain your fullness in spirit, or God.
That's why, instead of resisting the world, you should bless everybody and everything you don't like, or being the cause of some negativity in you, such as fear, worry, distress, anxiety, etc. For they remind you of what you are not, so that you may chose what you, are and return home, little by little.
Think about it...
And stay synchronized...
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
What do you really want?
What about you, are you an exception of this rule? I am pretty sure you are not.
You might say you want lot of money, a new car, a soul mate, a good relationship, a successfull business, a good job, and so on; believing that once you get them, you have won the game and it is over. But, let me tell you that it is not that simple; and things do not work like that.
The emptiness you feel inside of you is surely due to the absence of something. But, what is it that is missing to you? That is the real and most important question to be answered and which determines everything else.
Do you think it is something external, material or physical; something your physical senses can perceive? I am sorry not! Otherwise, you wouldn't feel the way you do. Instead, you'd merely be satisfied as soon as you get what you want.
Now, if your emptiness is not due to something that can be bought or acquired from the outside world, what is it related to? The answer, I think, becomes evident. It is about something non physical, something you cannot perceive with your physical senses. This thing is called: happiness!
Yes, my friend, what you really, really, want, is regain your connection to happiness, which is your true nature. But, most of the time, you look for it where it is not, and will never be found. That is, in your physical world. Nevertheless, happiness has never been and will never be there. Because who you are, your essence or spirit, is not from there either.
That is why you buy a new car or a nice home; you create a successful business or find your soul mate; hoping to fill the large hole that exist inside of you. Like a circle, the more you want more stuff, the more you get, and the more you get, the more you need.
Why that?
It is just because what you want, is already there in you. It is you! Being already complete, you do not need anything else from outside to be added onto you. What is just required from you is your conscious attention, awareness and your connection with the Infinite in you; your true nature.
When this connection is established, what you really want, which is the Infinite, God, All That Is, Happiness, Love, Joy, or whatever the name you give to your true nature, becomes yours. And, as you finally find it, nothing else matters any more. That's the truth.
Therefore, stop wasting your time running after the meaningless shadows of outside world, and start creating your connection with Happiness, which is who you really are and really, really, want, without knowing it.
Think about it...
And stay synchronized...
Saturday, September 19, 2009
What are you waiting for?
In these two attitudes, no doubt that the first one, if practiced regularly, will bring you joy and happiness for anything in your life; while the second will make you feel not enough, empty, poor and miserable all the time. However, the choice is yours, although not often easy. But, it is worth making, if peace of mind is important to you. As an old proverb goes: "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush". Think about it!
You are never sure whether what you are craving for, will be yours or not. Or, if it will be good for you when you get it. In fact, there is no proof nor any guaranty whatsoever, that one day, the thing you want will come into your life and bring you the joy or satisfaction you seek. In addition, Considering that nothing and no stuff will give you everlasting happiness on this heart, why then wasting the few and precious moments you have in this lifetime for the unknown?
Do you want to be happy? Change your mind about life and go with the flow. That is, stop looking at the sky, waiting for a particuliar event to come, in order to appreciate your life and enjoy it. Know that every single thing that you have ever gone through, has contributed to the kind of person you have now become, and to the level of achievement which is yours currently . Therefore, appreciate and be grateful for all thing, even the slightest.
Your life, is like a half- glass of water. The way you see it, is what determines your level of joy or of unhappiness. You are your own judge. Judge your life as half- empty, you will be miserable. See it as half- full, you will feel good and your happiness is assured. What do you prefer, joy or unhappiness?

Think about it and...
Stay synchronized
Friday, September 11, 2009
Love and relationship
Is based upon relationship
With EVERYTHING, seen and unseen
Relationship with God
Relationship with Spirit
Relationship with Soul
Relationship with thoughts
Relationship with feelings
Relationship with emotions
Relationship with body
Relationship with other people
Relationship with all the creatures
Relationship with things
Relationship with events
Relationship with circumstances
Relationship with the universe in general
In this relationship
Privilege the unseen
Go far beyond egos, appearances and forms
Above all, focus on the spirit behind them
Deal only with the essence of pure love
Which is in you, in others, circumstances and things
Then, align your thoughts, words and actions with it
Deep in your heart
That only love is
Has always been
And will ever be
Dispite all the apparent turmoil
Of your daily life
Remember also that
In order to find peace in the world
You must first find it in yourself
From your mind
Including all your thoughts
Feelings and emotions
To your entire body
And this is possible only through...
Think about it and ...
Stay synchronized...
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
A monotonous life
Often, they look at other people, their neighbours, or colleagues and seeing them experiencing a better life than them, they wonder why things are so different for them and what is wrong with them.
These people shoud remember the following:
First: Their life is not anonymous, because God knows who they really are, in Him.
Second: What they perceive around them is not real, but merely shadows of their true reality.
Third: They don't have a clue about what is really happening at the spiritual level
Four: They chosed this life to help themselves return back home to God
Five: Their current life is the perfect life for them, now. Just like their fingerprint.
Six: All of this is inside them. Therefore, nobody is to be compared to them
Seven : What they perceive as monotonous is far better than the imaginable worse events that could happen to them. I don't dare to think about nightmares such as incurable diseases, tsunamis, deaths, all sort of losts (job, mortal accidents, family member, home, etc.), etc.
Eight: They are secure and live in total abundance and happiness in God
Nine: They should thank God every moment, for their blessings and teach others to do the same
Ten: Live with total faith, love, gratitude and appreciation .
Think about it and...
Stay synchronized...
Comparing yourself to others is insane
Just because when you do, you either find yourself superior or inferior to others in some way. Most of the time, this produces a feeling of inferiority, or guilt, or undeservingness, or not having enough, or not being loved, or not being appreciated, etc.
Whatever the feeling you experience from comparing yourself to others, it is not justifiable. Just because, others do not exist outside of you. And that is also why change of what is cannot come from the outside, but from within.
Think about it and...
Stay synchronized...
Friday, August 28, 2009
The best thing that would happen to you
First, know that everything that has ever come into your life up to this day, I mean everything, was right for you at this precise moment, and therefore should be wellcomed. Maybe you haven't appreciated many of those things.
