Who I Really Am






Thursday, February 19, 2009

Chose your own beliefs

Generally, we behave according to what we have learned in the past from other people, our family, our parents, our friends, our society, our environment and so on, but rarelly from what we trully believe, or think to be true for ourselves.

As a result, what we experience in life becomes in alignment to social or traditional beliefs, and not to our true nature as individuals, or the core of our being.

Me, as individual, I have nothing to do with another individual. I have a personal focus on life, different from others's. Therefore, my reality shouldn't be the same as everybody's reality. I stand in life from a specific perspective that has nothing to do with the perspective from which other people stand in like.

That's why I must chose my own beliefs, and live according to them. As this has been stated by many people, the law of life is the law of belief. Your life is a mirror, a projection or a reflection of your beliefs. That's why in order to change your life, you must change your beliefs, not the outer world.

You cannot remove something on your face from the mirror you have in hand, no. The mirror just reflects what you have on your face, so that you decide to remove it or not. In the same way, you cannot extinguish fire in a house by fighting against the smoke outside the house, no. You do it by extinguishing the fire itself, in the house. The smoke is just a signal for you that your house is burning, so that you take action.

You see, you must change your beliefs, in order to change your current experiences. Let's say for example that you think you are stuck in some difficulty. You will remain stuck in this difficulty as long as you will believe that you are stuck.

If you think you have not enough of something, your reality will be the same as long as you do not change your mind about it; and this is true for everything you experience in your life. You think like this, because your environment is doing the same, according to what their physical senses have been telling them over and over.

Things have been working like that for centuries. But today, you can decide to chose your own beliefs, according to what you want to be true for yourself, and no longer live from the opinion of the mass.

For example, if it is about money, what you have just to do is believe that money if flowing to you abundantly. Believe it, no matter what your senses or people suggest to you. Do it over and over, even though nothing happens, believe it anyway, because it is your own choice.

If it is about health, job, promotion, relationship or whatever, do the same. Your beliefs are yours and they are personal. Live from them, always, and see them be reflected in your experiences.

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