There are things, many things, that you've been craving for in your life that, finally, you've got soon or later. After having got these things, my questions about it are as follows:
- Did you really take the time to enjoy, appreciate, or celebrate these acquisitions with all your heart once you got them?
- Are they still important to you now?
- Do you still enjoy, appreciate, celebrate or love them?
When I observe you, wherever you are right now, I can imagine exactly what your current thoughts and feelings could be. Like months or years before, they are mainly focused on getting new things, objects, situations or relationships that you think would bring improvement and joy in your life.
I imagine you standing at the same "not enough" or "empy" position as years before, in which you have no satisfaction for anything whatsoever. Over the years, you've been doing the same business; the business to ask and wait for something new or better to happen.
I can see you where you are, with your eyes looking up to the sky and waiting for your wishes or desires to manifest, just like you'd do under a fruit tree, waiting for good fruits to fall down and eat them.
The fact is, your desires manifest indeed and good fruits really fall down all the time under your feet. But, once they have fallen, you ignore them and keep waiting for fruits that are still on the branches. Or, as soon as oranges have fallen, you leave them and quickly, move to the apple tree to wait for apples, and so on.
Be true to yourself and dare to tell me the contrary. Truly, how long have you been enjoying the goals you've achieved in your life let's say a degree, a new job, a promotion, a new car, a nice relationship, a new home, an award or a new baby in your life?
When you think about it frankly, you realize that your happiness had never last for a long time. Because as soon as you got what you wanted, something different took place automatically in your mind and you moved for it. That is the scenario you go through over and over again. Is this the life you really want? I don't think so.
In my opinion, you want a different kind of life. You want a life made of peace, joy, appreciation, happiness, satisfaction and love. I am pretty sure you'll agree with that. However, peace and happiness cannot be found just from getting things outside.
Peace and happiness have nothing to do with external possessions which are diametrically opposed to them for the following reasons:
- Who you really are is spirit. And peace, happiness, beauty or whatever are inherent to spirit;
- You are eternal, and happiness or peace which are inherent to you are eternal also;
- Acquisitions are physical and perishable stuff. As such, they are ephemeral and never last;
- Acquisitions are neutral. That is, beauty or happiness are not inherent to them. The only meaning they have is the one you give them. So, nothing you see is beautiful in itself because the beauty you perceive is projected from you to the object you admire;
- Thus, only what is eternal can procure everlasting happiness, peace or joy.
Because they are inherent to you. They are at the core of your being, where they have always been, are right now and will be forever. They are who you are.
But, here is the great point, you cannot and will never experience true peace, joy, happiness, love or whatever if you don't recognize them first in you and then, give them out. What do I mean by that? Let me explain. Happiness, peace or whatever are like muscles. Without exercise, they remain latent in the body.
But as you begin to use them frequently, you recognize their presence in you. Then, little by little, they become strong and visible outside. And, the more you use them, the more strength they get and the more visible they become.
You'd ask, how do I use peace, joy, happiness and whatever to develop them? The answer is easy. Just as you use the muscles of your body, use, exercise and train the muscles of your happiness, joy, peace, etc.
That is:
- Train yourself to be totally satisfied with what you are and have in this moment and your satisfation will get strength;
- Train, use your love, appreciation, and happiness muscles by loving everybody and everything, appreciating and blessing everything, an being happy all the time;
- Exercise your peace muscles by being in peace with everybody, every event and every circumstance;
- Above all, know that Christ, or Superconsciousness, is the essence and the symbol of everything good (joy, happiness, peace, abundance, etc.) Therefore, never love the effects you perceive outside. Instead, love the essence, whose symbol is Christ within.
You'are doing it wrong when you crave for physical manifestations which are merely effects and not the cause. Find and become the cause (Christ) by being happy, joyful, abundant, satisfied, etc. Again, be and experience the cause by using it and giving it out aboundantly, and this aboundance will be manifested outside according to its nature.
In short, whatever you want in your life, remember that it exists already inside of you in a latent state. Just take it from there and give it out, by using and develop it. Then, you'll be able to see it reflected outside and experience it.
Think about and...
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