Friday, January 22, 2010
Believe that you have receive...
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Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Give and you will receive
Which is thus the one that precedes the other? It sounds like the story of the egg and the hen, isn't it? So, let's assume that as sons of God, we are and have already everything, and nothing is missing to us, right? That means, love, joy, happiness, abundance, wealth, and health, to list just a few, are our inheritance.
If this is so, and I firmly believe that it is, it implies that having already everything, giving then must come first to precede receiving which comes later. But generally, because they don't have the awareness of what their true reality, people have the tendancy to ask, in order to receive what they already have, not realizing that all they seek for is already in them.
When they keep asking, they reinforce in themselves the belief that they don't have what they are asking for. And doing so, they never get it. Because they look for it where it is not for having been confused with their fonction given them by God and which is to give and share with their brothers all the abundance that is in them.
You are a natural giver because of what you are. And, if you want to have some indicators of the things you don't give enough, look at those that are not enough present or are missing in your life.
Do you have enough love, respect, money, abundance, help, attention, kindness, promotion, happiness, joy, health and so on in your life? If not, that's the proof that you are a poor giver of the same. If yes, keep giving more and more so that you experience more also.
Remember, your function here is to give out and share unconditionally with the world the blessings given you by your father. Asking for them is a sign of poverty, which has nothing to do with you.
Don' worry about receiving, this is not your part and does not depends on you. What depends on you is what you are responsible of, or choose to give, through your will. That is the only thing that matters. Receiving, then, takes care of itself.
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Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Be like de sun if you want to be happy
But, the truth is that happiness is not something you get from doing or achieving anything. Happiness is inherent to you, it's your nature, It's what you really are. The good feeling that emerges from you due to a particular event was already there in you, but not activated. It's only when a specific event is pleasant to you that this feeling is activated, which does not mean it comes from outside. Some time later, it is disactivated again.
The question is, if happiness is your natural state, why aren't you permanently happy?
Here are a few answers. First, you are unhappy because you do not focus enough on things that please you. People usually spend most of their time on things that generate in them feelings of worry, fear, anxiety, dispear and so on, instead of on those that make them feel good or make them happy.
They don't know how to use their existing environment as a pretext to activate the feeling of happiness in them, even for a moment. Instead, they let their attention wander everywhere and be focused on things they don't like, which generate only negative emotions and finaly make them feel bad. Thus, by not having the capacity to choose and focus only on what please them, they behave like victims of circumstances, instead of the conscious creators of their own life.
Second, you are unhappy because you are looking for happiness where it is not and can not be found. As stated earlier, happiness is not obtained in exchange of acquisitions, or achieved as a result of living specific circumstances or events. Happiness Is, already, in you, however dormant. What is required is merely your awareness of it, so that in time, little by little, it manifests in your life.
But, in order to be truly happy once you become aware of it as inherent to you, give happiness all over the places. Give it to every person you meet and love them all. Most of the time, people wait for something to happen in order to be happy. But, this is a big mistake. Happiness is not a reward. Don't wait for the change you desire in your environment to occur, so that you may be happy.
Doing so means that your happiness is external to you; which is not the case. Happiness implies proactivity. That means, being conscious of your natural happiness, you take it first with you wherever you go, and give it freely to the world, without expectations. Because as you give, so shall you receive. It is law. Expectations are one of our main obstacles to happiness, as they block the flow of positive energy flowing through us.
Look at the sun. Do you think that all over the world you see, there is something more happier than the sun? Day by day, it sends consistently its big smile and its light to all of us, unconditionally and without discrimination. That is true love.
Be like the sun, if you want to be happy. Become an unconditional giver, not a frenetic receiver. Give only the best that is in you, always, and you'll experience it in return in your life. There is no other way to happiness.
