Who I Really Am






Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Give what you are to experience it

There are things, many things, that you've been craving for in your life that, finally, you've got soon or later. After having got these things, my questions about it are as follows:

  • Did you really take the time to enjoy, appreciate, or celebrate these acquisitions with all your heart once you got them?
  • Are they still important to you now?
  • Do you still enjoy, appreciate, celebrate or love them?

When I observe you, wherever you are right now, I can imagine exactly what your current thoughts and feelings could be. Like months or years before, they are mainly focused on getting new things, objects, situations or relationships that you think would bring improvement and joy in your life.

I imagine you standing at the same "not enough" or "empy" position as years before, in which you have no satisfaction for anything whatsoever. Over the years, you've been doing the same business; the business to ask and wait for something new or better to happen.

I can see you where you are, with your eyes looking up to the sky and waiting for your wishes or desires to manifest, just like you'd do under a fruit tree, waiting for good fruits to fall down and eat them.

The fact is, your desires manifest indeed and good fruits really fall down all the time under your feet. But, once they have fallen, you ignore them and keep waiting for fruits that are still on the branches. Or, as soon as oranges have fallen, you leave them and quickly, move to the apple tree to wait for apples, and so on.

Be true to yourself and dare to tell me the contrary. Truly, how long have you been enjoying the goals you've achieved in your life let's say a degree, a new job, a promotion, a new car, a nice relationship, a new home, an award or a new baby in your life?

When you think about it frankly, you realize that your happiness had never last for a long time. Because as soon as you got what you wanted, something different took place automatically in your mind and you moved for it. That is the scenario you go through over and over again. Is this the life you really want? I don't think so.

In my opinion, you want a different kind of life. You want a life made of peace, joy, appreciation, happiness, satisfaction and love. I am pretty sure you'll agree with that. However, peace and happiness cannot be found just from getting things outside.

Peace and happiness have nothing to do with external possessions which are diametrically opposed to them for the following reasons:

  1. Who you really are is spirit. And peace, happiness, beauty or whatever are inherent to spirit;
  2. You are eternal, and happiness or peace which are inherent to you are eternal also;
  3. Acquisitions are physical and perishable stuff. As such, they are ephemeral and never last;
  4. Acquisitions are neutral. That is, beauty or happiness are not inherent to them. The only meaning they have is the one you give them. So, nothing you see is beautiful in itself because the beauty you perceive is projected from you to the object you admire;
  5. Thus, only what is eternal can procure everlasting happiness, peace or joy.
    Because they are inherent to you. They are at the core of your being, where they have always been, are right now and will be forever. They are who you are.

But, here is the great point, you cannot and will never experience true peace, joy, happiness, love or whatever if you don't recognize them first in you and then, give them out. What do I mean by that? Let me explain. Happiness, peace or whatever are like muscles. Without exercise, they remain latent in the body.

But as you begin to use them frequently, you recognize their presence in you. Then, little by little, they become strong and visible outside. And, the more you use them, the more strength they get and the more visible they become.

You'd ask, how do I use peace, joy, happiness and whatever to develop them? The answer is easy. Just as you use the muscles of your body, use, exercise and train the muscles of your happiness, joy, peace, etc.

That is:

  • Train yourself to be totally satisfied with what you are and have in this moment and your satisfation will get strength;
  • Train, use your love, appreciation, and happiness muscles by loving everybody and everything, appreciating and blessing everything, an being happy all the time;
  • Exercise your peace muscles by being in peace with everybody, every event and every circumstance;
  • Above all, know that Christ, or Superconsciousness, is the essence and the symbol of everything good (joy, happiness, peace, abundance, etc.) Therefore, never love the effects you perceive outside. Instead, love the essence, whose symbol is Christ within.

You'are doing it wrong when you crave for physical manifestations which are merely effects and not the cause. Find and become the cause (Christ) by being happy, joyful, abundant, satisfied, etc. Again, be and experience the cause by using it and giving it out aboundantly, and this aboundance will be manifested outside according to its nature.

In short, whatever you want in your life, remember that it exists already inside of you in a latent state. Just take it from there and give it out, by using and develop it. Then, you'll be able to see it reflected outside and experience it.

Think about and...
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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Go with the flow of life

No matter how "bad" your situation seems to be, remember that everything is for your highest good. Everything, no exception.To accept it is not easy, and I agree with you, especially when things seem to go upside down in your life. However, that's true.

Benjamin Franklin, one of the greatest thinkers and wise men in America advises, in his personal mastery traits: "notice the blessing in everything, big and small. Dwell on the beauty in all I see, hear touch, taste and smell. Realize that everything is a gift for the Almighty and is put there in order to enjoy and learn from ".