Nevertheless, they were perfectly arranged specially for you by the Universe, although you would not had like them when they occured. Why? Because there is no such thing as random event or circumstance in this Universe, which works in a precise and mathematical order for every specific living creature in the world.
Now that you know this, what would be this best thing for you, among all others? According to me, all the things that have happened to you up to now, "big" or "small", "good" or "bad", are equal in their essence, and none of them is more important than others.
They are equal in the sense that they are all projections of your inner world, just like shadows. And, as everyone knows, shadows are not reality. Shadows are nothing, because having no life of their own. They are just reflected outside, on the screen of life, which let you know what your inner state is according to what you believe yourself to be, and help you take any appropriate action.
The fact is, everything that happens, reflects your state of mind. It is a translation of something else inside of you that generally you do not know; because having its roots at the inconscious level, in the form of strong beliefs about yourself.
Events and circumstances of your life are just like smoke coming out from a burning house. Smoke is not fire itself, but it lets you know that your house in on fire. Generally, in this case, the appropriate action is to call firemen quickly to extinguish the fire.
Anything you perceive with your physical senses, "good" or "bad", is not from you, but from your "right" or "erroneous" beliefs about who you are. However, Who you are is far beyond your conscious understanding. But, many people get confused with projections of their mind and themselves.
Now, what is the best thing that would ever happen to you?
Considering that everything that happens to you is a projection of your mind, thus directly linked to your beliefs about yourself. Considering that what happens to you has nothing to do with "good" or "bad" luck, but directly connected to your erroneous or right inconscious beliefs about yourself. Considering that anything that happens to you is a shadow, without a life on its own. Considering that anything that happens is merely translations of inconscious beliefs about yourself. Considering that to eliminate the smoke you must extinguish the fire in the house and not focus on the smoke. Considering that who you really has nothing to do with your inconscious beliefs and their related projections.
Considering all the above, in my opinion, the best thing that would ever happen to you would be to completelly and permanently extinguish the fire in your house. That means, erase and remove for good, all the erroneous beliefs about yourself which reside in your mind, and live permanently connected to who you really are.
How to extinguish your inner fire or erase your erroneous and inconscious beliefs about yourself? You do it by using the universal eraser: forgiveness. Ask and pray God for forgiveness of all your erroneous beliefs about yourself. Then, express gratitude for the "smoke", or outside events and circumstances for letting you know whatever is going on inside you.
"Know yourself", said the philosopher. Those two words are the key to a more happier, significant and meaningful life.
Think about it and...
Stay synchronized...
Friday, July 24, 2009
Constant and consistent attention creates your experiences
Have you already tried it? If not, it's time to start. To do it, the first thing is to choose the thing you want to experience in your life. What is it? What is it that you want to see manifested in your life now, in order to be convinced of this truth?
The few things you need are your imagination and your will to maintain your focus or your attention on the image representing what you have choosen to experience. Once this image has been choosen, just focus your attention on it, constantly and consistanly, night and day.
Don't force to make anything happen. Proceed naturally and, if your focus is withdrawn for a moment, gently just get it back to your mental image. Have in mind that it is impossible to maintain your focus on something 24 hours a day. Always, it will be distracted by something else all day long.
However, never mind, these interruptions are part of the normal functioning of the mind. Whenever this happen, just get your attention back kindly to your point of focus, over and over, until a continuous focus is established; which later will be followed by the manifestation of your experience.
There is a common belief people have. It is that the experience of something will make you happy. Nevertheless, your happiness doesn't depend on something external. Your are happiness. It's your essence and your natural state.
Do not expect to be happy from your experience, or you will be disillusioned. Be happy in the first place, and experience whatever you wish, just for the fun of it and not with the objective to be happy.
Now, what kind of image can you hold in your imagination in order to maintain your attention on the the object you want to manifest?
First of all, this image should be clear, vivid, pleasant and, above all, joyful. In short, it is one which, when thinking about it or focusing on it, makes you feel good. When you have fun focus on it, you will like coming back to it again and again, until full connection is established.
In addition, be patient. Remember that you are not trying to get something behind your experience. You are playing and enjoying the process. It's for the fun of it, not for winning anything. Playing the game is in fact what you want; nothing else.
Everything in life grows, constantly and consistently. Think of a tree, a plant, a body, hair, etc. Physical growth stops only with death. Therefore, don't attempt to jump straight to the experience where there is no fun!
Manifestation is death, calling for a new beginning!
Think about it and...
Stay synchronized!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Oneness is heaven and separation is hell
This discomfort is an alarm, that can take many forms such as envy, jalousy,worry, anxiety, anger, fear, etc. When you feel it, that means you have already crossed the red zone.
You and everything else in existence form a unique field of energy or spiritual body. This field of energy is one and unique for all. Just like your current physical body is one for all its parts. That is, pain from your finger will pervade your entire body even though the other members are not directly affected.
The entire universe is your body, whatever the forms it may takes. Therefore, know that what you do to others, good or bad, comes back to you. There is only one spirit common to everything and everybody, had said someone. And another one added that only one person is in the room: you!
Think about it and..
Stay synchronized...
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
You are looking in the wrong direction
Because you are looking in the wrong direction.
You cannot see something outside of yourself that you don't first see in you. You would ask:
How can I do that?
How can I see a physical experience in myself?
And I would reply :
See it from your essence, your true nature, who you really are. Because everything, every experience, is made of the same stuff :
Energy and vibration.
You and anything thing else are the same. But, if you look at the world as separate, it will be separate from you, and it is what you will experience: separation.
Oneness is therefore the key.
Think about it and...
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Monday, July 20, 2009
Fill your mind with what you want
In other words, if you do not fill your mind with what you want, what you do not want will fill it. It is law. You cannot have a mind without anything. If you don't chose, you will be chosen.
However, you have the possibility to chose the kind of seed you want, in order to have the plant you want. For this purpose, be the watchman of your mind by paying attention to whatever comes into it.
Better, fill it constantly and consistently with what you want, to prevent anything you do not want to enter.
Think about it and...
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Thursday, July 16, 2009
Unconditional life
But, we can decide to live unconditionally and be happy, by creating in ouselves our own world; no matter what happens outside. Then, it will be reflected outside.
We do it by deciding to live without condition. That is: be happy or feel good without condition, give without condition, love without condition, help without condition, etc. You live according to your natural state, or the truth, no matter what occurs in your environment
With this new habit, we are no longer prisoner of the outside world, having built our own inside of ourselves.
