Who I Really Am






Monday, May 7, 2012

Eternal truths to remember



1  1- Only perfection (peace, love, truth, abundance and whatever is good…) is, has always been, and will ever be, despite the apparent turmoil of daily life. In the deep bottom of the sea (mind) dwells perfect stillness, peace and silence, which is what you really are;


2  2- Your mind is like water; more troubled and confused it gets, and less clear it becomes.  Stillness can help you control your outer environment (people, events, circumstances) and achieve clarity, which is the natural state of the river (mind). This state must first be preceded by the stillness of all your physical senses and particularly your eyes which are the windows of the Soul. They must be stopped completely and no longer be wandering;

3  3- Truth, reality is far beyond your physical perceptions. Harmony is achieved only when one begins to live consciously from that perspective on a consistent basis. Indeed, the caterpillar is a butterfly, just as you are a spiritual being;

                                                                 THE ETERNAL NOW

4  4- Everything takes place in the eternal now. That is, whatever you’ve ever been, or will ever be, is, already;

                                           YOUR ENNEMIES ARE YOURS BEST FRIENDS                                     

5  5- Your enemies (thoughts, feelings, emotions, people, events and circumstances you dislike or resent) are your best friends; don’t avoid them despite all their threats and your fears. Because as mirrors, messengers and teachers, only through them could you know your own defaults;then, take the decision to change, grow and evolve. Therefore, be grateful and appreciative, instead of resisting them. “Love your enemies”, said the master;

                                                LOVE ENNEMIES MORE THAN FRIENDS

6  6- Like in school most of your efforts must be directed towards subjects you don’t master enough. That is, try to love and appreciate more, people, things and whatever seems to bother you or makes you afraid, than what you already appreciate. In the same way, do what you resist or fear the most. If money is what causes you the greatest fear and resistance, start giving it out freely and joyously. That way, you free yourself from this resistance, and money will flow freely and abundantly in your life. Again, do what you fear, to get rid of it;


7  7- Energy flows where attention goes. Attention is your main tool in the creative process. Therefore, do whatever you can to learn how to master your attention in order to prevent it from wandering uselessly and work against you;

                                               AND IF YOU HAD TO PASS TOMORROW?

8  8- If you had to pass today, what would you like to have realized before?: 1) Absolute freedom by having totally forgiven  yourself, everybody and everything; 2) Unconditional and absolute love for God, yourself, everybody and everything; 3) Back to God (Love) and fully conscious of your Wholeness, completeness and Oneness with the Father. The fact is, this state about you is already a reality. It's who You really Are. It's just a matter of alignment with it and of acceptance that it is so with the help of the Holy Spirit in you;

                                      PRACTICE AND EXERCISE ARE WHAT MATTERS

9  9- Practice and exercise are everything. They are your only responsibility, contrary to outcomes which are the domain of God. Have pleasure and fun (attitude) while practicing and remember that you are practicing and learning all the time, moment to moment, whatever it is that you are doing;

                                                        INDICATORS OF PROGRESS

1  10-How you handle difficult situations is an indicator of whether you progress or not on your path to self mastery and self knowledge. Every challenge is for you what a competition is for an athlete: training and a test;

                                              SEEK FIRST THE KINGDOM OF HEAVENS

1  11- Seek first the kingdom of God. And love God more than anything else (gratitude). When you do, anything else may follow and what importance if it does not?

                                                         YOU DON'T HAVE TO KNOW

1  12-You don’t have to know, like an engineer, how to build an engine car in order to drive an automobile; nor do you have to know how human being's organs function in details. Just learn to operate its built in mechanism and apply what you've learned so far,  using the tools in your possession ( attention, thoughts, feelings, emotions, actions...), knowing that under these things what counts the most is the vibrations behind that create your own reality. (Attention + thoughts + feelings + vibrations = creation). When you drive a car, your attention is focused on the dashboard and in the direction you are going; right? When your tank is empty, you stop and add some fuel; right? When your engine is hot and the radiator is empty, you add more water; right? Know that the car reacts just like you. From time to time, have a look on your inner dashboard (heart) so that you may stop and take the appropriate action when necessary;

                                                  THE EASIEST THIING IN THE WORLD

1  13-The easiest thing in the world is to manifest an idea or a desire. Easiest because you don’t have, in fact, to do anything; but the universe does. The only thing you have to do is to believe you’ve received what you want and it’ll be so. Don’t think about it any more in terms of whether or not it will be manifested. Instead, start doing things you’d be doing once it materializes. Why not becoming grateful in the first place by merely saying “thank you” all over the place?  The question is, what do you really, really, want?

                                                  AND IF IT WEREN'T GOOD FOR YOU ?

1  14-And if what you think you want now were not what the Universe wants for you in this moment? “Want what life wants” (G. Finley); meaning, accept fully what is, just as it is. Knowing that what life wants is what you’ve got currently, in this moment. Align yourself therefore to it and, at the same time, to what you’ve become at the level of your higher Self, in order to be in harmony with your wholeness; instead of resisting to what is. Remember, the Infinite Intelligence, who created you, knows better than you what, when and how; seeing the whole picture of the entire life, including you. Therefore, trust, have faith, let go and let Him;

                                                                    NOTHING TO DO

1  15- Does a caterpillar have to do something in order to become a butterfly? The caterpillar has nothing special to do, but just let the nature do its work through it. You, as human being, are not like a caterpillar; you are a co-creator and this is the difference between you and other creature. As such, you have to use your thoughts, feelings and emotions in order to co-create with the universe and manifest what you want;

                                                                    ALL THAT IS

1  16-If God is All That Is, and nothing else exists, that means only love, peace, joy, abundance are real. So, learn to see these things everywhere and stop behaving like a thirsty fish in the water;

                                                   SEE EVERYTHING AS IT REALLY IS

1  17- Learn to see everything as it really is; a highly sensitive and living consciousness that reacts to the vibrations of your thoughts, feelings, emotions and actions;

