How do I know?
Merely by the fact that God loves you more than you would ever love yourself. And, because of that, nothing that comes to you would be there for another reason, but for your highest good. You believe, or you don't; there is no other choice.
Therefore, trying to change a situation that seems to bother you or escape from it is a refusal of the gift of God's for you, His love, lying behind it. But, it is not about changing the situation or escape from it. In fact, it is about going beyond it, and believe in what your physical sense cannot perceive.
That is the only thing you have to do, and nothing else. Whatever the situation may be, don't attempt to change it. You know nothing about it. How then could you attempt to change something you don't know what the objective is.
Assume that only God knows the truth about it. And, because He loves you unconditionally, just BELIEVE that whatever comes your way is for your highest good. You are blind and deaf, thus you know nothing about anything. Accept it without any physical proof. All this occurs on the planes you cannot see, and it does not have to be shown.
The only one truth is that God, your Father loves you. Anything that happens to you comes because of that. Therefore, love everything in your life, because everything "good" or "bad" is a messenger of God's love for you, as well as behind everything you perceive is God's perfect love, waiting for you.
Be glad and happy for your Higher Self, which, in this very moment, is sharing and savouring this infinite love with His Father. At the same time, be gentle and kind with the limited one you know here as you.
God’s love for you is infinite in all things -Part 2
Trying to change a situation externally is a denial of your responsibility. Remember that what you perceive is just a reflection, like in a mirror, of what you are. But you have projected it outside in others, events and circumstances to make them responsible.
Others, events and circumstances are just symbols of your culpability born of your apparent separation with God. The good news is that this separation didn’t really occur. Ego, however, wants you to believe that it did. Don’t believe it. You are innocent, like all your brothers.
Nothing you perceive is as you see it. Everything is part of the dream and, therefore, not real. Even what seems “good” is as unreal as what seems “bad”.
Don’t fall in the trap of the ego which would want you believe that something in this world could be real because it seems “good” to you. Be vigilant and know that both the “good” and the “bad” are of the same nature and therefore unreal.
When you come to this point, you realize that it is useless in this world to be unhappy for not getting something in the place of another; both being unreal.
So, instead of resisting any situation and trying with all your will and strength to change it from outside, the best attitude would be this one:
1) Gratitude and appreciation to the world, this giant mirror, for:
- The feedback given to you, informing you of what’s going on inside of you and giving you the opportunity to forgive, in order to awake from the dream, be free and get back home.
- Knowing that this world is just a dream, separation with God didn’t really happen. Therefore, the culpability I am projecting outside cannot be justified because I am sinless, innocent and eternally holy.
2) Forgiveness of everything, “good” or “bad”, as long as I am projecting my culpability outside; and forgiveness of myself for doing it.
3) Awake from the dream and get back home: Be fully conscious of my true
Nature, and nothing else.
Think about it...
And stay syncronized...
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