The outside world is only the reflection of the inside. Don't waste your time trying to change it directly. Instead, go inside yourself where its roots reside. Then, remove and replace them by new ones with your own world.
Think about it and...
Stay syncronized..
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
For a certain level of consciousness, certain experiences
Another good example is the butterfly. Its small egg develops to give birth to a caterpillar which, later also, will be transformed into a beautiful and colored butterfly. In these two examples, the process is operated with the great wisdom of the Infinite Intelligence that created worlds, without any slightest resistance.
The seed, in essence, "knows"what its final goal is: to be mature and produce fruits. Same thing for the egg, whose final goal is to achieve its full potential in the form of a butterfly, and become free, before spending time all day long, flying leisurely and joyously from one plant to another.
In their process of evolution, these two creatures do not worry, even for a moment, about how and when they will attain their mature state or respective goals. Never. They just keep growing and evolving in total abandonment to the infinite wisdom of the universe. They do not either get anxious or feared about the future, but instead, trust unconditionally the universe and its laws for everything.
That is the big difference between human beings and other creatures. Human beings live in doubts, worries, anxieties, frustrations and fears, while other creatures evolve in total confidence and unquestionned faith in the Infinite Intelligence that created them.
This attitude from human beings is pure nonsense. How hell can simple creatures like them have doubts about their creator? How could this be? Maybe human beings don't recognize God as their creator, and assume they created themselves as they are. Or, because they cannot perceive God directly, ideas about His infinite wisdom and powers seem too imaginary and, therefore, not credible.
This attitude is nothing else than a denial of God, their own source. They seem to have no other choice, but only count on their own forces. However, in times of difficulty, they get lost and feel desperate.
Why that? Why separate ourselves from our source by denying it, to be exposed to unnecessary sufferings in our life ?
The truth is, very often this attitude is not intentional. Something, call it ego or whatever name you give it, is standing between us and our creator. This thing prevents us from living in complete trust and confidence with our divine nature. It's the source of all our troubles and sufferings, and we can be free only by removing this impostor once and for all from our life.
Now, learning from example being one of the best known methods for acquiring knowledge, what lessons do we get from the seed and the egg?
Lesson1: As already discussed, the first lesson to learn is total, unconditional trust and faith in God, the Infinite Intelligence that knows and can everything. Because perceiving the all picture about your life, He knows exactly what is good for you or not, despite all appearances.
Your frustration and resentment for not getting something else, added to your strong will and persistance to obtain it, are only reactions from your limited ego. You cannot pretend, with such attitude, to trust God. On the contrary, it is a sign of pride on your part, meaning you know better than God about what is good for you.
Lesson2: It is patience and endurance ! My friend, do you know how to have everything you want? Do you know the secret for having all that you heart is longing for? Be patient. That's the secret.
If you look at your life now, you'll notice that many of the things you had desired in the past are already present in your life. Sometimes for years. You don't even remember having badly been craving for them. Today, they seem to have less importance. Because now, you are wanting something else that, one day, will also be yours, until it loses its value.
In life, many "obstacles" or "tests" may come your way, do not resist them. They are of great service to you, even when this seems difficult to accept at first. Don't complain and try to escape or run away from them.
Sometimes, problems persist because in your mind, you are not clear. It is as if your mind was troubled like troubled water. In this case, instead of resisting, just be still and wait. You will get clear, and in this clarity lies the truth.
The main intention of seemingly problems is to make you stronger than you now are. Therefore, be still and face them courageously. Let go of your ego completely and surrender to the Infininite Intelligence of All That Is to handle the situation, whatever it is. God's power wants to be expressed through you. Be open and release it.
Be no One ! The seed, for example, "knows" how to do it. When there is lack of water during the dry season, and not even a single drop of water can be found, can you imagine the seed complaining and crying all day long in front of its adversity? Never. The seed remains still and confident. It experiences calmly the permanent alternation of life's phenomenons, the "yin" and the "yang".
Lesson3: It is total abandonment to the infinite wisdom of the Infinite Intelligence. While faith and trust imply total confidence in God in achieving our goals, abandonment enables to completely let go and let God. In this state, you are carefree about details and outcomes. You know what you want, but don't care about whether or not you will get it. The result for you is the same. Because God's choice is already yours, and you accept it thanfully and joyfully.
Human beings are too attached to outcomes. Always wanting to achieve final results almost overnight, by transcending the natural laws of growhth and evolution. And when some delays are experienced in manifesting their desires, they get frustrated and mad.
Again, can you imagine the seed behaving this way for not producing fruits instantaneously? Or the egg, for not flying overnight? Only human beings do that! They cannot understand and accept that until they grow and evolve up to a certain level of consciousness, they are not yet ready for certain experiences. This would defy the natural laws of the universe.
Lesson4: It is about consciously living and accepting fully the present moment, without expectations. The seed or the egg do not care about whether they will achieve their respective goal or not.
Will the egg grow and be tranformed into a caterpillar that will one day become a beautiful butterfly? Noboby know. Maybe it will be eaten by another insect or animal. Will the seed grow and evolve to a big tree providing fruits to people and animals? Nobody knows. But the seed doesn't care about what will happen to its life the next moment.
The only thing that matters for both the egg and the seed is where their focus is NOW, and, moment to moment, evolve towards their goal. The question you, as human being, must ask yourself over and over and moment to moment, is this :
"Is what I am thinking, feeling and doing in this moment in harmony with my main goal in life, which is to grow and evolve to high levels of consciousness"? If the answer is no, correct the the course of your thoughts, feelings and actions immediatly, and align them with your life purpose. To be successful, do this inquiry many times a day.
Lesson5: It relates to the consciousness of perfection behind every step of our process of evolution. When growing or evolving to higher levels of consciousness, no step in the journey is more important than another. All are interdependent and perfect in their stage and at their time. Without the egg, no caterpillar; and no caterpillar, no butterfly. The same truth applies to the seed and the tree.
That means, every step in life is whole in its nature and perfect as it is. Applying to human beings, this truth can bring great relief to the resistance they have in their day-to-day life. In fact, they rarely accept fully their current point in life. Always, wanting to be somewhere "else" or have something "better". They never agree with their now, specially when some of its aspects are not as they would prefer.