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Thursday, January 14, 2010
The power of words
I have a list of words I particularly love having in mind. Here they are :
1) Love
2) Harmony
3) Oneness
4) Abundance
5) Happiness
6) Joy
7) Mastery
8) Wholeness
9) Stillness
10) Release
11) Peace
12) Clarity
13) Vision
14) Awareness
15) Trust
16) Confidence
17) Faith
18) Forgiveness
19) Vibration
20) Essence
21) Light
22) Learning
23) Awakeneing
24) God
25) Holy
26) Spirit
27) Wisdom
28) Spirituality
29) Solution
30) Kindness
31) Help
32) Alignment
33) Perfection
34) Concentration
35) Connection
36) Attention
37) Wiwdom
38) Imagination
40) Kindness
41) Detachment
42) Unconditional
There are also some words I have great resistance with, such as:
1) Money
2) Meeting
3) Problem
4) Conflict, etc.
Now, among all these words, one of the most important for me is ATTENTION. Do you know why? Simply because it is one which contributes to give life to others. According to quantum physics, our attention to something manifests it in our experience. The reverse is also true. Without our attention, nothing can exists.
It is our attention to God, or our Self that creates the connection link with Him. And the more we put our attention to anything, more strong this connecting link becomes . And, its vibrations also becomes dense to manifest in our experience the object of our attention.
You see, whenever you hold in your mind an image of whatever imagine, what you are doing is establishing your connection with it, through your attention. If this connection is maintained long enough, very subtle elements of energy at the basis of everything that is created, call them subatomic particles, start organizing themselves little by little into the form of the image hold in your mind, before manifesting in your experience as event, circumstance or thing.
Something to know, however, is that the processing of these elements of energy is organized at a level where our conscious will has no power. We cannot at this stage, for example, accelerate the manifestation at will. In other words, these elements are very intelligent and operate on their own, according to their inherent logic. They don't need your help, only your consistent focus and trust ane necessary.
But, when you start worrying about the outcome, what you are just doing in fact is disturbing the connection you established with your first image, to replace it with another one, which is its opposite. This, in fact, jams the initial process and can delay or even cancel the manifestation, according to the intensity of the disturbance caused.
Instead of jamming the process, why not imagining these subatomic particles joyously working together to give birth to your experience. Of course, you cannot see them, but you can imagine them busy working on your project.
This is your part of the game. This is your joy. Your job is not to manifest things. Your job is to play in your imagination with the things you choose. And if particles of energy put them outside in your experience it just for the purpose to show to the world what game you were playing, so that we are aware of what's going on in everyone's mind.
Another word I'd like to mention is WHOLENESS. This word has nothing to do with acquisitions of external stuff. It is related to our nature. We are already whole in our essence, in our spirit. Nothing is missing to us, indeed. What we are made of (God) is also at the core of anything else in existence.
Believing that we are or have not enough is like believing that the degree of alcohol in a glass is less than the degree of the same alcohol in a full bottle. You don't add anything to yourself with all your acquisistions, because all are made of the same stuff as yourself. Just like adding water to water does not change its taste. Can you see?
You are whole because of who you are, not because of what you have. Woleness is therefore your natutal state. Believing the contrary is selling yourslef short.
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Friday, January 8, 2010
God's love for you is infinite in all thing
How do I know?
Merely by the fact that God loves you more than you would ever love yourself. And, because of that, nothing that comes to you would be there for another reason, but for your highest good. You believe, or you don't; there is no other choice.
Therefore, trying to change a situation that seems to bother you or escape from it is a refusal of the gift of God's for you, His love, lying behind it. But, it is not about changing the situation or escape from it. In fact, it is about going beyond it, and believe in what your physical sense cannot perceive.
That is the only thing you have to do, and nothing else. Whatever the situation may be, don't attempt to change it. You know nothing about it. How then could you attempt to change something you don't know what the objective is.
Assume that only God knows the truth about it. And, because He loves you unconditionally, just BELIEVE that whatever comes your way is for your highest good. You are blind and deaf, thus you know nothing about anything. Accept it without any physical proof. All this occurs on the planes you cannot see, and it does not have to be shown.
The only one truth is that God, your Father loves you. Anything that happens to you comes because of that. Therefore, love everything in your life, because everything "good" or "bad" is a messenger of God's love for you, as well as behind everything you perceive is God's perfect love, waiting for you.
