Who I Really Am






Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Releasing resistance

Yesterday, we've been discussing about resistance we create and wrap ourselves in, whenever we struggle with what is, that we do not like, and attempt hardly to escape from it. And, to illustrate this, we evoked the image of a fly trapped in a spider web and trying desperately and unsuccessfully to escape from it.

The web, as we said, is the representation of any kind of problem we put ourselves in, consciously or unconsciously and for which, in the moment, we have no solution in view, no way out. What we do very often is resisting and trying hardly, like a fly, to escape from it. But the more we try, the more tied we get in the web of our problem.

The wise thing to do, instead of struggling and resisting like a fly in the web, is to immerse ourselves completely and lovingly into the situation, be silent, still and let go entirely. When you achieve this state of total abandonment and nothingness, you become resistant free. Yes. You must become nothing in order to release your resistance.

When you oppose yourself to the situation and struggle, you want to prove to yourself that you are something you are not. And, because of trying, you activate resistance in you that maintains you captive in its web.

Your situation, whatever it is, is always twofold : one side you like, and another you dislike and resist. Generally, we focus on the side we dislike and try to change it directly. But the more we try, the more resistance we create and the more strength it gets. At the end, nothing changes at all and things become even worse.

Nevertheless, there is a solution to this issue. It consists in completely forgetting what we dislike, and focusing only on the other side, which is evidently what we prefer. We must realize that our attention on anything is what creates and perpetuates what we focus on. Removing our attention from something literally disintegrates it.

Therefore, refuse to face the situation by completely removing your attention from it. Let go of your pride and let a power far greater than you to handle the situation, whatever it may be, by focusing only on what you'd prefer, which is its opposite side.

Nothing is above this power which is in you. And the only thing that prevents it from working is you, when you try to be in charge and the doer. The only thing that is required from you, to activate it is giving up struggle and letting go. Then, turn all your attention on what you want or prefer, be grateful, appreciate, love with all your heart.

Why ?

In order to really understand and integrate the necessity for you to let go of your struggle and replace it by your gratitude, faith and trust to your Higher Self, you must start from the following premises :

1- Your Higher Self, or God, loves you unconditionally.
2- Everything that happens to you is for your highest good. Everything.
3-Because every moment and in every situation, you are given the opportunity to
chose what you prefer and manifest it. Always.
4- If you don't know why or how, God does.
5- Let go of your struggle once and for all
6- You attention on what you prefer is the key
7- Have faith, be grateful, appreciate and love

Always, and every time, have these premises in your mind. Remember to let go of any struggle by removing your attention from what you do not want. Then, put it only on what you want with gratitude, appreciation, love and faith.

Stay synchronized...

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