Who I Really Am






Wednesday, July 8, 2009

For a certain level of consciousness, certain experiences

Every living creature in this universe is intended to grow and evolve. Creatures of vegetable and animal kingdoms do it well, naturally and easily. Think of a tree, for example. Starting from a small seed , growing consistently moment to moment is its main task, until it becomes mature and produce fruits which later, will nourish other creatures.

Another good example is the butterfly. Its small egg develops to give birth to a caterpillar which, later also, will be transformed into a beautiful and colored butterfly. In these two examples, the process is operated with the great wisdom of the Infinite Intelligence that created worlds, without any slightest resistance.

The seed, in essence, "knows"what its final goal is: to be mature and produce fruits. Same thing for the egg, whose final goal is to achieve its full potential in the form of a butterfly, and become free, before spending time all day long, flying leisurely and joyously from one plant to another.

In their process of evolution, these two creatures do not worry, even for a moment, about how and when they will attain their mature state or respective goals. Never. They just keep growing and evolving in total abandonment to the infinite wisdom of the universe. They do not either get anxious or feared about the future, but instead, trust unconditionally the universe and its laws for everything.

That is the big difference between human beings and other creatures. Human beings live in doubts, worries, anxieties, frustrations and fears, while other creatures evolve in total confidence and unquestionned faith in the Infinite Intelligence that created them.

This attitude from human beings is pure nonsense. How hell can simple creatures like them have doubts about their creator? How could this be? Maybe human beings don't recognize God as their creator, and assume they created themselves as they are. Or, because they cannot perceive God directly, ideas about His infinite wisdom and powers seem too imaginary and, therefore, not credible.

This attitude is nothing else than a denial of God, their own source. They seem to have no other choice, but only count on their own forces. However, in times of difficulty, they get lost and feel desperate.

Why that? Why separate ourselves from our source by denying it, to be exposed to unnecessary sufferings in our life ?

The truth is, very often this attitude is not intentional. Something, call it ego or whatever name you give it, is standing between us and our creator. This thing prevents us from living in complete trust and confidence with our divine nature. It's the source of all our troubles and sufferings, and we can be free only by removing this impostor once and for all from our life.

Now, learning from example being one of the best known methods for acquiring knowledge, what lessons do we get from the seed and the egg?

Lesson1: As already discussed, the first lesson to learn is total, unconditional trust and faith in God, the Infinite Intelligence that knows and can everything. Because perceiving the all picture about your life, He knows exactly what is good for you or not, despite all appearances.

Your frustration and resentment for not getting something else, added to your strong will and persistance to obtain it, are only reactions from your limited ego. You cannot pretend, with such attitude, to trust God. On the contrary, it is a sign of pride on your part, meaning you know better than God about what is good for you.

Lesson2: It is patience and endurance ! My friend, do you know how to have everything you want? Do you know the secret for having all that you heart is longing for? Be patient. That's the secret.

If you look at your life now, you'll notice that many of the things you had desired in the past are already present in your life. Sometimes for years. You don't even remember having badly been craving for them. Today, they seem to have less importance. Because now, you are wanting something else that, one day, will also be yours, until it loses its value.

In life, many "obstacles" or "tests" may come your way, do not resist them. They are of great service to you, even when this seems difficult to accept at first. Don't complain and try to escape or run away from them.

Sometimes, problems persist because in your mind, you are not clear. It is as if your mind was troubled like troubled water. In this case, instead of resisting, just be still and wait. You will get clear, and in this clarity lies the truth.

The main intention of seemingly problems is to make you stronger than you now are. Therefore, be still and face them courageously. Let go of your ego completely and surrender to the Infininite Intelligence of All That Is to handle the situation, whatever it is. God's power wants to be expressed through you. Be open and release it.

Be no One ! The seed, for example, "knows" how to do it. When there is lack of water during the dry season, and not even a single drop of water can be found, can you imagine the seed complaining and crying all day long in front of its adversity? Never. The seed remains still and confident. It experiences calmly the permanent alternation of life's phenomenons, the "yin" and the "yang".

Lesson3: It is total abandonment to the infinite wisdom of the Infinite Intelligence. While faith and trust imply total confidence in God in achieving our goals, abandonment enables to completely let go and let God. In this state, you are carefree about details and outcomes. You know what you want, but don't care about whether or not you will get it. The result for you is the same. Because God's choice is already yours, and you accept it thanfully and joyfully.

Human beings are too attached to outcomes. Always wanting to achieve final results almost overnight, by transcending the natural laws of growhth and evolution. And when some delays are experienced in manifesting their desires, they get frustrated and mad.

Again, can you imagine the seed behaving this way for not producing fruits instantaneously? Or the egg, for not flying overnight? Only human beings do that! They cannot understand and accept that until they grow and evolve up to a certain level of consciousness, they are not yet ready for certain experiences. This would defy the natural laws of the universe.

Lesson4: It is about consciously living and accepting fully the present moment, without expectations. The seed or the egg do not care about whether they will achieve their respective goal or not.

