Who I Really Am






Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Freedom from resistance

The thing that produces the greatest resistance in you, is exactly what you must give out in order to be free. You are not free in a state of resistance. Because within this state, you are at the mercy of the object of your resistance that controls you, and prevents you from acting or reacting freely as you would like to.

The subject, above anything else, at the origin of the greatest resistance experienced by lots of people is money. Yes, money is that which they resist most. The main reason is that they have deeply convinced themselves of the fact that there is not enough money in their life.

Actually, they look at their bank account balance and what they read confirms their opinion about not having enough. Therefore, it's really a tough time for them when it comes to release the few they have, to give it to someone else or buy something. It's very challenging to them, indeed. And this attitude, in time, becomes part of their beliefs system that keeps reproducing the same reality over and over, like a circle.

Is it possible to escape from this circle in which lot of people have put themselves in, reacting like prisoners or slaves ? The answer, if any, is : Yes !

But, freedom from this resistance is not easy, because it requires lot of courage, faith, and total abandonment from the person willing to achieve it. In fact, the solution is a radical decision, without the slightest hesitation, to give out courageously the object of your captivity, be it money or anything else.

For example, someone asks you for money, or you want to buy something for yourself or for someone else; instead of worrying or resisting the idea of giving or spending the few you have, give it ! Don't even for a moment think about it. Don't let any thought enter into your mind that would eventually prevent you from acting in the direction you want. Be strong, have faith, act couragesously and give ! That's the price to pay for your freedom.

Decide, from this moment, to release the things that keep you captive. Anytime you feel the smallest resistance in you about something, get rid of it, instantly. Do not wait. However, to achieve total freedom, dare to give completely and totally the object of your resistance. Do you think you do not have enough money ? Good for you. Just go ahead and despite the little you have in this moment, dare to give it; totally. This new attitude, in time, will produce a radical transformation in you, and you will no longer feel trapped.

Dare to be and have nothing in life and, surprisingly, you will see everything you would ever desire coming to you effortlessly. Why is that so ? Simply because in this state of nothingness, resistance cannot be. Where there is nothing, everything is; and in the absence of resistance, abundance flows. Can you get it ?

You see, there is a solution. But, I'd agree with you that it is really a very resisting, radical and paradoxical approach which, at first, looks like nonsense. Nevertheless, in that approach lies the key to your total freedom. The question is : will you dare ?

Stay synchronized...

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