For example, if they want a better car, a better home or a better job, they see the one they have as imperfect. If they are on the dole or single, they see their condition as imperfect. They judge it negatively. But you know what? This attitude is what maintains things as such, without any improvement.
Human beings have decided in advance that what they desire is "better" than what they have now. Therefore, they live with too much expectations for future changes in their life. Forgetting that where they are now is a necessary step to get where they want to be, and even when they get there, they will still be moving forwards, but always in their wholeness.
Have in mind that only perfection is, has always been and will ever be, despite all appearances. Our true nature, and the nature of everything, is perfect. For this reason, when God looks at you, the only thing He sees like in a mirror, is: perfection. That's all. If the reflected image was different, God would not be perfect. Because what we perceive is only the reflection of what we are. As God is perfect, He can only see perfection.
Refuse to be attached to outcomes or live with expectations for the future. That will release you from useless resistance and sufferings. Know that your life is already perfect the way it is, now. Nothing is missing to you in this very moment. Nothing is missing to an egg, nor to a caterpillar. Even the butterfly is still evolving by giving birth to new eggs.
Only your ego always tries to convince you of the contrary. Unfortunately, you let it win most of the time. But, if you had already a certain level of consciousness, this truth would be more clear to you. You are already perfect exactly where you are.
Another truth to remember is that this process has no end. As someone said: "you will never get it done". You will never reach a point where you will be said: "stop". Your life is an infinite journey in which every single step is whole and complete in itself.
Lesson6: It is about your ultimate goal in life, and also the ultimate goal of every creature and everything in existence : unconditional service. Whatever the conscious level you may achieve, it is intended to help and serve others.
But, the main point here is that, this service must be unconditional. Look at the nature, and you will agree that everything serves unconditionally. The fruit tree, the sun, the rain, etc. All of them serve the universe without reserve or condition.
Some people, even at an advanced stage of their life, always consider themselves as small seed. They always want to be served by others and keep willing to take, over and over, not realizing that time has already come for them to give in return.
They even don't wonder why, despite all their attempts to get more, they can no longer receive as they wish. The thing is, when a container is already full of water, it cannot take more of it. Make rooms in yourself by giving out something good to others, whatever it is. Then, they will be filled by good things also.
Stop for a moment and analyse yourself. Do you think you are already mature? If your answer is yes, then start giving more, instead of asking. There are so many things you can give, I assure you. Money and stuff aren't the only things to give.
What about your good will, your love, your kindness, your work, your smile, your help or support, your encouragement, your compliment, your time, your devotion, your advice, etc. Anybody can give something, no matter what.
To go even farther, know that the only thing we do in life in: giving!
Yes. It's the only thing we do, moment to moment all day long. But, we do it unconsciously. Our thoughts, feelings, emotions and deeds are sent out constanly in the form of energy and vibrations, which bring back to us corresponding experiences. Therefore, why not chosing by ourselves what we decide to send out?
Unconditional living is one of the keys to happiness. This way, you live without expectations from anybody or anything. You become totally whole in yourself and totally free. Your life does no longer depend on external events and circumatances.
With an unconditional life, you decide to live the way you wish. That is, you are happy for nothing, you are abundant for nothing, you give for nothing, you are kind for nothing, you love for nothing, etc. In a word, you live for nothing. No expections in return!
All these lessons, in fact, apply to every creature, and only human beings are not able to live in total obedience to their creator, due to the interferences of their egos. These interferences are what jams and retards the normal process of their evolution.
Ego creates doubts, worries, anxieties, frustrations and fears in human beings. For this reason, they must always pay attention to what is happening in their mind, moment to moment, so that when noticed, these negativities are automatically rejected and thrown away.
Think about it and...
Stay synchronized...
Monday, June 15, 2009
The consciousness of your whoneless
Of course many know that they have also a soul, or a spirit. But, most of them do not know what it is, and I don't either. However, from different reserches, we have some basic understanding of them and their role in our life.
Among all the various levels of human being consciousness, the most common are : conscious, subconscious and superconscious. As said earlier, there are many others. Everyone of these parts has its own role and power. For example the conscious has the power to make choice and give direction, but it cannot create. The subconscious executes blindly, without dicussion. Its power is to create, accordindg to the direction given to it by the conscious. And the superconscious, yes the superconscious, what are its real role and power ?
Most of the time, the conscious makes mistakes or wrong choices, whether knowingly or not. This occurs very often when we live in auto pilot or default mode. Now, to correct these mistakes or errors, what to do?
Here is called upon the power of the superconscious aspect of the mind. In fact, although the conscious has the power to make choices and give direction to the subconscious, it has no power whasoever, on its own, to make changes directly on the subconscious level. That's impossible.
In fact, there is a barrier between the different levels of the mind which do not enable interferences. Thus, the conscious cannot directly have access to the subconscious, and the subconscious does not have a clue about what's happening on the conscious level. However, the conscious, through faith and belief, can unlock the unlimited power of the superconscious and enable it to act on the conscious and subconscious level by cleansing, inspiring, and correcting mistakes and errors.
To do that, the conscious must speak to the superconscious or the Christ part of human being, which is his savior, and ask him to do what he wish. This contact is made in the mind, through a movement of the thought. The only condition, in order to achieve the desired results, is to have unconditional faith and belief that things are already so.
In addition, the conscious cannot directly address its request to God, the supreme power, and be understood. Because it is so corrupted and unpure that the huge gap that separates them vibrationaly cannot enable this connection. Therefore, the only alternative is the superconscious, the son of God, which is the bridge between the conscious and God.
Only through the superconscious can changes be made, and errors in the subconscious corrected . There is no other way. Sometimes, people force things to happen in the way they wish, and wonder why they do not get he results they seek. They think that, just by using their strong will, they can be in total charge, and achieve their goals.
Once again, conscious does not create. It does not have that power. It is the role of the subconscious power to create. Imagine that you walk hand in hand with a super creative force, capable of manifesting whatever you wish. But, concerning your environment, this super creative force is blind and deaf. The only thing it perceives is your thoughts, feelings and words, according to what you believe to be true, related to your current environment.