                                                TAKE NOTHING IN LIFE FOR GRANTED

1  18- One of the big mistakes you may do is taking something in life for granted. You receive countless and abundance of gifts (freedom, security, peace, protection, job, food, water, fire, rain, air, warm, light, health, family, friends, knowledge...) from God and should manifest gratitude for them moment to moment. Otherwise you feel deprived and poor. Are the gifts of God for you less valuable than your own perishable acquisitions? One thing is sure, you can survive without your acquisitions, but life cannot be easy without the gifts of God;

                                                                   LOOK BACK 

1  19-To realize that you grow, are blessed and abundant, look back where you come from in relationship with different areas of your life;

                                                       WHEREVER YOU ARE YOU ARE

2  20-Wherever you are, you are; no more no less. There, is your perfect point of practice, exercise, teaching, learning and attraction with an attitude of appreciation and good will;

                                                              WHO IS YOUR MASTER?

2  21-Whatever you think, say, feel or do is related to who you think you are and who you choose to serve. Who is your master, God or ego? You choose!


2  22-YOU are whole. You are a multidimensional being; living simultaneously in different planes of existence and one with everyone and everything that exists. There is therefore no such thing as separation;

                                                                  LIVE CONSCIOUSLY

2  23- One important thing is being conscious of who you are all the time, in order not to cut yourself from the whole, the Source, and feel separate;

                                             MAKE THIS MOMENT THE BEST YOU CAN

2  24-Make the present moment the best you can, the happiest of all, and look what happens;

                                                    THIS MOMENT IS THE BEST EVER

2  25-This moment is the best of all your life, because it’s the only one you’ve got now!

                                         EVERYTHING IS EXACTLY AS IT SHOULD BE

2  26- Nothing in this universe happens randomly. Everything in your life is already as it should be and fits perfectly with the totality, like pieces of a puzzle. Resistance to what is is therefore useless;

                                        PERFECT PEACE AND HAPPINESS HERE NOW

2  27- No matter what you are facing right now, in you there is a place where only perfect peace and happiness exists. Reach this place and your suffering ends;

                                                          THE WORLD IS NEUTRAL

2  28- The world around you is neutral, and the only meaning it has is the one you give it. You choose!!!

                                             HOW YOU REACT IS WHAT MATTERS
2  29- It doesn’t matter what happens to you, but how you react to what happens;


3  30- No matter what happens around you, be proactive in your thinking, feeling and vibrating, and not a reactive person acting like a puppet in the hands of people, events and circumstances. This will be the true measure of your success in life;

                                                    EVERYTHING IS ABOUT CHOICE

3  31- Like anything else in life, happiness, peace, abundance, strength and so on, are about choice and attitude of mind. No matter what your acquisitions are, more or less, what really matters is your mindset, your state of mind, or how you feel about them. This is what determines your happiness, or unhappiness, your abundance or your poverty. Again, it’s all about mindset, state of mind, or feeling. If you can feel abundant with one dollar, you’ve got it!

                                                     NOTHING OUTSIDE IS NEEDED

3  32-You don’t need anything outside of you to feel abundant or happy. Those feelings exist already inside of you, and external perceptions simply activate them. The fact is nothing outside is needed for this activation, but only you!

                                                           YOU ARE WHOLENESS

3  33- You are not merely "you"; you are everyone and everything because you are linked to the whole (branches and tree); just like the organs of your physical body. And when one of them starts suffering, all the body is affected. You belong to a "body" called humanity. For this reason, all the members of the body must work for the interest, harmony and wellbeing of the totality, and not only for themselves. Therefore, in order to be happy, serve others and make them happy first. In order to be abundant work first for the abundance of everyone. And, as being part of the whole, you'll benefit also for everything you give out. Why not starting where you are by spreading smile, love, good will, appreciation, help and service all over the place? Turn your back to the whole, where abundance is, and you've cut yourself from all the good inside;

                                                       REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE

3  34- Before reacting against someone or something you perceive, stop first, and remember who you really are. In this connection, have in mind that you are everybody and everything around you; not  just the separate body self you consider to be you. The entire world is a reflection of your mind and, as such, cannot be separated from its creator or its source. Now, you understand why you suffer every time you blame or see the world (people, things, events, circumstances) as apart from and experience all kind of fears, worries, anxieties, doubts, angers, frustrations, etc.


3  35- Never forget that you are teaching and learning simultaneously;

                                                                      JUDGE NOT !

3  36- Judge not negatively! You become your judgment by vibrating at its same rate or frequency and attracting the same onto you;

                                                          YOU ASK VIBRATIONALLY

3  37- You ask and receive continuously through your vibrations, which are by-products of your thoughts, feelings and actions; and not merely with your words. Therefore, always pay attention to what you are asking vibrationally;


3  38-Always remain still while speaking or doing whatever, because all necessary action or movement wastes your energy, which is the fuel of your life;

                                                              YOU ARE NOT ALONE

3  39- And if alone, you were not able to find your way back home? Remember that you are not alone on this path. Jesus Christ, or the Holy Spirit, the bridge between you and God the Father, stands always near you, waiting patiently, lovingly, and ready to help you whenever you seek His assistance;

                                                         BREATHING AND  STLLNESS                                                       

4  40-Whenever trouble or confusion enters your mind, breathe deeply many times and remain still. Then, go inside of yourself, where only eternal peace dwells. It has always been there, is, and will ever be;

                                                                  IT TAKES 21 DAYS 

4  41- It takes 21 days to change an old habit and acquire a new one. It takes 21 days to turn a bad habit into a good one;


4  42- Until you stop living from the opinions of others, you'll never be free, you'll never be yourself and you'll never be happy. For everything you do, ask yourself whether it's really for yourself, or for the appreciation or the consideration of others people. If your motivation is based only on what others would think of you, know that you are selling yourself short. The same thing is true also if you dare not to do something because of what others would think or say about you. Be yourself, man!