If you think the situation you are in is a "problem", that is a judgment and it will remain one, indeed. As you think, so shall you reap, and as you judge, so shall you be judged. And, when you do so, you'll think that God does not love you, or that life is against you. Therefore, you resist to everything you consider as a problem in your life.

The good news is that there is no such thing as "problems", and there is nothing to resist either; none. Problems are in your mind, and only there. That's the truth. And, if you are really convinced that God loves you, you 'd know that His beloved Son cannot be harmed by anything, or receive a snake when asking for a bread.

Only God alone sees the whole picture, remember that. Scientifically, it's proven today that at the conscious level, we perceive only 15 bits of information per second, while in fact more than 20 millions bits are coming to us at the same time.

What does that mean? Simply that you don't have a clue what is really going on, just as you don't have a clue what the meaning of anything is. From that, do you think it is wise for you to even judge anything happening in your life with your limited perception?

  1. Judge not! said Jesus, and be still. When talking about stillness, it is mostly about stillness of mind, without no thought and no judgement. Forcing a solution to come or things to happen lead merely to more and more confusion.
  2. Have no resistance whatsoever and go with the flow of life, because everything is for your highest good and is there only for the purpose to be appreciated, enjoyed, loved and learned from.
  3. For the above reasons, be grateful to your Father Who has the whole picture, loves you and knows what is good for you, better than yourself.
  4. To finish, just let go, trust and enjoy the ride in the river of life. Now, you've got it!

Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Not a victim but 100% responsible

1- You are not a victim of anything in life, but 100% responsible for everything because you created all of this. How good is it then to realize that you possess such a power!

2- Unconsciously and consistently, most of it has been created and is being created over and over, moment to moment. And, unconsciously, it can be changed and recreated also the way you want it. But how could you be aware of what you are creating right now, in order to change it eventually?

· What is now, is the result of your past thoughts and feelings;

· What you are creating right now corresponds to your point of focus and the way you feel. It will be manifested in a near future or later;

· If your point of attention does not seem interesting or feel so good, change it immediately.

3- Be conscious of your thoughts and feelings. Keep in mind only what are beneficial to you, and shut the door to the rest.

4- Life, as you see it, is a dream. Nothing that seems to happen didn’t really occur. You are absolutely perfect and totally innocent as God created you. And the things that seem to hurt you are merely the projection of your unconscious guilt.

5- The good news is that you are totally innocent, and your Father has neither condemned nor judged you. So, instead of being frustrated, angry, anxious, worried, and fearful by what seems to happen to you, be genuinely grateful, appreciative and loving to your Father for who you really are, perfectly safe and free.

6- Only the ego feels threatened and afraid. You are not the ego. So, let these feelings be. Because resistance to them is but a subtle trick used by the ego to be protected by you, to survive and maintain you captive in its web by believing that you are one and the same; which is not the case.

Therefore, don’t panic or desperate. In fact, it is what it wants, in order to survive. Because, the more you feel abandoned, the more you desperate, and the more you desperate, the more you protect, feed and take care of the ego. And, as long as you do so, it gets even more strength and more life.

So, to get out of this circle, be still instead and watch. Then, you’ll see those negative feelings fade away like smoke and be replaced by something different, by something better, by peace.

Think about it and…
…Stay synchronized.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

You really make progress !

You don't know it, but you really make progress every moment, and day by day, just as you grow constantly and consistently.

The only problem you have is your identification with what you are not. That is, you believe you are a body, living here on this planet with its five limited senses. But that is not the true. You are not a body and you are not really here.

What you are is far more than what you think. You are the Son of God, with unlimited power and eternally blessed and loved in Him. You have never left you Father, although you believe that it is what happened.

Your extension and your expansion are eternal and perfect in God. And it does not depends on what you do or don't with your body.

So, you have never been stuck, and you'll never be. To think that it is possible is only sign that you consider yourself as a body.

Think about it and...
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It has nothing to do with something extrernal

The block, or stuck you think you are in has its root cause in you, and in you alone. Don't look for it or for relief outside of yourself. You will not find it there. Instead, look inside of yourself, where all the universe is. But, forcing things to happen outside and blaming external circumstances are negative attitudes.They are useless, and will lead you nowhere.

Remember how the elephant could find the heart of palm it lost in the water. After having rigorously and angrily disturbed water and searched for it unsuccessfully everywhere in the river for a long time, the elephant very upset, felt very stuck and tired, not knowing what else to do. A fog, passing by, told him to calm down and remain still, so that water gets clear. The elephant followed and applied its advice and, after a while, the river became clear again and the heart of palm could be found.

