Who I Really Am






Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Nothing is an answer

God, Life, the Universe or whatever you call it, answers all the time. There is not any single request or prayer that has not ever been answered to you. Never. The truth is, most of the time if not always, you refuse the answer and resist it. Not receiving anything or what we want after a prayer is, in fact, receiving something : nothing !

Absolutely. When nothing is what is, it is exactly what life, God or the Universe wants. But, we disagree with Life or God, and resist the answer given to us. Acting this way is like paddling against the current in a river, or the flow of life. Nevertheless, the answer is there, standing before you, and there is nothing you can do about it.

The only thing to do is accept it, love it, be grateful for it. Because Life's Infinite Wisdom that brought it to you, knows why. If you refuse and resist it, you will never be free. Accept it, embrace it, go with the flow of life, and joy will be yours.

Look at a leaf, still suspended at a branch of a tree. It is happy to be there, playing with the wind and floating in the air from one side to another. Then, while playing, it is detached from the branch by the wind, and thrown onto the surface on the river.

What's the reaction of the leaf ? Do you think it resists its new situation ? Not at all. Instead, it starts floating joyously and just follows the course of the river, without any regret whatsoever. Later, in its course on the river, something will stop it for a moment or even for days, until the current releases it and allows it to float again.

You see, even when you think you have received nothing, it only because you refuse what is, which is what you have exactly in your present moment, now. Your present situation or circumstance is your gift. Receive it joyously and be grateful.

You will say, "but there is nothing special in this moment I am living". How do you know ? Or should I ask as Byron katie in "The Work" : Is it true ? Can you absolutely know that it is true ?

We have learned that human being has no clue about what is happening, because he is aware of only 25 bits of informations per second when, in reality, 25 millions are coming to him every split second !

But you look with your physical eyes, and conclude that nothing happens to you in this moment; that you aren't receiving anything now. How do you know ? Aren't you receiving life in this very moment ? What is more important than that ?

Look around you now, in this moment, not the moment to come. What do you see, hear, touch, taste or smell ? That's your gift. Appreciate and be grateful for it. Do not live your life randomly, being in the past, the present and the future at the same time.

Human being have been wise enough to devide time in seconds, minutes and hours. But they are not able to live their life the same way, which means decide to make this seconds the best you can; this minute the best you can, and this hour the best you can.

If you live intensily today and die tomorrow, you will have lived better than someone who lived longer, but didn't filled every moment of his life with joy, happiness, appreciation and gratitude.

A good life cannot be evaluated in its length, but in its intensity. Fill every moment you are given with joy and happiness and be grateful for the luck and opportunity you have of being here.

Stay synchronized...

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