                                      GRATITUDE IS YOUR ONLY ANSWER TO GOD'S LOVE

4  43- God's love and blessings flow to and through you unconditionally, incessantly and moment to moment, non-stop. The way to return this love to God is through unconditional and incessant gratitude also, non-stop;

                                                             GIVING UNCONDITIONALLY

4  44- Practice giving everything unconditionally, without expectation. Unconditionally, give love, appreciation, gratitude to God, to yourself, to others and to everything in the Universe;


4  45- In order to raise your vibrations and get closer to God, purification is an essential step. First, purify your body by the quality of food, drinks and substances you take in. Second, purify your mind by the quality of thoughts and feelings you entertain. Third, purify your Soul through forgiveness and unconditional love for all the creation. Only the density of your current vibrations keeps you away from the Infinite Intelligence and Power;
                                                  YOUR BELIEFS CREATE YOUR REALITY

4  46- What you believe is true is true for you indeed. No one has the power to deprive you of what you believe to be your reality;

                                             100% RESPONSIBLE AND 100% INNOCENT

    47- Accept 100% responsibility for your life, without the slightest blame for anyone or anything, and not even for yourself. Responsibility does not mean guilt; so don't treat yourself badly.  You are not guilty of anything whatsoever, but eternally innocent, as the pure son of God you are, like all your brothers. And, the way you treat them is an indicator of the truth you think about yourself;

                                                        NOTHING OUTSIDE IS NEEDED
4  48- As a spiritual being, you don't need anything outside of you. So, don't condition your happiness to anything external;

                                                                   SPIRIT OR BODY

4  49- Are you a spirit or a body? The answer to this question determines how you react to the conditions of your life. However, know that whatever is attached to your body is not really yours, because you are not a body, but a spiritual being;

                                                           HAPPINESS IS A DECISION

5  50- Happiness is a decision, not a sort of reward you get after achieving some particular goal. In this sense, happiness is the way, not a destination. Therefore, be happy for nothing, like the Sun! No, do it to laugh at the ego whose sole purpose is to make you believe you are not enough, powerless, poor, etc. These beliefs push you down and make ego happy. Refuse then to believe these lies and to give this impostor the opportunity to push you down again. You are the Son of God! Remember the stories of Job in the bible; he refused to give power to the devil; 

                                             BELIEVE THAT YOU HAVE RECEIVED

5  51- "Believe that you have received what you want and it will be yours". The question is, what do you really want? The answer to this question depends above all on what you think you are. Who are you? Are you a body or a spirit? If you consider yourself to be a body alone, you'll crave for material thing and end up unhappy when you don't get them. However, if you know you are first a spiritual being, what else could you want? NOTHING! NONE! ZIP! Because you are already ALL, WHOLE, COMPLETE, INFINITE, ETERNAL. And when you are everyone and everything all things belong to you. Right? In conclusion, only the consciousness of this truth is what you've forgotten, and needs to be restored.


5  52- All the process of life is based upon relationships; relationships with yourself, people, things, places, events, circumstances and the Universe in general. In these relationships, go far beyond egos, appearances and forms. Mainly, focus on the spirit behind them. Deal only with the essence of pure love which is in you, in others, things, and circumstances. Then, align your thoughts, words, actions, feelings and vibrations with it;

                                             DON'T CHASE OR RUN AFTER ANYTHING

5  53- Nothing is for you to chase or run after; be it money, relationship, or whatever. The more you run after something, the faster it runs before you, leaving you always behind, like a shadow. Stop running after shadows. Turn them your back, and start running to the opposite side, where the Source of everything is. You do it by working diligently on the realization that you are this Source (I AM) through prayer, meditation or whatever seems to work for you. You will see, shadows will run after you. What are these shadows? It is any material condition or stuff you are craving for: money, relationships, cars, homes, jobs, health, etc. Turning your back to them means to love and focus your attention only on the Source, your true Self (I AM), in you. That's where everything begins, has its reality and is, already. "You attract everything by the person you become”, vibrationally speaking. Therefore, become the Source. Be conscious of your true nature as Source of everything in your life, in order to vibrate like it and attract in your life whatever corresponds to it;

                                                  YOU ARE NOT YOUR ACQUISITIONS

5  54- You are not a car, a home, a job, a clothe, a position, etc. These are nothing to do with your essential nature. These things do not add anything to who you are. And, because of their absence or lack, never feel diminished, not enough, less, or inferior. Doing so is an insult to your creator and to the marvellous, wonderful and perfect being you are in the eyes of God;


5  55- Patience is an attribute of your eternal nature. If you'd like to get everything you want in life, just be patient. Cultivate it and in one year, ten years, one hundred years, one million years or more, you'll always have what you want or something better. You are eternal, never forget it! You'd say, "but I will not live one hundred years!” Never mind, know that you don't even die, but just change your suit and wear a different one. Could you imagine the number of suits you've already put on before your current one?! Do you know that maybe, things you've got in this life time are the ones you couldn't get the lives before? And it's always about the same you!!!

                                                          DON'T KILL THE MESSENGERS

5  56- Don't kill the messenger! Like a mirror, the outer world is merely a reflection or a projection of the inner world. Therefore, don't blame or resist anything on the outside; it's a waste of time and energy. Doing so is like throwing water on the smoke coming from a burning house with the hope to extinguish the fire inside. Instead, welcome the messengers, be grateful and treat them as you'd do with your VIP hosts, to whom your  greatest attention is given and best service offered in terms of  food, best drink,  room, etc. Open your mind and listen what they have to teach you.

                                                              LIVE FROM EXAMPLES

5  57- Take example from people like Job, Joseph, Jacob, Elijah, etc. Also, know that nature has a lot to teach you. So, be like seed, caterpillar, water, tree, etc.