Be glad and happy for your Higher Self, which, in this very moment, is sharing and savouring this infinite love with His Father. At the same time, be gentle and kind with the limited one you know here as you.
God’s love for you is infinite in all things -Part 2
Trying to change a situation externally is a denial of your responsibility. Remember that what you perceive is just a reflection, like in a mirror, of what you are. But you have projected it outside in others, events and circumstances to make them responsible.
Others, events and circumstances are just symbols of your culpability born of your apparent separation with God. The good news is that this separation didn’t really occur. Ego, however, wants you to believe that it did. Don’t believe it. You are innocent, like all your brothers.
Nothing you perceive is as you see it. Everything is part of the dream and, therefore, not real. Even what seems “good” is as unreal as what seems “bad”.
Don’t fall in the trap of the ego which would want you believe that something in this world could be real because it seems “good” to you. Be vigilant and know that both the “good” and the “bad” are of the same nature and therefore unreal.
When you come to this point, you realize that it is useless in this world to be unhappy for not getting something in the place of another; both being unreal.
So, instead of resisting any situation and trying with all your will and strength to change it from outside, the best attitude would be this one:
1) Gratitude and appreciation to the world, this giant mirror, for:
- The feedback given to you, informing you of what’s going on inside of you and giving you the opportunity to forgive, in order to awake from the dream, be free and get back home.
- Knowing that this world is just a dream, separation with God didn’t really happen. Therefore, the culpability I am projecting outside cannot be justified because I am sinless, innocent and eternally holy.
2) Forgiveness of everything, “good” or “bad”, as long as I am projecting my culpability outside; and forgiveness of myself for doing it.
3) Awake from the dream and get back home: Be fully conscious of my true
Nature, and nothing else.
Think about it...
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Thursday, January 7, 2010
You are not stuck, but just learning...
All this would depend on the lessons to learn, as well as on your willingness and readiness to learn and understand them. According to me, the more you would spend time in a specific class, the more valuable your lessons and your improvement would be.
Whatever the situation you are in, remember that you are learning and then, be willing to take what is there for you. There is always something to grasp; always. And very often, you cannot see it because you spend most of your time resisting your current circumstances. Instead of wondering why this happens to you, your question instead should be, what is there for you?
Doing so, relax yourself and and be still. Then, wait for the answer which, soon or later, will be revealed to you. This answer is always there, waiting four your willingness to find it. But, only your resistance prevents you from finding it.
It is only when you have learned the lessons put there for you that you would be able to move to the next class; but never before, and no matter how long it would take and how hard you would try.
That's why it's an error to believe you are blocked or stuck in any situation. This would create only more resistance and more frustration in you. Instead of that, say to yourself that you are learning a very important and valuable lesson for your evolution then, be truly willing to know and learn it. With this state of mind, you would achieve more release and, in time, chances are that what it is there for you as lessons would be revealed to you, and you would understand.
A fruit cannot fall from the branche by itself if it is not yet quite matured; remember that. Therefore, be patient and let time be your allie. One day, you would see clearly and be ready for the next lessons.
Also, in life, people think that because they live together in the place, they are the same, learning the same lessons. This is not true. Everyone of us is learning his own lessons in his own class for his own awareness and evolution. We have the same spirit or soul, but not the same awareness while still living in this world. That is why it is useless to try to live someone else's experiences, "good" or "bad".
Again, although being of the same Source, we are not the same in this world. That's why there has been a very little change among human beings for milleniums on this earth, dispsite all the spiritual knowledge they have been given by many masters.
People can read spiritual or self help books, listen to sermons in churches and synagogues as they like, but because their awareness is not in alignment with the too high level of knowledge given to them, they would probably fail to apply it and would just remain the same.
Of course, for some of them, the things they hear or read would sound very good and touch their soul. They would really love them and feel very anthousiastic about them; but this anthousiasm would not last. Because some time later, all this would vanish without benefiting them, for they were not ready yet for the knowledge presented to them.
You can verify it in our daily life. For example, take courses from university and teach them to sudents from primary school. Really, do you think they would get anything from them? I don't think so. Eventually, they would grasp a few words here and there, but it would be very difficult for them to get their full meaning.
