Who I Really Am






Thursday, February 11, 2010

What do you really want?

All of us, we desire so many things, for ourselves and people we care about. But, few among us know exactly what they really want in life. They may say they want a specific thing, when in fact it is something else that they want.

Usuasually, when people say I want this, or I want that, it is alway about what they want to get and keep for themselves. Here, I am not talking about what you want to take from life. This is unfortunately what the majority of people think about the most. I am talking here about what you want to give to life, or the universe, or God.


Just because it is your reason for being here. You are not on this planet to take and gather all the stuff you desire. You are here to give unconditionally to all, the fruits you produce, spiritually or physically, in order to contribute to the development of humankind. That's why you are here.

But If we don't know what we really want to give to others, if we haven't identified it clearly in our mind, how can we expect to give it? Is it possible to give something you don't know you have, or do not recognize as your contribution to the world?

The fact is, if you don't know what you want, you can have it, but not recognize it. It will be there, just in front of you, but you will not be able to see it, just because you don't know that it is what you want.

Now, what do you really want?

As I said earlier, what you want should not be defined as what you want to get, but rather as what you want to give. Why? Because giving comes first and receiving later. That is the order of things. It is by giving that you get in return; not the reverse.

In addition, some people may think that they want money, when in fact what they want is the sense of security and power money provides. Others think they want a new relationship, when in fact what they want filling the deep emptiness they feel inside of them, etc.

You see, sometimes money or relationships are not always what you really want, but may be something else. What you have to do first is clearly identify in your mind what are your personal strengths and abilities. All people have theirs, and these can be easily recognized by themselves or others. When you do, you have recognized what you can give to others also.

How could you know you have reached your destination if you didn't determined it specifically in the first place? And even when you get there, chances are that you will not recognized it as your destination.

Once you have identified your strengths and abilities, you know what to give to others, and what you'll get in return depends on the quality of what you gave. But if you want to feel safe and powerfull, what can you give and to whom?

Knowing that all security and power belong to God, you have to give Him something if you want to feel safe and powerfull. What you have to give Him is your total recognition that security and power belong to Him. You must GIVE Him your full ACKNOWLEDGEMENt that all power is in Him and Him alone, so that it returns back to you.

Know that God is like the tide, going high and low incessantly, and everything you throw into the waves comes back to you. You see, whatever you want in you, give it to God, by recognizing and aknowledging it in Him. It will come back to you multiplied.

Remember, you are a spirit, and not just a physical body, and a spirit only needs the spiritual. The paradox here is that it is only when you have given the spiritual that the material can follow; but never before.

Think about it and...
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