The amazing thing about you is that you possess knowledge intellectually, but you are not convinced enough, like the elephant before in the story, at the point to apply it in your own life. The first reason is that you are not constant and consistent about a chosen path. You try many things or many paths at the same time, not following one of them to its end. What you are doing is merely jumping from one technique or teaching to another all the time. And this is the sure recipe for failure.

The second reason is that you seem to appreciate knowledge for knowledge, just for the feeling of joy (the joy to know), satisfaction, amazement, or specialness you get from it. However, knowledge is not to be hidden inside of you. It is to be applied, or it vanishes or dies. But, you seem to not give enough time to apply what you learn. You believe that in itself, knowledge is enough for the improvement of your life. This is a lie.

This stanza is perfectly clear about the subject: "Although a man may be book learned, if he doesn't apply what he knows, he is like a blind man who, with a lamp in his hand, cannot see the road".

You see, Applying is really a key point in your path to success. But, to apply does not mean necessarily to be perfect or to succeed overnight. Far from that. That means to exercise, to practice and to do training constantly and consistently moment to moment, day by day, like a athlete, until what you learned is transformed into an habit recorded in your subconscious mind. Results, therefore, become almost instantaneous and automatic externally, when time comes.

You would ask when and how to apply what you learn. The answer is very simple. Know that every waking moment of the day is an occasion to apply the knowledge you now possess. There is no specific time for that. But, above all, don't expect a particular result; they will take care of themselves instantaneously, as said earlier, at the right time. That's how it works, and not another way around.

Also, be kind to yourself and love yourself. Most of the time it is not the case. Because when you entertain toxic thoughts and feelings such as impatience, frustration, anger, resentment, fear, worry, anxiety, doubts and so on, you pollute your mind and all your being. That does not do good to yourself.

Remember that God loves you eternally and unconditionnaly. And if this is true about God Himself Who created His loving Son, it should be true about you. Who are you to be against the will of God? Therefore, be good and kind to yourself, encourage yourself, celebrate yourself, forgive yourself and love yourself, just like Fhe father for His beloved Son that you are.

Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

By yourself you'll never succeed

You've tried all the methods of success and healing that have come your way, hoping to achieve the results you want internally and externally. But none of them seems to really work, and none will not.

The thing is, you did not create yourself. You do not know who you are, and how you work. How could you drive a car if you didn't learn to drive one? It is even worse for a blind man to attempt to do so.

The easiest way is to leave at the driver's seat someone who knows how, and who will teach you to do so. As human being, you have been given a teacher by God. This teacher is the Holy Spirit. Ask for His advice and help in whatever situation you may be. He will drive, he will show you the way, and you will succeed.

Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized.

Monday, September 20, 2010

How long would you wait for your good?

Abraham and Sarah waited 100 years to become parents by giving birth to their son Isaac. Jacob waited for 14 years to marry Rachel, his loved one. Nelson Mandela waited for 27 years to realize his dream (the apartheid abolition) and to become something he didn't intend:

President of south Africa !

What do these figures have in common?

- High ideal for others, not yourself; Something you are ready to die for.

- Unshakable faith in God;

- Lot of patience.
Thin about it and...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Why Jesus Christ is called God

Human being, in general, is limited by his body with its five physical senses that do not perceive truth about anything, or see things as they really are. For this main reason, man seems to be lost to himself; not knowing who he really is.

However, among all human beings, Jesus is one of the few who have achieved this total knowledge and understanding of themselves. He had achieved the Christ state, or Christ consciousness which is in everyone of us. For having realized it, there is no longer any difference between Jesus and Christ within.

In Human being, Christ consciousness is called the Superconscious mind. This part of the mind , besides the conscious and the subconscious, is God within. That is the state Jesus achieved; becoming one with God. This realization is possible to everyone of us, because all human beings have the same physical and spiritual structure; and Jesus Himself acknowledged it.

About 2000 years ago, people had no idea about human being spiritual structure. So, it would had been extremely difficult for Jesus to explain at that time all the process He had gone through in order to achieve the fusion with the Superconscious, or the Christ consciousness, which is the Son of God Himself.

To get round this issue, Jesus simplified things so far as He could by using the language and words people was able to understand: Father, Son, kingdom of God, etc. And never He talked about the spiritual mechanism taking place in Human being's mind. Obviously, He was right doing so, because no one would had have a clue of anything if He did.