But, in case you get in trouble for one reason or another, this super creative power alone, cannot help you. Because you cannot, on your own, act on it and erase what has been already recorded erroneously in its memory and change the situation; nor can it do it automatically by itself. The solution you have, the only one, is therefore to address the superconsciousness or Christ within, which alone has the power to intercede for you to God, and through which, only, changes can be operated in the superconscious.
Now, the key here, is to be fully aware and conscious of your combined nature. When you pay attention moment to moment to the three aspects of your being and use them accordingly on a regular basis, they become little by little more alive, and not dormant as they are in this moment. Then, like a muscle, the more you use them, the more power and strength they get, and the more powerful you become.
To be complete, you must have total faith in the respective roles and powers of the different aspects of your being, and let everyone one of them do only what they are meant to do.
Practice, be aware and patient. And, to finish, know that surrender is the proof of your faith.
Stay synchronized...
Friday, June 5, 2009
You are here to grow
What we observe among most of people is that when some adversity, difficulty or obstacle are before them, they start to resist. This resistance could be illustrated by their worries, anxities, fears, resentment, anger and all kind of negative states.
The truth about any adversity is that it comes into our life for our best interest, which is to make us stronger than we are, in order to grow and gain self mastery. Only for that, we should say thank you to any seemingly obstacle or difficulty placed on our path, instead of resisting and desperatly trying to escape from it.
When you are not confronted to obstacles and difficulties, you cannot grow. Curiously, most people prefer their life to be like that. They do all they can to avoid challenges in their life, prefering the tranquility of their comfort zone. That's why their life is so insignificant and with no meaning.
When those king of people come to die, it is not even noticed. It is as if they had never lived. Did they grow ? I don't think so. People who grow are those who dare, are ready to face up to rejection, and keep moving forward against all odds.
Untill you become like them, you will never grow and express your full potentiel. Think about it !
Now, my advice to you is: when placed in front of any challenge or difficulty, be silent, still and patient. Don't be afraid. Just wait and see a power greater than you handle the situation you are confronted to.
Stay synchronized...
Monday, March 2, 2009
Purification as fondamental condition of wellbeing
Many people experience accidents, shortcomings, obstacles and other forms of blocks in their life and wonder why that is so, and how to avoid or prevent them from happening.
Although not easy, the answer however is simple. Let met explain. If you are wounded and would like to heal yourself, what do you do first?
I guess you start cleansing or disinfecting the injury with alcohol or something similar, in order to remove dirt and microbes. Don’t you?
You do not use treatment first, Because you know that, without disinfecting, the wound could not be healed and things may eventually get worse.
Life's blessings are like sun's rays. They cannot directly reach you from a closed room. You have to stand outside, where they can touch and warm you.
In the same way you must be, spiritually speaking, at a place where God’s blessings can reach you. Because with all your negative thoughts, feelings, emotions, actions and deeds, you build around yourself a sort of fortress, a thick wall, that prevents wellbeing, abundance, security and protection from reaching you.
Know that God blessings flow eternally, moment to moment. Only the thick wall you have built around yourself separates you from them.
Now, what to do in order to receive all these blessings destined to you, that you are entitled to, but which bounce back on your fortress?
The answer is : PURIFICATION.
That's it. Like with the wound, you must first CLEANSE and PURIFY yourself of everything in your life that is incompatible and not in harmony with God's nature. And this must be done, both at the physical and spiritual levels.
At the physical level for example, you take all kind of unhealthful, injurious and hurful substances like alcohol and drugs, that prevent God's inspiration and positive energies from filling you.
These positive energies are incompatible with impure substances that attract and nourish negative entities at the origin of most undesirable events and circumstances you experience in your life.
For this reason, all these substances should be avoided and suppressed once and for all, if you want to keep these entities and their disorders far away from you. Remember that anytime you use them, you send invitation to these entities that authorizes them to do as they wish in your life.
The same thing is true for your impure physical actions or deeds. Every negative action originated from your five physical senses has the same consequences. Avoid them, by purifying every move of your body, be it a glance, a speach, a touch, a taste, a walk, etc.
Pay attention to everything you do with your body, remembering that it does not belong to you. No, it doesn't!. Your body is the temple of God, and an inappropriate use blocks the flow and keeps its owner away from home.
At the mind level, the same thing is true true. Do not allow negative thoughts, feelings and emotions occupy it. They must be definitely prohibited, if you want God’s blessing have access to you.
So, two important aspects must be taken into consideration here. First, is what you do with your body, and second, what you do with your mind. When you realize the purity of your body and align it with the purity of your mind, you become open to God.
It is also known that you, as individual, are not just the person you are perceived today by others. You are the product of your past, from your ancestors to your parents, and you take with you their heritage, physical and spiritual, wherever you go. You don’t have any idea of the positive and negative influences of this heritage. Nevertheless, these influences are real.
For this reason, cleansing and purification of your negative influences are vital, for your natural wellbeing. And here is where you use forgiveness and love, because they release you from negative influences and purify you at the same time. Both are complementary and should be used constantly and consistently, in order to be restored back to the receptive state.
Everything we need, and everything we’ve ever asked for, has always been given. God, the Universe, gives all the time and every moment. But, we do not receive as it is given, because we are nots in the condition to receive. We are not in the receiving mode or in alignment with him; that is, pure enough for his inspiration and blessings.
When your body and your mind are purified, there is no need to ask any more. Receipt of your good is pending and delayed only because of your impurities. With purification, abundance starts flowing to you, without interruption.
If we go back to our main idea, there is one thing to bear in mind all the time: PURIFICATION. That's the key to your connection to Good or God. Purification at the physical level, and purification at the mind level.
This is to be done constantly and consistently through abstinence and sobriety for the body, then forgiveness and love for the mind. Now, your body and mind become filled with God presence and reflect it in your daily life.
Stay synchronized...
Monday, February 23, 2009
Want and appreciate mostly what you are and have
You do not understand how some people you judge undeserving, can manage quite well in their life, and sometimes far better than you who are supposed to be, according to yourself, a master capable of producing miracles, or at least fantastic results, almost immediately.
You even wonder why making all these efforts, why wasting your time learning these things, if there is not any sort of visible improvement in your life. Yes, that’s it. You’d like to measure your spiritual advancement with material, social or financial indicators such as the level of success you have, the amount of money in your bank account, the kind of home you live in, the car you drive, your relationships, etc.
