Who I Really Am






Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Give and you will receive

They say, ask and you will receive. I say, give and you will receive. What do you prefer? For me, I believe that both giving and receiving are one, and there would not be one, without the other. But, the truth is that one precedes another.

Which is thus the one that precedes the other? It sounds like the story of the egg and the hen, isn't it? So, let's assume that as sons of God, we are and have already everything, and nothing is missing to us, right? That means, love, joy, happiness, abundance, wealth, and health, to list just a few, are our inheritance.

If this is so, and I firmly believe that it is, it implies that having already everything, giving then must come first to precede receiving which comes later. But generally, because they don't have the awareness of what their true reality, people have the tendancy to ask, in order to receive what they already have, not realizing that all they seek for is already in them.

When they keep asking, they reinforce in themselves the belief that they don't have what they are asking for. And doing so, they never get it. Because they look for it where it is not for having been confused with their fonction given them by God and which is to give and share with their brothers all the abundance that is in them.

You are a natural giver because of what you are. And, if you want to have some indicators of the things you don't give enough, look at those that are not enough present or are missing in your life.

Do you have enough love, respect, money, abundance, help, attention, kindness, promotion, happiness, joy, health and so on in your life? If not, that's the proof that you are a poor giver of the same. If yes, keep giving more and more so that you experience more also.

Remember, your function here is to give out and share unconditionally with the world the blessings given you by your father. Asking for them is a sign of poverty, which has nothing to do with you.

Don' worry about receiving, this is not your part and does not depends on you. What depends on you is what you are responsible of, or choose to give, through your will. That is the only thing that matters. Receiving, then, takes care of itself.

Think about it and...
Stay synchronized...

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