Who I Really Am






Sunday, April 14, 2013

Trapped in your mind like a flly in the glue

Almost every human being in this life
Or each man and woman on the planet
Seems to behave as a thirsty fish in water
Or like a fly tightly trapped in the glue
Trying desperately to escape from trap
In order to find the way out to freedom 

This trap is nothing else but your mind
In which you remain prisoner of yourself
For all kind of imaginary reasons or issues
In different areas of life such as business
Relationships, health, family, finance, job
Home, addictions, acquisitions or whatever

But although reasons seem to be different
Their effects are always almost the same
In terms of suffering and lost of freedom
The advice to the thirsty fish in the water
Is to wake up in order to be conscious
And realize water is all there is all around
The only thing to do being open the mouth
And drink as much water as you want

Likely the fly must wake up also to realize
That there is in fact no such thing as trap
And that even itself as a fly does not exist
But only one being is all that is all around
In the form of the fly, the glue, or the web
Playing the game of being at the same time
The fly attempting to escape from its jail
And the trap in the form of glue or web 

So know you are not trapped by anything
For there is neither fearful fly nor any glue
Just as there is neither a trap nor a victim
All this being One in Many simply playing
In one form to another like water taking
The form of ice, then vapor or water

This game is the play of consciousness
Taking various forms and circumstances
Some seeming less pleasant than others
While all are just part of the joke of life
To which only one answer is required  

So like for other kind of jokes you know
Laugh simply at this as loudly as you can
And avoid to take it too much seriously
Because it is nothing but merely a joke 

It is at this point that real miracle occurs
As the fly like magic tastes its new freedom
After having completely surrendered his life
To the supreme power behind all forms
Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized

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