Who I Really Am






Friday, January 6, 2012

Put aside whatever is not in alignment with your purpose

Life is a series of events, situations and circumstances you get through on a continual basis and that represent occasions or opportunities of choice; the choice to affirm your true identity despite the suggestions of your physical senses.

Whatever occurs in your existence that you consider as injustice, bitterness or wrong doing, never pay attention, complain or react negatively against it. Otherwise, you loose your energy and focus on what is essential.Take the seed for example; it has an important lesson to teach you in this regard.

The seed never loose focus and is never distracted from its main objective, which is to grow and become a beautiful plant or a big tree. No matter what happens in its environment, it keeps growing up. In fact, the seed needs only whatever is necessary for its expansion. That is, all the resources it uses are in perfect alignment with its ultimate goal.

You don't know it but, as human being, you are exactly like the seed, although you may think differently. You believe you have various types of needs and goals, while in fact there exists only one which is the same as for the seed. It is to grow, evolve,  and get back home, in the oneness of your creator.

Once you understand that your main purpose is to grow and become one again with God, anything that is not in alignment with your goal is put aside. Ask yourself over and over, "is what I am thinking or doing in alignment with what I really want or am?". If the answer is negative, give it up immediately and correct the course.

In effect, you cannot achieve your ultimate goal or whatever, unless you put aside and give up whatever you are doing that is not in alignment with it. You are so engaged in all kind of distractions that, without a serious revolution in yourself, oneness with your Father seems almost impossible.

However, the choice is yours. Make the inventory of your life. From the list, retain only the things that are in harmony or in alignment with your goal, which is your oneness with God. Then, discard anything else that distracts you and wastes your creative energy.

Think about it and...
... Stay synchronized...

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