                                ENERGY IS ALL THERE IS ON THE CONCEPTUAL LEVEL

5  58- At the root of everything that exists, including you, there is only one single thing: energy. This energy vibrates at different rates, depends of the nature of the object. See all things as energy, not as material or solid. This way, you will no longer feel separate from whatever you perceive;

                                          NOTHING TO WIN AND NOTHING TO LOSE

5  59-  There is nothing to win and nothing to lose on this planet, except knowledge and awareness of your true nature. That is, no gain, no loss. In other words, energy being the basis of everything, including you, nothing you may get, be it stuff, money, relationship, car, home or whatever, would add anything whatsoever to what you are already; nor would anything you don't get or achieve take something away from you;


6  60- Money is a stuff the entire planet craves for, chases or runs after. But money is only an effect, a manifestation or crystallization of the energy that is you, and everything else. You don't have to chase or run after money. Doing it is like running after yourself. You are money! Just be conscious of that. Money is abundant because the energy that transmutes itself into forms is infinitely abundant and unlimited. In this sense, if you believe it, money could become your only reality and flow abundantly in your life. Also, know that far behind the energy which is behind money, there is the Universal Consciousness, to which you are consciously connected. The quality of your alignment to this Consciousness, through your thinking, determines how energy is transmuted into forms in your environment, and is also the key to your self realization. Einstein said, "I am interested only in knowing how God thinks; the rest is details"; 

                                                                        WHO AM I?

6  61- To the question "who am I"? The answer is: "I am"

                                                         THE ONLY THING THERE IS
6  62- God Is.

                                       YOU ARE NOT HERE TO SERVE ONLY YOURSELF

 not here just to serve yourself, but the whole! Of yourself, you are nothing. But, you find your true purpose only when you start thinking, feeling, doing for the interest of the whole. Remember that, always!

                                                     YOU ARE NOT REALLY HERE

6  64-  You are not really here. Your true self, Source, is far beyond the perception of your physical senses. Like that, nothing you may perceive outside is really there also

                                           YOU DON'T HAVE A LIFE OF YOUR OWN

6  65- You don't have a life of your own, because you are part of God. The feeling of fear, abandonment, poverty and powerless arises only when you separate yourself from the whole, God, by believing the contrary;

                                                         SPIRITUAL ENERGY

6  66 - Spiritual energy is what you need the most, compared to physical energy, to operate with efficacy and efficiency on this plane of existence. So, you must do whatever you can to receive and keep more and more spiritual energy, and also do the best you can to avoid activities that take this energy away. Many electric equipments today function with a built in or an external battery. The fabrication of these equipments had been inspired by all living creatures operating system, such as human beings who possess a built in battery also. And the charge of this battery, in certain circumstances can diminish and be refilled. When your built in battery is full you create and express yourself fully; and many areas of your life improve for the better. But when this charge diminishes or become low, you can no longer create or express yourself normally. As a result, you feel irritated, depressed, frustrated, powerless, stuck, and so on. Again, remember that your energy flows where your attention goes. So, keep your attention only on what is worth your best interest and interest of the whole; 

                                                      FOCUS ONLY ON THE TRUTH

6  67- When you look at people, situations, events or circumstances, your attention should be focused on the truth about them. That is, see them only as they really are (spiritual, innocent, powerful, eternal, abundant, healthy, happy, unlimited, safe...) and not according to the erroneous immediate and limited perception of your physical senses. Only love is, only abundance is, only strength, is, only wealth is, only power is and only God Is! Believing the contrary is attempting to swim against the current.

                                                                THE SHORTCUT

6  68-The name that represents the shortcut to everything good in life, be it love, health, happiness, abundance, freedom, security, wealth, power is...God, Christ;


6  69- Imagination is your modelling energy tool. Use it to play with energy, the stuff that constitutes everything in the universe, and shape it into all the forms you'd like to see and appreciate in your life. If you feel stuck in some way, it could be that this energy is blocked in your being and must be given a specific direction, a positive one, in order to flow again normally; 

                                                              YOU ASKED FOR IT !

7  70- Whatever it is in your life right now, you asked for it. Period! Before birth, you decided to have a life like this and promised to do your best to get through any threat and challenge which, by the way, are not real. So, keep your promises!

                                                                    TIME DELAY

7  71- There is no delay in the fourth dimension of existence where thoughts manifest almost instantly. But in time, it can become a bit annoying when you get immediately whatever you think about. In this case, pleasure could no longer exist; because only what is rare or requires some effort on your part can really be appreciated when you get it. Time delay therefore serves you well in the way that it keeps you from getting bored if every time you get instantly all you want. Blessed and happy then are those who haven’t got yet what they wish, for they still have enough room in them for appreciation and joy along the path of life; 

                                              DESIRES ARE THE FUEL OF THIS LIFE

7  72- Desires can really be compared to the fuel of an automobile. Without fuel, the automobile stops, until you add more fuel in the tank. Desires almost play the same role in human being.  They give him hope and help him move forward in life and, once one desire is fulfilled, another pops up almost immediately. Human being is like a basket with a hole at its bottom. He can never be filled despite all the stuff you put inside. Unfulfilled desires are particularly very useful, and should be cherished, appreciated and loved, instead of being the cause of all our frustration and unhappiness. Knowing it or not, human being is here to achieve a particular goal. In this sense, not one single person is useless in this world. Every one of us is special and has a mission, no matter where he lives and what he is doing. For this reason, because you don’t know anything about anyone, never judge from appearances only. They will never tell you the truth. God, the Almighty, the Infinite Intelligence, the Absolute Perfection, Who sent all of us on this planet, knows exactly why things are as they are in relationship with all His creation. Every creature participates at its level to the sublime destiny of the world in general.  That is, the more unfulfilled desires you’ve got the better for you and for the entire world. Because these desires, being the fuel and energy of your life through the hope they provide, will help you stay alive and keep moving forward. Therefore, the most important is not whether or not they will be achieved. What matters is the hope they provide and which, in turn, will add more time to your existence, until you accomplish your true mission here, knowing it or not. Now, you understand the true meaning of desires. Today, you know why desires are more important than outcomes, and should be considered also as being more valuable than anything else. The bread, in its appearance, is not so important. What really matters is the essence of the bread. This essence is what nourishes the body. And, when the bread has been eaten, it’s transformed later into something else only good for toilets; while the essence will remain in the body to keep it alive. All the stuff you grasp is almost the same; also good for toilets. The proof of that is to see how some of them look like many years later, when they no longer have the slightest interest for anyone, and mostly for those who had been craving for them in the past.

