Who I Really Am






Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Eyes Of Faith

Know that whatever you have ever asked
Has always instantly been granted to you
By the Source of everything in existence

Know also that asking implies a lack
And even before asking for something
It is already yours spiritually speaking

Vibrationally in its more original form
Before manifesting in its physical form
Visible now through the physical eyes

But you keep looking with physical eyes
Instead of spiritual ones or eyes of faith
To conclude nothing you want is there

From this point your resistance begins
In the form of worry, frustration or fear
Jamming and slowing the manifestion

Today definitely make a new choice
The choice to see with spiritual eyes
Things not yet manifested physically

And to no longer deny them and resist
Due to the fact that your eyes can't see
Things that really exist and yours indeed

Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Humans are like body cells

Billions of people live on the planet
Like billions of cells in human body
Or in any other living creature
But in reality only one being is there
This is true for every human being
As it is so also for every cell 

The relationship of human beings
With the higher being they live for
Is the same relationship body cells
Manage with human being itself
As a lower degree of being 

So human beings and body cells
Share absolutely the same function
And have in common the same destiny
Which is to live and die for the whole
Only working to maintain it in life  

Cells do not argue with you
About your choices and decisions
Or life would be a total mess
Same thing with human beings
Unable to interfere with the whole
Or the Higher self in its course  

Thus cells are resistance free
Regarding the body’s behavior
Be it in their advantage or not
They just play their given role
According to whatever comes  

You are not only you as individual
But part of a very large organism
Or a vast body forming humankind
In which you act as a cell in a body
Just as the whole humankind does
For a being of a higher level of life
And the process goes on infinitely

This is to say that we are all one
Despite our apparent differences
Just as all members of the body
Form only one and unique body 

And when one organ is affected
It is the whole body that suffers
And the whole being is involved
No matter the physical source 

So when your brother is in pain
It is your pain also to be shared  
In time of happiness rejoice also
Just as you would do for yourself 
Notions of separation or out there
Are merely concepts of the mind
And pure illusions with no reality
Only one being exists for whom
Everyone and everything is alive 

 Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Nothing Can Be Stuck In Life

Everyone and everything in existence
Live under the laws of the universe
Among them is the law of growth
To which all that exists obeys 

The fact is this process is unseen
Yet operates twenty four hours day
Every single split second of time
Nonstop and without interruption

And because nothing is perceived
People get anxious and impatient 
Believing the process doesn’t work
Or takes too long to get outcome
What they don’t know however  
Is that doing so they jam the process
Which seems even to take more time
Although it is only in their head 

In fact time as such doesn’t exist
For this reason it seems long or short
According to people’s state of mind
And the beliefs that drive them 

You can never be stuck in life
It is against the laws of the universe
With which you just do not cooperate  
As expressed by the way you fee

Get lessons from any seed
To learn the secret of stillness
Detachment and total focus
Without the slightest distraction
From your main goal in life
Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized

Monday, April 15, 2013

Regain Your Power

Who do you think is in control of your mind?
Who do you think is the master of your life?
Who do you think has real power over you? 

In case you didn’t know your whole existence
Is determined mostly by the status of your mind 
Which is whether in peace or slave of feelings  

When your reactions are only based on feelings
You lose all your power and become a puppet
At the mercy of people, events or circumstances 

But to regain your power and remain the master
Stillness and peace of mind are the way to follow
Without any identification to the feelings in you   

There is a relationship between your state of mind
And how you judge and react to what is in your life
Which by nature is neutral and without meaning

The only meaning whatever may have for you
Is the one you give it through your judgments
Often based on nothing and are thus erroneous 

There also lies your happiness and unhappiness
As direct outcomes of your own mental attitude
Developed and strengthened from false thinking 

Stop judging and identifying yourself with feelings
Stop reacting from the false unchecked assumptions
And do whatever you can to keep your mind safe

That is the price to pay to get your power back
That is the way out to give yourself freedom again
And at last to know the happiness you truly are
Think about it and...
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The Perpetuation Of Illusions

If the world you perceive is not real
If what seems to happen doesn’t occur
If life is merely a dream or pure illusion
The best way to deal with is to let it be
Just as it is and as it appears to you 

Your attempts to change the way life is
Is like trying to catch the wind with a hand
Or extinguish the fire in a burning house
By throwing water on the smoke outside 

When you try hard to change what is
You end up altering your peace of mind 
And even make it more real and powerful 
That’s why you feel the way you do 

Doing so you focus all your attention
And all your energy on the subject
Giving it more life and more energy
And the more you try more energy it gets 

Instead focus your attention only
On what you want to experience
To give it more life and let it grow
Until it manifests when time comes 

However have always in mind
That both are part of the illusions
And exchanging one for another
Is but just perpetuating the dream 
Think about it and...
...Stay Synchronized