Will the egg grow and be tranformed into a caterpillar that will one day become a beautiful butterfly? Noboby know. Maybe it will be eaten by another insect or animal. Will the seed grow and evolve to a big tree providing fruits to people and animals? Nobody knows. But the seed doesn't care about what will happen to its life the next moment.

The only thing that matters for both the egg and the seed is where their focus is NOW, and, moment to moment, evolve towards their goal. The question you, as human being, must ask yourself over and over and moment to moment, is this :

"Is what I am thinking, feeling and doing in this moment in harmony with my main goal in life, which is to grow and evolve to high levels of consciousness"? If the answer is no, correct the the course of your thoughts, feelings and actions immediatly, and align them with your life purpose. To be successful, do this inquiry many times a day.

Lesson5: It relates to the consciousness of perfection behind every step of our process of evolution. When growing or evolving to higher levels of consciousness, no step in the journey is more important than another. All are interdependent and perfect in their stage and at their time. Without the egg, no caterpillar; and no caterpillar, no butterfly. The same truth applies to the seed and the tree.

That means, every step in life is whole in its nature and perfect as it is. Applying to human beings, this truth can bring great relief to the resistance they have in their day-to-day life. In fact, they rarely accept fully their current point in life. Always, wanting to be somewhere "else" or have something "better". They never agree with their now, specially when some of its aspects are not as they would prefer.

For example, if they want a better car, a better home or a better job, they see the one they have as imperfect. If they are on the dole or single, they see their condition as imperfect. They judge it negatively. But you know what? This attitude is what maintains things as such, without any improvement.

Human beings have decided in advance that what they desire is "better" than what they have now. Therefore, they live with too much expectations for future changes in their life. Forgetting that where they are now is a necessary step to get where they want to be, and even when they get there, they will still be moving forwards, but always in their wholeness.

Have in mind that only perfection is, has always been and will ever be, despite all appearances. Our true nature, and the nature of everything, is perfect. For this reason, when God looks at you, the only thing He sees like in a mirror, is: perfection. That's all. If the reflected image was different, God would not be perfect. Because what we perceive is only the reflection of what we are. As God is perfect, He can only see perfection.

Refuse to be attached to outcomes or live with expectations for the future. That will release you from useless resistance and sufferings. Know that your life is already perfect the way it is, now. Nothing is missing to you in this very moment. Nothing is missing to an egg, nor to a caterpillar. Even the butterfly is still evolving by giving birth to new eggs.

Only your ego always tries to convince you of the contrary. Unfortunately, you let it win most of the time. But, if you had already a certain level of consciousness, this truth would be more clear to you. You are already perfect exactly where you are.

Another truth to remember is that this process has no end. As someone said: "you will never get it done". You will never reach a point where you will be said: "stop". Your life is an infinite journey in which every single step is whole and complete in itself.

Lesson6: It is about your ultimate goal in life, and also the ultimate goal of every creature and everything in existence : unconditional service. Whatever the conscious level you may achieve, it is intended to help and serve others.

But, the main point here is that, this service must be unconditional. Look at the nature, and you will agree that everything serves unconditionally. The fruit tree, the sun, the rain, etc. All of them serve the universe without reserve or condition.

Some people, even at an advanced stage of their life, always consider themselves as small seed. They always want to be served by others and keep willing to take, over and over, not realizing that time has already come for them to give in return.

They even don't wonder why, despite all their attempts to get more, they can no longer receive as they wish. The thing is, when a container is already full of water, it cannot take more of it. Make rooms in yourself by giving out something good to others, whatever it is. Then, they will be filled by good things also.

Stop for a moment and analyse yourself. Do you think you are already mature? If your answer is yes, then start giving more, instead of asking. There are so many things you can give, I assure you. Money and stuff aren't the only things to give.

What about your good will, your love, your kindness, your work, your smile, your help or support, your encouragement, your compliment, your time, your devotion, your advice, etc. Anybody can give something, no matter what.

To go even farther, know that the only thing we do in life in: giving!

Yes. It's the only thing we do, moment to moment all day long. But, we do it unconsciously. Our thoughts, feelings, emotions and deeds are sent out constanly in the form of energy and vibrations, which bring back to us corresponding experiences. Therefore, why not chosing by ourselves what we decide to send out?

Unconditional living is one of the keys to happiness. This way, you live without expectations from anybody or anything. You become totally whole in yourself and totally free. Your life does no longer depend on external events and circumatances.

With an unconditional life, you decide to live the way you wish. That is, you are happy for nothing, you are abundant for nothing, you give for nothing, you are kind for nothing, you love for nothing, etc. In a word, you live for nothing. No expections in return!

All these lessons, in fact, apply to every creature, and only human beings are not able to live in total obedience to their creator, due to the interferences of their egos. These interferences are what jams and retards the normal process of their evolution.

Ego creates doubts, worries, anxieties, frustrations and fears in human beings. For this reason, they must always pay attention to what is happening in their mind, moment to moment, so that when noticed, these negativities are automatically rejected and thrown away.

Think about it and...

Stay synchronized...

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