The same thing could even apply to adults for disciplines completelly unknown to them, at the point that even when the message would be provided in their habitual language, they would also experience lots of difficulties to follow and get all the details of the message delivered to them.
In conclusion, resistance is useless in this world of learning we are in. Learning could be delayed, however escape from it is not possible. No jump or quantum leap are authorized by the laws that govern this universe.
The only solution is to face your life as it is, courageously, without resistance. Then, patiently and consistently, willing to learn all the lessons you have to learn, through people, events and circumstances, in order to achieve there, the awareness that will lead you to the next level of your learning.
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Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Authors do not write for other people, but for themselves
An author, first, would like to express himself, feelings and emotions, through his work. And, according to his sensibility and his inherent habilities, he will use one channel of expression or another for his work; such as writing, sculpting, speaking, singing, dancing, drawing, etc.
But, the condition for a work to be appreciated and loved by other people is to be first deeply appreciated and loved by its creator. Appreciation and love attract the same. Because all people share the same spirit, if one person expresses his own truth and falls deeply in love with it, other people will, like in a mirror, recognize themselves in the work produced and fall in love with it also.
That is why an author, a musician, a singer or any artist can become famous. The main reason is because other people who share the same spirit with him recognize themselves in the product. It reminds them the beauty and the perfection they already have in them, and which is shared by all other people.
For this reason, they would like to get it and enjoy it by paying money for it. And the more they pay, the more you, the author, become famous and rich.
Be true to yourself and don't sell yourself short. You, as human being, have a personal message of love to share with others. Do not understimate your value and your hability to love. Your gift to the world and to yourself is waiting for you to be uncovered.
Some authors write about fear and how to get rid of it. Do you know why? It is because they are afraid of life themselves. And all they do is studying and looking for methods to help release themselves from fear.
Others write about about money, health, spirituality, etc. Just for the same reason. These subjects represents their inherent preoccupation and they would like to resolve theses issues. When writing about them with all their love and appreciation for their own work, naturally other people with the same challenges will recognize themselves in their work and love it.
The problem is not wether they will get results or not. The problem is wether people will recognize themselves in the work or not. If they do, they would have found someone or a voice that tells their story, and for that, they will pay your work.
Does it make sense to you? Do you really fully love and appreciate it? If yes, do it!
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Monday, January 4, 2010
Laugh at your temptations
Temptations are like traps, waiting for you at every corner of the street. But if your connection to God or the Holy Sprit is not strongly maintained, you will get trapped all the time. And the more trapped you get, the more difficult your release from the evil's web will be.
You get trapped by becoming angry, furious, sad, anxious, afraid, jalous, etc. You get trapped when you hold grievances against someone or something. You get trapped when you feel poor, abandonned, alone, or not loved, etc.
In a word, anytime you act or react negativeley to someone or something, you've got trapped. And generally, this is also followed by a negative emotion in you, that makes you feel bad. This is so because you have made an erroneous judgement which is far from the truth about this person, yourself, or this thing.
Be vigilant and alert, therefore, about all the traps that surround you. And this should not be a periodic or a from time to time endeavour. It is a permanent task. Because as long as you live, temptations will always be on your way.
There will never be a moment where you will be without them. Night and day, they are part of the illusions which you call life. One of their main objective is that once you get trapped by believing in their reality, you become also attached to them. And this attachment is at the origin of your suffering.
To have peace and happiness then, release yourself from your attachment to this shadow life by laughing at all the traps that seem to threaten you. They want you to take them seriously, through this attachment, so that you suffer and feel powerless. But instead of doing that, ignore them. See them just as the mere smoke they are.
Again, laugh at them; laugh at anything that seems to bother you and refuse to behave as they want you to do. Their objective is to make you feel trapped, prisoner and afraid. But you can set yourself free by turning your back to them.
Remember one thing. Nothing, outside of you, really exists. Every person, everything, is merely your own reflection. And if you can fight against your shadow, you can also fight with your outer life, events, people ans circumstances. The implication of this assertion is that whatever you do, you do it to yourself.
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