                                                  IT'S ALL ABOUT SELF CONVICTION

7  73- Most spiritual authors and teachers don’t walk the talk. They write books and teach in seminars just to convince themselves of what they believe to be the “truth”. In their day to day life, they behave like anyone else. Maybe they are best selling authors because they expose and write interesting and pleasant ideas, but in reality they are empty inside. In the eyes of people, they appear to be very successful and masters of their life. They seem to have the answer to all the questions raised by human beings, while in fact it is far from the truth. It’s amazing to see how people can be ego directed these days. Talk then about humility…


74. Out of God, no one else possesses total knowledge or Truth about life. Truth is about totality and wholeness; it is not partial. Every one of us, without exception, is part of the Truth and only God, because He is everyone and everything, has the totality of knowledge and, therefore, the Truth. Truth is love; it is whole and total. Love is not partial, or it is not at all. That’s why true love is unconditional;

                                           YOU CANNOT DO IT BY YOURSELF

75. By yourself, you cannot do it. You cannot achieve alone the peace of mind, which is what you really want and nothing else; although you don’t know it. A power stronger than you is necessary. Remember all the efforts you have made and all the intellectual knowledge you have got so far. All this has merely brought you to this same point of not really knowing what to do. The fact is, you are indeed blind and deaf, spiritually speaking. In normal life for a blind person, the wise thing to do is to accept the help of someone else, to guide and lead you to your destination. His eyes then will become your eyes. It’s the role of the Holy Spirit, who knows everything about you, to be your guide on the path of life, as assigned to Him by God, the Father. His patience and love for you are so infinite, unlimited and unconditional that, no matter what you may do, He will always be there, close to you, until you call Him for assistance.

                                                      THE LAW OF GROWTH

76. There is a law of growth that applies to everything in the universe, and this law works naturally for everything created by God, Who is the first level of creation. Another level of creation is human being. In the universe, everything grows naturally and nothing can remain stuck. In addition, the universe does not make any difference between “good” or “bad” creations. In fact, there is no such thing as “wrong” or “right” in the universe; but only experiences. Most of the time, human beings feel stuck, when the manifestation of what they want is delayed or slowed. In fact, if they feel stuck, it is because they feel stuck! The belief and feeling of being stuck, or that nothing is moving seems to prolong and slow down the growth process. In order to no longer feel stuck, man must be aligned with the law of growth. That is, he must just be conscious, believe and feel that the idea he’s got in mind is growing, according to the natural law of growth.  However, an unquestionable faith and confidence is necessary to enable this law to operate and bring forth the idea into manifestation. Anything else, such as doubt, worry, fear, anxiety or frustration simply jams the creative process. Your ideas are like seeds put into the ground. That’s all you have to do, and let the universal laws take care of the rest. You co-create with God in the sense that although you gave out an idea, you are no longer in charge of its manifestation. Your idea is a living thing which has in itself all the elements necessary to its manifestation; just like a seed. You add nothing more to the seed when you plant it in the ground, let apart your care. Like an idea, it has inherently the potential to become what it must become.  Manifestation is operated through the universal law of growth. You don’t check or worry all the time about whether or not the seed you put into the ground is growing; do you? Because unconsciously, you trust the natural law of growth. But, although dealing with the exact same laws regarding the seed they plant themselves, why aren’t human beings able to have the same trust and confidence for their own ideas?

                                     FEMININE AND MASCULINE PRINCIPLES

77. Beside the laws of the universe, two fundamental principles are at work in the creative process of the universe: the masculine principle and the feminine principle. Both work to insure the continuum of all the species. In the creative process of human being, thought is the masculine principle, and feeling is the feminine one. Like the sperm and ovule. When the masculine and feminine principles meet and work together harmoniously, universal laws of creation are put in motion and produce specific outcomes. These same principles are at work in the electricity with the (+) and (-) poles for the production of light or of the energy necessary to make electric devices and equipments work;
                                                                  WHY IS THAT?
78. Why is that that human being’s attention is more inclined to focus on what he does not want than on what he wants? It seems that their thoughts are forced by a sort of magnet to focus mostly on the worse scenario, on worries, fears, doubts, anxieties, and so on. Why is that? If you tempted to think of what you don’t want, form a clear mental image of what you really want and regularly put your attention on it only. A clear and vivid mental image of what you want can be more effective in certain conditions than affirmations;
                                                   ALIGNMENT WITH YOUR SELF

79. Regularly, make a visit of your inner home, which is your life as you’d like it to be and as it is already now in the fourth dimension. Remember, you are a multidimensional being, living simultaneously in the third, the fourth and many other dimensions. In the fourth dimension for example, every thought you’ve ever formulated is already a reality, although not yet manifested in the third dimension and be perceived.  You should therefore align yourself at the speed you are evolving in the fourth dimension and live from that perspective, instead of keep living from the perspective of your physical reality.  This alignment to your Self in the fourth dimension is achieved by acting as if your fourth dimensional life were real, because it is, indeed. And, the more you align yourself, the more your physical reality shapes itself to conform to your fourth dimensional reality;                                                                 
                                              FOUR WAYS PEOPLE LIVE THEIR LIFE 
80. There are four ways to live one’s life: 1) You are happy and grateful for whatever comes up in your life now, no matter what; 2) You resist the present moment by getting frustrated, angry or resentful about what it brings you; 3) You regret the past, spending time on things you should have done differently; 4) You worry or get anxious for the unknown future. The type of person you are is determined by one of the four categories you fit in among the four. There is one thing to remember; it’s that God’s blessings flow to you abundantly and endlessly in the now. However, you are never fully “present” in the moment, but always away in your mind; sometimes in the past or in the future. As a result, you miss your blessings and therefore, cannot receive all the good that is yours. Be here now, to be aware and receive your gifts when they come through people, events and circumstances;


