Who I Really Am






Saturday, December 3, 2011

There is only one version of yourself

Most people do not like the kind of person they are at one point of their life. They always feel inferior or not enough worthy, compared to others around them that seem to be more blessed and more lucky than they are. And, doing so, they make themselves miserable their entire life.

The truth, however, is that they can only be but who they are right now, no more no less, and not who they would like to be. They don't understand that they are a specific version of God and no one, in the entire universe, can be comparable to them.

The point is that you are who you are, and you must accept and love yourself as well as your life just as it is, without condition.  And your life is about anything related to you, such as  your body, your wife, your children, your family and relatives, your friends, your colleagues, your job, your home, your car, your failures, your successes, your weaknesses, your strengths, etc.
Whatever is related to you is part of you, and has contributed to what you are in this moment. And, denying a part it is denying your entire being. Your wholeness then is about your present reality, and nothing can be missing to you. That is, if you loose one leg right now, you are still whole, even without that leg, because your wholeness is about who you are right now, and it is perfect.

From another point of view, if you consider yourself to be a spirit, and not a body, it is evident that whatever occurs to your body cannot affect your spirit which therefore remains whole forever. You see, the meaning of your life depends on the perspective from which you look at it, whatever may happen to you.

From today, the decision to give a positive meaning to the circumstances of your life belongs to you. And what was considered as "bad" before has now become the best thing that could happen to you. Are you ready to  accept this?

Think about it and...
...stay synchronized...

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