To the eyes of other people, you want to be seen as a guru, the person who knows everything and has an answer for every situation. But, your frustration grows, more and more, when you realize that you are neither capable of demonstrating what you teach, nor experiencing yourself the life you describe to others.
Today, you have the feeling that some of your relationships which were seeing you as someone exceptional, are changing their mind about you, and are becoming reluctant to listen to you again.
You’d like, above anything else, demonstrate your power to their face, so that they change their mind about you and appreciate you again. Until they do, you'll feel guilty and unworthy.
If we go deeper in our investigations, we will discover that it’s only about a few people. And who knows, maybe it's one person, just only one, who makes you feel uncomfortable. Maybe some people around you appreciate what you have realized so far, but until this one recognizes your value, you will not be happy. Your frustration, therefore, increases again and again.
Are you wondering why you aren't experiencing the life you want for yourself and for all the persons you care about?
First, this question is wrong and not appropriate. Because when you know some truths about life and how the universe works, such a question should not be asked. It's like someone who wonders why it's dark in the room during a sunny day, while there is light outside. He forgets that he has just either to switch the light on, or open the windows to get light.
Anyway, to answer this question the way it is formulated, although it is pure nonsense, I’d say, you aren’t experiencing the life you want (a happy life) because you aren’t experiencing the life you want, period. The reverse is also true. You are experiencing the life you are experiencing (a unhappy life), because you are experiencing the life you are experiencing. This sounds like "Conversations with God" by N.D.Walsch!.
A bit tricky, isn’t it? But not really at all, when you look at it more closely. Why do you feel frustrated, powerless, or whatever the kind of feeling you experience in your life right now? The only reason you feel that way is because you feel that way, period!
You feel frustrated only because you feel frustrated, you feel angry because you feel angry, and you feel good because you feel good. You cannot expect feeling happy when the thoughts you are entertaining in your mind are negative. That would defy the natural laws of mind.
Your negative thoughts produce negative feelings, such as frustration, shame, resentment, anger, etc. And your positive thoughts produce feelings of the same nature. In life, you have only two choices. First, you live in a state of gratitude and appreciation for what you are and have now; second, you live with frustration, sadness, anger and resistance for what you want, but is not there yet. There is no other choice.
Life is like the wind. It blows in the direction it wants. You cannot predict it in advance or do anything about it. You have, but only two choices: to align yourself with the flow of life or resist it. In other words, you accept to follow the current, or swim against it.
Let’s go back to your question. As said earlier, this question does not make sense, if we know how the universe works. Because when we do, we become more humble, and only this humility before life can restore us to our true place in relationship with the Universe.
Therefore, instead of wondering why you are not experiencing the life you want, become humble before Life, turn this question around into its more appropriate and significant sense, for example:
Why aren’t you appreciating the life “life wants” for you and the persons you care about?
You see, many issues look like problems, but in reality they are not ones at all. That’s why, very often, they remain unresolved. You cannot solve any problem if you do not first identify its true origin and its root causes.
In front of any challenge or obstacle, take first the time to identify where the problem really resides. Because in your confusion, you can imagine that the problem is where or what it is not in reality. Turn around the situation, to find the true issue behind it. Do not rush to find the solution before you know the true problem, and you will discover the true problem, only by asking the right question, according to the knowledge you have about life, the universe and its laws.
Without that, you will waste all your time, beating the wall in front of you with your head, and not seeing the door largely open just two feet behind you.
Again, ask yourself the right question.
Why is your initial question a nonsense? Simply because, in relationship with life, the group words “you want” is wrong. Life works as it works, and nobody has any kind of power over it. Any affirmation contrary to that is pure lie and manipulation.
So, when you have a question in mind, analyse it deeply and ensure that it is right, both in its form and in its sense, according to what you know to be true.
The fact is that, right now, in this moment, you are experiencing Life, in its multiple forms. But, it is also evident that you are not appreciating it as you should, because in your mind, you desire something else .
So, if a question is to be asked, I mean a right one, according to what you know about the universe, it could be:
Why aren’t you appreciating what you are experiencing in your life now? Why aren’t you grateful for what Life has brought to you up to this moment?
That’s the true question which is to be asked, and which I think, makes more sense, doesn’t it?
Life is Infinite intelligence, Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent. Therefore, it knows better than us what is suitable to us. And according to that, it brings to us, moment to moment, what it choses, which is not necessarily what we want.
The contrary would mean that we have the hability to place orders to life and a power over it, which is false. Otherwise, we would be able to predict our own future, and avoid all obstacles that arise on our path everyday.
Don’t think, only one moment, that life is unfair, and that some people have more favour than others. Never believe that it is so. All the people you see around you, no exception, have their
personal challenges and everyone manages the best he can. Your problems may even be insignificant, compared to the difficulties others are experiencing.
In addition, don’t live with the illusion that the people you admire have no problems in their life. That’s a false perception about the universe also. If you hadn’t any problems, you would'nt surely be here, in this planet, any longer.
Some people may have nice surroundings, lots of money, relationships, power, nice homes, cars and all kind of stuff. However, none of them, I say none, is really as you imagine them to be: entirely fulfilled and happy. Even when they want you to believe that it is so, never agree.
Someone who is truly happy will never try to convince you that he is. Happiness emanates from him, and you can sense it. Money and stuff are good, but they do not represent an indicator of happiness, which is related to something abstract and different, the core of our being. Happiness has nothing to do with external things.
Faith and trust are the only things required from you by life. Remember that the universe loves you, even though this seems difficult to believe, when you consider some difficult circumstances you often find yourselve in. However, all you experience, no matter what, is for your highest good.
That's the truth.
Stay synchronized...
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Are you a cat or a mouse ?
To which category do you belong to ?
To know it, take the time to observe yourself in your daily life. How do you behave among your colleagues, or your friends, or in your family ? Are you for example always afraid of public speaking ? or do you experience difficulties to express your opinion during meetings or other circumstances ? Are you unease in official gatherings, or in front of your boss or any other personality ?
If your answer is yes, to these few questions, chances are that you are a mouse. However, there are lots of mice that force themselves to behave like cats in some circumstances, in order to prove to others and to themselves that they are different.