81. Besides many tools at your disposal such as thought, feeling, attention, imagination and so on for creating and managing your life for the better, there is forgiveness, the universal eraser. Forgiveness helps you erase and cleanse your past memories from your subconscious mind; then, prevent them from replaying in your life over and over in the form of negative events and circumstances. You must forgive yourself, everyone and everything, in order to love yourself, as well as everyone and everything. You cannot truly love without having first forgiven fully; that’s impossible. Only forgiveness can bring you peace of mind, and is the sure way to get back home to love (God);


82. “You shall love God with all your Heart, with all you Soul and with all your Strengths”. True love is unconditional and without interest. You don’t love God for a particular reason hidden inside of you as many of us do for the need of health, abundance, job, children, success, etc. That’s hypocrisy and not love at all. God is not a businessman with whom you exchange your love for some external gratification. You love God because He is love, the same love which is your true nature also and the only thing that really exists. Never do it for material reasons. Often some people say, “I love God now because He has given me a baby”, “God has provided me with a job”, “God has sent me a spouse or husband“, etc. That’s doing business with God and not love at all. You are more than that in the eyes of your Father whose love for you is unlimited and infinite. You are not currently able to return the same level of love to Him. But, try the best you can to just manifest true gratitude for such an abundance of love you receive from Him on a daily basis, no matter what your current conditions may be. Love has nothing to do with your current conditions; they are not who you are. Also, as God is everyone and everything in existence, you can also return this love to God by projecting it on everyone and everything else. You will never be able to see God directly, but He is present all around you, in the form of people you meet, events and circumstances you face, etc. Ignore them, and you have ignored God. That’s the truth; 


83. Any negative feeling you entertain such as worry, anxiety, fear, resentment, anger, impatience and so on is an indicator that you judge someone or something else more valuable or powerful than God and put it in first place before Him. In short, it's a denial of God, no more no less;


84. When we talk about abundance, it's in relationship with energy and all the riches of life itself formed form this energy. Life is really abundant in all its aspects. Just have a look around you, on the universe. I tell you truly, you'll never be able to see, hear, touch, taste and smell all the beauties and marvels the universe has to offer and, let alone, the billions of riches your physical senses cannot perceive;

85. God is the only being you should please, not human beings, and you do that by studying His laws and living according to them;


86. For every single condition you may find yourself in that you consider as a “problem”, billions of solutions and opportunities exist already and are waiting for you. You just cannot perceive them now because all your attention and energy are focused only on the “problem” you keep pondering over and over in your mind. And this prevents you from being in alignment and harmony with all the possibilities available  to you here and now, right where you are. But, once you start considering and accepting this truth or reality for any situation you may be facing, new doors open for you and all your life changes;

87. “Judge not, for as you judge, so shall you be judged!" Said the Master. Love is your natural state, and also what you really are. All your troubles come from ignoring this essential nature and judging people, things, events and circumstances; labeling them “bad”, "good" etc. This unconscious attitude is that which generates feelings of fear, anxiety, worry, anger, frustration, resentment and so on; taking you out of your natural state of love and depriving you of your happiness. As a result, you suffer deep inside of you and, very often, not even knowing the source of your suffering which of course is the price you pay from your initial judgment. That’s the truth. Whenever you experience a negative feeling, it’s a sign that you have judged someone or something and, through thisjudgment, you have not only sold or exchanged your peace of mind and happiness for something else considred to be better, but also separated yourself from the whole. That is, behind everything in existence, there is a spiritual body (love) which sustains and keeps the whole together. But any negative attitude other than love separates you from your common essence and this tear is what makes you suffer. Like with the physical body, a wound or tear from any of your organs will invariably make you suffer. Yes, unconsciously you believe that fear, anger, resentment, frustration, worry, or anxiety are what you need. If this were not the case, why then would you entertain them? That’s why you must be awake, in order to no longer sell yourself unconsciously through erroneous judgments. The feeling of uneasiness you experience in this condition is like an alarm clock which should not be resisted. Instead, whenever this happens it's a signal for you to correct the course of your thinking and return back home to love. But how do you do that?  First, stop judging whatever occurs in your life and labelling them “good” or “bad”. What is, is just as it is. Period! Then, accept it and forgive yourself, forgive everyone and forgive everything, to return to love, your essence and true home. That's what the prodigal Son did when he dicided to return to his Father's who lovingly opened his arms to his Son, happy to see him again. The same story applies to you every time you leave your Father’s home (love, peace, happiness, joy, abundance, security …) by judging ("erroring") as "bad", people events and circumstances and doing so, wandering at the same time in hostile regions where thieves and robbers reign as masters. Now, in case you cannot stop judging everything because you are so inclined to do it that it’s become in you a second nature, why not start “judging” only positively whatever comes your way and looking at it as a blessing, instead of like a threat? That's what Benjamin Franklin's advises in his first self mastery trait, Gratitude and appreciation: “Notice the blessing in everything, big and small. Dwell on the beauty in all I see, hear, touch, taste and smell. Realize that everything is a gift from the Almighty and is put there in order to enjoy and learn from”;


88. If you believe that God cannot hear you or speak to you, this will become your reality. And you will never be able to experience His presence. However, remember that because God created you, implicitly he created also your eyes, your mouth and your ears. Therefore, He knows what they and their respective role in your communication with your brother as well as with Him;