As you can understand it now, and I hope you do, Jesus is a real symbol of Christ, the Superconscious, which is also the Son of God, known to be "One" with the Father. As such, and implicitely, Jesus can be called the Son of God, or God, having achieved this ultimate state of human consciousness.

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Love your ennemies

You don't love fear, worry, anxiety, frustration, doubt, failure, rejection, unhappiness, death, etc. Because if it were the case, you'd be happy; which is not the case when you do. And, what you don't love is generally considered as being your ennemy; just because you don't love it. But, in fact, it is not the person, the thing or the situation you don't love; these are neutral.

What you really don't love is the feeling of discomfort generated by them in you from your thoughts that give birth to feelings and which, in turn, create your reality or your life as it is. It is that negative feeling you resist to, and this resistance creates even more resistance and discomfort; reason why the great master Jesus advised to "resist not" and " love your ennemies".

Love the negative feelings and emotions generated in you by your thoughts about people, events, circumstance and things. Don't resist them. Instead, welcome them and let them be. Then, observe and speak to them gently and quietly; and you'll see them fade away like smoke to nothingness.

You must be 100% responsible of what's going on in you and, to be responsible, you must be aware. That is, you must be the guardian of your mind. But, if you leave its door open to everything that comes into it without acting on them lovingly and peacefully , you will behave like a leaf, floating and being pushed in all directions by the wind. But as you do, you feel like the victim of your own life, and not the master. Is it really what you want? To master your life is to master everything that's going on in you, through peace, forgiveness and love. Therefore,remember this:

  • "Be calm and in peace, and know that I am God", says the Eternel;

  • "Stand still" and see the Salvation of the Lord;

  • "What are you afraid of, men of little faith", said Jesus;

  • "Those that be with us, are more than those that be with them", said Elisha, etc.

  • "What you resist persists", author unknown.

  • The Superconscious mind (or Christ within) is the department which fights man's battle and relieves him of burdens

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Monday, September 13, 2010

God loves you !

That's the greatest and ultimate postulate ever stated. Starting from there, knowing that you are blessed, loved, safe, abundant, protected and whatever you may think about, it becomes evident that everything that seems to happen to you can be but only for your highest good.

The fact is, you must go with the flow of life, in order to be happy. To go with the flow is to live fully the present moment, without expectation for the future or judgment for whatever seems to happen to you now. In fact, nothing is happening to you, because it is not really you, being here. You merely seem to be there, but you are not.

So, with this confusion in your mind about your true identity, you feel like a victim of life, feeled with feelings of insecurity, fear, lack of power, frustration, anxiety, worry, and so on. You must always bear in mind two very important things:

First, God loves you unconditionally, and eternally. Second, you are not who you think to be. It is not really you living here and facing all the troubles, challenges and problems that seem to threaten you.

Who you really are and which is the real Son of God is eternally in peace, happy, joyful, abundant, safe and blessed. That is the real you, not the one you imagine to be or which you are dreaming of.

Recognize this truth, accept it, and your life will change.

Don't have expectations in this world which, by the way, does not exist; or start judging whatever seems to happen to you or to others around "you" as "good" or "bad". Because when you do, you make it real, as well as everything it contains, including "you". Live without resistance for whatever occurs in order to go with the flow.

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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Good to you!

If you cannot see the changes you want in your physical environment and life, good to you! Your physical life is not real, remember that. But you'd like to make it so or believe that it is so when you become angry, frustrated and resistant for not seeing the changes you want.

The good news is that who you really are is invisible, like the real changes you seek which, without you knowing it, lead you little by little to the knowledge of your true nature and to God.

You see, physical changes are not important.What really matters is the change in yourself when facing all the seemingly challenges that appear in your life. This change is perceived in this new attitude to life :
  • Total and unchakable peace;
  • Self mastery;
  • Stilness;

Remember, you don't change the world, but you change yourself regarding the world!

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You asked for it!

You asked for it!

Whatever is happening in your life right now, remember, you asked for it! You are not a victim of anyone or anything; not at all. This is impossible. The truth is that, at a certain level, everything that has ever happened to you or is happening right now, had been planned long time ago by yourself , and for a certain reason.

The promise made by yourself to yourself at that time was that, no matter what, you’d succeed and at last, find your way home to your Source. Therefore, there is no need to resist to anybody or anything, nor complain about them, no matter how “bad” or threatening they seem to appear.

So, because you asked for it, the only thing you have to do is assuming 100% responsibility for everything; no exceptions. The advantage of this attitude is that it releases you from the resistance born from frustration and fear you experiment when you believe that people, events and circumstances are projected to you by an external and powerful force against which you are totally powerless, in the way that you seem to be a victim, instead of a creator of your own life.

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