The problem is that, when they do so, they become aggressive or arrogant, because their attitude does not come naturally. By forcing themselves that way, they finish by hurting others around them, and their yesterday friends become today, their worse ennemies.
A mouse cannot become a cat, nor a cat become a mouse. They are different creatures with different and specific faculties. And each of them develops its own natural faculties in order to survive in life.
You will never see a mouse trying to become a cat because it is tired of being chased and devoured all the time, no. The only thing it can do is develop more and more its intelligence, its rapidity and fastness, to be able to escape mice permanent pursuits.
If you recognize yourself to be a mouse, instead of a cat, learn to do the same. Develop the faculties you already have, and express them when necessary. But first, accept yourself fully as you are and never try to be someone else. Never.
If you think you are afraid of public speaking for example, accept it and don't be ashamed of it. Then, develop something else, like your listening or written skills. Good listeners are very much appreciated, contrary to what people believe. Don't talk about writers...
You can also improve aspects of your life in which you have identified some weaknesses. But, as I said before, the first thing is to accept these weaknesses as such. You cannot improve anything that is not recognized first by yourself as being a weakness.
When this step is made, you can exercise yourself with small audience first, even with two people. Then, bit by bit, little by little and without forcing anything, improvment will follow, until you reach more important groups. The same applies to everything; exercise is the key.
To conclude, if you recognize yourself to be a mouse, accept it. Do not try to be a cat overnight. Instead, improve your own inherent faculties, to become the best mouse ever. Have you ever heard of Speedy Gonzalez, the fastest mouse of Mexico ?
I hope you understand what I mean...
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Thursday, February 19, 2009
Chose your own beliefs
As a result, what we experience in life becomes in alignment to social or traditional beliefs, and not to our true nature as individuals, or the core of our being.
Me, as individual, I have nothing to do with another individual. I have a personal focus on life, different from others's. Therefore, my reality shouldn't be the same as everybody's reality. I stand in life from a specific perspective that has nothing to do with the perspective from which other people stand in like.
That's why I must chose my own beliefs, and live according to them. As this has been stated by many people, the law of life is the law of belief. Your life is a mirror, a projection or a reflection of your beliefs. That's why in order to change your life, you must change your beliefs, not the outer world.
You cannot remove something on your face from the mirror you have in hand, no. The mirror just reflects what you have on your face, so that you decide to remove it or not. In the same way, you cannot extinguish fire in a house by fighting against the smoke outside the house, no. You do it by extinguishing the fire itself, in the house. The smoke is just a signal for you that your house is burning, so that you take action.
You see, you must change your beliefs, in order to change your current experiences. Let's say for example that you think you are stuck in some difficulty. You will remain stuck in this difficulty as long as you will believe that you are stuck.
If you think you have not enough of something, your reality will be the same as long as you do not change your mind about it; and this is true for everything you experience in your life. You think like this, because your environment is doing the same, according to what their physical senses have been telling them over and over.
Things have been working like that for centuries. But today, you can decide to chose your own beliefs, according to what you want to be true for yourself, and no longer live from the opinion of the mass.
For example, if it is about money, what you have just to do is believe that money if flowing to you abundantly. Believe it, no matter what your senses or people suggest to you. Do it over and over, even though nothing happens, believe it anyway, because it is your own choice.
If it is about health, job, promotion, relationship or whatever, do the same. Your beliefs are yours and they are personal. Live from them, always, and see them be reflected in your experiences.
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Decide to not suffer anymore
In my opinion, the second option is far better than the first. Because I notice that When I am angry, worried, afraid, or anxious about something, I feel bad inside of me and experience lot of suffering at the same time.
When I am happy about something, I feel good and delighted. Why is that ? and what that means ?
As many people have already found, all feelings are inside of us, good and bad, positive and negative. Feelings do not come from the outside, external events and circumstances are only pretexts for us to bring dormant feelings in us to life. But, they always have been, are always, and will always be there, in us.
The good news is that, we have the choice. Yes, no matter what happens to us, we have the choice to suffer or not. I am not talking about happiness here. I am talking about deciding not to suffer anymore, no matter what may happens to us.
There is one simple reason to that. When you experience something "bad", then get angry, worried, sad, or whatever. Do you, through those reactions, change anything to what is ? I don't think so. Instead, you suffer in your heart and your body, which is by the way, the source of many of your diseases.
However, when you decide to react differently, things may not change either, but at least, your health will be safe and you will not feel bad, or suffer uselessly. When you do that, chances are that you will experience less resistance about what is and feel good, which is far better that feeling bad.
The thing to remember therefore is this : all feelings are inside of you, they do not come from outside. When you know that, you chose the ones you want to experience now, instead of being driven by automatic feelings and reactions coming from you and often created by external events and circumstances .
Refuse to be a puppet. Chose, no matter what, to not suffer again, and be free !
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Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Nothing is an answer
Absolutely. When nothing is what is, it is exactly what life, God or the Universe wants. But, we disagree with Life or God, and resist the answer given to us. Acting this way is like paddling against the current in a river, or the flow of life. Nevertheless, the answer is there, standing before you, and there is nothing you can do about it.
The only thing to do is accept it, love it, be grateful for it. Because Life's Infinite Wisdom that brought it to you, knows why. If you refuse and resist it, you will never be free. Accept it, embrace it, go with the flow of life, and joy will be yours.
Look at a leaf, still suspended at a branch of a tree. It is happy to be there, playing with the wind and floating in the air from one side to another. Then, while playing, it is detached from the branch by the wind, and thrown onto the surface on the river.
What's the reaction of the leaf ? Do you think it resists its new situation ? Not at all. Instead, it starts floating joyously and just follows the course of the river, without any regret whatsoever. Later, in its course on the river, something will stop it for a moment or even for days, until the current releases it and allows it to float again.
You see, even when you think you have received nothing, it only because you refuse what is, which is what you have exactly in your present moment, now. Your present situation or circumstance is your gift. Receive it joyously and be grateful.
You will say, "but there is nothing special in this moment I am living". How do you know ? Or should I ask as Byron katie in "The Work" : Is it true ? Can you absolutely know that it is true ?
We have learned that human being has no clue about what is happening, because he is aware of only 25 bits of informations per second when, in reality, 25 millions are coming to him every split second !
But you look with your physical eyes, and conclude that nothing happens to you in this moment; that you aren't receiving anything now. How do you know ? Aren't you receiving life in this very moment ? What is more important than that ?