89.  Human being is like a prisoner. Blind and deaf, he is  locked and isolated in his own jail (himself); unable to see what's going on the outside. He has no idea  about why things are as they are, and spend time fighting against himself in order to be free. However before this happens, he must accept his condition and let go of all kind of resistance, but always with the hope that one day, he will be free, like a pupa that later becomes a butterly. In their current stage of evolution, many human beings are in the pupa's stage. In the past, like caterpillars, they have done nothing else but take into themselves all the food they could find (spiritual knowledge), until they stop eating (learning) and be transformed into "pupas". At this stage, nothing else is needed. That is the stage where often painful changes take place in themselves and,later, transform them into beautiful butterflies. However, although painful, these changes are accepted and endured silently and with unshakable patience by the pupa, until transformation is completed. That's the way; that's what you have to do also, if you want to be free and, later, fly like a butterfgly;

90. Expectations are very often source of  inner suffering and unhappiness. Knowing that nothing is missing to who you really are, that you are already whole and perfect, live without expectations from anyone or anything in order to remain free and independant;


91. Everything that happens to you in life is for your highest good. Romans 8: 28 "And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them". No matter what you are facing right now, the postulate to put before it is that GOD LOVES YOU! This implies that everything behind this assertion can be but only for your highest good. Frustration, sorrow, worry, stress, depression, anxiety, anger, resentment and so on are therefore no longer necessary when you remember and live this truth.  The only answers for whatever occurs then become GRATITUDE AND LOVE. In this connection, always remember rule N°6, which is to never take anything in life too seriously, because like clouds in the sky, they will soon or later fade away, leaving the sky in its natural state of clarity. And Lao Tzu would say, "Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes, don't resist them, that only creates sorrow. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they wish". Later, Benjamin Franklin's advice focused on GRATITUDE AND APPRECIATION, saying "Notice the blessing in everything, big and small. Dwell on the beauty in all I see, hear, touch, taste and smell. Realize that everything is a gift from the Almighty and is put there in order to enjoy en learn from". Now, what I would add is "Laugh at your mistakes, your errors, your shortcomings, your problems and difficulties, your failures and then, remain happy"! GOD LOVES YOU, SO BE PROACTIVELY HAPPY! You don't need nothing else; just the decision to be happy. That's what the sun did in the beginning of time, and you also can do the same. In front of any difficulty or obstacle, remember to remain alone with yourself a few minutes, in a session of appreciation, gratitude, love, laugh, happiness and good will. This will help you to clear your mind and keep your good mood;


92. To avoid useless suffering, put on your armor of appreciation and gratitude, love, proactive happiness and letting go of unnecessary resistance to what is;


93. Thank you Father for you unconditional and eternal love. From this love, I consider whatever may come into my life as a blessing for my highest good; not  as a threat for my life and wellbeing. Again, thank you Father for your love;

                                             THE ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTIONS

94. What kind of answers are you still looking for? Answers to all your questions and demands are already present here and now. It is what already is. Ignoring this is behaving like a thirsty fish in the water;


95. Choice and decision are two words that determine your mental attitude, your state of mind, and your happiness or unhappiness. Refuse therefore to become a victim in the hands of people, events or circumstances like a pupet in the hands of a pupetter. You decide what you want your state of mind or mental attitude to be, no matter what is and, doing so, become happy or unhappy;

96. You can never know when you leave this planet; do you? So, guys, don't waste your energies in trivial pursuits. Like anybody else, you have a personal message for the generations to come. Invest in this search and deliver what deep inside, you're the only one to know;

97. According to you, how many people are enlightened in the world? In your continent? In your country? In your city? They are very few and that's the truth indeed. Now, are you sure that you take example from this few? In reality, don't you follow on a daily basis the masses, prisoners of their ego, that consider themselves to be only bodies and thrive for more money, more homes, more brand new cars, more diplomas, more prestige, more consideration, more power and so on; with the hope that all their acquisitions will add something to what they are already? What about choosing the other side, the spiritual one, and being among the few that exists, to contribute in helping the masses to be born again by becoming awake with the little truth you now possess? wouldn't this be worth doing?


98. You have a role to play, don't just be a follower. Wherever you are, become also an initiator of whatever may contribute to help others get back home;


99. Death is an illusion because you are an eternal being and always perfect as God created you. Only a tiny portion of you, like the tip top of an iceberg, is part of this dream we call life; while the big one remains fully awake in God;


100. Fear is your greatest enemy ever and all it wants is to see yourself as separated from the whole (people, things, events and circumatences). But, don't allow yourself to be manipulated by this imposter whose purpose is to transform you into a slave on its orders. Instead, make it your best friend and use it as an alarm to remember who you really are, which is oneness with all and everything in existence.


101. What is, is "the tree that hides the forest" and prevents you from seeing the truth behind it. In other words, when focusing all your attention only on external appearances (people, events, circumstances, things...) you will never be able to perceive and know the spiritual essence behind them that you are part of also and which, in fact, is the only reality there is. From this new light, realize that Onenesse is the only reality and seemingly external manifestations are mere shadows whose sole intent is to distract you and keep you away from your true nature, which is the spiritual essence you share with the entire creation.


102. This life, as you see it, is like a big school in which every year, depending on your final results, you move forward to a new level of studies or remain in the same class, until you succeed and finally go to the next. The fact is, the more you reach higher levels of studies, the more difficult become the lessons you are given in this class. However, never you have seen anyone giving up their current class for a lower one when lessons became too difficult for them to understand. Never. Deep inside, they know that these lessons are right for them and there is nothing unfair. Therefore, they do the best they can to grasp them without any complain. But in normal life,it's the reverse. Human beings do not understand that on this earth, they are in another kind of school in which, little by little and  according to their efforts and the understanding they achieve, they evolve also consciously until they achieve higher realms of consciousness. Most of the time, in front of an apparent difficult situation, they forget they are in a "classroom", that the teacher (life) is giving a new lesson, and perceive whatever they are facing as a threat or an injustice done to them by life. From this erroneous point of view, they start resisting and complaining all the way around, instead of becoming still,learn and understand the lesson life has brought for them.