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Trapped in your mind like a flly in the glue

Almost every human being in this life
Or each man and woman on the planet
Seems to behave as a thirsty fish in water
Or like a fly tightly trapped in the glue
Trying desperately to escape from trap
In order to find the way out to freedom 

This trap is nothing else but your mind
In which you remain prisoner of yourself
For all kind of imaginary reasons or issues
In different areas of life such as business
Relationships, health, family, finance, job
Home, addictions, acquisitions or whatever

But although reasons seem to be different
Their effects are always almost the same
In terms of suffering and lost of freedom
The advice to the thirsty fish in the water
Is to wake up in order to be conscious
And realize water is all there is all around
The only thing to do being open the mouth
And drink as much water as you want

Likely the fly must wake up also to realize
That there is in fact no such thing as trap
And that even itself as a fly does not exist
But only one being is all that is all around
In the form of the fly, the glue, or the web
Playing the game of being at the same time
The fly attempting to escape from its jail
And the trap in the form of glue or web 

So know you are not trapped by anything
For there is neither fearful fly nor any glue
Just as there is neither a trap nor a victim
All this being One in Many simply playing
In one form to another like water taking
The form of ice, then vapor or water

This game is the play of consciousness
Taking various forms and circumstances
Some seeming less pleasant than others
While all are just part of the joke of life
To which only one answer is required  

So like for other kind of jokes you know
Laugh simply at this as loudly as you can
And avoid to take it too much seriously
Because it is nothing but merely a joke 

It is at this point that real miracle occurs
As the fly like magic tastes its new freedom
After having completely surrendered his life
To the supreme power behind all forms
Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The easiest thing about the manifestation of desires

To manifest a desire is a natural process
And this is the easiest thing in the world
For the Higher consciousness or true Self
Which alone is in charge of manifestation 

Conscious mind doesn’t have to do anything
No effort is required on its part in the process
Put aside being still and open for inspiration
Which lead to appropriate actions of creation 

The manifestation process becomes hard
Only when the conscious mind shows up
Jumps in and gets on the way of creation
And attempts by all means to do the job  

Then becomes so concerned with outcomes
That things start even get worse and finally
End up to more and more useless resistance
Until frustration and unhappiness take place 

The Higher Self does not need your help
To manifest whatever you desire in life
No matter how big they may seem to be
Just as nature doesn’t need help from seed
To make it grow and become a fruits tree 

Beside being still and open for inspired action
Another important attitude to be developed
Is total trust and surrender to the Higher Self
With Its infinite intelligence wisdom and power
To make whatever you really want come true 

Otherwise you enter into an endless process
Of useless struggle and suffering all your life
Due to jamming the natural process of creation
That in fact requires no effort at all from you 

Remember only your Higher Self is in charge
Being omnipresent omniscient and omnipotent
And that whatever you desire is on its way
To manifestation in the universe of forms 

Delays as such do not exist except in your mind
And because Higher Self sees the whole picture
In which everyone and everything relate to All
Nothing can happen randomly in physical form 

That is for something to be manifested in your life
All conditions must first be met in the entire cosmos
To prevent the occurrence of chaos or disharmony
And only the Almighty God Himself can be in charge 
It is for these reasons that each and every desire

Manifests physically in its own way and its own time
And once you realize this profound and eternal truth
The only wise thing to do then is let go and let God

Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Believe That You Have Received…

You are a multidimensional being
Living simultaneously in multiple planes
None version of you being aware of the others
And just as everything else in this universe
You exist in different representations
In the form of vibrations, energy
Particles, atoms and matter  
So before possessing something physically
You in your spiritual form first own it
In its primary and essential nature
In which you and everything are all one 
In this spiritual realm where there is no matter
Time as well as delay do not exist as such
And whatever you conceive with your thought
Is instantly yours at the level of vibrations 
And because time does not exist in this realm
Notions of past and future have no value either
The Eternal Now being the only time there Is
So whatever you have ever got in the past
Or will get in the future in reality occurs Now 
Therefore to believe that you have received
Is not about something obtained physically
Even receiving in itself induces separation
It is recognizing fully your original nature
And that you are already whatever you think
Because being of the same Source as all that is 
Now live from this new understanding
And Act As If it is so because it is indeed
Until you realize you really need nothing
Being One with everything in existence
At the core of who you truly are from Source
Know that what you really want is peace
However you don’t even receive it but are it
And you recognize it only through the clarity
You achieve in moments of complete stillness 
Finally give your Creator your whole life
As He knows all about you better that you
So that it becomes as He would like it to be
And that only His Will be done and not yours
When you come to this point of surrender
All resistance from your ego sense of life
Is totally released and you come to realize
That all is well indeed just as it is
And… what a bliss, my God!
Think about it and...
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