Who I Really Am






Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Your Ultimate Success

You are already the perfect creation
You could had ever dreamed to be
In terms of beauty, happiness, peace,
Harmony, clarity, joy, power or whatever
Being inherent to you at the core
And as such part of your true nature
And who you really are as spiritual entity
None of these attributes is to be gained

However you keep asking yourself
If this is so why don’t I behave like that?
Why am I incapable of expressing this truth
And experiencing it also in my day to day life?
Why all these sufferings and feelings of uneasiness
Insecurity, discomfort, emptiness, scarcity
Weakness, desperation or separation
I keep experiencing over and over?

The reason you don’t behave like that
Is merely that you don’t behave like that
And if you don’t behave as you aught
It is because you don’t believe it is true
And you don’t believe it up to this moment
Since you aren’t convinced enough about it
And that is so on your subconscious level
Due to lack or insufficient conscious rehearsal
Of the same truth over and over and over again
Directed to the Christ super consciousness in you
Until this becomes as natural to you as breathing
And finally experienced spontaneously in your life

What you experience most of the time
As negative feelings, emotions or whatever
Are merely automatic, unevaluated reactions
Or unchecked feedbacks from the subconscious
Based on nothing true and therefore cannot be real

 However you make them so as you resist them   
Attempt by all means to change or suppress them
Instead of overlooking them to focus only on truth
Accepting them fully without any condition  
And letting them be just as they are
At the point you no longer even see them
But reality behind as sign of true forgiveness
Until their existence comes to its own end
Letting them fade away naturally when time comes
Just as it goes for everything and everyone of us

Truth is based on knowledge
About what and who you really are
But not on waves coming and going
Endlessly on the surface of your mind
At the deep bottom of which dwells reality
And where your attention must be focused
On a constant and consistent basis
If you are sincerely willing to see it

Once you understand that
And remain alert and vigilant  
About all the unchecked memories
Popping up from your subconscious mind
You would have made a huge step forward
Towards your final destination or your home

In time when you finally end up there  
You would have realized a state of mind
Of consciousness wholeness and oneness
That indeed is your ultimate and true success



Byron Chrisadvent said...

Bonjour Emilio et merci d'avoir regardé mon blog. Je ne manquerai pas de t'envoyer une lettre en provenance du Gabon mon pays. Tous mes encouragements à vivre ta passion et à réaliser ton rêve.

Byron Chrisadvent

Byron Chrisadvent said...

Bonjour Emilio et merci d'avoir regardé mon blog. Je ne manquerai pas de t'envoyer une lettre en provenance du Gabon mon pays. Tous mes encouragements à vivre ta passion et à réaliser ton rêve.

Byron Chrisadvent