103. The only thing you have ever done and will ever keep doing while still living on this earth is giving out  what you think you are and then experiencing it over and over. That's the only thing human beings do. But they do it unconsciously because they live most of the time on auto pilot mode. That's the way they ask and receive also, because as you will realize one day or another, asking and receiving are the same thing as giving and experiencing. Now, what do we really give out on a daily basis that makes us experience our beliefs or whatever and corresponds to asking from us? The answer is, vibrations. That's it. You see, you don't really ask with words, but with your feelings that make you emit vibrations of a certain frequencies which, in turn, bring back to you corresponding experiences in the form of events, circumstances, people, etc. That's the truth! So, knowing that the only thing you do here on this plant is giving out vibrations that correspond to your asking and then experiencing or receiving them in the form of  physical manifestations, the wisest thing you could do for yourself if paying attention to your feelings. Then, if you want to experience your true nature which is love, happiness, abundance, wealth, kindness, peace, stillness, gratitude, innocence, forgiveness, appreciation, and everything good, start giving them out through your attention all over the places. You can also strengthen this by using the external symbols  od these concepts such as money (for wealth, abundance, or love), smile (for kindness or love), flower (for beauty or love), etc.


104.  Don't behave like a thirsty fish in the water. Unfortunately, it is what most human beings do. They look at the world around them and see people or things as separate; thus, as strangers. As a result, they love some of them and fear others, not knowing they are all identical because being of the same source, themselves, and mere expressions of their own inner beliefs projected outside. That way, they feel poor, afraid, deprived, not loved, stuck and so on, forgetting that all this is being done to themselves by themselves. But, once you understand that nothing you perceive outside is strange, but that everything is your creation and belongs to you, you feel at ease wherever you are, with whomever and whatever you have. So, don't live from the outside in, but from the inside out where dwells your true nature of love, abundance, wealth, beauty, etc. What would do a thirsty fish in the water? Searching water everywhere, forgetting that it is immersed in it, is it and that it is the only thing  there is. But once it realizes the true nature of both water and itself and that in fact, it is moving in itself, it longer feels deprived any more.


105. Awakening or enlightenment is not something we achieve by will or from our ego, but through acceptance. Every human being, without exception, is already enlightened. It's only our identification with ego that prevents us from knowing this natural state we already are, have always been and will ever be.
106. Human being is like an acean with waves on its top,  representted by our feelings and emotions of doubts, worries, anxieties, frustrations, fears, angers and so on on our conscious level. On the deep bottom of the ocean, there is complete silence and stillness. Without waves, the ocean can no longer be called ocean, but becomes sort of big lake, not moving. In the same way, without all these emotions and feelings on the conscious level, human being can no longer be considered as such. That means, waves have their role in the ocean, as all feelings and emotions may have theirs also. People do not judge waves as bad.Instead, they even use them to surf and for different kind of games. The deep bottom of the ocean has its role also. It is the part that sustains and stabilizes the ocean, like the roots of a tree. Like that, we can also use the waves that come and go on the surface of our conscious level or our mind to "surf", so to speak, instead resisting them as we do most of the time. We can have a different relationship with whatever comes and goes in our mind, or our ego, become its "friend", and use it as partner to create different happy games, instead of becoming their victim. Above all, to be and remain the human being you are, accept and let be the two aspects of your human nature, without any exclusion of one of them.

                                         THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS OUT THERE

107.  The entire world is inside of you. There is no such thing as out there and, therefore, nothing to blame including yourself. You and your brothers are totally innocent in the eyes of God, your Father. So, don't do to them what He does not do to you, by judging and condemning your brothers. Or, you'll be judging and condemning yourself as well.         

                                                            STAY CONNECTED

108.   Just like the boat, your mind has an anchor also. So, whenever you lose your connection with your inner being, or your higher self, you forget who you are and get lost. But, even when you do, remember that nothing would have really happened to your true self which remains safe and unshakable for ever. However, know that through your attention, you can keep your mind connected to this presence deeply rooted in you and which, like an anchor attached to the boat, will prevent it from wandering in fearful places and make you lose the center of your being.


109.  When your are convinced that all this is merely a projection of your own mind, you can no longer blame anyone or anything outside. Because if  this happens, the only thing you are doing is blaming yourself. But, considering that nobody exists outside, even yourself, doing so would be judging yourself erroneously as guilty, while in the eyes of your Father, you are eternally innocent, like all your brothers and everything.             


110. As long as the Sun will be shining, and it shines forever, decide to smile and shine also for no other reason than to shine. Keep shining, no matter the kind of clouds that may cross your mind and, temporary hide from time to time its rays. Keep shining, and do it without expectations because that’s your Only Function as the light of the world.


111. Believe that you have received what you want and it will be so. You no longer seek what you’ve got or don’t keep praying for it, visualizing it and so on; do you? Because doing so is the Proof that you don’t believe at all that it’s already yours. The question deserving to be asked is whether you know what you really Want or not. In case you don’t, know that the only thing you really, really want in your life is Unconditional Faith the Holy Spirit or Christ; the answer to all the questions or problems you may be confronted to in your life. But Only Clarity of Mind can lead to this Vision and Understanding. When you know what you Want, now you can recognize it once you find it. In other words, you’ll know you’ve reached your Final Destination only when you know what it is.


112. Your fears are merely fears about yourself. For an unknown reason, you play the game of making yourself afraid all your life, just as if your threats came from another source. The truth is, your fears are but mere shadows projected from your mind on the screen of life; no more and no less.




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