Look around you now, in this moment, not the moment to come. What do you see, hear, touch, taste or smell ? That's your gift. Appreciate and be grateful for it. Do not live your life randomly, being in the past, the present and the future at the same time.
Human being have been wise enough to devide time in seconds, minutes and hours. But they are not able to live their life the same way, which means decide to make this seconds the best you can; this minute the best you can, and this hour the best you can.
If you live intensily today and die tomorrow, you will have lived better than someone who lived longer, but didn't filled every moment of his life with joy, happiness, appreciation and gratitude.
A good life cannot be evaluated in its length, but in its intensity. Fill every moment you are given with joy and happiness and be grateful for the luck and opportunity you have of being here.
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Thursday, February 5, 2009
Escape from the mind web
We said that when the fly gets caught in the web, the solution is not to resist and attempt hardly to escape from the web. This is useless, because the more it tries, the more trapped it gets. The same thing applies to human being when being trapped in one or many difficult situations. There is no solution in anger, worry, frustration or fear.
Because the more you engage yourself in these negative attitudes, the more opaque and dark your view becomes. What to do then ?
As already suggested, one part of the solution is to relax and become still. In fact, just like the fly, you have no choice at all. Whatever it does, it will remain trapped in the web, as you will be in your mind.
Another part of the solution is to recognize that you have not the power to escape by yourself, and to surrender to something greater than you, a power which is in you that knows everything and can do anything.
If the fly stops struggling and becomes still, chances are that in time, its body would become a little bit heavy, be droped from the threads that maintain it prisoner and get free. Unfortunatly, the fly cannot think this way.
In the case of human being, things are a little bit different. Man is not physically prisoner, but mentally, because he thinks. The thoughts he helds in his mind are the roots of all his troubles. When he struggles and resists against the threats (thoughts) of his mind related to his problems, this becomes an attack, and attack implies separation. You would not attack your Self if you knew that it is you. No.
In a word, when you resist something, that means you think it is separate from you. But it is not. Nothing is separate from you. You are everything around you, no exception, even if you don't think so. But, because you don't know it or believe it, you attack it by resisting and struggling against it.
But the truth is, nothing is separate from you. Nothing. We are all One, and resisting against something is resisting against yourself. That's why you suffer, because in your resistance you are attacking your own Self, and this attack is a denyal of the love which is due to yourself.
When you remember that we are all One, including everybody, everything and every circumstance, that Life loves you and is never against you, that everything that happens to you is for your highest good, you realize that the only relationship you must have with Life is the one of love and gratitude, instead of resistance and struggle.
When you reach this point, Life, Love, God, All That Is, supports you. All the threads that kept you captive are transformed into love and you are free. You are here to come back to Yourself to Love, which is who you really are.
Be grateful, therefore, for anything that comes your way, because it is part of You...
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Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Savour every moment of your life
But, most of the time, we neglect this precious gift, because we are lost in the grand scheme of life with its challenges, obstacles and all kind of troubles at the origin of our doubts, worries, fears, etc.
We are engaged in a pursuit that never stops, until we die and hand over to others behind us. But if we could stop just a moment, and be conscious of the chance we have right now, just for being alive, things would be different for many.
They would savour every moment they have, and appreciate this blessed gift we call life. People live as though they are their body, which they think is eternal. Death, physical death, is always for someone else, not for us. If they could know when their turn would come, they would change their mind about life, then be grateful and appreciate it more. Things they neglect now would have another signification and another meaning.
To live is like walking in a cloudy day, or in the dark, without an idea of what stands before you. Then, as you make your next step, you fall suddenly into a precipice. You never know what is before you in life. Never.
Therefore, before you fall, stop just where you are and appreciate whatever is in this moment, and be grateful for this opportunity you have of being there. Do you know why ? Because in this very moment, someone like you, has just left the show.
Savour every breath in, and every breath out, now and then. Forget anything else. That is, to live...
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Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Releasing resistance
The web, as we said, is the representation of any kind of problem we put ourselves in, consciously or unconsciously and for which, in the moment, we have no solution in view, no way out. What we do very often is resisting and trying hardly, like a fly, to escape from it. But the more we try, the more tied we get in the web of our problem.
The wise thing to do, instead of struggling and resisting like a fly in the web, is to immerse ourselves completely and lovingly into the situation, be silent, still and let go entirely. When you achieve this state of total abandonment and nothingness, you become resistant free. Yes. You must become nothing in order to release your resistance.
When you oppose yourself to the situation and struggle, you want to prove to yourself that you are something you are not. And, because of trying, you activate resistance in you that maintains you captive in its web.
Your situation, whatever it is, is always twofold : one side you like, and another you dislike and resist. Generally, we focus on the side we dislike and try to change it directly. But the more we try, the more resistance we create and the more strength it gets. At the end, nothing changes at all and things become even worse.
Nevertheless, there is a solution to this issue. It consists in completely forgetting what we dislike, and focusing only on the other side, which is evidently what we prefer. We must realize that our attention on anything is what creates and perpetuates what we focus on. Removing our attention from something literally disintegrates it.
Therefore, refuse to face the situation by completely removing your attention from it. Let go of your pride and let a power far greater than you to handle the situation, whatever it may be, by focusing only on what you'd prefer, which is its opposite side.
Nothing is above this power which is in you. And the only thing that prevents it from working is you, when you try to be in charge and the doer. The only thing that is required from you, to activate it is giving up struggle and letting go. Then, turn all your attention on what you want or prefer, be grateful, appreciate, love with all your heart.
Why ?
In order to really understand and integrate the necessity for you to let go of your struggle and replace it by your gratitude, faith and trust to your Higher Self, you must start from the following premises :
1- Your Higher Self, or God, loves you unconditionally.
2- Everything that happens to you is for your highest good. Everything.
3-Because every moment and in every situation, you are given the opportunity to
chose what you prefer and manifest it. Always.
4- If you don't know why or how, God does.
5- Let go of your struggle once and for all
6- You attention on what you prefer is the key
7- Have faith, be grateful, appreciate and love
Always, and every time, have these premises in your mind. Remember to let go of any struggle by removing your attention from what you do not want. Then, put it only on what you want with gratitude, appreciation, love and faith.
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